
Adult Life Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Okay, why is making friends as an adult so damn hard?"
"I believe up to 30 percent of adults who now are effectively living lives without children would have planned to have them."
"For the first time in my adult life, I was able to create a true, honest sense of self-appreciation."
"You are not responsible for what happened to you as a young girl or as a teenager... but you are responsible as an adult, as a grown woman, for healing that part of you."
"There's nothing wrong with being an adult, being sexually active, protecting yourself, and enjoying yourself."
"Being an adult in the real world is to be constantly thrust into situations where things are not going exactly how you want them to go."
"Now she's on the up and up, she's an adult woman with a successful blog and vlog channel."
"Even when you're an adult, having that balance really means a lot."
"I'm gonna be so upset like it's my house now before I was always like oh I'm just ranting somebody else's problem or I'm just uh uh living in my parents house who cares."
"I love spending time with these characters and their dynamics together as adults."
"Responsibility and paying your bills and dealing with reality is important."
"Even if one of the problems of modern adult life is that we’re constantly pretending, pretending also seems to be the solution to holding on to our passion."
"Adulting is about going to the gym three times a week and ordering water first."
"I'm a grown woman and I love slumber parties with other women, it's great."
"Having Elizabeth back home has been so wonderful."
"Make some time for fun and play, even as an adult."
"I'm a grown ass man, eat the crust. Crust is the best part, slop it up and all that sauce left over on the plate."
"At the end of the day, you know we're all grown men, you know like we all know what's happening."
"Adults should be able to do what they want to do."
"Yeah, it's like 'I'm done adulting; she's going to Disney.'"
"The day we turned 25, I realized I can now make all my decisions."
"Have you spent your adult life trying to make sure nobody ever leaves you again?"
"I didn't realize I had been suffering my entire adult life unnecessarily."
"You need human interaction at an adult level besides your kids. It's crucial for sanity."
"First off, I want to give a big shout out to Magic Spoon because they're an adult cereal making me feel like a kid again."
"If we don't learn to heal our inner child as adults, what will happen to us?"
"One of the most important lessons a person can learn in adult life is that validation is only something you can give yourself."
"The fact that Jack is sort of so in touch with his inner child and he's the one adult who has not forgotten what it's like to be a child."
"A room with our books is like a spotty without song lover. I want to get to this level of adult nurse, like I want my life to be as together as Zoe roses."
"Women, you know, in a dating market, have to leave themselves in the space."
"As a woman, sustaining yourself as an adult is again, you know, making sure your finances are right, you know, making sure your credit is okay, but you cannot expect that to give you a direct result with men."
"It felt good to find routines and cross items off a short to-do list rather than the neverending set of thankless tasks that adulting requires."
"A warm coat is a grown-up essential that never goes out of style."
"How do you build an adult life outside of a community that completely supports its own?"
"Girls need a good dad to have a healthy relationship with men in adulthood."
"Treat yourself because you're killing it at this whole adulting thing."
"To everyone who finds the current investment climate hard and difficult... welcome to adult life."
"My community, we're all fully functioning adults—we all have mortgages, full-time jobs, 401ks."
"His entire adult life is just pro gaming and League of Legends."
"I'm too busy spending all my time looking at a screen outside of a VR headset like an adult."
"Juan was a person whose childhood trauma had projected itself well into adulthood, proving that the things we suffer during our youth have the capacity to echo throughout the remainder of our lives."
"Growing up as an adult is super exciting and growing up and getting things wrong on hot news and saying things that you didn't mean to say then having to correct it is something this guy has to do."
"Being an adult isn't death, but after being an adult..."
"It's about being a grown man, just want to live."
"Letting the child inside of you die is why people don't have happy lives as adults."
"It's perfectly normal to do things that you just find fun."
"I play with toys more as an adult than I did as a child."
"I feel like once I get my own apartment, I can do what I want to do. I used to throw away all my receipts, but you know, as you get older and as you start buying big girl things, you should start keeping receipts."
"Nowadays in my adult life, holidays are almost non-existent."
