
Blame Quotes

There are 1227 quotes

"First of all, it couldn't be your fault, when this type of mind will fall, it will always be my call."
"Blaming yourself only works if blame is constructive."
"When you've decided who's at fault, you can then go on to decide what can be done to address the problem. So, yes, assigning blame is really important when you want to figure out what to do next."
"The act of assigning culpability for systemic oppression to individual actors is highly counterproductive."
"When you blame others, you miss out on the opportunity to grow."
"You take responsibility for your entire life, no longer blaming anyone for anything."
"If there's a single person to blame for the high rising prices worldwide, it has to be Vladimir Putin at this point."
"I never blame other people. I always take on responsibility myself."
"Ordinary people destroyed the world. Not a leader, not the Red Skull, none of the despots we fought and died against. Ordinary damn people brought it down around their bloody ears."
"A scapegoat is a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, and faults, regardless of other people being either entirely at fault, or also at fault, especially for reasons of expediency."
"But instead of seeing how it was our own hand that brought this upon ourselves, we blamed God for our suffering."
"Humans...want to try to find something to blame because they can't necessarily explain evil."
"If we take shelter of Chaitanya Charitamrita, we will overcome blaming, complaining, and criticizing."
"Economics is complicated. People have a tendency to blame the wrong things for problems in a capitalist economy."
"SeaWorld actually, in the way that they normally operate, tried to put some of the blame on her for the accident because she had been wearing a long ponytail."
"When you're scared, and you're afraid, and you're jealous, and you're overwhelmed with emotion, it is so much easier to point the finger at other people."
"We're not really good at taking responsibility for ourselves; we're really good at blaming people."
"Blame is useless. Blaming only gives away your power. Keep your power and focus on your growth."
"The stock market is disconnected from the reality that the majority of workers are experiencing."
"He seems to again just be placing blame in every area of his life apart from himself."
"The point of this interaction should not be to point the finger at the person who's wrong."
"Blaming the generation and not the circumstances isn't the best course of action."
"That's not mine and I'm not taking the blame for it."
"Your stubbornness and refusal to change your behavior is entirely your own fault."
"The fail-sin is often looking for someone to blame because they have been told that they are extraordinary most of their life and it hasn't amounted to something."
"This should have never happened. This came from China. It should have been stopped in China before it got out to the world."
"This is fully the fault of the media here, right?"
"President Trump blames the United States for our conflicts with Russia, and that is just silly."
"Ideologues never blame themselves or their agenda."
"It's Wuhan virus. Be bold and admit what the CCP has done to the world."
"Blaming someone else doesn't help you, it keeps you stuck."
"It's not the actors, yeah, it's not Keanu's fault."
"We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning."
"Finally there's someone to blame, which it's much easier not to be angry at everything all the time when you can just be angry at a couple things."
"People who worship themselves always blame others."
"Blaming people doesn't really fix anything, finding solutions does."
"Blaming others for your problems is a complete waste of time."
"He wants to take the credit where he can take the credit and shift the blame because that's who he is."
"She's demonstrated a Judicial incapability and that her rulings have painted herself into a corner that apparently she's unwilling to to get herself out of and she's blaming the prosecutors for putting her there."
"Ordinary people stay stuck because they blame external conditions."
"The truth must be told. No matter how unlikely. No matter what or who is to blame."
"Who do you think is responsible for crashing this? The government."
"Europe is reflecting on how they got to where they're at, and the biggest problem is always going to be pointed right at the United States."
"There is no definitive answer for who is to blame; to pretend so is to falsify history itself."
"If your partner does cheat, don't let anyone ever tell you it was 50% your fault. It was 0% your fault because nobody causes anyone else to cheat."
"I want to see the inevitable failure when it all comes crashing down around them and they scramble to blame the other person."
"This is from the lab and intentionally released from the CCP."
"A virus of disinformation is taking over Asia, and China is largely to blame."
"I don't blame Scott Morrison... I blame the factional games."
"If there was really no blame here, if this was really just some naturally occurring virus because someone ate a bat from a wet market, China wouldn't have done the things that they did."
