
Personal Conflict Quotes

There are 773 quotes

"First of all, it couldn't be your fault, when this type of mind will fall, it will always be my call."
"Paul's cooperation... shines confusion over how he could have done this, recognition that it was wrong."
"Liam, I am sorry. You're a nice guy. I just can't with you living like this. I thought you would somehow work it out, but I was wrong."
"They're feeling very wounded by what's happened between you."
"You shouldn't have killed my mom and squished my Walkman."
"I don't wanna lose it, but at the same time I don't wanna be miserable either."
"When there's a personal connection between the two fighting, like in Avatar, the battle between Zuko and Azula, it's the most impactful due to their relationship."
"It's a weird situation because I liked my job and was good at it, but I hated the company I worked for."
"I love red meat, but it's proving to be not so great for the atmosphere, and that gives me pause."
"Why am I the one who went rogue? Because I don't like you."
"Every single time I've tried to do it privately, there have been briefings and leakings and planting of stories against me and my wife."
"Sevika embodies the cold dehumanization of a mass movement, Vi embodies the passionate humanization of family."
"Let's talk about the giant lie at the heart of this case: Ms. Heard's claim that Mr. Depp is an abusive monster." - Camille Vasquez
"My son is James and my ex-wife has been trying to transition him to a girl since he was two years old."
"The most effective villains hurt the heroes on a personal scale."
"This is like a revenge fantasy if you got a problem with someone's behavior."
"A man who demeans his children's mothers publicly but still lays up and creates children with them."
"How did Jay-Z of all people become entangled with someone like Diddy and what Secrets could he be desperately guarding"
"I wouldn't kill anyone, I mean, your mother thinks it's because of some life insurance and some property."
"The big war is with ourselves, that's standing in with this internal conflict and the financial things if we can be strong and do those things right then we're going to be in the best of shape there'll be less threat."
"This just makes it look like it's jealousy. This is just jealousy. Is she just mad that ContraPoints does more than her and affects discourse more than her?"
"Scientology considers homes a suppressive person which is an enemy and that is a true statement."
"It's just kind of petty YouTube drama, like who gives a [__]?"
"Everything she thinks is a lie too, but I can't just unload on her."
"You framed me and killed my girl!" - Harley Quinn
"It brought that internal battle, that loss of control, to the forefront."
"Anytime I make a mistake anytime I slip up you're all over me but if I told the world what I know you'd be in prison you wouldn't dare."
"He's just trying to mess with me because of my skin. How humane."
"I actually started hating white people... for a short time I was actually very anti-white."
"Richard would later say he did the following thing because he was mad his mum wouldn't let him come round Christmas."
"Man, it's been a long time since somebody took me to that place where I feel that I might have to do something to you or that I just have to show you I ain't playing with you."
"Things like these aren't supposed to happen and her accusing me like that was way over the line."
"Mine is Dana [ __ ] White and Big John. Dana [ __ ] you, Big John! That would be my [ __ ] fight!"
"She deleted comments with my name, she turned off comments, she lied about threats, she copied my idea color for color."
"Turning Ned against Peter would show the true consequences of the superhero life."
"I could relate to both Hector wanting to protect his wife, son, home, father, and brother, but also the resentment Achilles feels for kings that won't fight their own battles."
"That was my one year revenge... but for boss I nurtured hatred and vowed to one day get revenge."
"The pain has turned into anger that no longer merely concerns my resignation but increasingly also my person and my papacy as a whole." - Pope Benedict XVI
"Trump is going to have to spend all his money fighting indictments."
"I don't think it's weird of me to point out that eating meat is wrong even if I'm still doing it."
"Keg knew the closer that she got, there's no way I'm gonna be able to do this."
"Lynn selfishly did not want to be a conservator because she didn't want Britney to hate her for this."
"A decent person, a decent father, a decent man would stop this. You could stop filing motions, you could stop fighting, turn over the discovery, stop seeking abusive discovery, and just knock it the [__] off."
"I still struggle with that decision to have chosen to not fight during World War II."
"Declaring war on morons is my favorite thing to do."
"The sensation was so strange, my mind was caught in a vicious wrestling match between feelings of terror and the comfort of coming home."
"People like that can't function without taking somebody down to their level, and if there's nobody else to drag down, they'll do it to themselves."
"I've had enough of not messing with him. This Is War."
"If you have a person that's up there, that's f***ing your wife in your wedding party, come on."
