
Confinement Quotes

There are 500 quotes

"You are my mind, you're trapped inside, you can't get out, hidden like you're pacified."
"What he envisioned for his confinement was more like an opulent palace, replete with all modern conveniences."
"I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me."
"Every now and again, escaping and doing some cool ass [ __ ] but then being put back in the box."
"Every ship has a hidden Brig somewhere on the ship. This is essentially a jail cell where people can be held until they can be safely removed from the ship."
"I don't want to die with that being my only story outside this place."
"When people can't leave, I have to believe they'll heal."
"Can I just leave? I can't actually leave the location."
"I was sort of just imprisoned in here to heat the pipes in the boiler, so I go... yeah, let's go."
"I just need a place to stretch my legs it's so cramped here I can't run."
"They are allowed to have other interests as well, and reading."
"I ain't started writing until I went to the hole, really because it wasn't nothing to do. Why'd you go to the hall? I got caught with the cell phone."
"We're trapped in prison, and even worse, it's Barry's prison."
"It's not good for the soul to be cooped up in a room like this."
"The kind of Liberties that you can exercise in a 6x8 prison cell."
"Don't not do your dream because we happen to be stuck indoors right now."
"I just don't feel like God is calling me to... be in four walls and stay at one place."
"It's like what's the escape right, and then you're losing your mind, you're in dark thoughts 24/7."
"Either way, you're going to be on the freight train, you're either going to get ran over by it and be consumed by it or you're going to go on for the ride of your life."
"I'm so miserable in this house right now because all I want to do is spend time with you, and I can't."
"We might not be able to get out as often, so I'm just really thankful."
"Life is not supposed to be lived being locked up in a damn crib."
"This is like being in jail, by the way. Feels like jail." - Ellen DeGeneres
"It's a cage, very pretty cage but the cage nonetheless."
"When those heavy doors slam shut, it is a very distinctive, definitive, loud sound."
"Yeah, I've probably done about... locked in housemates inside my team, that's good."
"The suburbs themselves exist as a sort of prison for the average person."
"The last time we covered Bilderberg in Switzerland, me and Josh got put into the airport jail."
"Building our very own prison... Exciting, I know. Calm down."
"Though Peter's body was bound, his spirit was not bound."
"One of the strangest things about this door was that it had an air vent on it, as if it had been made to keep someone trapped inside."
"Let's put this really funny person into this tiny box and watch them struggle out of it."
"If there's no cage, why do I taste the stress?"
"There would have to be some mechanism that would confine the quarks unlike an atomic nucleus."
"I don't like this, I feel like I'm locked up in a cage watching this video."
"You're being manipulated, you're feeling bound, you're feeling stuck."
"A visceral emotion that refuses to be confined."
"Identity is confining, you can be imprisoned in the identities that you inherit."
"There's nothing that happens outside these walls, there's no... you can't leave, this is sounding so psychotic but I love it."
"No matter how good it is, a prison is a prison, and no one wants to end up there."
"It felt like you were isolated from the world... to be able to get out, man, it was... no better feeling."
"All the hard work was definitely worth it, I honestly felt like I was trapped in here with all the makeup."
"I thought it would be fun to revive this trend, make the cage of my lockdown significantly smaller for your enjoyment."
"I think the first couple hours I'll have fun and then I'll hit a slump where I'm like I get stir-crazy and I'm like let me out of this bathroom."
"Who would have known being trapped in my bathroom would put me in such a good headspace."
"What happens to a human being when you lock someone in a closet for hours on end?"
"Solitary confinement didn't free people, it crushed them."
"You click the lock into place, and to your relief, the latch holds, trapping the man in the clean suit in your makeshift prison."
"You're being put in time out, let me out! How do I get out of here?"
"It's horrible, it's a horrible feeling. You feel like you're in prison. You feel like you've done something wrong."
"They're trapped in their head, trapped in their thoughts."
"Constantly locked down, going to the hole every time."
"I'll be all around the world and I still end up right back in this box, no matter what the situation is for real."
"We had everyone locked in their homes, we had race riots."
"Not me. Like her family, the psychiatric ward eventually ran out of ideas and settled on chaining her to the wall to protect her from others."
"My body is a cage... for that reason, my body is a cage has to be top of this list."
"Soon I will be given permission to come out of here."
"Stuck in a confined area for three days straight."
"It's creepy too because Nina's like yeah you're gonna have to live up in this little attic space that's basically the size of a closet and it also has a lock on the door from the outside."
"I haven't seen the sky in like a week, dude."
"We escape from confinement and prisons, and when we’re escaping, we’re always moving in the direction of freedom."
"We're trapped inside a defective portal of truth. So this place, it exists somewhere in between reality and truth."
"It would have been quite beautiful if we weren't trapped in this prison of snow."
"We're all imprisoned by something on some level, aren't we?"
"Whatever is going on in their outside world... it is making them feel very trapped at this time."
"It's like having a dinner party in an elevator."
"You're trapped in now, aren't you?"
"The truth is what Jon's parents thought was a protective wall was actually a prison to Jon, keeping him from living a richer, better life."
