
Straightforwardness Quotes

There are 510 quotes

"I love when Divine masculine read tarot because it's so like, 'This is it. That's it.'"
"Your facts not [__] approach is refreshing at the very least, more like soul healing."
"I'll give it to you straight like always. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything."
"He's very truthful... he says what he believes."
"Those are the rules, that's how it works." - Piggy Piggy
"Bitrate is very straightforward, it's basically how good do you want your footage to look."
"No code words. I'm just telling it like it is."
"You just play the [ __ ] game, and that's it. Nice doing business with you."
"I'd rather be honest than just say what people want me to say."
"Don't start no [ __ ] there won't be no [ __ ]."
"If someone believes that calling a sick person sick is an insult, well, [expletive] you."
"New Yorkers are straightforward, unafraid, and give truthful, honest blunt discussion."
"The videos speak for themselves, the things speak for themselves, the statements speak for themselves. I said what I said."
"I just want to keep it real, tell you guys what's what it is and then make the videos."
"Just say what you mean and mean what you say and then move on with it."
"It's through the roof, he understood that. So he was like, all right, we're gonna give it to him raw."
"If you're direct, it means you say exactly what you mean and no one can pretend they haven't understood because it's very, very clear."
"The more honest argument is simply saying we have the power this is a power play we're going to exercise our power."
"Nobody gives a [ __ ] about that. I'm not here to talk about that. That is a foregone conclusion."
"I'm a big proponent of being very straightforward when it comes to relationship stuff."
"Call a spade a spade, call racism racism, call blackness blackness."
"I call it like I see it, that's just bottom line."
"Kai is so hot. I love him. He is more serious and like straight to the point."
"I'm gonna tell you exactly how I feel, No BS."
"Kids don't give a [ __ ] they'll tell you right off the bat."
"It's one of those weapons that does exactly what it says it does at face value."
"If you don't like a person because they're a piece of [ __ ] then you don't like the person because they're a piece of [ __ ]."
"An absolutely no-brainer for the level of player that he is."
"If it sucks, it sucks. If it's good, it's good. That's the biggest possible W."
"Can we just cut this crap out...this is what I signed...get it over the line."
"I don't play games, but you're asking... so you're saying you're done?"
"When they tell you what they believe, believe them."
"I'm not here to be friends. I only came here just to win."
"Particularly my type is girls with big asses."
"You have a straight-shooter coming in your future."
"He [Pence] was just straightforward and had command of the issues."
"I don't want your money, I just want your sex."
"Even if I don't agree with his opinion, give it to me straight."
"ISFPs are very straightforward in their approach to communication."
"I keep it 100 because I can't be bothered faking it."
"I'm as blunt as a freaking hammer. If you like me, you like me. If you don't, there's the door."
"I'm not here to tell no [__], I'm not here to tell no drag."
"Taylor's very honest. You ain't never got to worry about what Taylor is thinking, she's gonna always say it."
"I don't play games when it comes to expressing my honest opinion."
"Ultimately, I always appreciate straight shooter Ryan."
"If a man wants you, he will come up to you, period."
"Damn that's a harsh way of putting it but like facts yo facts."
"A slice of toast with nothing on it, just eating it dry."
"These are the facts, man. These are the facts."
"I'm a no filter kinda girl. I tell it as it is."
"I'm not trying to convince you to buy. If you want it, it's good. If you don't, [ __ ] it."
"If you were a jerk, you were getting roasted, it is what it is."
"Everything that we telling over here is just the truth, you know what I'm saying? We're just keeping it one thousand."
"There's no excuse honestly there really is no excuse."
"If y'all come correct for mine, you exactly, simple as that."
"Cutting through the BS is a trait, not a defect."
"He's a very smart guy... He's methodical... He'll tell you like it is."
"Stop trying to over complicate things folks."
"If you had the decision to be either lean or fat, you would be lean. Facts."
"I mean, let's start with the obvious, ah the bloody obvious."
"I'm a consumer advocate and as such I just tell you what's good."
"If you want a job, be [expletive] qualified. Listen to how obvious that sounds."
"I have more fun playing the game straight up."
"You need somebody to kind of call it out as it is."
"When you buy it, it belongs to you. How is that controversial?" - Linus
"Being brutally honest will save you a lot of headaches."
"Stop making excuses. Do it, just go and do it."
"The grind is the grind and the real talk is the real talk."