"Miss Rummel's decision to hurl deep cutting insults at Sheriff Murphree was likely influenced by their colored history that the two share."
"They want to move away, but they feel their track."
"I guess [ __ ] yourself, maybe you should go kill."
"Tony G finally finishes off the brat and sends him and his coach riding off on a tandem bike."
"It's been a long day coming. Why don't we just end this, just you and me?"
"He's in the right to dunk on me for the other things that I did misunderstand."
"It was gut-wrenching because I said, 'I'm breaking my oath, I'm disappointing my father, I'm letting people down.'"
"Bonnie's personal conflict isn't something that can just be resolved at Egghead as her enemies are the celestial dragons and the world government itself."
"She was victimized, maybe she was, but she's victimized me and I'm gonna fight back."
"I never had a problem. The only fight I ever had was in the low and the medium."
"As long as she keeps rewriting the narrative, I'll keep bringing up the real narrative."
"All my life, there's been two conflicting sides to my personality: the man who wanted to help others and be kind, and the victim who was determined never to be bullied again."
"I just knew in the moment like but I didn't want to do this this isn't what I wanted to do."
"Yeah, I deeply do love Staten Island. It's just like, it's a very love-hate thing. I don't know how to explain it."
"This is not a woman who made a mistake. This is a woman who sat with her lawyers and planned my destruction."
"I lied to you all. I don't know why... I think I was just to protect you... and myself."
"Somebody's trying to steal you away from where you're at. They want you to walk away, steal your heart for themselves."
"Some men will desire you while being in a whole other relationship."
"Some people just can't handle a difference of opinion."
"Harry criticized the queen despite saying she was hugely admired."
"Do you still think I'd join you after what you did to my family?"
"I vote I'm, no I don't. I don't agree with it. She talking about my affair? I hate her, I just don't like it."
"I wanted to get the heck out of the backyard. I kind of want to keep it. It could be like... I don't like this ghost."
"No, you're right. I think a lot of times someone will, if there's a violent thing and one of the guys was a registered Democrat, one of the registered Republicans had nothing to do with that. It was a personal beef."
"I had no idea that I was operating really as a witch of the church, a witch in my own house proclaiming to be a Christian."
"It could have all ended that night with Frank's hands wrapped around my throat."
"It's very difficult to talk about these in a way without people taking it as being personal, people taking it as being ad hominem or attacking people rather than the ideas."
"They feel like you're the right person but the wrong timing kind of energy because there are obstacles they feel they cannot fully overcome."
"If you're Lamar, I know that you want to play, but there's got to be a small part of you like, [ __ ]."
"So [] me, OTL, [], only true loyalty. Listen, you have to understand once you cross that line over some folks, if I'm counting $100,000 or a million dollars and you're fighting, you're gonna shoot me in my face because you're a backdoor ass [__]."
"We've killed our ex-husband, brilliant news."
"Not only did Rory beat Patrick Reed by one shot at the start of the week, there was this massive beef over Patrick Reed."
"I kind of want to... I'm not going to ban Taketomborg now. He can go [__] himself, bro. Tres spoken."
"I don't want to fight, but I'm not going to be punked while we're in here either."
"Physical pain is here. This person did cross you, but what is crossing them is their own Karma, their own BS, their own sneaky energy."
"Send emails which are really nasty also she would slash his tires that is very very scary behavior."
"It is very possible for a person to actually want resolve and repair, but to not actually want it enough to go for it, because they don't see resolve and repair leading to what it is they really want."
"What would you say are the main causes of divorcing? Is it cheating, is it disrespect, is it a lack of growth, is it foul play, emotional abuse? What... what are the main causes you see?"
"Who are you trying to convince Brian me or you."
"You Knoxville [ __ ] you spike [ __ ] you Jeff you [ __ ] never cared about me man."
"You know you are right when your wife responds in a triggered way... Her defensive, triggered response is how you know there is absolute truth in what you are saying."
"Nobody would act that way unless it was a very serious issue."
"I hate to be a printer but I kind of want that"
"It's hard to reconcile being that person with hating yourself."
"If you continue to hold onto this, it's going to feel very unsettling for you."
"He stabbed his tires, slashed two different Lambo tires."
"Basically, sometimes Pepper Potts is uncomfortable with Tony risking his life but knows that he's doing it for good reasons so it's rationally conflicted about that."