"There was nothing at all suggesting that there was anything wrong with their relationship and so someone else had to be responsible."
"The ones that have to be blamed this is where the at some point some responsible Republicans you know have to such a..."
"It doesn't make sense to blame an entire sex for your failings."
"If the government is mad about leaked information, it should blame itself and punish the leakers."
"It's amazing though that Biden has been able to use as a scapegoat for his failures, placing it directly on Donald Trump. Now what is crazy about that is, Donald Trump moved the meter and moved us so far ahead."
"Ultimate in the day, it's her fault for being dirty enough to have her card pulled."
"You're like, 'Yo, they brought it over here.' But ultimately, when something bad happens and especially to this extent of something like the corona, you stop and you point at someone and give them blame. People always want somebody to blame, yeah?"
"They scapegoating basically, they blaming something for what that been going on in New York City since I was a little kid."
"One person is too much. It's China's fault. It should have never happened."
"Whose idea was it to have children actually you know what it wasn't even my idea it was no one's idea no one agreed to this nobody agreed to this you guys just did it all on your own so you've only got yourselves to blame."
"I just thought it was interesting that I was being blamed."
"Who screwed us bad? Probably the worst, the contractor."
"It's not fair to blame Sony, none of this would have happened if CD Projekt Red had the game in a better state."
"Society tends to blame a person's character... for them becoming addicted in the first place."
"You can't blame a child for what they don't understand."
"This is Donald Trump's fault. Never would I have imagined that this could possibly happen on U.S soil but you know what democracy will prevail."
"People like to blame China because it distracts attention from their own shortcomings and weaknesses."
"There's a scapegoating going on here, and China's totally blameless."
"Parents always find a way to blame everybody but themselves."
"Thanks for screwing us again, you stupid Brits."
"Bioware is in trouble and the easy culprit to blame is publisher Electronic Arts."
"At the end of the day, this is the death of a bright young college student, and everyone's turning it into a blame game."
"Blaming freaking Halo Infinite for the failure of Battlefield 2042 is ridiculous."
"I think that the anger that gets thrown at josh is that it's it's the fault of the other players for not keeping him in check."
"You're blaming men, you're blaming your dad, you're blaming society."
"Serbia knows that this guy is who screwed the team up. This guy's the worst guy ever. Serbia did it too. This guy's the worst guy ever."
"The reality is, if you want to blame Ronaldo for Ollie still being in a job, technically that's probably true."
"Losing to Newcastle at home in the carabal cup really isn't on the glazers."
"Individuals condemned and blamed for situations that are institutional."
"Blame It On The Board, don't blame him Ali, it's very, very clear what the problem is at this club."
"We all must understand who is to blame. It is the former president, Donald Trump."
"Don't waste time on whose fault it is in a crisis."
"Blame them, he's currently 55, I'm currently 30."
"A lot of the things that happened to her... really weren't her fault."
"Responsibilization: it's always our fault, not systemic or political problems."
"Even if you were told, it's still your fault for believing... sinful imperfect creatures."
"At every turn the Jews don't get it and they're blamed... That's anti-Semitism."
"It is not your fault. You are not to blame. It is their shame, not yours."
"Man would have admit, like, it's wrong, and quit trying to point fingers at everybody else."
"The Democrats are trying to fault him for the collapse of the economy."
"He just needs someone to blame for his girlfriend being dead. And God forbid he blames himself."
"Fault is a word that gives people emotional distress."
"Chris went on to blame Encyclopedia Dramatica for the collapse of his relationship."
"China is to blame. Let's be real. They lied, they downplayed this, they withheld evidence, and it got really, really bad for everybody."
"When disparities exist, our first instinct is to cast blame on a hazy mist of bad actors to account for them."
"It's not your fault but it is your responsibility."
"Stop blaming everybody else for your own downfall in life."
"It's definitely a vice when people assume it's not me who's wrong, it's everyone else."
"Once you start reinforcing that and even convincing yourself that that is true, you stop trying in life anymore. Why try when you could just blame other people and get rewarded for it?"