"Just call the damn thing 'All You Need Is Kill,' please just call it 'All You Need to Kill.'"
"I think I'm just very straightforward and I know what I want and I will do anything I can to get to that point."
"You're answer's so easy. How do you build a team? Hire some fuckin' people, bro."
"You just walk up and be like 'I like you, I don't know if you like me back, let me know.' My friend is smart."
"For all the people saying stop with your [ __ ] math equation, stop with your anything, just call it what it is, a robbery." - Brian Campbell
"If you're leaving, just say I'm stepping down. That's it. I'm done and leave it there."
"The truth hurts folks, I mean it is what it is."
"You don't need help to understand that one it's pretty clear as it's written."
"I'm the bad guy in a way, just no BS, straight and direct."
"You're grown, so you have to say what you mean and mean what you say."
"If it's bad I will say it's bad, but if it's good I will say it's good."
"Jamaicans just like to call it as they see it. Simple, no need to overcomplicate!"
"No one [ __ ] cares, move on and don't drop out of high school."
"We went away from sliding, getting back into the integrity of this business, being blunt shaped, blunt, blunt, blunt edges for the sake of integrity and taking good care of the hair."
"You're the badass, cutting through the BS with ease."
"Speak the truth. If you don't like something, say that you don't like it."
"Our students are getting results plain simple."
"It's not a complicated issue, illegal immigration is not complicated, it's illegal, end of story."
"You represent the working hard, playing hard truth logic common sense shit-kickers."
"I just want babies now, you know. I'm super at that."
"You can't fake real estate. You can't fake assets. You won't have to fake anything if you collect enough real estate."
"Just tell the truth. That's all I think about. That's all I care about. There's no [ __ ] plan. It's just be honest, tell the truth. That's all."
"Rather than ask the president nine different questions, is it this, is it this, is it that, I just said what do you want from Ukraine? I may have used a four-letter word. He said I want nothing, I want no quid pro quo, I just want Zelensky."
"I'm not gonna fake it. What you see is what you get."
"It'll probably piss a lot of people off but they need to hear it. It is what it is."
"If you're looking for someone with no flash, no gimmicks, just big hits, Marissa is absolutely the character for you."
"Sagittarius will say what is on their mind even if it crushes your soul."
"There's no reason why we have to put on the kid gloves and act like, 'Oh, everyone here is in kindergarten.'"
"Quality guys, it's not any bull crap in here."
"It'd be a lot easier to understand if they just said, 'Yeah, we screwed up, we crossed the thing, you know, we're sorry, let's move on.'"
"I keep it 100, I keep it real. I'll tell you if I don't like it, I keep it a buck."
"Do you also believe in straightforward communication between adults?"
"He's a very straight man whose moral compass is about it."
"Evil is evil, call it what it is, give it to you straight, give it to you blunt."
"Ralph is awesome and I certainly like his no BS approach on the subject."
"It's not complicated, but it doesn't need to be."
"Men can communicate directly and not have issues with it."
"Be a good fucking person, don't be a douchebag."
"Be a man, ask a girl out, make your intentions clear."
"I'm sorry but I never liked it from the start."
"Why are you doing that? Just tell the truth."
"The simple answer is going to be the correct answer."
"You just gotta ask for it, you just gotta ask for it."
"Realize your value and your worth. There's no tricks here."
"You really want to get down to the meat and potatoes of it."
"Most of this stuff is just plain horse sense anyway."
"You don't entertain games like that. It's straightforward and honest in that sense."
"One of the only good things about the show Wife Swap is that the title is very self-explanatory."
"The Aqua Terra truly stands on its own, without the baggage or cheap thrills."
"It's all about being straight with somebody."
"What you do is you listen to them because the amazing thing about the Soviets and the Russians is they're pretty straight up, what they say is what they mean and they don't play this political game here in the United States."
"The thrust is a clearly a very simple thing to do with a sword. It's not like a secret mystical super ninja attack, it's just sticking the pointy end in the other person, so to speak."
"Nothing is more powerful than just being a regular old bear."
"It's a no-brainer that we have to get behind that."
"Looks could be deceiving." - Subtlety: non-existent.
"Wrong is wrong right is right Point Blank period."
"I'm a realist. I don't gotta be the toughest, but I'm one of the realest. No skeletons in my closet, what you see is what you get."
"It's critical Consciousness, it's not more complicated, it's not vague."
"He doesn't say a word, just comes in, rips it out, throws it in."
