
Dichotomy Quotes

There are 391 quotes

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
"But there's a positive side as well as a negative side to every story."
"You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem."
"Each side of the dichotomy contains and implies the other side. You can never deny the other side."
"The dichotomy that Intelligent Systems is creating between the two is fascinating."
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."
"When it comes to morality, someone is either good or evil, there is no in between."
"We are being constantly told that we have only two options in everything... and I think we have much more options than that."
"In some ways, we've gotten way, way, way better, but in other ways, I think we're kind of flying apart at the seams."
"People who are in public positions also have private lives."
"He was a man in flesh but a monster in soul, able to shape reality like sand in his fingertips."
"It is full of hate, violence, and destruction, but it is also full of love, beauty, and the insatiable desire to help each other."
"Truly, we are the dichotomy of man here in the fourth grade."
"Immensely talented human being, evil pedophile. Right, those two things are true of Michael Jackson."
"You cannot pursue pleasing people and pleasing God at the same time."
"You can either be racist or anti-racist, there's nothing in between."
"The most famous marine ever... he knew how to balance that dichotomy."
"America is a country of the grifted and the grifter. They can't have a country with one without the other."
"You will be controlled by Satan or you will be controlled by God."
"We're down to Evil versus good at this point."
"You cannot have a middle ground between horrific falsehoods and the truth."
"If something is not from God, then rest assured it's from the enemy's camp."
"I want to inspire excellence. I view the world through a very dichotomous lens of excellent and everything else."
"Politics builds for us a bunch of landmines. Politics builds for us treacherous stuff, soil that doesn't grow. Politics creates for everybody else milk and honey."
"There is no in between, whether you're aware of it or not, there are only two kingdoms: light and darkness, truth and deception, good and evil."
"It's heaven or hell, there is no in-between, it's God's way or no way, that's right."
"You are either on God's side or you are a sinner."
"Winners win and losers lose. I can't explain it any better than that."
"It's either you're a sheep or a goat, there is no middle ground."
"The only thing people love more than celebrities is hating celebrities."
"Some people say, 'Oh, you know, it's a crutch.' Not a crutch, kind of a crutch. You either believe something and you act upon it, or you don't."
"There's no neutrality, it's really just right or wrong."
"You're either suffering or you're not suffering. Those are the two states. There's no other states to be in. You're either suffering or you're not suffering."
"They were top Idols in the public eye but were just kids Behind Closed doors."
"Every single thing you eat is a medicine or a poison."
"It's medicine or poisoning, what your great grandmother said."
"These are the best of times and these are the worst of times." - Michael Sharp
"There are two types of people in this world: rule followers and rule breakers."
"Is consciousness all or none? Either the lights are on or they aren't."
"Two groups: saved or lost. Not a third group, just two: saved or lost."
"One is painted as a villain, and the other as the All-American story."
"You can't walk in the world and walk in the Kingdom at the same time."
"Either he's solving your problems or he is the problem."
"Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."
"There are only two headlines for your life: a temple to you or a temple to God."
"There are two different schools of thought: those who believe there is a God, and those who believe there isn't a God."
"Sometimes you can see the beauty within, but other times it looks like a [__] monster."
"It's the great reset versus the Great Awakening."
"Your spirit becomes new but your body didn't get the memo."
"Even if you dislike right-wing or left-wing politics, you have to acknowledge their symbiosis."
"Sometimes knowledge is the enemy of confidence and vice versa."
"Good and bad, we have to talk about both of them and we have to experience and live through both of those things."
"There's two types of people in the world: doers and talkers."
"The world functions on the perfect dichotomy of love and hate."
"Love and hate are just two sides of the same coin."
"You've got to compartmentalize, you know what I mean? Butthole Saturday night, church on Sunday morning, everybody knows that."
"The coming years will either be defined by a utopia we build or they will be defined by a hell we build."
"There are only two types of black people in America: those who know that racism exists and fight it, and those who know that racism exists and go back to picking the cotton."
"Intelligence doesn't always equal wisdom. You can be smart and foolish at the same time."
"There's only two states: rich, you know, it's either growing or dying."
"There is no good without bad, the same way there are no superheroes without villains."
"The real divide is between storytelling on one hand and scientific, evidence-based content on the other."
"You either trust the science or you don't." - David Freiheit
"If you turn to trust in Christ, you're forgiven. If you don't, you're not."
"There are two types of people in the world. You have people on one side who have reasons, they'll tell you all the [ __ ] reasons why they can't become successful."
"The world of Biomutant is massive, split into two parts: the new world, whimsical and colorful, and the old world, reminiscent of our civilization's remnants."
