
Gaming Analysis Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"It's so good, this is probably the biggest disparity that I see between people talking about it and how good it actually is."
"Which starter Pokémon is objectively the worst? That is the question that we are going to answer today."
"I really like what you point out about the trade-off between a Tracer and a Sombra."
"However, having spent the last couple of years really replaying and trying to understand these older Pokemon games... I think there's an argument to be made for Gen 1 & 2 actually being really good Pokemon games."
"The color theory: each color displayed in text in the game has significance."
"These cards though are for me the most meta players available in this game right now."
"With nothing else to contradict the player, they can then create their own story just by playing the game."
"Strength is definitely versatility... I will put this at a C tier."
"Scotty with the rune forge changes bumps up to A for me."
"In a vacuum this looks like one of yu-gi-oh's most powerful bosses of all time."
"Fairy and water... Water and fairy are an extremely well-balanced pairing that allow for strong options both offensively and defensively."
"I'm down to put Face in the 'S' tier here. Their consistency has been impressive."
"This logging system is really helpful for understanding the different plays."
"Bad games can give us more insight into why good games work."
"Let's get off the hype train for just a few minutes and take a step back to look at Hogwarts Legacy from a more critical point of view."
"And you know we’ll be there with the old Analysis Machine ready to go."
"I think in a tier list it's also good to generalize because a lot of them can definitely be changed."
"So now that I've talked about how diddy kong racing surpasses mario kart 64 in story gameplay graphics and music I'll finally tell you why I think it's important to add my voice to the others who say this game is better."
"The SMG 11 is arguably a top five gun in the entire game because of its statistics."
"A powerhouse model in eighth edition, though in the night that is far more questionable."
"Nappa definitely got a lot, cybers are much more useful in neutral."
"That's what... assuming like a single target right... isn't there was some math thing done... comparison between official and ryden..."
"Could be a GM, but I felt that the understanding in this game was decent."
"There's your apex legends performance we didn't go too low and the skew list of video cards didn't really hit the bottom end there but it's fair to say that this this game plays reasonably well on just about everything we tested."
"I'm actually baffled that Gotham knights was not the games as a service game that's the one that seems like that's a single player game that feels like a service game right."
"On Aatrox's buffs: 'Aatrox has tended to be a low win rate Pro play Problem Champion... I applaud going for late game fairly inoffensive buffs overall.'"
"With a strong neutral game and an incredibly good super, we had to put this one in the S-tier."
"Donkey Kong meets these two criteria perfectly."
"Remember what we said about the clustering illusion? He takes one example out of this kid's whole event and says look any new skill player can topple ICS."
"Hello internet, welcome to Game Theory, the show that aims to make you a big brained gamer."
"Silent Hill 2 is one of the most interesting delves into mental illness we've ever seen here in the gaming sphere."
"Percentages can be deceiving. 90% of the highest recorded player count on the platform ever is still a very large number."
"As it turns out dr. Mundo is just the hardest cc champion league why the f*** would I want dude the game is they're up against the infernal and elder everyone could have one hand on the mouse and still win the game."
"Riku wins. Maybe KH1 Sora wins, maybe KH2 Sora wins, but after Marca Mastery, after everything we've been through in these last decade or so of Kingdom Hearts, I think you give it to Riku."
"Axel's no joke... he can bring a second weapon."
"Sephiroth might be able to take BBS Terra... that's all I'm saying."
"Shogun is unequivocally the strongest electro character in the game by leaps and bounds."
"They broke down all the different activity types that you'll be engaging in."
"Best of one versus best of three removes a lot of nuance for Magic."
"That interrupt was really important because you can see how low barrel and ghost were in this situation."
"The storybook series sits in this weird sort of middle ground of this era of Sonic."
"This is a really interesting look into a five-year-old game."
"Echo is a champion that spikes harder than basically any other champion within the mid lane that's just the reality."
"What's weird to me though is that even though the only things you're able to see is this background cityscape and Spiderman sitting on his antenna, there are other objects loaded into this scene."
"Bone works is hollow needs calcium dog dead memes aside though bone works is anything but hollow in addition to being just a really tight VR shooter it's also a game much bigger than what it appears."
"I thought this was gonna be a lot more but I realized after looking at this like how am I gonna rank some of these oh well it is what it is that was that was a good tearless."
"Exactly what about alham has enabled him to have one of the most consistently impressive resumes for a DPS character."
"It just looked like he had more damage than the TFS that we usually see."
"And as always, I remind you, it's all just a theory. A GAME THEORY! Go easy on me, I tried my best."
"I think Urien is up here in the potential top five."
"Everyone has really good synergy. So yeah, there's no better way to describe Chengdu Hunters than, you know, the jungle style, Chengdu zone."
"Here you have it though, the long-awaited 'Why no one plays Eula.'"
"Why would black just give up all this center control?"
"It's definitely fights that have phases... shave substantial time off for sure."
"I thought it was an utterly bonkers narrative that was occurring because his Zen was still really, really good."
"Bastion is Loki one of the best heroes right now and nobody seems to know it."
"I can't confidently say anymore that i think wizards are the most powerful class in the game because sorcerers are biting at their heels."
"Delfino Square, if you're someone who bases a track's value by its gimmicks then Delfino Square probably doesn't seem like much but the reason it's become a fan favorite over the years is less about what's in it and more about how it's executed."
"Looking at every single game from the same lens can sometimes lead to tunnel vision."
"Most likely team to join Cloud9 in terms of drafting to me, a hundred thieves because of Reapered."
"Absolutely, he's still one of the hardest. So let's be quick about this, Heihachi belongs up there."
"Something was figured out here, something is special about this game."
"There's so much fun things to kind of extrapolate and speculate about."
"He's such a strong player, a scientist of the game."
"Fireball by far in my opinion the best spell in the game."
"I find that Wrecking Ball is pretty underrated."
"The gameplay overall I think is really interesting."
"In terms of a pure gamer aspect, I don't think Vega makes a whole lot of sense."
"The flexibility is relevant because all of those choices are quite strong and can be utilized in the many situations that Hearthstone delivers to you when you play a game."
"In any other game, I would have thought that was a coincidence, but the craft on display here, you just don't notice the artifice."
"I felt like the conclusion about DK and Smash was spot-on."
"It's crazy too 'cause that's all he did when he was using the brick move there."
"What we learned from this is the shooting star is like third or fourth the best vehicle in the game if it had inside drift for online play."
"I'll tell you as a person that has been to chess tournaments sat around tables analyzing positions they did a really good job..."
"Next time, I'll be looking at the skills in Fates in a much more personal way."
"I think tattoo just read the strategies so well."
"Every character feels like the boss version of whatever archetype they represent."
"Clee's damage is terrifying, she has virtually endless uptime unlike most pyro units."
"That's like the worst case but AO YZ is always just gonna be good."
"I'd rate them as a fairly solid mid to upper mid-tier faction, can certainly fight solidly against the vast majority of armies in the game."