"I didn't want to go and ruin your wedding. Ben's the only one that's going to stick around because Ben understands that without him I would just be committing acts of domestic terrorism."
"I'm constantly at war with myself over whether or not I enjoy this game because it's good or because of nostalgia."
"If you hate the thing you're leading, you can't effectively lead anything."
"John Doe in Seven goes personal, as personal as any villain could go."
"Step on yet another person's neck than admit that she's not at the top."
"At the end of the day, that is his mom and while they don't get along much, he still appreciates her for raising him."
"He hasn't paid me child support in six months since I left."
"Now you're treating me bad because you don't need my money."
"Am I the butthole for taking my daughter and leaving the wedding after her stepbrother pulled her wig off? Well, I can say right off the bat if it's because she has cancer then yeah you're not the butthole."
"Cruelty Squad isn't playing by any normal rules anymore, there are no rules, it's just him and me."
"If you're gonna have a problem with someone... you should be ready to back that up."
"It's personal. You can tell. Honestly, we just dislike each other."
"I can't help but wonder if I'm the [ __ ] now... He tried to steal my water after giving me so much grief about it."
"All you side chicks who are mad at me, I expect you to be mad at me. I expect you to act like somebody got chose over you for some other reason other than you're not worthy of being number one yet."
"I was like, 'Come on, man. Give me my shower gel back!' I'd been there like a couple of days, everyone, no one's saying nothing, and I'm like, 'What are we gonna do now?'"
"But what if he just pushed her to the point where she couldn't take it anymore?"
"I will never forgive you for dragging me down into the depths of fear itself. I'll never forgive you for making me worry about you that much, which is why I'm then going to drag you back by force if necessary."
"Roommate is not having any of this; she wants to move."
"Kenichi has a chance of being happy and I [ __ ] hate Shinichi."
"Revenge sounded nice. I felt something well up, a need, a need for blood. Blood of the destroyer of my life."
"I'd have slaughtered her, it would have just been horrible foreign."
"You want to mess with my career and my freedom? Watch your entire life go down in flames."
"Step three: Ruin Gabby's relationship with her kids."
"You're angry with her for saying don't eat the Krispy Kreme doughnut every day?"
"It's hard for me to imagine like a guy coming to the picture and telling me that my mom said these awful things."
"I think it's a true dilemma that even as a believer you face."
"Revenge is driven by this deep desire within for retribution and sometimes it can lead individuals to engage in some extreme and really harmful actions."
"This person desires you, they feel like you're perfect but they just weren't ready."
"There may have been some kind of conflict between you, some kind of injustice. Something needed to be cut out, some sort of negative pattern or dynamic."
"Them blows hurt because that brother know when he go back home he got another man's wife in the passenger seat of the front car."
"She quit so she is too pure for us. She is an unhinged person who has called me evil racist transphobe and endless other insults and lied about our private conversation."
"I can't breathe. I said I would get back every penny and made on friends, and I don't mean it. I don't write a check."
"I'm gonna figure out everything about this Ben kid and I'm gonna have a little ammunition to... blackmail him uh yeah, it just is what it is man."
"It's not about the amount, it's about the stakes and small personal confrontations against enemies we know stick in our mind way longer than battles for concepts we don't really care about."
"I freaked out, I immediately confronted him about it."
"Do what you need to do, but what in the world did I do to you that you really legitimately want to put Me In Harm's Way?"
"I need to catch those two. I have to keep them away from Lucas, no matter what."
"She didn't like the situation she was in, but she never alluded to doing away with Fred."
"We're trapped in prison, and even worse, it's Barry's prison."
"I haven't spoken to my brother in three to four years. Last time I did, he went after my wife."
"Sometimes I feel attracted to other... come on Travis, it's not all about you being gay."
"X was caught between the light world and the dark world, all he needed was somebody to make him pick a side."
"They've got some sort of a grudge to settle here, maybe I'm gonna call that in America we call it beef."
"We couldn't win anymore but I didn't want them to win either so the Revenge I read about on fences..."
"I'm actually gonna prove that Justin's a baby."
"I'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of you but I still love you."
"And then I remember walking up the stairs into my mom's room. She's sleeping sound. Did you lean on the bed or what? What? I just... I walked up, shot twice."
"I feel that Taylor will try and claim insanity but to me this just showed the level of manipulation that she is willing to go through."
"After he got frustrated that she didn't pick up his calls...calling her a selfish little pig."
