
Legal Reform Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"The only remedy for the country is an Article 5 Convention of the States."
"Qualified immunity is the heart of the bill. Without that, the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act is pretty much trash."
"Not only do I think that we should aggressively look at the ways our sentencing laws affect and discriminate between different groups, but I think we should do the same between men and women."
"It's time for this to end and the laws to change."
"Now that we've seen the ugly, dark side of conservatorships, it's time to call for reform."
"Nebraska repealed language that allowed slavery, or involuntary servitude, as a legal punishment for crime."
"But ending Qualified Immunity while it might be a step forward, won't end police misconduct overnight."
"Copyright law is incredibly archaic and it needs to match up to modern times."
"Claudius was actually the most successful of Augustus’s near successors, taking an interest in reforming the legal system and initiating a major building programme throughout the empire."
"It's a shame that child safety laws have not yet caught up to the rapidly changing digital world."
"A lot of state legislatures responded to Kelo by amending their laws to make it harder to do this kind of take from A and give to B condemnation that we saw in Kelo."
"The alliance for automotive innovation...said that while the franchise system works well, many of the laws governing it are dated."
"Isn't it a good thing that Scotland is finally abolishing the crime of blasphemy? Thank goodness they're going to be outlawing blasphemy; it's ridiculous that that's still on the books."
"I think you have to get rid of qualified immunity as part of any reform because it's so thoroughly tilts the scales in favor of the police and protects them from accountability." - Tommy Vitor
"A business model that is designed to force you to buy more is unethical at best, which in my mind is just another word for something that should be illegal, but just isn't yet."
"We should really think about it as a change in our legal system in our judicial system."
"These laws need to change because it is causing more of a detriment."
"The results of the Shipman inquiry brought about a lot of change after this case."
"The future is too important for us not to embrace the discussion about nuclear, to change the laws and to let the economics and the other things be tested in the real market." - Unknown speaker
"We need common-sense laws. I think we need universal background checks."
"The more gruesome techniques have been abandoned, but the attitudes that produce them persist."
"Yeah, it's gonna be cool to see how this will change people's perspective of it, you know, if the stigma will kind of go away once it's legalized."
"But our job is to address what is presented. This is the reality that is presented and this is what we will deal with."
"Enough is enough, change the law, take the moment, reform."
"This situation's bigger than Britney. This is about conservatorship reform."
"I believe we should move forward with criminal justice reform."
"Nobody should spend the rest of their life in prison based solely on eyewitness identification. Period. End of story."
"We will require a national registry for police officers who break the law." - Senator Harris
"We will decriminalize marijuana and we will expunge the records of those who have been convicted." - Senator Harris
"I signed into law groundbreaking and historic reform to our criminal justice system, the First Step Act."
"The US Supreme Court decided that having a life sentence without the possibility of parole for a juvenile murderer is just too cruel."
"Legalize those drugs, treat drug addiction like a medical issue."
"We've proposed legislation to reform Section 230, requiring greater transparency and accountability."
"Until our laws and our systems and our society held responsible everyone that profits from human trafficking, we're not ending human trafficking."
"Sex work will be legalized so that sex workers won't go to jail."
"As long as our system exists as it does right now, there are ways to do it better. There are ways to do it worse. Mandatory detention was authorized first by Bill Clinton."
"The time is long overdue to end the so-called war on drugs."
"But due to the tireless efforts of Ann Ming, her daughter's killer is now in prison and an archaic law has been changed for good."
"If doj could prosecute these types of cases in every jurisdiction, it would serve as a deterrent to police departments and officers who think they can lie their way through the Thin Blue Line and get away with it."
"The truth matters, period. I fought my entire life to change the whole notion of the law and cultural sexual around the coast around sexual assault."
"Our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre."
"What I hope comes of it is it sets a precedence where we start jailing corrupt politicians and then we just keep right on going."
"We need a hard reform on Section 230... big Tech should not be free to editorialize and be immune at the same time."
"I would pardon everyone who's in jail for a nonviolent marijuana related offense."
"They changed the laws because they don't tell you in the 1960s there were over a thousand riots and uprisings."
"My administration is committed to ending illegal immigration while modernizing our legal immigration system."
"Section 230 needs to change and the way Senator Holly and now Senator Cruz and other people are saying... needs to be maximum pressure."
"Acts of Cruelty are now counted alongside felony crimes like arson, burglary, assault, and homicide."
