
Plot Quotes

There are 1023 quotes

"That’s good storytelling. Because in a story, no matter how cool your plot is, no matter how epic your explosions are, none of that matters if the audience isn’t invested in the relationships."
"With that, we were ready to enter. Here, the true plot unfolded."
"The overall plot is great. A World on the brink, magic, personal stories, local problems or great things."
"I think everything that has happened in this series is connected to Mount Greylock."
"Big Mom is currently in Wano, and she has amnesia."
"I mean, let's quickly review the plot: Boy, Romeo, goes to a party trying to get over a girl, with whom he is completely obsessed, but then he meets another girl, Juliet, and becomes obsessed with her."
"The film's central plot dealing with microchips and Silicon Valley was a good idea as it touched upon what was going on at the time."
"The chemistry between everyone in the cast propelled the film past its relatively thin plot."
"The surface level plot is pretty straightforward: they're good guys, they're bad guys, and you've got to stop the bad guys from doing bad things that threaten the multiverse."
"The love story between Rachel and Joey was badly received."
"I loved the characters and the storyline was incredible."
"Harry's connection to Voldemort is actually a cool plot point that has been developed well over the series."
"It's a simple plot, something straight out of a Saturday morning cartoon."
"You might also feel a slight absence of plot due to the main theme of the story being what if a guy could be invisible."
"It's actually good like interesting plot twists that nobody expected."
"The story of Ecco night 2 follows the Clancy family Jessica Clancy has fallen deathly ill leading her husband and the game's main antagonist Albert Clancy to follow an ancient ritual in order to save her life."
"Sinister plot that transcends the Realms of divorce and custody battles."
"This is such an interesting and surprisingly mature plot thread that could explain some things about Janna."
"If they're not willing to let the side character from the DS game stay dead, how can any of your story have power?"
"It's like a story, there's twists, turns, character development..."
"Typical villain thing: telling the protagonist his plans rather than just letting it happen."
"This game's plot is very easy to follow, it enthralled me pretty well, and I enjoy playing it."
"It's such a fantastic beautifully written plot that is executed perfectly."
"It reminds me of G5 honestly where they have like three plot points that just repeat for the whole thing we we got to find the magic you guys we finally have magic magic magic magic oh"
"It's awesome plot from jero to get revenge he brought salad into this specifically because of that therefore."
"The diamond redemption almost works because of what was set up."
"A surprisingly eccentric and brilliantly written plot."
"No idea what the plot's about, I played it, I think I've put about eight hours into scarlet nexus so far."
"Goku's being a child was used as a plot device."
"Unforgiven presents us with one overarching plot point that serves as the focal point of this story: the mutilation of a prostitute, Delilah."
"The story is really not about plot twists or surprising developments."
"Blink helped immensely that unlike the previous Dr. Light attempt the absence of our hero was woven into the plot in a more interesting manner."
"There are so many different people who are just worth watching in terms of their performance, but also their plot line standing alone."
"The villain isn't actually the villain in this book... the last argument of kings is definitely fitting to this prompt."
"The crew is saved by an injured tank who manages to shoot cypher and retrieve them from the matrix."
"Franky quite literally is responsible for moving the plot along."
"Everyone starts in like a different space and then they all kind of crash together at the end which I loved."
"The true killer who devised the whole stinking scheme was Celestia Ludenberg."
"Any delay, obstacle, loss, or perceived failure at this time is a twist in the plot of your life, necessary for the gracious plan to unfold."
"If you're using coincidences or luck to get your main character out of a hole, it's not going to feel very satisfying to readers."
"Goku is weaker, but the Kaioken can multiply his power as much as the plot demands."
"We're gonna take hillbilly's prize possession and make him haul it back to the shop."
"The whole premise that this season hinges on the whole mystery, it is a huge stretch."
"The whole idea that everyone thinks that Bruce is losing his mind after running into Shriek is a really interesting idea."
"So you're telling me London Clash goes through all of this in the course of one friggn' day because of a text message with a typo?"
"Good thing she had that potion of plot armor or she’d be screwed."
"If this isn't a railroaded plot armored BS story, then I don't know what is."
"This isn't some 'I will put the soul of my dead wife in a doll so that I could still have her,' this is wild."
"You need to see storylines develop, you need to see characters develop, you need to see major moments happen."
"The use of fortunes has been magnificent."
"If family drama with a fast plot and a spice of business lingo sounds like your gem, give it a try. You will not regret it."
"Ultimately, the Selden Plan staying on course is the point of the entire series."
"The changes I made to episode 2's coming out scene was done to highlight this moment as being a turning point for Barney's character."
"Conflict is the driving force of any story and without it, the plot lacks intention and interest."