"I hate being in a position where I'm actually having to call out ex-teammates or friends."
"I've called these guys personally. I've asked him about it. It doesn't come up other than in moments like this."
"He pushed back, he resisted it, he realized the monster that his father was."
"This isn't about the culture battle, this is about supporting Gina."
"Marcia versus Aura, and Aura topped the [] out of Marcia. She was like, 'Back down! Back the [] down!'"
"Make sure you have faith in yourself and become one with your enemy who is yourself."
"The problem began when Latarian asked his grandmother to buy him some chicken wings. She said no. He got mad, walked over, and ordered them anyway."
"He was jailed for being rude to a bureaucrat."
"It was actually something really really stupid but we got in an argument."
"My girlfriend recently sat on my cool sunglasses while getting in my car she says it's my fault for leaving them in the passenger seat I say it's her fault for not looking before she sat down I need help settling this please thanks boys."
"We watched this man publicly shame, mock, humiliate the mother of his child."
"At the end of the day, it is a fight between two individuals."
"She wanted to have all that and be able to be happy about it, be able to share it with her husband, but she couldn't. So she tried to have all that and keep the two parts of her life separate, which wears on you. It takes a lot out of a person."
"They're torn inside between the easy way and the harder way of growth."
"I could never hurt Johnny and I swung in him."
"I still feel that demonic itch to jump back in."
"Trump is getting sued for Millions by one of his own lawyers the man who can't keep a legal team together."
"But Britney is a strong woman and she is calling out her father for taking her dogs away."
"He's trying to spite me. I don't know why, like he's evil."
"They're gonna learn that the lingering resentment was never you against you. It was against themselves."
"We of course have the recordings in which Amber admitted to hitting him."
"That's the biggest slam, I don't think of that meddler. Who cares? Yeah, who cares?"
"So, Jay Prince been saying some [] about me, Gilly. I don't know, I haven't seen that []."
"It's hard to imagine that a mother who comes across as being so nurturing and so caring can be transmogrified into evil people."
"I'm going to destroy everything in your life."
"The incident caused a rift in the professional and personal relationship between Tarantino and Thurman for years."
"I pretended to cooperate with her and lured everyone into the virtual world."
"I didn't want to be right, I didn't want to be right."
"They kicked her out, she left, that's her side of the story."
"Cops just attacked me in my own home, time to get rich."
"My mom's constantly holding my addiction over my head, it's a never-ending cycle and I feel like I can never win. Avery was with me nearly two years."
"What we're seeing, though, is one of the most powerful, one of the richest women in the world unable to get her ex to stop texting her, to stop chasing after her, to stop harassing her."
"This is the story of how my best friend stole my girlfriend... I never stole your girlfriend!"
"Hey, Mike, I don't respect you anymore... You're a bit of a snake."
"I don't know how to have a conversation about what I did to you."
"I need honesty from you, but I don't think you're telling me the whole story."
"Actions have consequences. You screwed me over, now you're paying for it."
"The last time that it got crazy between us I really did think I was gonna lose my life."
"People came back and said, 'Huh, John, the second Creed was about fighting the son of the guy who killed his father.' It doesn't get any more personal than that."
"You're dead to me because you don't want to take my offer."
"Uncle Tom was a hero. Man, damn, I just said you were my friend, brother, that you had to end with that."
"This ain't about you, Jake. This has nothing to do with you."
"Any sort of suddenness or abrupt change is expected with Mars conjunct Uranus, and especially with it happening in your seventh house it can lead to arguments, breakups, or any sudden shift at all."
"Humans are complex enough to object to lyrics while still enjoying the sound of a song."
"Your son tried to fight me like what are you talking about that's not even how it works."
"He seemed upset about the cheating and how they have an open marriage, but he also seemed upset that she forced him into that situation."
"You shouldn't have to deal with hate toward your family, friends, or kids."
"I ended the rumors about your mom, Lauren and your dad made it clear that you aren't family."
"I mean, do you understand where I'm coming from when I'm like I don't know if I can coexist with people like this?"
"Jimmy Dore decided he was going to call Jank Uygur a union buster."
"The real war is with ourselves, fighting the impulses and urges that will result in a weaker man."
"Art is there to communicate with the inner meaning of life."
"His constant attacks on his ex-wife are hurtful and causing further pain to their family."
"Serena, your husband is a groupie, he claimed, 'We don't got a problem,' but no boo, it's like you coming for sushi."