
Personal Encouragement Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"You've got talent. I knew you were meant for this role."
"Charles, you rock. It's a sunny day because it's the 21st of September."
"Feel better, Andre. Hoping the best for you."
"You have to love yourself and do this for yourself, girl."
"You go girl, so stick it right back to them."
"He just wants you to feel two percent better."
"Thank you, M. Anderson. It gives me more energy to keep on going."
"The future holds absolutely promising and wonderful things for you."
"You deserve everything the world has to offer."
"Continue keeping it real and stay beautiful queen thank you so much."
"There will be lots of people out there who are vaccine phobic or just medical phobic in general you need to find a way that you can allow yourself to get your vaccine done."
"Remember Aquarius, those stories that they told you, they want to remind you of how unique, how brilliant, and talented you are."
"The reason why this was a big deal: this guy encourages people to share their story, that's who he is."
"Lydia encourages Emilia to see the good in everything around her."
"Encourage yourself. Sometimes you just gotta encourage yourself."
"Be your brilliant self, be great today, be brilliant every day."
"You are amazing. You have got this, you've got it."
"Hang in there, pick yourself up, and keep going."
"Well, anyway, thank you so much. I hope you have a really nice rest or you're just starting school so I hope school goes really well for you."
"You're gonna do really, really great in life."
"Get out there in the second half of 2024. Don't be the humble Virgo tucked away in their room."
"This is a time to expect things to work out better than you anticipated. It's a time to look around at the love and support that the universe has for you."
"Whoever stepped up, whoever took care of you, they back you up 100% in what you want to do. They're proud of you, they know you're capable."
"I'm so proud of you don't you have full B's and C's even a nerdy guy actually got really bad results cuz you're about family problems."
"You deserve the best in your life, the very best."
"All the free zero-zero dart monkeys out there, we love and cherish you. Keep doing you, you're doing your best."
"You have what it takes, you're gonna be fine."
"If I can survive that you can survive anything so god bless."
"I just really want you guys to be able to do all the things that you want to do in life."
"Live life to the fullest, I promise you can still make a beautiful life for yourself."
"Hope you're treating yourself well mentally and physically with love and respect because you goddamn well deserve it."
"You're a massive ledge. I want you to go out there and absolutely smash it today because I believe in you and you should believe in yourself."
"Big love to each and every one of you that's joining me here in the live chat. Remember and never ever forget this, that you are awesome."
"You guys are awesome. Don't forget to be you, do you, stay positive and just live a little."
"You're stronger than you know you're incredible you're aware that you're enough you are loved and I'm sending in a big virtual hug."
"Perhaps the boost Martin's self-esteem by trying to appeal to any possible French nationalism then pride that he might still have in his country."
"Believe in yourself, believe in your heart that you can do it."
"Don't give up on yourself, better things are on their way."
"You got you got it let's go get the success."
"Aries are bold, shoot your shot. Nothing gets them going more than a fresh slate, the promise of a new day, and a brand new start."
"But I still I'm gonna say seasons and because I don't care if my dad makes fun of me all right in a year from now you'll wish you started today."
"Remember you are beautiful inside and out I love you guys and I can't wait to see what this next year brings."
"Don't doubt your worth, be your biggest champion."
"The time is now, trade well my friends, be blessed and use the after banter to discuss anything you like from the show."
"I really do sense a bright future in art for James and I really think he deserves some love."
"I just really want her to feel confident and beautiful."
"Stick to your plans. Don't bow to challenges. Trust in me, fighting by your side."
"You can stop jinxing it... we need to dougie the puggy."
"Just own it, you're great the way you are, you really are."
"Believe in yourself, Captain, believe in yourself."
"I hope you're having a good day despite it all."
"Trust Zoey and go for it. That's what I'm hoping to do soon. I got the shark face. I'm ready to go."
"The stars are aligning for your success. All you need to do is lead with authenticity, lead with that beautiful heart of yours, keeping it open and speak your truth."
"Love you guys and I'll see you in the next video, make sure you keep that chin up, work hard, and believe in yourselves, and as always, have a bye five."
"Chip's song is incredibly motivational. It is a great feeling of you win some, you lose some, life is tough but that's the way it is, pick yourself up, go get out there."
"Believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, who's going to believe in you?"
"You don't need to be scared about going for a fucking run."
"Believe in yourself. It's a good time for you to do it. Like you've got protection, nothing really bad could come of this."
"Go Molly, you do your thing. And they just trust me."
"Linda listen, you are strong, smart, and capable. Follow your instincts."
"Till next time, go do something awesome with your day."
"Your body is amazing. You are beautiful. You are sexy. Put on another red dress and go and strut your stuff."
"I'm not saying the channel's not for you. I'm happy to help you guys get jobs if you just want to be a worker. Great, go do that. If you try, you might fail."
"Never give up, came from, yeah? I kept telling, I remember sitting in the hospital bed I'm like, dude, don't give up, don't give up, just keep going. Things are gonna be fine, everything's gonna be okay."
