
Legal Philosophy Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"It makes sense to have a conception of human rights not because they objectively, ontologically exist, but because doing so leads to a better legal and moral system."
"If you want to protect people, you think that you're going to set what in Judaism you call a fence around the law."
"You shouldn't give a crap about precedent if the precedent is bad."
"If no one's enforcing a law while everyone's breaking it, is it really a law?"
"A sovereignty whose interest, therefore, in a criminal prosecution is not that it shall win a case, but that justice shall be done."
"Activist judges... not legislate from the bench."
"We the people are the law... the law is love your neighbor. Do no harm; that's it."
"The existence of a rights-granting God has been offered as the traditional explanation... so in that sense, the notion of a rights-granting God is part of our legal tradition."
"This is not a crime prevention bill. This is a punishment bill, a retribution bill, a vengeance bill."
"Originalism reflects and serves the interests of a very narrow and increasingly destructive top layer of society."
"Do you feel that the laws of your country are discovered for you or decided for you?"
"The punishment also furthers basic purposes of criminal punishment: deterrence, incapacity, a just punishment, and rehabilitation."
"If you're gonna punish someone as though they've committed the most heinous of crimes when they've only committed a minutely offensive crime in their mind, there's no incentive anymore not to commit the more serious crime." - Viva Frei
"There is a fundamental difference between laws that preserve Liberty and laws that encroach on Liberty."
"The tempting of America... the great temptation for judges is to get on the bench and impose your political views and call it jurisprudence."
"If people all sort of bought into originalism that would be so much more healthy for our certainly."
"The law are the wise restraints that keep men free."
"The purpose of law is the pursuit of justice."
"Critical race theory is simply saying as a legal philosophy let's think not individual but institution not particular persons but systems in terms of the force and function of inequality in America."
"Freedom didn't proceed the right, you needed the right hierarchy."
"The entire foundation of human law depends on the existence of free will." - "On the importance of free will."
"You let 10 guilty people go rather than let one innocent person be caged."
"Better that a hundred people go free who are guilty than one innocent person go to prison."
"I think if there comes a day when we no longer are focused on the race question but on Justice Thomas as a jurist and his jurist Prudence, uh I think he will rise in stature as a result of pioneering work he's done."
"I never consider myself a criminal, I considered myself an outlaw because I broke laws that I thought were wrong."
"Is it a crime if you legalize crime? But that's some 40 chess right there."
"Life imprisonment should mean life and no less." - Brian DT Porter McGee
"Let's just return to a world where we only punish the abusers and the criminals."
"We won, Republicans won, America won because Amy Comey Barrett demonstrated that she intends to follow the law."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and street lamps are the best policemen." - Justice Brandeis
"More laws is not the answer, obedience to the law of God is."
"Perhaps a lesson of the King assassination is that our government understands the power of non-violence better than we do."
"The constitution means what the founders intended it to mean, otherwise it means nothing."
"A mental tool: Europeans developed a complex set of legal philosophies to dehumanize the natives."
"The law aspires to be colorblind, it has to be the right objective. There's no other decent way we're going to be able to run civilization."
"There is no justice if there's not equal justice."
"William Blackstone famously said, 'No enactment of man can be considered the law unless it conforms to the law of God.'"
"Tyranny is what is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry. Welcome to tyranny."
"Federalism, which is the Touchstone for all right-wing Maga judges and law students and lawyers."
"Our constitution was created not to give us rights, but to protect the rights that God has already bestowed upon us."
"We must look for the best in people and develop that in each and every one of us."
"Temper justice with mercy. Give him a chance."
"Strong defense keeps everybody, especially the government, honest." - Sharon Quinney
"The greatest achievement of Western civilization is the rule of law."
"The government cannot take away your rights as they are endowed by your creator."
"Property rights are one of the greatest things that government must protect."
"Bakeria: 'Laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature, they disarm those only who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.'"
"My job is not to enforce morality, my job is to enforce the law." - Amy Coney Barrett
"If a law can be unconstitutional, then a Supreme Court ruling can also be unconstitutional."
"It's better for one innocent or for 100 guilty people to go free than for one innocent person to be punished unjustly." - A provocative ethical dilemma.