"They caught them like wild animals and keep them like in a zoo."
"I felt like a prisoner and I refused to continue living like that."
"We have to hold tight in this elevator, y'all."
"It's like a birdcage; it's so suffocating, I just want to get out."
"It had felt like we had been in this metal prison for weeks. We had enough food and only one single flashlight."
"If someone were sold and confined to a mansion for a month, it's natural to feel anxious."
"Behind a ring of lethal razor wire stands one of the most secure prisons in the world."
"I was left with a massive bind around my entire body that was hooked into a broader network of wires"
"All it's doing is turning us into caged animals."
"He should never ever under any circumstances be let out."
"This person is in a bird cage, wondering why they can't spread their wings and fly accordingly, and it's because they've locked themselves in."
"I mean, Max is locked up. He's been locked up since, early, yeah, yeah."
"I believe it feels good to tie somebody up and keep them in a room for a while because you have so much control."
"She wanted to break free from an invisible but confining cage in her life."
"The students of Class 78 all consented to spend their foreseeable futures inside the academy."
"It's just about getting out the house. It's about getting out of the house."
"...he was kept in in segregation and he was kept in the hospital, wouldn't he and then that's where he spent the majority of his time."
"The elevator is no longer a prison cell, well, okay, it definitely still is, but it’s also a sort of shark cage against the infected."
"It's hard for prisoners to escape that mess."
"Any cage, no matter how gilded, is still just a cage."
"I have ADHD so let me trap myself in an empty room for 8 hours."
"I definitely feel like I love the fact that it was almost claustrophobic because they were stuck in an apartment building yeah like yeah they were like basically trapped in that their apartment the whole time"
"How does a person come up with an elaborate plan when they're locked down most of the time and have no idea where they are in the prison? They're basically kept in a modern dungeon, something human rights activists aren't happy about."
"We can see this almost wall-like structure surrounding the perimeter of the silos."
"That's fine. Trapped inside a duffel bag demon, some things are worse than dying."
"I am still confined, no matter how beautiful everything is, it's just a gilded cage that suffocates freedom."
"50,000 birds in one shed... they only have about an A4 size sheet of paper in terms of space."
"Laurier turns around and behind her Hawk sees Duke zero chained to the wall by Magic blocks of ice."
"I have been in this closet for 365 days myself and before I end up getting Stockholm Syndrome and start enjoying these movies I need to escape this prison."
"It's like hell, let me out. Hello, hello, let me out."
"I was at home; they told me not to leave because I told them I was going out of town. They said I could not leave until they figured out what was going on."
"I rather risk my life out there than spend the rest of it in here."
"I could see daylight overhead, and then it was gone as a hatch was pushed into place."
"I may never get out of here for the rest of my life."
"Why they feel entitled to follow people around to a point where I'm basically a prisoner in my own home, I don't know."
"She probably felt trapped in her own life."
"They're escaping from the bubble tent."
"Who on here has ever got to fighting behind a clear am f film radio that wasn't locked up these are situations of things that you only deal when you're locked up."
"I felt like a feral animal in a cage trying to find an escape."
"Prison is not only full of convicts, inmates, guards, gay guys, shanks; prison is also full of birds."
"Somewhere within those prison walls there's a thing, a thing that hungers, and sometimes, it feeds."
"I was going to escape by studying, you see I lived in a small town miles from anywhere, and the older that I got, the more it felt like I was imprisoned there."
"The scariest part of the whole thought of me being re-locked up would have to be those four walls, just the loss of my family, being stuck inside that box all day, being told what to do, what I can't do, that's what scared me."
"Jane Toppan would never escape the walls of Taunton, eventually dying there in 1938."
"It must have been like the textbook example of a gilded cage I think."
"Apparently, it doesn't get too far from home."
"Sometimes we get stuck in those little things because if they make us feel unsafe, and so the more we feel unsafe we want to have these parameters to create safety but in reality starts creating a cage."
"The cell was small and it didn't have far to come before it was very close to my exposed face."
"A proper circus acts as a cage, but like all cages, the bars rust and the locks break if you aren't careful."
"We're trapped here together, just you and me."
"We're all prisoners here, even her,"
"If you want to get out of prison, the first thing you must realize is you are in prison."
"I can tell you that it's a lot funner being here in the states and enjoying freedom that we have here opposed to being over there in an 8 by 8 room living with."
"You feel like a prisoner in your own house."
"I just feel so trapped in this room."
"It felt like prison, it felt like being trapped."
"Fantasy to be locked away and still to be free."
"The money stays. You both go back to Arkham, Scarecrow and the Hatter."
"Quick death is better than 50 years in a cage."
"We're going to have to make it like a prison in here, because people could start to get upset at each other and maybe go a little crazy being down here."
"Even in the darkest of our moments, it was never as dark as the feeling of hopelessness that you had when you're in the church and you knew you had no choices."
"We're just outside the zone at HMP Channings Wood."
"Always in the walls of a federal prison."
"I've been held against my will for about 10 minutes."
"This former prison is best known for being one of the first prisons to use solitary confinement, the severity of which drove many inmates insane."