"You're not alone, man. And in anything and you'll never... you're not alone at all. Thank you, bro."
"You follow your dreams, fine, I think it's more than 'fine.'"
"Brace yourself because I feel like there's a lot of success coming to you."
"Believe in yourself, because if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will."
"Just go for it don't be scared and just don't be afraid of failing."
"Be your authentic self, show your beautiful side."
"Stay strong girl, we're with you. I pray God continues to heal your heart and bring you peace."
"I think the past me just needed to hear that there is a future for you..."
"You're someone who seems to be on the right track, you've just got to have courage to get over the next hill."
"Trust me guys every morning I wake up knowing like yo I got a lot of people that support me and like have my back like dude that's motivation"
"Stay strong, keep your head up high, feel lucky."
"I hope that somebody right now is like, 'You know what Tim, I'm here for you.'"
"You just gotta stay positive and that's all I wanna get by."
"You all take care, God bless, and as always Shine On."
"The thing that encourages me the most [...] is that even with it and all of this crap I have met and worked with and found Community with some of the most amazing people out there."
"Everything is going to work out in your favor... believing in yourself."
"You made it to the end of the video, you're amazing and no one can take that away from you."
"This is your day and he's with you for you, he's not against you."
"This game is for you, take advantage of it." - Elijahana Ajanaku, founder of Eastside Golf
"You were good before this whole China thing."
"Don't give up on yourself, you deserve the best."
"Prosperity lies ahead, okay? Prosperity lies ahead."
"There may be no hope for this nation, but there is hope for you in Christ Jesus."
"I'm rooting for you, I'm fighting for you, much success to you."
"You're trying to create something that creates conversation that creates a new way to look at the world."
"That's what everybody should do, you know, keep your ear to the grindstone, keep it going, keep it rolling, guys, I love you."
"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, that's all right."
"This person is going to be perfect for you, believe in it, I believe in you!"
"I believe in you I know you can do this because I did it."
"If you want to be profitable in cryptocurrency I will be the first to tell you I might be the only one to tell some of you guys I believe in you."
"You're not giving yourself nearly enough credit."
"This Grinch toy of course he's even smiling Cindy likes it when the Grinch smiles."
"It's a lot of hard work but that's why so many people fail. Don't become one of them. You got this."
"It's kind of an indescribable feeling to be in a room where almost everyone is wearing a superhero suit."
"If you have the chance to run a marathon, know that you can do it."
"I'm feeling real bullish about you, little bro."
"I believe in you, Zeke. Let's just end it right here."
"Treat yourself with that kindness because you're bloody well deserved."
"Stay true to yourself, you good person. You're working really hard just like I did."
"You're better than that. You can think of something else. I believe in you."
"The only person that can get you to the gym is you, so do it for me right now, get up and go if you're not feeling it. Trust me, you will feel great afterwards. You're not gonna regret it."
"You have the best, greatest, most amazing time out there you could possibly have, and I will see you in the next one. Peace."
"Oh my god, you're gonna go on, you're gonna have lots of babies!"
"Your prayers are being answered, Leo. I don't know how else to tell you."
"I just want to see a [__] win, you know? That's the biggest payoff."
"Don't let the devil tell you that your end is going to be worse than your beginning."
"I really want you to succeed and I genuinely mean that."
"I love that for you. Gone with your self-improvement project."
"It's cool, Nathan's. Don't stress, you're okay, bro. Just count to three. Don't be scared. You own this school."
"Some of my earliest drawings that I still have are Zelda. So I think ocarina of time coming out was like very encouraging."
"Did you ever stop him that weekend in Montreal and say like, man, you got to enjoy this? Like, this is what we've been dreaming about."
"Please do stay home, stay safe, and save lives. See you very soon, bye bye."
"Get your pride back! Are you going? Oh, okay, have fun."
"Teamwork makes the dream work, you got this in you."
"Keep smiling, keep healing, keep thriving because there's nothing else to do."
"You will meet the right one, you don't have to worry."
"Your work is so important and so critical in this time. You're a patriot and godly, and you're 100 on the path you're destined for. God bless you, stay safe, thanks for everything you do."
"It's gonna feel chaotic. It might even feel a little overwhelming, but you're gonna be fine. You can handle it."
"You're better than this. Whatever this is, whatever's been holding you back, you're better than this."
"You are beautiful, you are an amazing individual."
"Chris, I knew you are the hero! Let's try our best to write... I mean, let's do it, let's go through the big door!"
"You are going to bounce back, Gemini, so just keep that in mind."
"Embrace it and I just want y'all to love y'all cells."
"Winners build you up, always have a kind word, and rejoice in your success."
"The world is just on your side too, which is ultimately a good feeling."
"Those kind of nice comments definitely give me +10 morale, you know? They helped me out a ton."
"You are beautiful the way you are. You should not feel pressure to fit societal standards of beauty. You are beautiful the way you were made."
