
Applicability Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"This knowledge that you pick up will benefit you in all areas of your life."
"Good advice is good advice, whether it's followed or not."
"Pure maths really does apply to our daily lives."
"The more profound the intuition, the more it works as a universal truth across contexts."
"The underlining concept... is applicable to many other things in the hero genre."
"If you're more focused on changing your career or doing something with your career after taking that certificate, as opposed to just purely learning, I think the Google certificate would be more applicable to you."
"Non-violence is as applicable and workable in the northern ghetto as it is in the South."
"It's relevant to more than just FBI negotiations...it's relevant to all the interactions I have with all humans."
"Physics just gives you a way of thinking that makes you valuable in a lot of fields."
"If analogies are useful at all, there's certainly not a one-size-fits-all method. We have to ask if we're forgetting the other lessons history has to offer."
"The dating advice may only apply to a small amount of men, but the principles expressed apply generally."
"This gag order applies to the New York civil case doesn't apply to other cases."
"This is useful in a lot of different places."
"Does it suck? Yes. Does it have a place? Yes."
"That's great advice for probably almost anything."
"We hope there's something there we love that there's so much you can apply to your own life."
"The generality of our framework allows it to be broadly applicable."
"A world that's Fallen apart and there are monsters and all this stuff is happening but it is applicable to your life right now here in the world that isn't falling apart."
"Me using NA: 'NA' is not applicable, my entire life."
"He gives so many gems of knowledge and speeches that can be applied to real life."
"You can apply it to more than just basketball, you can apply it to life."
"This model also works for physical products."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, in this case, I think that's very applicable."
"Discipline once you learn it can be applied to all areas."
"Technology in video games or fiction does not always work the same as it does in real life, so your argument that RFID readers in real life and what they are capable of is still not applicable to fiction."
"Are there some universalities here that could apply right across?"
"Does this mean it's a prescription for all of us believers?"
"Hope you found that useful and hopefully interesting as well and hopefully can apply those techniques to your own projects in the real world."
"It's not just a story of old times, it's something that applies to you and me now."
"Test-driven development can and does work in all of these cases."
"The most useful philosophies are the ones that are not just true but affect how we live."
"Don't listen to the naysayers, Ollie. The percentage rating system is great. We use it in vaccine research. If it works for COVID, it should work for wrestling."
"Understanding data is crucial in various fields, from journalism to law, for effective communication and decision-making."
"Reasonable things that you could apply to your everyday life."
"TDD is about behavior, not about tools, and it's much more widely applicable than most teams think."
"One of the best parts about coding in software engineering is that you can't apply it to anything."
"The message of the good Samaritan is so beautiful and so applicable in any religion or in any culture."
"A good story is one where you can take the things you learn from it and apply it to your own life."
"If you don't know what the rules are then they clearly don't apply to you."
"Creep away or hide, or walk well, that's actually good advice." - Practical advice applicable beyond the context of the discussion.
"The strategic ideal in war, being supremely rational and emotionally balanced, striving to win with minimum bloodshed and loss of resources, has infinite application and relevance to our daily battles."
"Abstraction may seem like it's taking you further from normal life, but actually because it's abstract, it can be applied much more widely to a broader range of things."
"It's just applicability up until what Lee's about to talk to to a wild herd."
"Every model has a shortcoming... but we can still use it as a model."
"Some of our recommendations just aren't applicable to the real-life situations that people go through."
"Take what resonates and then leave whatever doesn't resonate for your situation behind."
"This method is not exclusive. Anyone can implement it."
"If the teachings of Jesus aren't simple enough for everyone to apply, there's something wrong with it."
"If you're wondering if this video is applicable to you, it is applicable to everyone who wants to think more clearly, for everyone who wants to do more productive work, and for everyone who wants to learn more efficiently."
"Our problems may seem kind of silly and contrived, but they actually are surprisingly relevant in a large range of real-world situations."
"It's not good unless it works in your life."
"You're going to be able to use the majority of these things in your personal life."
"I think that millions of dollars. Dude, I believe that. Yeah. And the thing is, it's applicable. It doesn't matter if you're not building an application to go on the App Store. This is something that is applicable for literally any industry."
"The solutions that you give aren't applicable to most men."
"Nothing that we are given in those words of wisdom that I took dictation on is not applicable in a functional, practical way in everyday life."
"This video will work for any drone."
"One of the misconceptions I would say, when the cybersecurity framework first came out, in fact, it was in the title, it was very focused, in some ways, on critical infrastructure."
"...just to reinforce the fact that this is usable by anybody, small or large, whatever your industry sector."
"It's kind of a tightrope, isn't it? You don't wanna say it does everything for everyone, but it should be broadly applicable."