"The story should drive the situations that come up."
"It's at that stage of the story that you have that expectation."
"Old Happy Chapman and Od Schnitzel are gonna be climbing aboard that New Amsterdam Limited at 3 p.m bound to New York City."
"As someone who kind of in my life tends to be the person who drives the plot forward the idea of like not having to make decisions like huge decisions all the time it's a nice feeling every once in a while."
"Korben rushes to Leeloo and wakes her up only to hear her say she doesn’t want to save humanity because of how destructive they are."
"I think Jame Grey turning into the Phoenix Force will be a big part of the finale and the next season."
"The Jogon is probably going to be the Saving Grace for not only Boruto's life but for the Shinobi world."
"I definitely do think Boruto will actually go rogue."
"You want to show us your character's desires and what's preventing them... indicate what kind of plot you're going to be giving us."
"The biggest drag to it is that it's just such a flimsy story."
"Ford's existence was planned from the very beginning of the series."
"The second half of season 2 covered the plot that was originally planned for season three."
"Functionally everything leading up to Percy's lineage being revealed remains the same."
"Half of all life in the universe has been wiped out and this too is later hinted at by the title scene in which the Avengers theme is actually played by half the orchestra."
"Some of the roughest stuff in here don't even involve the bear."
"This creepy storage unit she has where she plans her super villain plots to take down the Glee Club."
"The fact that you know dana's apartment was essentially the perfect place for this this portal to open right yeah that whole building was built in some strange way specifically for that purpose."
"oh so I guess they were just testing it on Han because I wanted to give it to Luke so that they can force Luke to go to the dark side."
"I gotta confess that I have no freaking clue what is going on in this movie so far. I mean, what the hell is even happening here?"
"Corrective measure is a great approach to prison movies by adding superpowers to the plot."
"But what is the plan of Rhaenira's side to avenge the death of Lucerius?"
"They're literally just inventing abilities for the main characters to beat the main villain right at the last second because they couldn't be bothered to come up with a logical explanation."
"Sam Elliott plays a great character in this movie and he actually plays a man who killed Hitler and then Bigfoot."
"A coincidence that's bad for the main character is completely cool storytelling wise."
"The thing is not a complicated story."
"...the very low-level plot, that's why a horror is probably the least respected overall genre, although when it's done at a high level—Silence of the Lambs, yeah, right."
"Harper realizes she has to make it through a guillotine prepared by that chef and Little Mermaid and Grandpa saw it at the Rope."
"Hulk's last words are him calling out to Steve Rogers for help because he doesn't understand what's happening."
"The reason that Gabe and Sarah are trying to kill Peter is because Norman took in the twins hired the best teachers to train them as they rapidly aged and filled their heads with lies that Peter Parker was their true father."
"'Yellowjackets' is half coming-of-age survival thriller, half mystery drama about a high school girls' soccer team whose plane crashes in Canadian wilderness."
"I love that it was like we all predicted it was gonna be Andrew that saved MJ, falling, right?"
"Walt meets with Saul and Jesse to triumphantly mock him."
"The whole plotline of Walt just completely falling apart is one of my favorites in the whole show."
"The best place to hide a stupid plot is behind the camera."
"This is how you write a story where a consistently written plot following cause and effect is able to communicate rich themes as well as deep character arcs."
"A well-written plot can enhance the intended themes while a poorly written one will only serve to undermine them."
"Plot matters to me, and it matters to a lot of other people, so stop telling me that it doesn't."
"...Claire is now a Dino activist."
"When the plot is overly convoluted and clever, it can be agonizing and confusing for readers. Strive for balance and clarity."
"And to that, I just want to say, what the [__]. Why the [__] did Claire die now? Why not between business lady and Shaggy? Why did she survive up to this point in the first place? How am I supposed to make sense of this?"
"She's a main character so everybody cares what's going on with her."
"Power is an important element to the plot."
"Mason finally realizes that BR2 must be tracking the module and throws it away."
"It manages to be plot relevant and a hilarious escapade at the same time."
"Kakarot and Raditz keep their tails."
"I understand when it comes to horror movies, they gotta have people doing stupid stuff for the story to move forward."
"This film just abandons all of that and the problem is as well by abandoning all of that by abandoning the rudimentary tech it also allows for a number of plot contrivances which just removed the peril of the original film."
"There was something that was mentioned at the end of the previous chapter where Lainey sees someone and she says, 'That is the boy who ruined my life. That is the boy I'm going to kill.'"
"Factions are just deeply stupid in a metric multitude of manners for the sake of the plot."
"Arcs that are set up get their payoffs... it's on parody the King has been deposed the founding Titan stolen the thief is an enemy to every man woman and child outside of his Island an enemy of peace."
