
Individual Action Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Shared responsibility is essential, and there's also only so much that society can do. At some point, the individual has to start taking responsibility."
"Justice is an attribute of individual action. I can be just or unjust towards my fellow man."
"As my dad used to say, if nobody in the room is doing the right thing, that means it's your job."
"We're trying to do the right thing. But how do we know if we're actually reducing the net environmental impacts that our actions as individuals and as professionals and as a society are actually having on the natural environment?"
"Do you think that Harriet Tubman ever worried about who was President of the United States when she was on the Underground Railroad?"
"If you eliminated 100% of your emissions for the rest of your life, you would save one second's worth of emissions from the global energy sector."
"If I have to do something, do that shit by yourself."
"The natural human instinct is to say, 'Why doesn't the government do something?' What government usually does is make the problem worse. Why don't we ever learn?"
"What intuition tempts us to believe: 'When there's a problem, government should act.' What reality taught me: 'Individuals should act, not government.'"
"Individuals should act, not government. We need participation, we need activists."
"He was so courageous enough to be like I have to do something about it."
"If you're sick of waiting for Moses to come down the mountain with the Word of God, can you just build your own God from whatever's handy?"
"I killed someone in Guillen Hill Station. I did so out of my own volition and I don't regret it one bit. But just because I killed someone doesn't mean that I enjoy doing it."
"He's basically just doing his own thing, trying to bring back common sense to this country."
"His one-man stand against the law is suddenly taking on the appearance of a full-blown war."
"The only person that could stop this individual turned out to be a very brave courageous policeman."
"It's not about what anybody else do, it's about what you do."
"Everybody has to understand they have to do their own part in taking care of our planet."
"The sigma is the guy that's passing through the town, he sees some injustice, he puts a stop to it, then he rides off into the sunset never to be seen again."
"You are the only person who's going to do that."
"You guys just lost your qualified immunity. You're gonna be personally sued for violating my rights."
"We need individuals to change, but we also need the system to change."
"Remember the only reason they found that body was because Russell he wanted to."
"Individual action alone isn't enough; we need societal changes."
"It's not going to be Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump or anybody else who changes it. It's going to be us, one day at a time."
"It's not always about collectively gathering and demanding our political leaders make change on a societal level as much as it is drawing nearer to Jesus Christ."
"You're not fighting City Hall you're just ignoring City Hall."
"What can I do as a normal person to help make humans a multi-planetary species?"
"You do not have... stand up to the bullet. No, they can only take you out one at a time."
"Change starts as individuals and as communities."
"Experiences like this have the power to shape how we show up as individuals and as professionals."
"Trying to make a difference as best as we can from our individual circumstances is not just an option, it's our absolute obligation."
"It only takes one person to come forward for a case to be solved."
"The president ain't going to be there for you next time."
"Save one, he saved one. She saved one. Next you know, we got the whole community."
"You can start from yourself first, when you see something unjust, do something, say something, speak something, and help each other."
"The fact of the matter is, no one's coming to save you. You're going to have to do it on your own."
"It's not your job to fix society on a one-to-one basis."
"Rise up, not because of the masses, but because they might ask why."
"If you want to make a change it needs to come from an individual."
"Autonomous individuals, acting freely in the market, following their own wants, needs and desires in whatever way they wanted, would be led to produce a social result..."
"When they tell you to fall in line, that's when you get out of line."
"Someone's gotta do something. It might as well be me."
"Come alone. If you tell of this or bring anyone with you, you will not be taken to him." - Fellow Christian Lamarra
"Do your own program, do your own agenda, and do your own speaking out. And if enough of us do this, there is some saving grace."
"If the current government is going to destroy Germany, then naturally he has to oppose it."
"If we can all do one little thing to save the planet, then why not do it?"
"When the world around you is burning, be this guy. Look at this."
"If we individually do that then we make collective change."
"I probably don't need to wear a mask when I'm in my car, driving by myself."
"Recognize that your individual and you do have a lot of power and you can get a lot of things done."
"Just one person taking one step can change the world forever."
"But as for you then I love that phrase he he uses it often use but but but not you but you man of God this is what everyone else is going to do but you what are you going to do."