"The Book of Mormon is the most literarily beautiful, doctrinally truthful, and everlastingly applicable book the world has ever seen."
"That's why Paul used these books of the Bible, he wasn't lying, it wasn't towards just only physical Jews, he knew it could apply to spiritual Christian, amen."
"This works in writing, this works in martial arts, this works in shoemaking."
"This is where training goes from theoretical and detached to genuinely useful and applicable."
"Tips and techniques I'm going to show though would work with any brand not just atom stack."
"You can use the same methods across all time frames."
"I wonder if that a fairly penetrating observation is applicable elsewhere in the world."
"It's proof that they are still applicable today just as much as they were thousands of years ago."
"I can just that nothing no qualifier on the end of it no specificity to it and I love this one because it can be applied in so many situations."
"... it's not for everyone and it's certainly not for every application."
"This can potentially apply to many people and not just Real Estate Investors."
"The applicability of mathematics is nowadays often described as miraculous. Fragra would have denied not merely that it was a miracle, but that it was even a surprise. It is applicability alone, he wrote, that raises arithmetic from the rank of the game to that of a science."
"Is that not a skill that can apply to everything in life? Oh yeah, definitely."
"Being able to look at the macro and the micro, understand groups of people, organize information, and critically think is incredibly applicable to many different career fields."
"It's a universal method meant for universal situations."
"Lean manufacturing is not limited to manufacturing. It's applicable in all variety of fields."
"Objection to allegory does not mean that Tolkien himself did not see applicability. He just didn't want to ram it down your throat."
"The things that you're going to learn in that stupid little project are going to be applicable to almost anything that you're going to do moving forward."
"There's just feelings that you get that you can take into life from there and maybe most of the time they won't directly apply to any situation but they may a little bit."
"These skills can be useful in real life."
"Poland's economic success is also an invaluable case study that could potentially be applied to other countries around the world."
"Everything is applicable to us. We understand much of the Old Testament consists of types and shadows, but the principles apply."
"But this not only applies to Integras but applies to the civics pretty much if it's a Honda and it's got a distributor this information will apply."
"The parables are applicable to a variety of scenarios."
"There are so many books with so much wisdom that is so instantly applicable to your life."
"Psychedelics... have great potential for medical applicability."
"Neither the Keynesian model nor the classical model is universally right; there are times when each is right."
"Investing is by far going to be the most applicable way to generate passive income regardless of who you are or what you do."
"We're not adding or subtracting to the word of God, but we are breaking the word of God down so that people can see it's applicable to their life."
"Persuasion is one of the skills that will apply to any area of your life."
"Taylor's theorem for approximating functions as polynomials is an incredibly useful technique which is used in almost every area of applied maths."
"Everything you learn in this lesson is applicable to physics, of course, to chemistry, and in engineering classes, in math classes, and so on."
"The language of Hebrews is real and applicable to those whom it's directed at."
"These concepts are widely applicable; they're not narrow concepts."
"It's very impressive, performance is unbelievable, it's fit for serving real world use cases."
"I call it continuous delivery, and it's deeply applicable to writing games."
"Understanding the nature of your product... that applies to anything."
"The general applicability of these kinds of large language models, or neural transformers, to medical applications."
"It would make what you learn far more applicable because it's being taught by people that actually did the thing."
"Those glowing things I could have said about Devin Brian apply to Leviticus."
"DBT works for people with borderline personality disorder and how elements of DBT can be helpful not just in the treatment of other mental health conditions but for all of us in our everyday lives."
"The ability to decipher complex data sets and extract meaningful insights is universally applicable."
"The Peter Principle isn't only applicable with corporations but is generally applicable in life."
"There are some general trends that do apply more broadly overall."
"This is going to be applicable to any of you out there that are studying algebra."
"The core of club level improvement is to understand these chess principles and to understand that they are actually applicable from the whole spectrum of chess players."
"Everyone should read The Art of War; it's applicable in various areas of life."
"Talent management best practices in the healthcare industry do apply across industries and disciplines."
"It's true in a lot of situations."
"It's very powerful because once you're using it, then everything you've learned in the past is immediately applicable there."
"Everything we talk about in this class applies to any business, small or large, private or public, developed or emerging market."
"These stories are useful to remember not when debating policy or politics but when debating concepts and conceptual issues."
"A lot of the theory is fully actionable, meaning you can actually do stuff with it."
"The CPT tends to have pretty wide application in many parts of the world."
"Broad questions are good because it increases the applicability of the results and facilitates detection of bias."
"Consider the quality of the data sources, consider the credibility of the author, consider how applicable it is to your context."
"Directness of evidence... means can I apply the findings of this particular review to the patients I have in front of me."