"Propellers don't magically turn into jets just because it would be convenient for the plot."
"Left unchecked when that actually affects the main character in a meaningful way."
"Mystery Incorporated features an ongoing plot that runs throughout the series to uncover the real history of Crystal Cove along with threats that break the mold of what traditional Scooby-Doo has offered before."
"As 'The Architect' explains in the second movie... Neo's 'special status' is all part of the machines' master plan."
"The hero falls, doesn't get the girl, and the menace to the series continues on."
"Marcus thinks it’s too dangerous and wants to destroy it, but Isaacs wants to use it for military purposes, so he makes Agent Wesker kill Marcus."
"REI wants him in nanaki Village he also adds that REI intends for mitsumune to save masaki on his behalf."
"...I thought its plot was really good and it paid off narrative elements set up in previous Seasons really well."
"Frey pie: I'm not even going to hold y'all. Wyman did that."
"...fortunately for the world of Ice and Fire Joffrey is assassinated before he can cause the Monumental damage to the realm that he would have..."
"Cyborg is the only person that can actually tell the audience what the [__] is going on with these mother boxes because I integrated with one of them"
"Is this good? Maybe, just maybe, the plot was the friends we made along the way."
"But while you can tell Hellraiser stuff was added to the scripts of the other movies, they kind of blended them in fine and made them work with the movie's larger plot lines."
"The movie was holding its own without him for a long time."
"The good dinosaur turns out to be one of Pixar's most emotive films ever, caring less about writing an actual plot and more about exploring emotions."
"To have all this build up, especially with Costigan's character, and for him to finally catch Sullivan, he's finally got the rat."
"...Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla is the most thematically front-loaded villain is completely wasted on a bargain bin plot."
"From a pure spectacle standpoint this plot has plenty to offer."
"The difference here being that this isn't so much a curse that a person has to work their way out of or find a way to circumvent or whatever. This is purely a story of, you know, is circumvented and it is cured. It's not cured, though. Is it?"
"It's not finished yet so they can't come to Earth because hell isn't on Earth yet they have to stay in hell."
"Not only do they get out of it, but it's believable and it's the only way they could have gotten out of it."
"Hakari being in Shabuya is definitely a net positive for the sorcerers and has better ramifications for the rest of the story than him just not being there."
"I gotta say despite the time he tried to get in on the love spell plot he's actually been pretty clean like he drinks blood from vials and is pretty content just being a normal guy it's cute."
"The Cure... a cure is certainly going to be brought up at some point."
"Side characters are really the characters that make a show, that really drive the plot and keep the main character not annoying."
"It's not out to tell a complex story, it's not to sell politics to you, it's just lots and lots of action with just enough of a plot to drive it along."
"Maggie knows Leah only wants her so she splits from the rest of the hilltop crew and heads into the woods to confront her one-on-one."
"...the girls arrest him and Fuzzy is left to spend the rest of his days in jail."
"Princess won't take no for an answer and tells the girls that her rich daddy will buy her exactly what she needs to become a Powerpuff girl."
"Next time a character dies, they stay dead."
"the plot feels like exactly the kind of Frankenstein together [ __ ] that it is"
"Face a challenge, so yeah, plot my revenge."
"The plot is so unpredictable my dude."
"If the plot of a movie was just a super healthy, down the middle relationship, that'd be boring as hell."
"This feels like a Scooby-Doo plot. The way he's distracting them, he's going to say some weird [__]."
"Not everyone getting character developments. I love an enemies-to-lovers plot."
"Plotting to use social manipulation as his weapon of choice."
"She really had to go through stuff in this book to get to where we were at the end of it."
"Is Gyro building a giant evil Army in Meteor City that Gon and Killua are going to have to face down against?"
"In order to free Null from his prison, Carnage is collecting codexes, little bits of symbiotes that are left inside the bodies of their former hosts."
"Spider-Man rescues Dr Connors and his wife while Hammerhead delivers the tablet of time to Kingpin who subsequently orders its disposal."
"The film could start off again with Peter monitoring his old friends from a distance in order to keep them out of harm's way."
"But the meat of the show would be Tai traveling around and righting the wrongs of his nation."
"This literally hasn't been addressed since volume 2."
"Ray temporarily going to the dark side makes for a better, more cohesive story."
"If they're going to bring him back from the dead, they need to set up a way to kill him for real."
"The protagonist starts to disappear and explains that he can't kill him because he knows the Blood Cloud technique."
"Dinosaur takeover: humans create these long-extinct animals who subsequently break out of their confines."
"It's like I'm watching a movie with an actual tight plot where each scene actually furthers the story along."