"I am worried. We have to find a way to break out of here."
"It's been a real surreal experience. You never expect to be told you cannot leave your house."
"It's a mind that is so complex that it cannot survive in a concrete tank. It doesn't fit. It's like putting a square peg in a round hole. It doesn't go."
"It's not particularly pleasant, often, and it's quite claustrophobic."
"Otherwise, they're just in boxes."
"Shame is like someone else holding the key to the cage I've been put in."
"Can't keep us here surely. The investigation could take months."
"Alright, see ya. No overnight in the Lego house, again. Let me out!"
"I'm in this big house and I've been locked in."
"I'm just stressing the situation on two levels. Respect and check in the fact that you're locked up already."
"Rachel is now isolated and trapped within the empty BNB."
"There are places to hold creatures who are waiting to be put down or the ones that we aren't entirely certain of their crimes."
"That's a lot of people in the phone box."
"I feel like I'm going to be in here all the time now."
"Being locked up... I wasn't trying to let the time do me. I learned how to adjust to the situation."
"The doors well-oiled rumbled as quietly as doors their size could shutting the gang leader in his number two from the outside world."
"In disciplinary societies, bodies move from enclosed space to enclosed space."
"If she was in some ways trapped in this cage, it was certainly a gilded one."
"We cannot leave. Glad to see you awake."
"He took me to my cupboard and he said you're going to have to stay in here now."
"The despair you feel is that of one who lives in two dimensions and is trapped inside a square in the middle of an infinite piece of paper, how can you escape this terrifying prison?"
"I feel like we're both kind of moving on to the next chapter of our life and the space itself being a one bedroom apartment sometimes does feel a little bit suffocating."
"One of the hardest things to do is be locked down."
"With hands wrapped around the bars on the window, he drew himself up into the enclosure."
"I wasn't allowed to leave that room until I did this OW write up."
"Sometimes your caves become your prisons."
"It's a giant maze that Frie and Bleby are trapped in."
"it's just a sleepover the knife containing me"
"You can put a hawk in a songbird's cage, but it's still a hawk."
"An unhappy marriage is a cage, two people are tied together for a lifetime"
"The cellar: just four walls and a floor, man-made, built by hands just like mine, calculated and scaled with rulers and drawn with skillful precision."
"Everyone was trapped in this house."
"The tension between crew increases as Kate insists that no one is allowed to leave the station until they find out what is going on."
"Some people believe that both the government and Prince Leopold had no intention of ever letting Ludwig leave his confinement as they feared that if he could prove that he was not insane."
"Some birds are not meant to be caged."
"The thing you gotta realize is crabs don't even belong in a barrel in the first place. That is not the natural habitat or environment of any crab, a barrel. Crabs be on the beach or something, you know, water or something."
"We're trapped in this town and I don't know why. I don't know why, but they don't want us to get out."
"There's no difference between Camp Green Lake and jail."
"Perhaps it has us now, this house. Perhaps it will not let us go."
"Stone walls and iron bars make the toughest and strongest cages ever made."
"I just got excited because I haven't been able to go out of the house."
"Jail is no place for anyone who is even remotely claustrophobic."
"My chin rested upon the floor of the prison, but my lips and the upper portion of my head touched nothing."
"There is no way out of that building that isn't covered."
"That's so good. Does he stay here? Oh, no, he, no. It's literally just me in here. Inside here."
"Now it is finally clear to us that the weather tight quarters is an evil windowless Cellar under whose iron floor the ocean rages and whether we want it or Not There Is No Escape because up above the sea Bellows as though Judgment Day had begun."
"...sitting around the house all day... it's horrible... I need to get out."
"Let's go dude, it's crazy I have all this money but there's nothing I can do with this money while I'm in here except just look at it."
"People don't know the real meaning of the word lockdown."
"Sebastian becomes frustrated from undergoing several tests and being confined to the lab."
"Just about enough space to take off my shoes."
"They're all chained up," she told herself.
"We're just getting out of the house because it does get a little bit boring when we're stuck in the same four walls all the time."
"I remember spending countless hours just sitting there wondering what could I possibly do to get out of here."
"The entire city, everything you've been seeing, is inside these walls."
"I think one of the reasons why the children are bouncing off the walls is because they're just kept inside all the time."
"Fame is a jail cell lined in gold."
"Moscow became his sanctuary, a place where he could live without looking over his shoulder, but also a golden cage from which there was no return."
"To tackle the psychological and cognitive challenges of prolonged isolation and confinement."
"I'm trapped in a room and that's also locked."
"If I can't get out of here, how about we make a proposition?"
"The only means of communication with the people who live inside these walls will be through this grill."
"It's locked guys okay so we are actually locked in here."
"He was 27 years in lockdown but his complaint was not about the things in lockdown. His complaints was that days were too short for him."
"The fear of being stuck somewhere because she can't move her head, she's trapped in this chair with this device on her head and she can't move, that is seriously messed up."
"The Fortress is not only a place for confinement but also a place for rebirth."
"My worst fear would be that I'd end up indoors forever."