"She's going to have a terrible adult life because they won't put their feet down and teach her some respect."
"I love the low riding. It's fun. That's an adult toy, you know what I'm saying? Like, you pull up, I'm at the beach over doing it."
"This is the first big thing that's happened in my adult life that didn't remind me of something else."
"I feel the best I felt probably in my adult life, you know? It's really amazing to me how big of a difference it's made."
"It's important to have that unconditional love as a child. It [ __ ] you up as an adult for sure."
"When adults leave college and enter the workforce, that's when anxiety-related disorders can go into overdrive due to high-pressure environments and away from usual support structures."
"Who you are as an adult is a direct result of your parents raising you from zero to 18."
"It has been one of the best things for my health that I have done in my adult life."
"This place is just like a big adult playground."
"Like young children, we carry the patterning of our early relationships into our adult romantic relationships."
"No adults should be making demands on you. We have the right to make whatever choices we want to make for ourselves."
"One of the best purchases I've made ever as an adult: a paper shredder."
"Picking up hobbies, especially as an adult, is really a way to create community."
"I want to raise my kids because I want my kids to understand the importance of being a well-adjusted adult."
"There's no sound in life as rare and beautiful as the sound of the adult giggle."
"Life is crazy right now, adulting be adulting, so we may as well do it in a place where we feel good, we feel viby."
"Kids always want to do stuff. Kids get angry. They go, 'Oh, we didn't do anything all day.' But if you ask an adult what they did over the weekend and they say they didn't do anything, their faces light up."
"Why should the government care what adults do with their sex lives?"
"It's Disneyland for adults, New York. It's a magnificent place."
"I'm having another glass of red wine; my teeth are probably purple, but who cares, this is real life as an adult."
"It's not like I'm just going to university for a term, I'm moving out for a job and my young professional life, you know, it's crazy."
"Honestly, adults have it tough. You can't manage without me around."
"Learning how to cook is part of being a mature adult because it's about providing for yourself and being independent."
"Being an adult means we have so much responsibility; be very wise with your online activity."
"Let me know if you are an adult who plays with slime so I don't feel so alone."
"If life is relatively good for adults and pretty risky for juveniles, then you're going to get the evolution of a longer lifespan."
"It's like Little House on the Prairie, the adult edition."
"The cool thing about buying a car like this is, you look like a responsible adult, but actually, you've got a car that can pretty much kick butt anywhere."
"I have never known satisfaction and happiness in all of my adult years until now."
"If you don’t have democracy in the workplace, you don’t have it where most adults spend most of their lives and therefore you are not a democratic society unless and until you include the workplace."
"This is like Disneyland for grown-ups."
"Attachment is those early relationships upon which we're going to build an adult life."
"Closed book exams are ridiculous because whenever in your adult life are you going to be locked in a room and told you have to do your work without looking at any references?"
"What our childhood was like dictates and has some sort of say in what our adult life is like, and we still believe that now."
"It's a lot of time to be wasted with the wrong person when you're a whole adult."
"You're an adult female human okay and as you are right now, if you're looking after yourself following a healthy diet lifestyle, that's all you need to do."
"Honestly, this is a great city to live, especially if you don't have little kids or anything."
"I love that place; it's like Disneyland for adults."
"Did you ever think as a child how easy life would be when you're an adult?"
"Overall, I really enjoyed this; I like how it explored adult life."
"Chilling on my balcony, only people aged 25 plus would understand how therapeutic this is."
"It's super weird being an adult. I'm just unsupervised all the time."
"Why can't as adults we get a day off to go to a museum?"
"I miss having Spring Break or Winter Break or any breaks. Adults don't have that."
"Every time I come on camera, I have a new story to tell about my freaking adult life."
"Evidence continues to mount that marriage brings enormous benefits of all kinds to adults and even more to children."
"I am feeling something I don't think I'd ever felt my entire adult life."
"An adult nap sounds great, right?"
"Keep that inner child, that 'what if' wonderment, alive now as an adult."
"Coffee, because adulting is hard."
"Never ever get so into adulting that you forget how to play and have fun."