
Universal Law Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"The universe is governed by law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from the Ultimate, there is but one Law."
"I am in harmony with universal law and everything is flowing nicely."
"Everything that exists concretely or abstractly, materially or immaterially, follows the law."
"Order is the first law of the universe because nothing can be done without order."
"The Law of Vibration, in its simplest terms, states that the whole of the universe is made up of energy."
"Man is surrounded by a great Universal thought power which returns to him always just as he thinks."
"When you help others you help yourself that's just the law of the universe."
"Objects in the universe are attracted to each other because space-time is bent and curved."
"The force of attraction is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."
"Love is the supreme law of life, guided by wisdom; it rules the universe."
"What it all boils down to is, are you creating heaven on Earth? Are you living according to universal law?"
"Becoming one with yourself is universal law."
"The moment you set an intention in the universe, it has to come back to you."
"The law of attraction is the most powerful universal law and is your friend. You create with your every thought."
"The universe always delivers what's meant for you."
"Remember, the moment that you express that gratitude, that's when the universe is gonna give you more to be grateful for."
"That is just so simple, that is the law in a nutshell."
"Evil is a manifestation of universal law. There is no devil. Devil's not there at all. Devil is that which hurts when we do it wrong."
"Gravity is everywhere in space. It has infinite reach."
"What you focus on, you become - the supreme law of third density and all densities."
"Unconditional love and service to creation is the one law of creation."
"Live it and experience gratitude for it because if you show gratitude for it the universe will show you that gratitude back."
"The Law of Transmutation can also be applied to metaphysical or ethereal energy."
"The principle of correspondence: As above, so below."
"Money always comes to you through other people but it comes from universal intelligence."
"The Liars who have been trying to silence them shrink and they become weaker. That's the iron law of the universe. True things prevail."
"The law of Mind is a principle that works consistently for everyone who earnestly applies it."
"Resolve to behave as though your every act were to become a universal law for all people."
"Don't be a talker, be a doer. Get your mind right, use universal law, and learn."
"What goes up must come down. Today, gravity is the force that makes things fall towards the ground."
"For all is mind, and all vibrates according to the law of the one."
"People talk about Newton's universal law of gravity. It's not just a thing that applies to Earth. It doesn't just apply to the Moon. It applies everywhere. Applies all over the place."
"He says, 'Act as if the maxim of your action were to become by your will a universal law of nature.'"
"The universal law provided her with a special teaching in the form of that book, and she, being in tune, was ready to benefit."
"Thus the thread which was spun in darkness by those who sought perpetual motion has conducted us to a universal law of nature."
"Asking and giving is a fundamental law of the universe."
"The moment you begin to share what you have with others, there is an inner psychic process that takes place by which the universe supplies you more."
"The universe always waits in smiling repose for us to align our thinking with its laws."
"The only thing that we're bound by is the moral law."
"The universe is sure to pay you back; it is a law as immutable as the law of gravity."
"Magna Carta would henceforth be considered law for all men and women."
"The first law of the universe is the law of vibration."
"Love isn't something that we have to work to achieve; love is ours by universal law."
"The Law of Cosmic Habit Force, the law of cause and effect, the comptroller of all natural laws, coordination of the universe."
"The law of conservation of energy is not confined to the physical world but operates in the spiritual realms also."
"The universe don't see black and white like we do... you ask and if you believe, then you receive."
"Abundance is going on with or without our participation; it's an inescapable law of the universe, the law of Oneness."
"These hidden teachings trace back to one core principle about how the universe operates that's over 10,000 years old, and that's the law of magnetism."
"You must live in right relationship to the universe and to the laws that sustain all that is within it."
"Once you choose to be strong, the universal law's power will always be with you in some way."
"The primary law of the universe is the law of balance and harmony."
"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."
"You must destroy to create; that is the law of the universe."
"Any thought or emotion which is harmful to his energy resources must be contrary to the intentions of the law by which he is controlled or directed."
"The true patterns of maturity must come from a partnership with the laws of existence and not a constant violation of universal law."
"Every great system of enlightenment the world has ever known has accepted the essential inevitability of universal law."
"They follow the law of the universe - each thing creates its kind, and they speed over the track to bring you back whatever went out from your mind."