"The sentiment supporting secession, jury nullification, nullification of federal laws by state legislators, and a drive for more independence from larger government units will continue."
"My goal is not to have any secret settlements and to have public change, public recognition of wrongdoing, and public corrections."
"Countries around the world are beginning to look into updating their laws or adding new ones."
"People would rather die themselves than dare do something that benefits black Americans."
"Get rid of qualified immunity... make it hurt in the personal pocketbooks."
"Coley was granted a full pardon by Governor Jerry Brown, citing new DNA evidence clearing Coley but also mishandling by the investigators who originally were on his case, even implying the possibility he was framed."
"Simply put, America's bail system is broken for people of color."
"Money is not speech and corporations are not people. We need to get our constitutional rights back from the corporations that have seized them." - Joe
"All drugs should be legalized, kids should be educated and not incarcerated, that's my philosophy."
"I'm not gonna allow my sin to silence me from a truth that America needs to hear and needs to adhere to and obey, and we need to legalize the truth again so we can move this country forward..."
"We need a sentencing scheme that reflects fentanyl's lethal force."
"Cash register cleared after 34 years of a wrongful murder conviction at the age of 53."
"Solitary confinement for juvenile venice has been banned in federal prisons in the U.S., but in many states and local facilities including juvenile detention centers, isolation is routinely used."
"Do you agree with my analysis? Do you think that we should amend the Posse Comitatus and Insurrection Act laws to make it harder to use troops on American soil?"
"Let's abolish the death penalty and be one of the normal countries around the world and we don't need it. Let's join the civilized world."
"This whole thing has really blown the top off conservatorships. It's wild and there's not that much to look at for conservatorships."
"The only way that we fix this is by changing Supreme Court precedence so that we can actually prosecute and go after these jailers."
"The Imperial Council voted to lower punishments for sodomy. From now on, the punishments will vary from small prison time to monetary reparations."
"Someone uses what she means by a progressive prosecutor is someone who uses the power of the office with a sense of fairness perspective and experience unlike every other prosecutor."
"He also created Madwana, which is a law based on Quranic principles that grants extra rights to women in cases of divorce and property ownership."
"There's a problem here, and the criminal justice system needs to address it."
"We are going to end this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision."
"Republicans have rallied around the overhaul as a way to rein in 'Rogue prosecutors.'"
"The logic, the argument of there would be no positive changes in the world, there would be no new laws to counter old bad things and old bad practices."
"Google makes one of the strongest arguments yet for section 230 reform."
"He signed the music modernization act legalizing The Landmark copyright reform for songwriters."
"The president's already laid out a proposal that closes the legal loopholes and provides the resources to secure our border."
"Democrats must now end the filibuster in the Senate, codify Roe v. Wade, and once again make abortion legal and safe."
"Sweden became the first country to explicitly ban spanking, sparking contentious debate about parental rights versus state responsibilities."
"Are we a nation that tolerates the hypocrisy of a system where workers who pick our fruit and make our beds never have a chance to get right with the law?"
"Marking a pivotal change in American society by formally ending legal institution of slavery."
"Acknowledging the failure of prohibition and the need for a more practical approach."
"Most importantly, strip the immunity that the gun manufacturers have."
"Felony disenfranchisement is something that we must challenge."
"Our goal should never be to try to have our current laws reflect history. Our goal should be to remedy history and to try to make it a better America going forward."
"Tay would actually go on to change South Korea law forever."
"America will be a better place without bad laws."
"I hope at some point in some way there are laws passed so other parents cannot do this to their children."
"Secret courts have no place in the United States of America."
"We badly need effective Anti-SLAPP laws nationwide, to deter powerful people like Bob Murray, from using the courts to shut down people's legitimate dissent."
"I'm predicting that the death penalty will be extinct by 2025."
"I want the amendment to pass so that the Constitution's first and only mention of slavery is its absolute prohibition."
"The enraged citizens of Tucson marched in the streets behind Vicki's family to protest lenient laws against convicted child molesters."
"China is undergoing a tremendous change in the laws that govern big tech."
"Somewhere along the way our justice system dropped the word justice and substituted it for cruelty."
"I would like to see a federal effort that works with the states... automate the expungement of their records."
"More laws on the books aren't gonna change anything if we're not actually changing things."
"Is marijuana gonna become federally and recreationally legal nationwide? And we don't know."
"Our criminal justice system needs to be seriously reformed."
"Nothing will change until this becomes illegal across every country we won't see a change but what we can do is continue to push a message."
