
Aliveness Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"You are human, you will make mistakes. Hopefully, you'll make a whole lot of them because that means you are trying, and trying means you are fully alive."
"Sometimes the things that feel the most dangerous are the ones that truly make you feel alive."
"I don't feel like we're at all actually anywhere. We're not really angry; we're alive and we're speaking and we're just starting."
"Stones are alive... I've had too many crystals do too many weird things on me to not believe."
"Everything has consciousness, everything is alive, everything is aware."
"I feel so alive when I'm out of my comfort zone. That's when I feel most alive."
"It's fine to feel nervous, that means that you're alive and it means that it matters."
"When I'm surrounded by nature I feel alive like nothing matters."
"I have a real instinct to... hide in art as a way to feel alive."
"So, when it starts to set in, everything starts to breathe, everything becomes alive. There's a presence to everything, as if there's a relational presence, regardless."
"Pleasure is fuel, and when we stop having pleasure, and we let our sexuality die, there's an aliveness inside of us that goes away."
"What makes me feel most alive is challenges."
"Creation and the creative process is a feeling of being alive."
"I'd never felt so vulnerable, yet so fully alive in all my life."
"Follow the feeling of aliveness inside of you. Follow that feeling where it's like the pupils get bigger, you start smiling more, you start looking forward to the days ahead."
"I honestly haven't felt that alive in a little while."
"You're not lame, you're not like the audience watching people golf, no you're better than that, you feel alive, there's a fire in your goddamn heart."
"Unforgettable moments: the ones that make you feel truly alive."
"What are you talking about man? That's the feeling of being alive. You care about something so much that your body is reacting this way."
"How does it feel to say that you feel really alive to me right now liberating?"
"Our mind is our aliveness, and that's our spiritual nature."
"RMS beauty is about aliveness and pure life force."
"But there is a spiritual chemistry that happens when you're with someone who can help you experience more aliveness."
"You can only feel alive through vulnerability, period."
"You will feel extremely alive, like you've never felt before."
"Ideally, it's this thing where what's really alive is really important."
"You want to be growing. You want to be pursuing something that brings you aliveness."
"And when that stops happening, there can be an aliveness, a freedom, an aliveness, more energy, more vitality."
"It's basically like embracing your feeling your aliveness."
"...the More Alive we're willing to be the more negative emotion we're going to experience."
"It's being really alive to the atmosphere that everyone on that film set is trying to make."
"It's a conversation about being alive... that is happening in classical music."
"...it has to always be about invigorating, going to the theater, exchanging the ideas with your colleagues, exchanging being alive in your curiosity..."
"You'd rather risk that pain because you've tasted what it means to be alive."
"Are you meeting life at the level of aliveness?"
"He says he wants to be there because it makes him feel immensely alive."
"In the moments that we entirely drop the pushing, we let go of the controlling and open to the measureless creativity and aliveness and love that lives through us."
"You become aware of the aliveness of things."
"My whole body was warm for the first time in so many years that it was just like this immense sense of being fully alive."
"Our God is alive, and our God is here with us."
"We forget that the Earth is alive."
"I smiled; the sight of a living paradox made me more alive."
"Grace is what makes things alive; Grace is what gives hope; Grace is what brings beauty."
"The more connected you are with what makes you tick, what makes you feel excited, what creates aliveness in you, the more you'll be able to show up in a way where that's what you're radiating."
"And the minute I told them, it was like, I was alive, really alive for the first time."
"At its best, travel is a spiritual thing; it connects you to the nowness of being alive."
"Freedom is... when your heart is able to just celebrate being alive and seeing the value in everything in that moment of aliveness."
"When I'm out here, it makes me feel alive."
"It is an incredible feeling of being alive as you truly experience every second."
"You have to love the feeling of being scared because that means you are alive."
"It was pure living, like I haven't felt that alive in a really long time."
"Love is not a concept, it is alive and true."
"This is my place, this is my home, this is where I feel alive."
"That feeling that you get after practicing yoga, that's called being alive."
"I kind of love this feeling of that pressure, your adrenaline is pumping, it makes me feel so alive, it feels phenomenal."
"Affairs are about desire for connection, for intensity, for physical touch, for feeling alive."
"Prehistoric Britain was alive, really alive, beautifully alive."
"In solitude, I feel intoxicatingly alive, as if I've swallowed the sky."
"Describe the moment you felt most alive."
"Being able to experience such strong feelings is part of what makes us feel alive."
"The ocean is a place that makes me feel most alive and it has a hold on me like nothing else in life does."
