
Mutual Affection Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"I love big and I love Pac, and both of them love me."
"When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew."
"The most important thing for the restaurant is for my brother and I to be family, to get along, and to love each other."
"Love is in the air everywhere I look around. And it's there when I look in your eyes."
"This is a love of a lifetime, you both are just crazy about each other."
"You know it's like a dog right if you love your dog he's gonna love you back you know and it's the same thing with reptiles and all animals for that matter."
"You guys definitely have each other in your hearts."
"Emma is ecstatic because she hasn't seen her grandma in a while and was really missing her lately. Grandma felt the same about Emma."
"The feeling of love is mutual, I really appreciate it."
"It's beautiful to see that through the mutual love for Max, Aaron, and Yuki, the black cat can find a friend in one another."
"Their relationship is pretty solidified by now, like we know that she absolutely loves Palmon, would die for Palmon, and obviously they have that relationship."
"They feel as though you're supposed to be together... you mean the world to them."
"We've got a great team of young players that have this love for each other."
"Argentina and Uruguay will always love each other."
"I love that they love each other so much wholesome."
"Even in everyday routine, there's a place for loving and feeling loved, especially when you know that someone misses you."
"You've got a beautiful gem of a heart to offer, and this person wants to offer theirs equally."
"It's a whole different feeling when someone likes you back for who you are."
"It's just like this big family and we all love each other."
"One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug someone you love and they hug you back."
"Philly loved Iverson, and he loved them right back."
"You listen to him, you listen to her, it sounds like they love each other."
"It represents a partnership, mutual feelings between two people, a love that is required between you and your person of interest."
"It's no accident the good-looking guys are living their lives; they love America, and America loves them right back."
"I can't imagine a world without you in it either." - Astrid
"They find it sweet that you both are falling in love with each other simultaneously."
"Well, I love being your best friend and I love that you are my best friend."
"So many people want to give love to you and would love to receive the love that you have inside."
"I think in that middle ground, you like the people who like you back."
"I love the guy man like and he loves me back, I have no doubt."
"The miracle wasn't that he loved us unconditionally, the miracle was that we loved each other unconditionally."
"He burns for her, and she burns for him."
"I've been loving South Africa, and South Africa has been loving me."
"We love Japan, you know, and the feeling's mutual."
"It's true, I'm so glad you feel it too, nothing too falling in love to me it's perfectly clear we falling in."
"I love you, Bob. I love you too, John."
"I loved Teddy with all my heart, and I know he loved me just as much."
"I'm only going to date and marry someone who I like and who likes me."
"Both people should be complimenting each other, pursuing each other, making the other person feel wanted."
"That's not who the men are; men are both tough, they're both terrifying, and they both love each other."
"I love this city, and they love me."
"There's a lot of love between us, and she recognizes that."
"I think the world of him, he thinks the world of me too," I think of Russell.
"If you really love Yang Jian, and you sure he loves you, then you should trust him."
"She's stuck with me now, and I'm stuck with her, and we both like it."
"We love each other, love each other."
"I am to my beloved as my beloved is to me."
"I'm in love, and you know what? So is she."
"I've always liked you too, so I'm really happy."
"If I'm gonna have a partner, it's gonna be someone that actually likes me."
"The girl I like, the girl likes me."
"There's a lot of love here, and there's a lot of love going both ways."
"Matter of fact, I would call both of them doting to each other."
"He loved the fans here in Buffalo, and the fans loved him."
"We're friends and that we do actually like each other."
"She believed her people loved her, and in return, she made them believe that she loved them too."
"Love for God and love for each other is the thing that awakens us to the point of light."
"At the end of the day, you guys love each other."
"Anyway, I'm only going to date and marry someone who I like and who likes me."
"The evidence in this case is clear that Bob loved and supported Susan Berman emotionally and financially, and she loved him and he loved her."
"Lord knows I love her, and I know that she loves me too."
"It's really about me just really loving that girl right, and she loving me right, everything else is going to fall into place."
"I love Frank, and it's really been clear all along that he loves you."
"I really like you too, Will," she said, her gaze flitting over to him and then around the truck.
"They don't need anyone, but they want you, just like you want them."
"I want to be with somebody that likes me too."
"I love you, come on Julie, you make me happy, I make you happy."
"We got together because we loved each other."
"Look at me. I have you in my eyes. You have me in your eyes too."
"It's obvious how much you care for him, and how he cares for you."
"There's a true connection here, there's somebody that loves you and you love them wholeheartedly."
"You and someone care for each other, love each other equally."
"The world needs to know that we actually like each other."
"Everybody wants love, everybody wants to be in a relationship where it's mutual love and true love."
"They want to make you happy because you make them really happy."
"They feel like your love for them is endless; their love for you is endless."
"The likely outcome between the both of you is mutual love and respect, and friendship and desire for one another."