"The escalation of Diaz's penalties for these minor infringements are excessive."
"Don't tell me we don't need new laws to ensure the integrity of our elections."
"Biden pardons thousands for simple possession of marijuana."
"Deschedule marijuana, deschedule cannabis from a schedule one drug. Those people, all non-violent drug offenders should be allowed out of jail and their records should be expunged."
"We need to make it illegal for law enforcement to lie to you about your constitutional rights."
"The first step act... aims to reduce repeat offending and expands early release programs."
"The music modernization act... legalizing landmark copyright reform for songwriters."
"Brianna Taylor would be alive today if there had been a ban on no knock warrants in drug cases."
"Shouldn't our justice system begin to address the well-documented injustices first?"
"Corruption should be a crime against humanity."
"We need a radical revision to our drug laws and we can start by decriminalizing marijuana and allow it to be regulated like alcohol."
"This is the first time in history that we actually have an opportunity for the democratization of law."
"The law needs to change. No job should have such a high risk of rape, assault, or death, especially not live streaming." - Anita
"Just because we're not necessarily going to get either a statute passed or a constitutional amendment passed and ratified does not mean it is not worth talking publicly and actively pursuing critiques of the court."
"We need to get rid of the [ __ ] war on drugs. That [ __ ] is stupid as [ __ ]."
"What we want is for the presumption of shared custody to become the norm."
"We need antitrust activity... we have to rethink the very basis of antitrust law."
"This case led to changes in sex offender registration laws."
"But Korea got to work; civilians started advocating and protesting the change to the essay law."
"We as a people have to demand that our representative government actually represents us and passes laws that matter that keep us safe."
"Reform priorities should also include an overhaul of the Prosecutor General's office."
"Men should perhaps Lobby the government to pursue things like paternity leave."
"The Department of Justice has redirected $75 million in existing resources to fully fund the First Step Act in fiscal year 19."
"The only way you can go above the Supreme Court is to change the constitution."
"Criminalize the industry, throw us in jail, but don't tell me it's because you're trying to save us."
"It's time to change the laws and protect horses."
"The need for more remote access to courts was highlighted by the Judicial Council of California in their report recommending permanent expansion."
"We ought to commit ourselves to building a human rights movement in this country... a movement that will end all these forms of legal discrimination against people released from prison."
"We want a repeal of the citizen's arrest law that law is a outdated and racist Statute on the books of Georgia's official code."
"If there were laws to make sure the builders set aside money and Trust for subbies like you to make sure they got paid, what difference would that make?"
"Colorado is now the first state in the country to stop shielding police from nearly all accountability in misconduct and murder cases."
"If somebody robs somebody of a thousand dollars, they go to jail. These companies are robbing society of multi-millions, they need to change the laws."
"Ripple's going to get through that ball and they're going to represent and they're going to get the law changed for the whole crypto ecosystem."
"Something has to change. We cannot have laws that protect abusers under the guise of religion."
"If we could sue politicians we would have no politicians, it would be a beautiful country."
"These Progressive District Attorneys got to go."
"We need to level the playing field and unrig the system... end qualified immunity... end civil asset forfeiture..."
"We have to change these laws, these laws are on the books not just in Georgia but in 26 other states."
"We've got a lot more work to do... to change the laws in this state that make it so easy for someone to get a gun but so difficult for someone to be able to vote."
"At what point do we draw the line and say that it's obvious that our current copyright laws are not updated to how things have become?"
"It's doing more harm than good at this point to keep it outlawed."
"We do need to take a look at our laws and figure out what we can do."
"That law seeks to prevent the most violent criminals from being released on parole."
"I'm pardoning all prior Federal offenses of simple marijuana possession."
"Nothing is more irritating than the fact that it's not considered standard practice to exonerate people convicted of a crime that is no longer considered a crime."
"We need to lower the federal civil-rights standard so that we can bring criminal charges against cops who murder our people." - Bakari Sellers
"We will not stop until people are no longer charged and prosecuted on specious charges of blasphemy."
"There's not additional forms of accountability or justice."
"We need to instruct the Department of Justice to look into some of these real serious cases like Breonna Taylor."
"Since the early '90s, attorneys from the Innocence Network have freed 372 wrongfully convicted people in the U.S."
"...it's really sad that somebody like Rebecca Schaefer had to die in order for laws to change."
"One of Napoleon Bonaparte's most enduring and significant achievements as Emperor of the French was the establishment of the Napoleonic Code."
