
Social Challenges Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"Okay, why is making friends as an adult so damn hard?"
"The problem with being a social recluse with a fundamental disability to connect on a romantic level is that we want so much to find that one special person with whom we'd want to grow old with, to raise children with, to spend the rest of our lives with, and yet we're incapable of going out and finding her."
"One of the biggest challenges we all face is getting along with people because everyone is different."
"It's not as easy as just saying, 'Oh, I'm going to be the one to break the cycle,' when you don't have proper access to things like mental health care."
"For so many years, I hated meeting new people and going out. I felt insignificant and scared in social situations."
"Before education was put under the thumb of government, we had some of the brightest, most well-read people in the entire world."
"Pushing yourself out of that comfort zone socially... it honestly took me to have that mindset of 'F*** what everybody else thinks.'"
"Especially as a woman, it's difficult to hold each other accountable."
"Being vegan is like trying to rescue drowning animals desperately pulling them out of the water one by one and having your family friends and everyone around you throwing them back in."
"The Connors have to hold on to each other to survive in a society where working-class people, and women in particular, are being worked to the bone."
"Especially during their childhood is fully aware that it's hard to maintain friendships."
"It's not uncommon when we see high levels of intelligence that it seems to come at a cost in terms of one's ability to socialize."
"The cycle is really hard to break... these systemic problems are incredibly resilient."
"It's very hard for a black woman to do a lot of the things that I do."
"One of the reasons having a lot of money doesn't make us happy is that being really rich tends to be incredibly challenging for your social relationships."
"Leaving the church is painful socially, mentally. You experience a cost for doing so."
"The benefits will be tremendous, even if you haven't been socialized for healthy interaction. That's not your fault, but you do have the power to change your reality."
"We're so divisive, especially this year. It's really sad because at the end of the day, there's strength in numbers."
"The lengths people go through to try to bring you down."
"The strength of diversity is like a virus. The more strains, the more difficult it gets to combat."
"The survival matrix that black Americans have been put in for a long time makes us think that we can't be together."
"I specifically asked you out on stream one day I said mainly here because I was told not to talk to you so I couldn't help myself but uh here we are."
"The pandemic's biggest victims are the ones dealing with anti-mask lunatics."
"The nightmare of racial discrimination goes hand in hand with economic discrimination."
"This is exactly the humanity you're talking about and the challenges are very, very real."
"When you're constantly reminded that you are undesirable in your natural sense of self, you have to develop this kind of suit of armor in order to survive."
"During shutdowns there will be economic consequences on the country at large but more importantly individuals who live on daily subsistence who give their labor for their daily bread could be affected the most."
"Why would anyone fake being trans given how horribly trans people are being treated?"
"In societies where race is super important being mixed race is sometimes a very important category and it comes with its own unique challenges."
"Being trans must be harder, considering the suicide rates."
"Stagnant wages, housing affordability, and rising debt levels paint a grim picture."
"It's about having context understanding the challenges impacting us domestically regionally and globally."
"Identifying as an introvert... that's gonna hurt you in the long run."
"Being gay is not a trial. Being gay in the church is a trial because of how they treat you."
"People like that need to be challenged, especially by another person."
"I'd say it's really hard to have non-streamer friends because a lot of people don't really understand like my life or this world."
"I tell you one place you don't want to be poor: You do not want to be poor in the United States of America."
"Kids know who they are, and it's real and it's rough."
"We are very much entering one of the worst periods of strife this country has ever seen."
"I think it is harder being a woman when you're growing up. There's just so much you gotta deal with."
"Look at how messed up everything can be when you have younger people thrown into social environments."
"It's bad enough, man, like [ __ ] at school will be like your dad's a gangster or right, like yeah, I mean because she don't see that she's telling her."
"It's a shame that we as black women even have to go underground to do that. That is ridiculous to me; I'm honestly sick of it."
"Not all migration is the same. And not all experiences and challenges facing you are the same, when it comes to migration."
"Growing up black isn't easy, but I'm proud of who I am and where I come from."
"It takes tremendous courage to be that person because you're going to incur stares, bullying, and harassment."
"Single motherhood is one of the greatest predictors of poverty."
"We have a real problem with figuring out how do we collectively advance our people."
"The task of building diverse democracies is really hard."