"Unlike Rose who needed the time vortex to save the planet, Martha does it through sheer determination and force of will, which I think is very empowering."
"Wade wants to do what had to be done alone..."
"Let us resist in the smallest way, let their rule hold not through me." - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
"I think this ends when this ends when people decided us for individual both on an individual and a societal level it ends when you end it."
"All the good is done in this world person to person."
"There's lots that everyone can do on an individual level."
"Listen, if you want to build a society that's not racist, then just don't be racist. Don't treat people as avatars of their group."
"A single person who can do the right thing at the right time can make a difference."
"We can still fight back by collaborating and by each of us taking out one cause that we truly care about and going forth and fighting for it to the best of our abilities."
"I hope what we've taken from that [the last three years] is how important individual action is."
"Individual action seems hard but then collectively it is collective action."
"If everyone bought one used item this year, instead of new, it could save nearly six pounds of CO2 emissions."
"I find Jadav Payeng's forest a powerful reminder of how just one person can make a huge difference."
"So there are lots of things that individuals can do that will make a difference, not only in terms of what they emit, but also to the politics and finance of the societies they live in."
"There's so much that each of us can do."
"You see those five trees of avocado? Right. That was my revolutionary act."
"But all is not lost. So many of these instincts are easy to fight at the individual level when we remember that they're just not normal when it comes to the global scale."
"The big problem of course is always like these are Big systemic problems that we shouldn't demand that we individually change but at the same time I think individual changes can Ripple outward into our Circles of influence."
"If we all sit back and wait for somebody else to come with this grand solution, it never comes. And my thought is, if each and every one of us just do something, albeit small, if we just do something instead of nothing, we can change the world."
"Just change your world. Just this world here. Just this."
"Your life is not going to be limited by genetic determinism. You can take action as an individual to improve things."
"Yeah, it was like any type of individual action movie."
"Individual action can only do so much; this is where we're into the conversation about systemic change is needed."
"...when it comes to like protecting Wild Life and saving our planet it feels like there's not that much that we can do but this is something that you could do and it's kind of fun and it really does matter."
"Jenny is not a puppet is simultaneously suggesting that we as individuals can be change makers in the way we consume clothes and yet also acknowledges that these big global problems can be overwhelming at times."
"...maybe there might be something similar globally...individual actions may all be involved in something that has a cumulative effect."
"Individual efforts to reduce personal emissions can help mitigate the effects of climate change."
"Our institutions don't defend themselves, individuals do."
"One person can make a difference, and we should be the ones to make that difference."
"There's nothing wrong with an individual act of kindness."
"One small step for each individual can have a greater impact overall in the world."
"If you cannot feed a hundred, feed one."
"It takes every single one of us as individuals to do something."
"This is a guy who made a moral stand on civil rights."
"Every single day more individuals are caring about the environment, taking a stand in their own life, and making their voice be heard."
"They didn't cancel him, he canceled them."
"Change starts with each and every one of us."
"Whatever anyone does or says, I must be good."
"It's the individual's responsibility to dispose of waste properly, not the company's responsibility to produce or manage the waste they produce."
"One tree probably won't matter, but if you care about something, you can make a difference."
"Tyranny is an individual exercising power that is not legal, that the people don't give them."
"What I'm talking about is individual action towards a collective solution."
"We need to do our part on an individual level but realizing that helps the whole."
"We need to tackle this as a world, but it starts with one person."
"The main question that I get because climate space is like, 'Oh, what can I do? What can I do to fix things?' And a lot of times we say, you know, individual action like eat less meat, recycle."
"The sphere of individual action is not to be regarded as ethically inferior to that of social duty."
"That small step can make the world better and the crime rate around us decreases."
"Koalas are in serious, serious trouble, but what we can do is try and make a difference in our little corner, and we do that one koala at a time."
"To make a difference, just takes one."
"What we do won't change the world on an individual plot, but it is something that we can do that does contribute."
"This is how the problems of the world get solved, one by one by me and you and us."
"If we all just take one thing or one area of life or one person and strive to make a difference on that, we can fix what's right in front of us."
"There are little things that we can all do as individuals as well."
"She started freeing slaves and freed seventeen slaves by herself."