
Shared Responsibility Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"At the end of the day, I think it's actually a really important point that this may not be solved entirely on your own."
"Improving overall security posture as a culture of shared responsibility is created by the integration of security practices into DevOps."
"They're heavy, and they put one above the other and carry it back carefully, ever so carefully, because if one tumbles, it'll all come crashing down."
"Let other people have some of the responsibility in the relationship."
"Connection depends not just on me. You play a part."
"If blood is to be shed, then we shed it together."
"This message is all of ours or none of ours."
"Sharing the love and sharing the load - lead with passion and kindness."
"No one is the Savior, and we are truly in this together."
"Support is required and the burdens between friends should be shared."
"He's thinking for himself. I'm thinking about us, bro. It's our house."
"I think people need to come along and share the damn burden."
"If you want a country of shared opportunities and shared responsibility, you should vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden."
"It's not about blame, it's about working together and overcoming flaws."
"It's always been our stuff, not mine, not yours, whatever, it's ours as a family."
"You are not dancing tango alone. So we have to share the responsibility."
"A shared responsibility." - Bolivian President Evo Morales
"Rescue work is about responsibility, not blame. Maybe some chores will help you remember you're in this together."
"It's completely inaccurate to think that I was the single ape in this community that did it. There were so many people. We're in this together."
"Women will have equality when men share the responsibility of bringing up the next generation."
"For every hit that we take, both of us split it. It will be ten dollars per hit."
"Both Robin and Cody created this mess, not just Cody, not just Robin."
"You just can't blame just one person for other grown people and young people."
"We have a place to go back to. I'll take care of you and you take care of me, okay?"
"It is not meant to be on one woman's shoulders to raise a child. Those little shits are meant to be raised by a village."
"We are not in this alone. I mean, I don't know if anybody gets to walk in the job and feel like the whole world's on your shoulders, which we feel here, but I also feel like I'm looking around the room and I'm like there's 22,000 people."
"Be a steward of your shared spaces so your partner doesn't have to do it all on their own."
"This isn't just a problem for the people who run, it's all of us."
"...and it shouldn't all be on them, it shouldn't be a burden, everybody should play a part..."
"The Civil War is not the fault of the South, the Civil War is the fault of the North and the South."
"It's a good place to be, where your opinion is asked but you're also able to collaborate with others, and there's shared accountability and shared ownership."
"They're my gardeners; I'm not the only gardener in this garden."
"Parenting should be shared between both parents, and unless there are immediately provable reasons for that not to be the case, that is what is best for our children."
"We have shared responsibility to prevent this scenario, which looks like a grim dystopia, to ensure instead that our development takes a different trajectory: positive, harmonious, and creative."
"This planet is all of ours; we gotta share it."
"We've only got one world. Let's share it in peace for all our sakes."
"My kids are your kids and your kids are my kids, man. I need your kids to be safe too."
"I finally wasn't carrying everything alone."
"The road is a place of mutual trust."
"Our shared responsibility model is really designed to allow our customers to configure security in the cloud."
"A man has to share his responsibility in the house."
"Nobody, not even the fans, can walk away without blood on their hands."
"It's about the air we share, and if we all take these simple actions, we can change its rate of rise and protect our capacity to care."
"...it's not just my responsibility to fight crime anymore, it's our responsibility. We have to work on this together as police and citizens."
"Sharing housework, we often think that housework is a woman's responsibility, but in reality, everyone needs to help each other to reduce the burden of work."
"It will take a major rethinking of the relationship and the shared responsibilities."
"God made the world for us to share and take care of, not to fight over or have one group of people own it all."
"Therapeutic partnership and shared responsibility means that I am not in charge."
"Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. We all play a part in keeping the Internet safe."
"Our responsibilities are all equal."
"We're all in this together so we all have to share the burden."
"It's not just policies that make us data-driven, but it's joint responsibility."
"Live minimally; we have to remember that this Earth isn't just mine, it's not just yours."
"Don't take this on by yourself; we're a team, we do it together."
"By understanding the shared security model, you can build highly secure applications."