"The Green New Deal agenda in its mapping of the relationship between the economic, the social, and the anthropocene as the great challenges of the moment has been crushingly vindicated."
"To be raised in a single-parent household is just numerous strikes against you."
"I was the chubby kid in my class... I didn't have a lot of friends."
"You're playing for a group of people where half the negroes going to fight against you."
"It is harder for a darker skinned black woman to have a baby and to secure a spouse with some resources to help take care of that baby."
"The challenge is too full. We have a challenge when it comes to wage discrimination across race and gender."
"Social situation is not my forte, being surrounded by people asking for autographs."
"Having anxiety and depression is like being scared and tired at the same time. It's the fear of failure but no urge to be productive. It's wanting friends but hate socializing. It's feeling everything at once then feeling paralyzing numb."
"Society is not kind to trans people, and the more out there we are, the crueler they are to us."
"You have to be okay with social disapproval or rejection."
"Her relationship with white feminists was uneasy."
"He said that the kids often made fun of his broken English and, he was self-conscious for years of the way he spoke."
"It makes no sense at all to attempt to create a decentralized social network unless you solve the bigger problem of how do you de-radicalize people."
"Sometimes it's not your condition or your situation that disables you per se, it is the society around you."
"Relationships, bro, it's one of the toughest things."
"They just hated me because they did not understand people with autism."
"It's important we know what is bad, we challenge what is acceptable, and we draw those lines in a society."
"The future is uncertain and undetermined, and it is what we make it."
"As a person with a facial deformity, it creates environments where you're a target."
"People will make fun of you for anything anywhere in life. It will never be enemy free for sure."
"Some states have unique approaches and others are making it worse by sort of encouraging it."
"You put a dress on this little boy, you're literally sending him to school with a target on his back."
"It's hard to be different while being cool at the same time."
"Sadly, being a female and gasp, having a dating column that talks openly honestly about all things dating and sex, I have long been a target for men like this."
"She just wants friends so badly and to be included but yet she doesn't know how because she goes about it always in the wrong way."
"It's been really hard to kind of like create genuine connections with people."
"Queer people have thrived in spite of efforts to crush us."
"The hardest part is not deciding what to say but it's actually standing up and breaking that tension."
"There's always someone that's going to like uh try and bring you down cuz they've never done anything on their own."
"Bullies are everywhere and they come in all shapes and sizes." - Kim
"There were individuals who challenged and supported the social order... you get these whole groups of thinkers."
"For Trans people, it becomes a bigger issue because people have been known by a different name and a different pronoun."
"Being the nerd got you bullied and then made you successful."
"Imagine doing it as a football player and your whole life is being manly and that's got to be so hard. My heart goes out to anybody coming out of the closet."
"Trans women have a lot of struggles throughout life, why make it worse?"
"Elon Musk asks what should we do about mass unemployment as it will be a massive social challenge."
"You're surrounded by a lot of haters, but you're still strong enough to pull through."
"Emily found it hard to mix with the other girls... she coped by dedicating herself to her studies."
"I feel really badly for her cuz I know she got bullied a lot."
"The cup song challenge: I got called gay for knowing how to do it."
"She didn't have much family to give him to, but every time she was released, she found herself homeless with her infant son."
"School right now... is very hard to make friends in a virtual setting."
"You just gotta remember there are always people that want to see you fail, there are always people that want to bring you down."
"Sometimes trusting people to understand your complexities is a hurdle in and of itself."
"It's very difficult for them to form meaningful relationships."
"When you've got a relationship that works, you can take on anything. You can take online bullying, you can take social media, you can take all this crass behavior in the news and say, 'I'm good.'"
"Some of us got some uncivilized much in our families and as much as you love them and you've had good times with them they got to go."
"The number one problem facing the black community is not racist cops, it's not income inequality, it's not climate change. The number one problem facing the black community is the lack of fathers in the home."
"Elliott struggled to make friends, often being the subject of bullying, so like many kids in that sort of situation, he turned to the internet for comfort."
"I'm gonna just play it cool, left me in the hood."
"For me, it's much easier to get along with Jewish people, with Jews, than opposed to someone who's openly, like, in your face a degenerate. That is a little bit harder to deal with."