"The Christian message... self-sacrifice is the law of the universe, not self-preservation."
"You are aligned with universal law, your inner world is well organized, well thought up, well measured."
"The law of cause and effect rules the universe."
"Opulence is the law of the universe, an abundant supply for every need if nothing is put in the way of its coming."
"Vibration is nothing but an idea; it's a law of the universe. Everything vibrates, nothing rests."
"When you go for alignment first, then all the other trappings have to fill in around it. It is law."
"When you think and manifest according to universal law, your manifestations will be more successful."
"As you work towards your miracle, watch for every sign, mind for every change around you, and you will see the universal law communicating with you."
"As in the inner, so is the outer; as in the great, so is the small; as above, so it is below; there is but one life and law, and he that worketh it is one."
"The general law of the universe, the single benevolent force behind all nature and existence, is the thing that gives you your life."
"Your responsibility is to put it out, Universal intelligence will determine when and how you're going to get it back."
"It's a universal law that you cannot get away from."
"The universe is so incomprehensibly balanced and perfect, imbalance will always be restored."
"Ask, and you shall receive; the universe always gives without exception."
"The Dharma is the fundamental element of lawfulness operating in the universe."
"This is a moral universe in which justice will out."
"All is one, harmony is the eternal law."
"The universal law of vibration posits that everything, every atom, is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency."
"Nothing in the universe comes to rest."
"Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law."
"I ought never to conduct myself except so that I could also will that my maxim become a universal law."
"The principle of the universal validity of all its maxims as laws would be the form of a pure practical reason."
"The moral law is a law which governs the universe just like any other law."
"That's one really important part of the law of light."
"Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force directly proportional to the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."
"Will you see the cycle finish, will you see universal law play out? Yes."
"The law of attraction is the greatest law in the universe; it is the workings of everything."
"The law of increase applies to every aspect of your life, not just money and business."
"If you want more, ask the universe and it will be given."
"The Law of Correspondence is one of the universal laws that govern everything."
"Mastering the Law of Correspondence is the first step in regaining control of lives and positively impacting the current scenario."
"All things work together for them that love good, live the law."
"Everything created is based upon order; law rules the space where the infinite dwells."
"The law of universal gravitation states that every particle in the universe exerts an attractive force on every other particle."
"To know that justice, harmony, and love are supreme in the universe is likewise to know that all adverse and painful conditions are the result of our own disobedience to that Law."
"Understand my beloved child, that the universe operates under my command."
"Newton assumed that every two bits of matter in the universe attract each other."
"It is not one thing at Rome and another at Athens, one thing today and another tomorrow, but in all times and nations this universal law must forever reign, eternal and imperishable."
"Causality should not be broken, which means every single observer, regardless of how fast they're traveling, should agree in their frame the cause should come before the effect."
"There's only one law, and that is the law of Love."
"The Universal Law of Giving and Receiving has a remarkable impact on humankind."
"The attempt to codify and create a universal system of law throughout the empire."
"The only true law is universal law, and you're immortal and infinite."
"The Great Law of Attraction governs the whole Universe and is the basis of eternal harmony."
"Gravity relates to everyone and to everything; in a way, gravity reaches out and shakes hands with the entire universe."
"You can get what you want only through the operation of that universal law by which all life advances continuously into fuller expression."
"All things are in a state of vibration."
"You are connected to everything, you are connected to the universal law, the universal law is you."
"There's a mathematical equation that everything adheres to."
"As above, so below; it's literally backed by universal law."
"All energy in the universe is expressed in motion, and all motion is expressed in waves."
"The law of Correspondence as above so below, as within so without."
"Changeability is the law of the universe."
"The Law of Attraction works whether you believe in it or not."
"Each man becomes the molder of his own destiny. Whatever universal energies he himself, wisely or unwisely, has set in motion must return to him as a starting point, like a circle inexorably completing itself."
"The law of the universe is for the greater good of all involved."
"Karma is a universal law; you can't pick and choose which ones you are going to use."
"For the more you truly give, the more you receive, it's a universal law."
"The universe operates on the basic law of 'for the greater good'."
"What goes around comes around; it's universal law."
"I'm going to be the walking embodiment of the universal law of balance."
"Action is the first law of the universe."