"... restoring the law to land in place of the law of the high seas which was the admiralty law."
"Changing the laws and regulations that prohibit women from fully and freely participating in their local economies."
"If a country that we continue to provide development assistance to has these laws in place that prohibit women from fully contributing that's a conversation we should be having as a collective."
"So you know it's really important for people and people listening to this program to know that innocent people are charged all the time and innocent people are convicted certainly more than they should be. So that's what kept me going."
"If this is following the law, then the law needs to change."
"I do believe in tort reform I do believe that we need to have a a legal system that is more thoughtful."
"The goal was to tighten laws on monitoring convicted sex offenders, especially to prevent them from changing their legal names, which I think is really interesting."
"You voted no on making it illegal for kids to be married to adults at the age of 12."
"California now needs to play catch-up on a terrible delay in protecting children."
"She introduced the Western legal systems, she abolished death by a thousand cards."
"We have also identified that in several countries where the law was changed either at the constitutional or at the legal level as a result of that within five years you could see a very significant increase of female labor force participation."
"Rules which would promote more disclosure and disclosure of exculpatory evidence in the process of plea bargaining are desirable and important."
"Equality under law would be achieved by dealing with mental illness and physical illness in the same way is appealing."
"One of the most important aspects of Henry II's reign was the changes that took place in the English legal system."
"She expanded women's rights, making it easier for a woman to get a divorce, own property, and claim custody of her children."
"By bringing in mandatory whole life orders for the heinous criminals who commit the most horrific types of murder, we will make sure they never walk free."
"We have to fight to change the law itself, you have to change everything at its core."
"We will change the law so that more victims of fraud get their money back."
"I am Justinian who by will of the Primal love which moves me, removed from the laws what was superfluous and vain."
"We really absolutely need Equal Rights Amendment to enable all the young women and men that are coming out of law school now to create new bodies of laws that will really protect women."
"The common sense position... is that there ought to be more legal immigration and less illegal immigration."
"The possibility of seeking redress through the courts became more socially acceptable and a better remedy as the 19th century moved on."
"We passed groundbreaking criminal justice reform."
"She's now campaigning for new laws in Australia that would require officers to thoroughly investigate these types of assaults and would hold them accountable if they fail to follow through on this duty."
"It changed attitudes, it changed the legal arrangements."
"The title of property in man would no longer be recognized in British law."
"We surely now have to open a debate about the need for a more formal written constitution."
"He streamlined legal codes across the continent, shook up politics, fought for religious tolerance, reshaped the world."
"We will introduce new primary legislation to make sure those convicted as a result of the Horizon Scandal are swiftly exonerated."
"I would eliminate any and all open container laws."
"The legal victories not only changed the law for the better but they discouraged legislators around the country from treating both men and women differently under the law."
"Ultimately, this case played a significant part in the abolition of the death penalty."
"The greatest need facing America today is the reform of civil and criminal procedure."
"Florida votes to restore ex-felon voting rights with Amendment 4."
"The Napoleonic Code... reasserted the equality of citizens before the law."
"My fight to change squatter laws started one year ago and I will not stop fighting until squatter laws are changed from coast to coast."
"While the wheels of justice often turn frustratingly slow when it comes to correcting these mistakes, thanks to the work of organizations like the Innocence Project, victims of wrongful incarceration are sometimes able to clear their names and gain their freedom."
"You need to address the social injustices, the legal injustices."
"The law now takes into account the circumstances leading up to and surrounding an act of murder within the context of a relationship."
"Should we change it and get a codified one? The short answer to which is probably yes."
"If you want rights to be properly enshrined in law in the UK, you need to change the way the law works."
"The UK is looking to introduce an electronic trade bill that will remove the legal impediment to allow documents in electronic form to be legally recognized in the same way as paper documents."
"The prohibiting punishment of acquitted conduct act of 2021 would help restore the jury's primacy."
"The unconstitutional scourge of acquitted conduct sentencing must be abolished."
"A crime that led to seven deaths, to Johnson and Johnson losing around $100 million, and the US enacting new laws that would forever change how many products have to legally be sealed now for our protection."
"Reforms of Section 230 will go a long way."
"This is why the laws need to be tightened."
"There definitely needs to be some changes made within Congress, within our laws."
"...uniform civil code by providing a single secular and legal framework that ensures equality for genders across religion..."
"For the first time, the common law system in England had been overhauled to help issues of civil disobedience be carried out in law courts instead of in the king's presence."