"Every business is going to have different types of information that they share with their clients, but these master databases in this example are going to be pretty universally applicable."
"Statistics is needed almost everywhere; any industry it can be used."
"The Bible is not written to us, but it is written for us."
"Gibbs sampling can be applied to a wider class of models."
"The modal superposition method, very elegant, works very well when applicable."
"You're actually learning something that you can use and apply to your own playing, that's really the goal of all of these lessons."
"The same ideas are applicable not just in games but everywhere else."
"The skills that he learned at UoPeople can be directly applied to many of his real-world challenges."
"You can apply this to any type of anomaly dataset."
"This translates really well to the civilian realm as well."
"Things that you've learned in one game development session will totally apply to other game development sessions."
"The more I thought this was a joke when I first read it, but the more you think about it, this actually has a lot of application."
"This is universally true, you can use it everywhere."
"Neural nets... they're incredibly applicable to many many different kinds of problems."
"Ethnographic research often produces concepts and theories used to explain their particular cases that can be applied to other cases."
"It's not just about sports, it's applicable to just about anything in life that involves teaching and learning."
"External validity is the extent to which the intervention can be generalized in another context."
"An algorithm is deterministic and applies in general to many types of input."
"Everything that comes out of the Bible should have a practical application to our life."
"One of the coolest things about open domain question answering is just how widely applicable it is."
"You should be able to apply this to your project very easily."
"The kind of techniques I'm going to talk to you about today tend to be particularly applicable in sectors where companies are interacting directly with their customers."
"The nature of which it builds and fortifies your mind is applicable to every aspect of daily life."
"This stuff really is applicable to your life. Are you starting to see that? It's kind of cool, pretty nice."
"It was a super tangible and applicable class."
"This is starting with games, but this is applicable to literally everything that you do."
"Every single thing that people learn in the community can be applied toward any aspect of their life."
"It's quite a simple IA, but because it's such a simple IA, it means that it's got a really good structure to it that could apply to any of you guys."
"It still shocks me to this day that this was a show kind of meant for kids because the themes are so applicable to everyone."
"Music is life, and I love when you're able to take those things you're able to apply a thought that is applicable to music and realize that this is applicable to my life."
"It has to be applicable, it has to be of value, and it has to work for us as a people and as an individual first."
"Theories more applicable to fashion consumption need to be developed."
"Triangle interpolation is actually really cool and widely applicable to a lot of domains."
"The central limit theorem applies to any statistic."
"The whole field is very diverse and hugely applicable to real-world applications."
"So the point is that we'll develop the theory for circuits in terms of electronics. But you should keep in the back of your mind that it's a lot more general idea than just electronics."
"Assessment is critical. You can't assume that because something is 'research based' it's going to work for the children in your particular classroom."
"Every truth of Scriptures is valid for all times but only applicable to whoever believes."
"It could work for so many relationships."
"This is going to be absolutely applicable to everybody at any level."
"When you have done it at the front of any race, when you've won an Ironman, it gives you a confidence, gives you a know-how, it gives you some tools to work with, and those are always applicable."
"The direct analysis method is applicable and accurate for all ranges of second order effects."
"Knowledge is widely applicable to any areas."
"Thank God the Bible we can love it, we can read it, we can apply it; it is as relevant today as the day it was written down."
"Authentically, Tolkien is, of course, the great example of that: the difference between applicability and allegory."
"Most of the stuff that you learned in high school math is actually pretty practically applicable to games."
"Because mathematics can apply to most areas of knowledge, we can describe maths as being universally applicable and often timeless."
"We succeeded here... we're not just doing cool features because we think that they're important to type in this one niche scenario; this is stuff that is supposed to be broadly applicable."
"This process of non-equilibrium social dynamics is equally applicable to social systems on the micro and macro level."
"So, why is this useful? Well, it turns out we can leverage this now to solve a problem if we know that we can actually convert it to code."
"How could you even be claiming to give this advice that's going to work across the board when people are so different?"
"The situations in which we can use this multiple linear regression model are many."
"This language is universal and it's one that's very broadly applicable."
"I want you to understand what you're doing but I want you to recognize its applicability."
"The things that are said to you about wrestling apply to life."
"The results are very generally applicable."
"Algorithmic thinking is becoming increasingly useful and prevalent in fields outside of computer science and technology."
"What's so exciting about computer science these days is that it is just so applicable to all sorts of fields."
"Models only ever work in certain domains."
"The things that they're teaching and talking about in every different lesson are applicable across so many different areas of life."
"I think some of those lessons can apply to any point in your life at all."
"Even if you're not involved in quantitative finance, it's going to be something that you can apply to almost any different domain."