"A lot of the plot of that movie doesn't matter"
"It had a good storyline, plot too, like you know, the automobile industry's kind of keeping people quiet and it's the 70s."
"The climax is functionally the same Heist but where things go to hell."
"The plot presents a riveting mystery with shocking twists, intertwining characters' ideologies, lifestyles, and emotions."
"A good movie with a good plot almost doesn't really matter who is in it."
"The ending of a series can really make or break a storyline."
"What do you think? Is it possible that Lucy gray escaped this particular scene, made it to District 13, and ultimately led the assault against the capital?"
"Seamlessly blending action with plot, character development, and world-building keeps the audience invested."
"From the Sparks of Love Struck between Michael and Sarah in season 1 to Michael being thrown into Sona prison in season 2 to save Sarah."
"20:49 manages to avoid the risk of undoing much of the first film largely as a result of not being directly linked to its main plot."
"The ending goes crazy, and I'm gonna read a second one eventually."
"This must be where they're trying to make a weapon to kill Omniman, right?"
"The plot to the show is so paint by numbers that you can get the gist just by watching the intro without any audio."
"Spock transferred his Essence his Katra over to McCoy his body is still on the new planet Genesis so Kirk McCoy Sulu Scotty and Chekhov with an assist from Uhura are forced to hijack the Enterprise to return to the now Forbidden Planet"
"Dialogue has to show character. It also has to show plot. And maybe it can be funny along the way."
"Plot should explore the theme's question, leading to character growth."
"The plot has thickened, plot twist."
"This could have as well been the finale of the whole show to be honest like Aaron is just using these titans now to destroy the rest of the world."
"Their target is the second Prince as he is quick-witted and will be a nuisance in the future."
"Guess this is the power of plot armor."
"Days later, Noah and Bernadette are married on the B-29."
"Characters boring. Plot boring. Stick lady not boring, very nice."
"Billy has every right to side with her sister because like the only people making any sense in this plot is the demons. So they're like, 'Yeah, the sisters are evil.'"
"The big reveal of the plot is that the Illuminati are figuring out a way to control people using their augmentations."
"Dr. Saanvi Bahl is a medical researcher aboard flight 828 who returns home to discover that in the five years she was missing, her research has saved the lives of hundreds of pediatric cancer patients."
"Because Alfred really did die and the man who came back was a shell of the man that he used to be."
"There's so much to keep your attention during this book. This book really cranks up the suspense while also balancing things like theme and a fun plot and characters who have arcs all on their own."
"If you are willing to tell a story, it's to have a character want something strongly and to put only things in the story which either reveal character or advance the action."
"And finally I do really enjoy the McGuffin item here as well as the third act Supernatural twist that we get."
"They're playing it straight and they're committing to a plot that just gets dropped in the middle of the movie, and they're acting their asses off."
"I'm genuinely shocked that while every other aspect of this film from the animation humor and general lack of entertainment is bringing it down the actual plot is shockingly solid for a Christmas film."
"How non-professional screenwriters create plot often it's the same as professional screenwriters."
"If you just toss in obvious explicit ties to the Future plot I'm going to see it I'm going to put together the puzzle pieces because actually you've just handed me the completed puzzle."
"He sets everything up from killing Clyde to hiring Jon just for him to get close to the bunyip and kill it for money."
"This version of the story takes place on a remote island and focuses on a mad scientist named Dr. Zork."
"The basic plot is similar to that of sorted Sunset although firel Lord covers more of Arthur's life including part of his childhood."
"Once you know your Lich's goal, you can reference it whenever you need to. Are they trying to ascend to godhood, to rule the world, to alter the past?"
"The Infinity Stones were hiding in plain sight."
"The show uses this new dynamic to flesh out the story and characters."
"reeling from hunley's Death Ethan Luther Benji and ilsa uncover Walker and Lane's plan to detonate the nuclear bombs at a medical camp in the Himalayas which would contaminate the water supply and kill one third of the Earth's population"
"This book is 383 pages of killing, stabbings, beatings, drive-by shootings, revenge killings."
"Did they switch the backstory? They didn't change the writing and there's no reason that most of this couldn't still apply, but all of the other details about the character clearly aren't accurate anymore either, so is all of it wrong?"
"Sharon and Vincent take a bunch of Sharon's dad's stuff and run away."
"Michael broke into Marion's house and stole the stuff in Lori's folder, so somewhere in all that there was information where she relocated after faking her own death."
"There was a plot here far deeper than Obi-Wan could even begin to grasp."
"The seemingly bland side plot of Walt's family perfectly sets up the shootout climax."
"It's kind of funny. It was really a very simple plot."