"When do you feel most alive? For me, it's sharing like a magical natural experience with people I love."
"Somehow you become so fully alive that your senses are almost overwhelmed by the beauty all around you."
"You become fully human, fully alive to what is."
"I had never felt so alive in that moment."
"When I'm in extended states of feeling alive and connected to everything I'm doing in my life, that is it."
"It felt wonderful to be alive to hear it; I've gone looking for that feeling everywhere."
"We are never more human, we're never more Fully Alive than when we're grieving because we're experiencing life to the fullest."
"We don't realize how much the incessant dialogue is covering over a vivid, magical flow of aliveness."
"Most people can recognize moments in their lives when they really felt alive."
"Our deepest nature is that basic aliveness and awareness and love that really gives rise to this world."
"Coming into this aliveness, what appears as physical form... becomes a gateway to the formless."
"Live music... it's one of the few times I truly feel alive and connected to something greater than myself."
"Everything is alive, and in the great aliveness of things, the magnetic fields of all these different forms gather in the magnetic atmosphere of the universe."
"We feel most alive in the presence of the beautiful, for it meets the needs of our soul."
"Even though this was a frightening experience, it was also something that made me feel very alive afterward."
"Feel the sensations as aliveness, particles of aliveness of energy, arising from space, dissolving into space."
"That means you're alive and you're human."
"When he's free soloing, that's where he feels the most alive."
"Anything that accomplished that, that can make us feel like we're a little more alive, it's what poets and professors call art."
"My most meaningful moments have been the ones where I felt the most alive and connected to the divine."
"Being alive is to be over emotional, it's to be joyous, it's to be in a rage, it's to be melancholic, it's to be somber, that is being alive."
"I love that adrenaline; it just reminds you to appreciate being alive."
"Being frightened is realizing that you are more alive than you were before you were taking that action and doing things that feel risky."
"I have never felt so grateful to be alive."
"It's the only time you feel alive and you feel kind of validated, you know, I'm a proper human being here."
"I feel most alive when I'm on my Edge."
"Don't you enjoy being alive? Don't you like feeling: this is me, this is my hand, this is my leg, I'm real, I'm solid, I'm alive?"
"Sometimes you need to be a little bit uncomfortable to remind yourself that you're really alive."
"Risky things make me feel alive and they light up a lot of good chemicals in my body."
"I love feeling things so deeply and feeling so deeply connected to people; I feel very alive."
"It's part of the reason why you feel so alive when you do it."
"It's a feeling of being utterly exquisitely alive."
"When you are in your zone of creating, that's when you're truly alive."
"Pay attention to how that sparks that aliveness feeling inside of you."
"The real richness and revolutionary weirdness of this moment in our collective story is the dawning recognition that this Earth is alive in ever so many ways."
"The whole point of the book is to make us kind of feel alive in that moment."
"When I walk into the cage, I feel alive, it's the best feeling in the world."
"You can actually move the attention into the physical experience of aliveness."
"What makes us feel more alive than pain? It's always a reminder of being alive."
"Wonder and awe, it's new and it's alive, and they learn from it."
"What was sought after in Chinese painting from the very beginning was not some accuracy of representation, not really truth to life, but a certain aliveness."
"Self-love is about loving the fact that you are alive and here right now."
"I gotta say, I feel really alive right now. It's true, when the world is so unique and everything's moving and changing, it's like you have no place else to be other than right here."
"You're only really alive when your hands are touching things, when your eyes are seeing things, and when your mind is thinking about things."
"Another story is that the purpose of life is to be alive, to become more and more alive."
"It just brings you back to the moment and makes you feel alive, it's great there, just wonderful."
"Being on the back of a motorcycle makes you feel very alive."
"I've never felt so alive until now."
"The most alive moments in the world are when we feel this feeling of empathy, because we transcend ourselves."
"The hills are alive with the sound of music here."
"I am this alive feeling, I am this tingling."
"The biggest difference is that you're capturing the moment, and that is what I find so precious about it and wonderful because it's alive and it's real and it's right there."
"What makes me feel the most alive."
"I never felt more alive than when I was in that place."
"Regardless of this strange facsimile of existence, you feel that there is something alive ahead."
"It is sunny out, the skies are blue, and I am alive."
"You want to feel alive, and you're going to feel successful, like you have accomplished something."
"What would make you feel most alive? Choose that."
"Am I shaking? Yes, a little bit. That's how you know you're alive."
"Pain makes us humans know that we're alive."
"You got the light there in your eyes, I feel us coming alive."
"I want Vivid so much. I just want to be alive with color."