"These are two people who represent two very different sides of life: good and evil." - Reflecting on the contrasting natures of Kylo Ren and Rey.
"We need to choose between light and dark, good or evil."
"Tony sits outside and reads, 'No man can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting the world it.'"
"Either you receive by faith Christ's offer of endless life or by refusal or neglect, you default to endless death."
"Jesus said, 'Two stark choices between Christ who offers endless life and Satan, the destroyer from the abyss who offers endless death.'"
"Cats descended from the most ferocious killing machines on the planet, also cats: one french fry."
"You are either a slave to sin or a slave to God; there's no in-between."
"He's remarkable dichotomy in many ways; Clark is the most human of us all."
"In a world of grey, we desperately need a black and white."
"The hardest thing for humans to hold is the dichotomy that everything is physical and yet nothing is physical."
"You're with Christ or you're against him. There is no neutral."
"Binary thinking shapes our understanding of human differences."
"It's either the positive or the AI timeline."
"There is no middle ground, you either believe or you don't believe."
"We're witnessing a war between those who follow darkness and those awakening to the light."
"Solitude is dreadful; company is also dreadful."
"There's two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns, and those who dig."
"In this world, there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
"Food is medicine, or it's poison."
"The battle is for the souls of men, and it's a battle between the truth of God's word and the lies of the devil."
"You see in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns and those who dig."
"There's two boxes, there's the love box and the hate box, we all need to jump in that love box. - Natalie Grant"
"It's one of the great dichotomies that lies at the heart of Hellenic history."
"You're kind of exposed to that dichotomy of wealth and poverty because like you may be living in poverty but you're in one of the richest cities in the world."
"There's no great dichotomy or separation between mental and physical stress."
"Twitter is the best and worst. It's like Florida."
"He just feels the estrangement. Science and Magic are entirely different concepts, each with their own rules."
"This is like opening the door to Angels and Demons."
"Makima and Toro are the perfect dichotomy of the debate, the argument of nurture versus nature."
"Fear and bravery. Without fear, there is no bravery. Without bravery, there is no fear."
"There are two kingdoms, and there are two ways of approaching it which circle around very different value systems."
"Logic kills magic. Sometimes magic works, logic doesn't work."
"Death is wonderful. Dying is awful. Dying is losing, death is winning."
"I know people either love it or hate it. I'm on the love it side."
"It's a very binary choice: God or Satan."
"So, there's something here about what's the attitude, that it has to be one or the other?"
"She's very traditional inside of her, and on the other side, she wants to explore everything. She's an explorer."
"'Where god resides, the devil hides.' I made that up."
"When you're the most hated and the most loved at the same time."
"Humanity tries so hard to get away from nature in civilization only to us want to escape back to it every once in a while."
"It's either God or the devil, there ain't no in between."
"it's one of the cool things right we've talked about that before that when you have Heroes like Spider-Man vs superior Spider-Man the big dichotomy between the two is that superior Spider-Man will not kill on a whim"
"We have only good and very bad. We don't have anything else."
"There's two types of people in the world: those who like candy corn and those who do not."
"The biggest problem we have is that it's everything or nothing."
"You've got to be prickly. See, there are basically two kinds of philosophy. One's called prickles, the other is called goo."
"That's the ultimate dichotomy of leadership, the hardest one to balance."
"And that's the thing I think that that situation when when Chappelle did that is sort of that's probably see what I'm saying it created like a dichotomy like oh wait a minute I thought that he was this and now he's that."
"There's nothing in between... you can be either a hero or a coward."
"I mean this is good and evil, black and white, live and die, it's really that simple."
"The glory and despair, production and destruction, past and present, human and machine, the individual and the collective, the natural and the man-made."
"You're either a good one or a bad one."
"It's really easy to just make everything so great. It's not so great. You're either seeking the Lord or you're seeking the devil."
"You're either savage or you're average."
"The Jedi view the force as an ally, the Siths see it as a tool."
"I think a lot of people, they have this mindset with everything in life where everything is either this or this, makes it easier for some people, you know?"
"Neto is a beautifully realized character that is only as effective as he is because of the dichotomy he represents."
"Everything that is fear can't be love. Everything that's love can't be fear."
"...I have this theory that there are two types of people in the world."
"There are two types of people in this world: those who are filled with light and those who are filled with darkness."
"The idea of calling it 'The West and the Rest' was just to try to capture the fundamental dichotomy that characterized the last 500 or so years."
"Throughout your day, you either act out of fear or out of love."
"There will always be good and evil."
"One became a hero and the other a villain."
"Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength."
"Good is set against evil, and life against death."
"It's them and us, it's them and us, and it kind of does something, you know, for good, bad, or otherwise in that environment, it's [__] them."