"The concept of equal justice under the law comes from the Bible, Deuteronomy."
"If human laws are contrary to the law of nature, they're not of any validity whatsoever."
"Detached reflection cannot be expected in the presence of an uplifted knife." - U.S. Supreme Court
"It's kind of hard to square the idea of being in favor of law and order if you are not in favor of these, quote, 'process crimes.'"
"It is better to let a guilty man walk free than to put an innocent man in jail."
"The difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law."
"Folks, the constitution was not written to keep you safe. The constitution was written to keep you free."
"Justice delayed is Justice denied, but the question is Justice For Whom?"
"The way to end discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discrimination on the basis of race." - Chief Justice Roberts
"Legal reasoning gets completely thrown into question around the idea that there's no reasonable person."
"The law is merely a guide, a guardrail, but it's ultimately about the heart."
"If there's no victim, there should be no crime."
"If people have the right to marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack the corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object."
"The end of law is not to abolish or restrain freedom, but to preserve and enlarge freedom."
"Real Liberty depends on law, it depends on the liberty." - Justice Harlan
"The Federalist Society was the place where these people would go to try to prevent against that intellectual legal drift."
"The reason we should enforce our immigration law is because that is the law, and that civil law derives from natural law, and the natural law is correct because the actions in themselves are good or bad. That's conservative reasoning."
"It's never too late for justice." - Saul Goodman
"Better to let 10 guilty go free than one innocent be imprisoned."
"When we talk about separation of church and state, what we're saying is that we do not want the government creating laws that serve to favor the religious or marginalize or render as second class the non-religious."
"Our best path forward is sticking to our justice, not that of the law. Shouldn't that be enough?"
"It's the essence of good law to treat things that are the same the same and to treat things that are different differently."
"Equality under the law is moral immoral equality of a starting point is admirable but difficult equality of outcome which equity really means is immoral and it's wrong."
"We ought to take the Constitution seriously and follow it. We don't do that right now."
"Justice Scalia did more to advance originalism and judicial restraint than anyone in our time... it all started with just two words: I dissent."
"There is no greater good than justice, and only if law serves justice is it a good law."
"More laws, less justice." - Cicero or Tacitus
"If you haven't created a victim then you haven't committed a crime."
"The laws are the wise restraints that keep men free."
"The law is the wise restraints that keep men free."
"The appearance of justice is almost just as important as justice itself."
"A true sovereign individual recognizes the laws and he also honors the laws of man as far as they are in accord with the laws of the creator of the boundless Universe."
"Preventive law is a concept that belongs in a dictatorship."
"The accumulation of non-objective laws is one step on the road to dictatorship."
"The sovereign citizen is a contradiction in terms. They wish to be a citizen but they want to be their own sovereign."
"The Canadians began to develop a notion of what they call living tree... it does have its in history."
"Lincoln never believed in equality of result, but Lincoln believed in equality under the law."
"Justice be thy plea, consider this, that in the course of justice, none of us should see salvation."
"A just law is an ordinance of reason, given by one competent for the common good and promulgated."
"The law is natural law, and the law is in the land."
"Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust."
"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others."
"Justice should be distributed in a way that is truthful, proportionate, direct, and impartial."
"An unjust law is no law, and there is no obligation to obey it."
"The purpose of our legal system, in particular a process such as this, isn't simply to put somebody away and not permit them the growing, to live, and to adjust."
"It's not about the numbers with me; it's the quality of justice."
"Equity is no part of the law, but a moral virtue which qualifies, moderates, and reforms the rigor, hardness, and edge of the law."
"The concept of the common good assumes that there's an end to law."
"The relationship between the law and justice... they can be very different things."
"We better create our laws in accordance with the laws of nature, or it's going to be folly; it's going to lead us into chaos and anarchy."
"The spirit of the laws was the greatest guide to how the American republic was organized under the constitution of 1787."
"The idea of the individual conscience should reign supreme over any law that the state might stipulate."
"Civil disobedience, Mr. Lawson, there's an honorable tradition of it in this country."
"Originalism looks to the original meaning of a thing at the time of its creation."
"We have an amazing justice system... it's better to release nine guilty people than have one innocent man being punished."