"The essence of ASD is a difficulty understanding people, the ability to make friends, read a face, all those social skills other kids are born with."
"Health and life expectancy, deaths of despair, mental health, and freedom from substance abuse."
"Let's make no mistake, it's difficult out there for young black men."
"It's not easy being a rainbow friend, not at all."
"They don't know how hard it is to be a white straight man."
"Being an introvert is cool until it gets too lonely and you're like, 'F***, I'm in too deep.' But I think you just gotta go put yourself out there and meet new people."
"Anya's inability to read social cues and escalating inappropriate questions leads to her monologue which, I know, is precious to many people."
"What's not cool is that being an autistic person who masks who compensates and also having unmet support needs."
"I think we're still looking for ways of helping introverts navigate some of the social challenges they might experience within the new developments in technology."
"It's usually hard for me to make friends... I felt like they weren't sure about me."
"Trying to socialize with a bunch of narcissists is like trying to find the edge of a spear."
"Isolation is a massive issue for me as an autistic person."
"I had a hard time making friends and I was basically invisible to boys."
"I still believe that God is able to do Great and Mighty things despite the reality that our children seem to be suffering and struggling with the educational system."
"...the world is making friendships hard it's not just you."
"Everything for me was challenging, social skills, you know, my friends were 10, 11, 12, 13 years old, and I felt I had the social skills of maybe nine, ten-year-old when, you know, I was 12, 13 years old."
"...everybody wants to be comfortable... it's hard for just everyday folks to date... makes it so hard to connect on a real level..."
"We must also remember that minority communities like the Black community currently face greater barriers due to structural racism."
"Autistic people are chronically misunderstood outcasts they feel like they're from a different planet they're quirky they don't understand social conventions and tend to make missteps in their friendships."
"Autistic people often have a hard time with social cues."
"It's kind of difficult to make friends later in life."
"Making friends as an adult is hard, whether you're traveling or at home."
"Many experienced verbal and physical abuse due to stereotypes and discrimination against them because they were different."
"I hope these tips help you overcome what's really a painful situation to be seen as weird or awkward."
"This lack of social awareness is a common challenge faced by individuals with ASD."
"Just because they have trouble making friends, it doesn't mean that they don't want to."
"Being unattractive can be a hindrance in finding friends but a significant hindrance in getting laid."
"I was always the weird kid growing up, so making friends was never very easy for me."
"One of the major challenges Muslim parents face in having their children attend public schools is being aware of the social changes that their child is exposed to."
"It's hard to maintain a social life when you work the night shift."
"Making friends as an adult sucks, making friends as an adult who's also a foreigner sucks extra."
"Friendship is an umbrella term for about 60 different challenges."
"If you're a heterosexual woman who puts a high priority on marriage... you should be aware that the marriage math will be more challenging."
"I feel like when you get to your 20s, it's really hard to make new friends."
"He wants to make friends but the children in the orphanage make fun of him for being intelligent."
"It's very overwhelming trying to make friends as an adult outside of the workforce or outside of college."
"Acknowledging the deep-rooted challenges that we have socially is the first step."
"This is the story of a boy who happens to be a social outcast but tries his best to make himself some friends."
"The one benchmark that time and time again sets you at a disadvantage is coming from a single parent household."
"For our kids who have significant social interaction problems, this is certainly a starting point."
"Social navigation is a really difficult proposition for immigrants."
"No one thinks the problem of coastal deprivation could be solved overnight, the issue of disaffected young white males even harder."
"It's hard out there these days, things change... it was very easy to meet people, but there's a whole new situation going on out here today."
"In a world of narcissistic frauds, it's hard to establish yourself as sincere."
"I think the hardest thing in school is probably making friends."
"It's not easy living as a black man in the city."
"I supported that report because it called for equal integration to all, breaking down barriers, working toward tackling challenges hindering integration."
"He is left feeling somewhat frustrated as he has a strong desire for companionship, although his social limitations prevent him from being able to realize this in the way in which he would like."
"It's hard to make new friends when you're moving into a new city."
"You know, Katie, it isn't easy making new friends."
"She's such a genuine person who just does all that because social interactions aren't easy for her."
"I think the biggest annoyance about being vegan is being associated with restrictive diets and the social aspect in every shape or form."