"I can't tell you how many times a day I would say to myself melon are you doing a great job I love you I'm so proud of you that's my constant self-talk."
"I believe in you. Yeah, there we go. We published our first map."
"I'm really proud of you. You stood up for yourself firmly but politely."
"You've worked hard these days, go take a hot shower first. You stink."
"Hope you have a good sleep... it's nice to see your confidence grow as you advance through your career."
"To my fellow a/Autistic people, today I encourage you to think of one thing about your autistic self that you can embrace."
"Give people a chance, give yourself a chance."
"I believe you can do this, I'm gonna do my best."
"You've got yourself a good one, good for you."
"I don't know who needs to hear this but here you go you deserve to feel better than you do today."
"You're awesome, and whatever you're doing in life right now, I bet you're killing it."
"Don't look back; you're never completely alone."
"Keep your head up, stay positive, remember the goals."
"You can do this... you really, really can do this."
"Life is really good. I just reached out for help so I would really, really encourage you to do the same because had I been successful I would have missed so much."
"As long as you have that long term goal it's worth it and you're gonna kill it."
"Just get out of it like realize that you are okay you're going to be fine."
"Just keep on keepin' on with it; that's really the best advice I could give."
"Just be saved okay, I've not been making a lot of progress Zoey so it's good to know."
"Yay got me back this week, yes. Let's go, talk about it."
"You're nearly achieving that goal, tough journey, but you're so close."
"Marilyn encourages fun playfulness and has a sight to her that will urge you to live life fully to keep going and to embrace freedom and self-expression."
"May you find courage in your heart as often as you find the Magnum."
"Don't ever turn off your competitive fire. It's one of the things I like most about you."
"I dare you to stay happy despite what you've been given."
"I need you to win, brother. I want you to win."
"He's really good about being like 'hey it's okay you have all these things you have to do today'."
"Finish with favor. That's my message today. Finish with favor."
"This will be the first car show that the 500 has ever been in. Fantastic, nice. So, you do the first show, Eugene, you do it, good for you."
"Just make a change. Just make a step. I like that Pastor's voice. I mean, I gotta stop now, right?"
"God bless you, you're on top and you're going higher. So guess what? I will see you at the top. God bless you until next time, have a great year."
"I like people who stand for that. So anyway and I encourage you guys to be the same way. I encourage you guys to work hard, you know, chase your dreams and have an awesome life dude."
"She just gave me all the encouragement, and the strength, and the motivation to live."
"Embrace it, cherish it, and above all, be a beacon of it. And when life's challenges seem overwhelming, take a moment, breathe deeply, and gently remind yourself, 'Bring me the magic.'"
"You're amazing. I really, really believe that. I'm investing in you with this giveaway and with time, and I just really hope you remember that you're amazing."
"Big money CJ! You're a big money CJ for a reason, man."
"I hope you get to a hundred, you keep being the incredible character you are."
"So it's gonna get better sister I know it is."
"Imagine that, you might even have some fun along the way."
"Recognize that you're actually a pretty cool guy."
"He encouraged me not to hold back when it came to my dreams and pushed me to believe in myself."
"Keep doing what you're doing, encouragement. I've really... it does have a very positive effect on me."
"That's life. I listen to you every day and you rock. I am moving my AMC to public, which is preferred app for options. Thanks bro."
"Don't let me tutor you, bro. Flex up, do your thing."
"Believe nation, it's Evan. I believe in you."
"Just believe in yourself, you know, that's all you can do really, believe in yourself."
"I need you to believe in yourself. I need you to believe in an afterlife and that there is more."
"Sometimes you just need someone there with you to push you to do your absolute best."
"It's great to have other people believe in you, but it starts within. You need to be your biggest cheerleader."
"It's going to be okay. Don't be afraid of change, don't be afraid of embracing something new."
"I wish him success in whatever he pursues but I'm sure he'll have it."
"You got this. And even if you don't, don't feel bad about it."
"Nothing's impossible Ferg, I know you're watching this right now."
"Listen, if nobody else tells you, I love you. I believe in you."
"For whatever reason you're going through body changes at the moment, just know that you're amazing. There is so much more to life than your body."
"Come on, Annie, you can do this. Please, please, I know you can."
"There's no reason for you to not feel fucking amazing."
"Everything is possible, you know, when you believe. That's the kind of kicker you have to believe."
"You're doing an amazing job... even when you feel like you're not."
"You're amazing, just take it in for a minute."
"Something exciting is going to happen for you."
"Believe in yourself and your unique talents."
"He is such a determined guy, I hope you guys tune in this Saturday night."
"Embrace the newness and feel that sense of encouragement that it's going to get easier. It's going to get better."
"You should never stop believing in yourself."
"It's nice to see you working out this way" - Ashley Mova
"Here you are, continue to believe in yourself."
"You've come a long way, old girl. We're gonna finish this off on top. I promise. It's not gonna get easier, is it?"
"Your best days are ahead of you, not behind you. I do like that too."