
Right Path Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You are not going to fail; you are on the right path."
"Have faith in the decisions you've made regarding the situation or relationship. You are on the right path for you at this moment."
"You're on the right path, and you're about to come into some good fortune."
"You guys are definitely on the right path and a miracle's on the way."
"If you feel like there's a block in water, please keep pushing because you are on the right trajectory."
"Lauren was serious about getting on the right path."
"There is still hope in this situation... you are on the right path."
"You're on the right path, you are doing the right thing."
"You are on the right path and something very sacred is going to happen."
"You're on the right path, everything on the right hand side here is good."
"Two aces to me is a definite yes here Pisces, two aces to me says you're kind of like on the right track."
"That's how I know that I'm on the right path."
"Transformation is beautiful. Trust and believe, you're on the right path."
"You're on the right path; favorable energies are guiding you at this time."
"You are on the right path, you might feel like you're not because you're trying to hold on to both, but you are in fact supported."
"Satan was hard on you, now it's going to become more harder because now you are on the right path."
"Resistance is a compliment. It's part of the way you know you're on the right path."
"God puts things in my path to let me know that I'm doing the right thing."
"You're going a different path man, you're going the right path."
"Ultimately you guys are on the right path."
"That's what gives me the assurance and encouragement that what we're doing, the path we're heading on, is like the right one."
"We're off to a different path, and I think the path we're heading down is more right for us."
"We're on the right path and pursuing our passions."
"That's how you know that you're on the right path."
"Focus on being the greatest light you can be so those who are deceived with good hearts can see the right way."
"Come on, we're on the right path now."
"Wisdom within us will tell us which is the right path."
"All I ever really wanted was for you to walk the right path."
"It was like the universe rewarding me for going on the right path."
"It's really easy to know that I'm on the right track."
"It just feels good knowing that I am on the right path."
"This was God’s way of confirming to Jacob that he was on the right path."
"I want to do things that will keep my brain going, I want to do things that make me feel like, okay, I'm on this right path."
"You are on the ideal course of action and you are dead on path to your infinite blessings."
"Life is extremely painful if you are not on the right track."
"These are signs that you're on the right path."
"God will allow you to feel uncomfortable in a position that you're in until you are actually on the right path."
"When you come out of the wilderness and you're actually on the right path, that uncomfortable feeling is gonna be gone."
"It's going to lead you in the right path and look now you're on the right path."
"You are on the right path, 11:44, you are on the right path, God is making sure of it."
"You are on the right path; this is a big cheerleading 'go, go, rah rah, you can do it!' Have patience."
"You're starting to see synchronicities happening, Spirit guides are showing you that you're on the right path."
"You are on the right path and you're going to be given an opportunity to act."
"You're on the right path due to this divine knowledge, this wisdom that you have."
"You're on the right path, you're doing everything that you're supposed to do."
"You are on the right path, so just keep pursuing, keep doing what you're doing."
"You're going on the right path, you're going in the right direction."
"Being happy means that I'm on my right path."
"I'm just more excited than anything; I just feel like this is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing right now."
"You're on the right path, guys, no worries."
"You are on the right track because you are willing to give yourself the opportunity to start over and start fresh."
"You are aligned with your purpose even though you feel at a Crossroads, you are not on the wrong path."
"You're moving in new circles and moving down roads you were supposed to be on the whole time."
"You are on the right path and you've learned a lot; you've evolved in a lot of ways."
"You're on the right path and what you're going to do here is moving to the door of happiness and healing."
"You are on the right path, no matter where you are in life right now, Gemini. You are in the right place."
"Keep doing what you're doing, you're already on the right path."
"You're actually on the right path."
"You're someone that's successful because you're on the right path."
"Keep doing what you're doing, you're on the right path."
"You're someone that's on the right path; that's why you're protected."
"If you're happy about this decision that you make, then you're on your right path."
"Be at peace that this is the right way, this is the way that you are being guided to do."
"Once you walk through the door of personal healing and happiness, either path is the right one for you."
"It feels right, it feels like I am on the right path with this person."
"There's much better stuff waiting to be manifested for you that will put you on the right path."
"You're on the right track, you're on the right journey, and that's really important because this is going to be a homecoming time."
"You're going to feel really good because you know you're on the right path."
"You're doing the right thing here, so continue your path."
"You are on the correct path, even if the birthing pains to fulfill it are challenging."
"Keep moving forward, okay? Yes, you on the right path, keep going."
"Don't settle, or don't even try to take a break, whatever you have been doing, it might be hard, but you are doing the right thing."
"Keep doing it because you're on the right path."
"You're the person that's on the right path."
"Watch for the numbers 11 11, you're on the right path."
"Something falls in your lap; it furthers your career, it makes you feel like you are on the right track."
"Your intuition guided you on your correct path, in the right direction."
"Your emotions overflowing is a sign that you're on the right path."
"Someone's getting on the right path now; things are changing here."