"That's a man, I mean straight up, so that's a dude."
"You know what, enough of the fluff. Yeah, I said what I said, I meant what I meant, and it is what it is."
"This isn't complicated, vaccines save lives."
"If you don't like your girlfriend, then break up with her."
"I do like a person to be straight up with me."
"I'm just a human being who loves us and cares about us and tells it like it is."
"There was no unexpected. Just a straight ball."
"I'm not mean, I'm just straight. I appreciate honesty over pretense."
"I'm not here to sugarcoat things for you, I'm here to help you."
"Be honest about what you want. If you never know, you might just be like, 'Hey, I just need a job, I just need money,' and that person might be like, 'Cool, this job is for you.'"
"At least with a left Winger or a right-Winger what you see is what you get and they're like yeah this is what I believe."
"Why aren't you going into politics? Because I don't want to."
"Your coochie doesn't have to smell like flowers... it's gonna smell like metal... because blood has iron in it which is going to smell like metal."
"He says how it is and that's how it should be."
"I'm not looking for a favor I don't I don't need a favor I i just want to know."
"Some people are overthinking it, but a lot of dudes, they're just going in their app and they're just saying some hard [ __ ] that they feel is hard."
"It's existent and it's good and it's brutally clear."
"If you want an honest opinion and you want some real straightforward advice, then I'm the kind of person they come to."
"I'm exactly what you think I am, not metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or any other fancy way."
"You don't mince words, you don't play games."
"Caterpillar has always been a very straightforward manufacturing company."
"I like being straight, and I like being transparent."
"One thing I love about him, he ain't afraid to tell it how it is."
"Empathy and kindness, I think that's just a straightforward way to do it."
"I don't give a [__] and I'm honest and I'm knowledgeable."
"It doesn't get any simpler than that."
"You don't have to be super complicated."
"Be a straight shooter, be a straight shooter."
"You're a very no-nonsense type of person."
"When you give life advice I think it hugely helps to be as straightforward and just genuinely open and honest as you would be with any adults."
"The answer is really easy, it's shooting, lots of shooting."
"You're quite intelligent. You say things as it is. You want the truth, you don't play games."
"It doesn't get much easier, really."
"He just paid like that. It's just like, I will pay you money to give to, so you do what I want you to. It's just like so straightforward."
"He is known for his straightforward, no-nonsense teaching and preaching of the word of God."
"You can be sure he's going to tell you straight up. That's why we like you."
"That's actually super nice and a straightforward way to communicate."
"...it's all pretty straightforward."
"Yeah, it's honest, y'all playing."
"Man, it's really only this boy like everything else straight."
"They didn't try to overcomplicate it."
"There we go, that's about it, that easy."
"I'm very honest about things, if I think something is stupid, I'm gonna say it's stupid."
"You've been so straightforward about it. I thought there's no way have you won."
"Gavin Spencer was real and honest with the streak of straightforward Texas candor."
"You're somebody that cuts right to the chase."
"Life is so simple and easy when you cut the crap."
"...there's literally nothing complicated about this."
"Let's not make this more difficult than it is."
"This is about as easy as it could possibly get."
"Does it get any simpler than that?"
"When you speak, you drop truth bombs."
"It doesn't always have to be complicated."
"Why can't they just say that's what it is? That is what it is."
"My mom and dad, they're pretty straight up with me."
"I want to make my humor very straightforward."
"There's like a no-nonsense, no BS, but it's attractive."
"We understand the same reality, but we don't cap. We say it as it is."
"You just blow it up, yeah, you know."
"I'm just saying the truth is the truth."
"He shoots it straight, that's for sure."
"I just try to give it to everybody straight. They might not like it, but I hope they respect it, right?"
"It sucked. Okay, that's the answer you're looking for. It sucked."
"...super simple super straightforward..."
"Honestly folks, it's so easy to do, really, really simple."
"I want to think that I'm very Frank and blunt and I don't beat around the bush."
"Can someone just (bleep) be honest? This is stupid."
"Don't mess with this person, they'll tell you straight."
"It does feel good to be a gangster, doesn't it? There's lots of references in this one question we could go on all day. But it should be relatively straightforward."
"Let's cut the crap. Find your bollocks for me."
"It could be very simple, it doesn't have to be very complicated."
"It's not rocket science, it's so easy."
"What I am going to do is tell it to you straight and hopefully then you can make an evaluation."