"It is either light or dark, the two together never."
"Evaluate yourself: Where do you fall within this dichotomy?"
"Structuring our societies around the premise that there are two types of entities—human and non-human—practically ensures that there's going to be a dynamic that emerges of self versus other."
"The Shaquille O'Neal rule: If you're aggressive, you're a bully. If you're not, you're a punk. You just can't win, right?"
"It's just one story, the oldest light versus dark."
"Celebration is simultaneously the most wholesome and most disrespectful celebration there is."
"The only two things in life that are real are love and fear."
"There was no gray, you know this was black or white."
"God is good but Satan pays better."
"You're either in a state of euphoria or terror, like you're never in between."
"There's this complex relationship between Saul and David, this dichotomy of man, even outside of God playing with them."
"The best thing about life? People. What's the worst thing? People."
"At the end of the day, there are only two identities. Our world is obsessed with identity, but there's really only two primary identities that a person can have: they're either in Adam or in Christ."
"There'll just be Sinners and Saints."
"So when you think about it then, there's really only two kinds of people in the world, saints and ain'ts."
"It's a blessing and a curse, I guess."
"Prince had this dichotomy between sin and salvation."
"Either you're in the light, or you're in the darkness. Either you're saved or you're lost. Either you're in the fellowship or you're out of the fellowship."
"Maybe there's something in that. Maybe there's a dichotomy between the practical and the rational and analytical and the more improvisational and the nonsensical."
"There's not three classes of people, there's not five, there's only two."
"Darkness cannot exist without light."
"The structure of the church operates reactively, defining good as not acting like the bad."
"There's two kinds of people in this world: the people who do the work and the people who don't."
"Everything wrong in our life is produced by the flesh. Everything right is the fruit of the spirit."
"You're either with us or you're against us. That's not a civilized way to run a society."
"You either have to go back to mind or matter."
"I think the creators are exploring this dichotomy in an interesting way."
"Irony is the beginning of realizing the presence of the other end of the dichotomy."
"If I'm not serving God, then I must be serving Satan."
"Our world will always have those who are indignant at Jesus and those who receive him."
"Heaven and hell are the two opposite states in the spiritual realm."
"It's a beautiful thing. It's also a sad thing because the number of charitable organizations out there supporting the nuclear industry is is pretty stunning."
"Good deeds are done in the sunshine. Evil deeds are done in darkness."
"How do we reconcile this picture-perfect all-american family with the horror of what happened in that house?"
"The fear of God and the fear of men are total opposites. You cannot fear God and fear man. Being afraid of what man thinks is wrong at the cost of who God is."
"It's heaven or hell, right or wrong, love or hate, starving or full."
"It was a rejection of the false dichotomy that we see in our politics."
"The Word of God draws a line in the sand, defining what's of God and what's not of God."
"The ultimate dichotomy of leadership."
"The world can be divided into two sorts of people: those who divide the world into two sorts of people and those who don't."
"There are only two religions in the world: God's and not God's."
"You either die the hero, you know, or you live long enough to become the villain."
"Everyone is either a believer or an unbeliever. Everyone is either converted or unconverted. There is no middle ground."
"He was either a lunatic, a liar, or Lord."
"Two of the words that summarize the message of Jesus are these: come and go."
"But it's not that black and white though."
"One man's savior might be another man's devil."
"Being in flow purifies the mind of dichotomous thinking based beliefs that result in a person subconsciously manifesting dichotomous thinking in relation to experiences."
"But people are in fact pulled in two directions."
"The dichotomy, the biggest dichotomy I've experienced, which was like overwhelming grief and this knowledge of a real relationship that will be there forever."
"You either have it, or you don't."
"The idea that everything has to be conservative versus progressive and you got to choose one of those too is not how it should work."
"He is so serious, and when he's thrown into these ridiculous situations, it creates this really strange dichotomy."
"You're either going to have faith or fear."
"That's sort of the interesting dichotomy."
"It's a tale as old as time, it's kind of light darkness, sun and day and day and night, sun and moon, all of that dichotomy with the two of them."
"Demons stay in Hell, angels in heaven."
"All places shall be hell that are not heaven."
"You're either for it or against it; you're part of the problem or part of the solution."
"You are either on God's side, or you are against God."
"This is sometimes referred to as the law of the excluded middle."
"We have this sort of oscillation right in philosophical history between rationalism and empiricism."
"The world is made up of two classes—the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are hunters."
"You know it's true what they say, you know you can't have darkness where there's light."
"Some consider it Paradise, while others think it's a place to stay away from."
"When Peter Parker wins, Spider-Man loses, and when Spider-Man wins, Peter Parker loses."
"Fear or faith - which will be our master?"