"So first of all, I want to say, I don't think any of this is your fault."
"If it goes south or sideways it wasn't my idea it was all George's idea."
"It's because of the good stuff, I blamed it all on this."
"He blames everyone and everything else for his problems."
"Blaming the problems of society on one set group like this whole critical race theory thing is doing."
"It's the authorities and the press who are completely at fault 100% at fault."
"Stop looking for excuses and stop trying to pass the blame onto someone else."
"No, we didn't do anything wrong, it's that the right people, the people on the right, they keep weaponizing this thing, they keep pouncing."
"Casting judgment, alleviating blame of one person but casting it on others, and putting undue blame on victims isn't raising awareness."
"Who do they blame? Who do they assign as the scapegoat who betrayed them?"
"Yo, I was watching Cubo and then this showed up. I started panicking when I saw at the end it said 'this was my fault.'"
"You're the [ __ ] she's only the product of her father's infidelity, not the cause of it. How dare you make it seem like she is the problem in all of this."
"Do not be quick to blame God for where you are."
"Sometimes it's not your fault, sometimes guns can just be lemons."
"What it comes down to is that addiction is the result of how our brains are wired, and since no one can control that, there is no way addiction can be the fault of an individual."
"Democrats didn't cause this problem, Vladimir Putin did."
"Your mind is always gonna create a story that other people are to blame to protect itself."
"Blame a scapegoat class for this problem anti-Semitism in particular."
"They're the ones who are creating the problems, the chaos."
"Ultimately, they're not going to blame their strategy. They will find other people to blame."
"Blaming on someone else is the most immature and illogical thing."
"You started this. You said that we were all gonna be okay. And now, three of our friends are missing."
"This is all your fault, Janelle. Now, two of our friends are missing."
"Frank Vogel is being scapegoated for a horrible situation that LeBron James created."
"Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants."
"Everyone wants to blame him. Oh, ever since he bought the team, the team's been in the luck."
"Even if we play bad it's your fault for choosing the Hard difficulty."
"We start to blame externals to protect our ego, protect this insecurity."
"I'm kind of vibing that Kahoot is probably the one that broke the dream house."
"When they make up their bed the way they make their bed every time and they now have to lie on that bed they blame other people for it."
"It's not the trans person's fault if they got hired for a job that they weren't qualified to do for a lot of money. You'd be stupid not to take it. Whose fault is it? It's editorial. It's the company's fault."
"Apparently it's all your internet's fault. If your internet was just a bit better, that wouldn't have happened."
"I never did that, John did it because of that beating."
"Ivanka Trump blamed a fart on her classmates when she was a bratty teenager."
"Recognize that it's just a lie. They can't shift the blame because this is indeed their fault."
"At the end of the day, it's their own damn fault."
"It's these weak males that are actually the problem."
"It's human nature to look for someone to blame in horrible situations."
"Rot in hell since it's clear that the director is going to be pinning the entire thing onto edwards."
"I would tell Vladimir Putin the same thing I would tell Zelensky, this is both your fault because there were things that could have happened, everything is happening, every life lost, every building destroyed, everything didn't have to happen."
"I'm very angry at China because they let this horrible disease, they let this horrible plague come into our country and come into the world."
"Justification is believing that I'm blameless. And it keeps us stuck."
"Gun control laws didn't fail my daughter, perfect people did."
"Gaslighting is always turning a problem around and making it the other person's fault."
"If the country defaults, you blame the top guy. The president eats the majority of the blame."
"Let's blame the game. I mean, isn't that kind of a cheap way out?"
"I think if they win I should get all the credit and if they lose I should not be blamed at all."
"Everything that went wrong in 40k is Erebus' fault, there is no one else to blame, it's just Erebus all the way down."
"There are no grounds at all for the attempts by our partners to shift the blame for the energy crisis in europe onto russia."
"I can forgive the pilot, I can forgive the children because they were innocent."
"Blaming progressives weak Democrats search scapegoats shows your cowardice."
"In the end, it obviously wasn't the white man's fault that Oceans 8 got bad reviews; it was the movie's fault for being sucky." - Narrator
"Blame Kevin, but actually, this one is not Kevin's fault."
"Rather than using COVID to unify America, the left saw this and say perfect opportunity to make Trump the villain. Ding ding ding ding ding, you win. He's out."
"We are all one fighting an invisible foe with the virus and you want to blame the President of the United States?"
"Kids don't start thinking about who's to blame until after the parents separate."
"Blaming a foreign country when your country fails miserably during a pandemic is something you would expect from the right wing."
"Whatever your problem is, it's not me. It's not Lizzo."
"In true Jack Owoc fashion, he seems to blame anyone but himself for the financial crisis his business finds itself in."
"It's the gas station's fault. Biden has blamed everyone else already. He's blamed Putin, he's blamed oil company CEOs, he's blamed everybody but himself and his own stupid policies."
"I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kid and your dog."
"If we lose this game, it's not my fault, the game's fault."
"How could he be to blame when it was due to issues with his medication?"
"Empires fall, ideologies change, and it's because humans are fickle and quick to blame everyone else."
"You left your girlfriend hungry, that's what you did."
"He's basically saying, 'You know what love, it's your own bloody fault for being scammed by me.'"
"Broken people break people and then blame them for the pieces."
"The story can't end there. People needed someone to blame and they needed a way to distance themselves from the wars."
"It is their fault, their fault, I mean, they have weapons right there in front of everybody."
"He's literally trying to blame this entire accident on Jeff."
"What an amazing XSS. And what I love especially about it, is, that it’s all the Google Security Team’s fault."
"How long are you going to keep blaming? Then what is the difference between you and Indira Gandhi?"
"It was never you that's why you were having such a hard time understanding because it was never you, it was them."
"Life was too short for the egos life was too short - to play to the blaming game."
"For all the things that, yeah, James is to blame 100, he's to blame for this too, but Micah is the mastermind."
"He realizes that he had been the one haunting Alice, he can't just blame everything on Scratch."
"You can't blame the fork and leave the food out of the equation."
"Let's stop blaming everything on this infection. The real cause of all this is the massive debt, the poor and weakening economy."
"The villain in this damn story is Marie. I'm done feeling like I should feel guilt for anything I feel right now."
"If you really want to blame someone, you blame the Fed. You blame the FED."
"You can't say to a guy, 'Oh, you didn't win the World Cup.' It's not his fault."
"Rising gas prices aren’t necessarily Democrats’ fault."
"We are not the party of government shutdowns, they are."
"Everybody was just pointing fingers because nobody had the answers."
"They want to give a lecture but also when she's like, 'Well, really, you know, it's your fault that you made me do this to you,' it's..."
"Sometimes all you wish for is a place to place the blame."
"If anyone is to be blamed for what's going on today, it's Imran Khan."
"Dire victory. Skeleton King never died but lost the game. Obviously not his fault."
"Everyone listen, no one wants to take the blame at the club. There's players to blame, there's managers to blame, the directors of football to blame, their CEOs to blame, and there's one owner to blame."
"I won't be pleased with myself, but I'll leave furious with anyone else I could possibly blame."
"We found out who did it. It wasn't JStation."
"Nora's done. She was my mother and she died because of you."
"When you're not at a point in your life to take ownership of the mistakes you made, the first thing to do is to shift the blame."
"We may never know exactly what happened to Alexi Nal, but there is no doubt that this is Vladimir Putin's fault."
"99.9% of every fan understands it's Dave and Dan's fault."
"Rich people take responsibility for their own failures poor people blame others for their misfortunes."
"Don't wait until the afterlife to give up the blame game."
"Let's stop fearing that the fault of the schism lies with those who denounce it and not instead with those who carry it out."
"You're not rich because you're blaming other people. You're not taking responsibility for your life."
"Canada's military culture and operational tempo is to blame for the shortage."
"If you've been in a situation where people have been very nasty to you, it's more to do with them than to do with you."