
Moral Guidance Quotes

There are 387 quotes

"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."
"Having some spirituality can help too, like for moral guiding and [stuff], but I think the community-building aspect was a big part of it."
"Hate what is evil; cling to what is good; honor one another above yourselves; don't be lazy; work hard; rejoice in hope; be patient in trial; and keep on praying."
"The best place that we can start investigating to find out what the path forward might be is in more careful attention to the voice of conscience."
"Conscience speaks in a very small and inconvenient voice, and it's normally saying to you, think again, look more deeply, consider this."
"If you live by the spirit, you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh."
"I try not to tell people what is right and what is wrong."
"Be holy as God is holy; be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect."
"Repentance means you change; you don't do that no more."
"It's super important to teach the younger generation that's being influenced by a lot of these people like, 'Hey, these really dangerous moral boundaries that are being set probably shouldn't be your guiding force going forward.'"
"Faith... is the willingness to act out the proposition that what we find admirable will in fact be the most appropriate guide to how we should act in the world."
"That which is hateful to you, don't do to others."
"Enter by the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it."
"Evil... will tell you how to live, where good highly recommends but allows you to make those mistakes so you grow."
"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
"You can't go wrong if you just roam around on planet Earth and you believe that what Jesus did for us was good through and through, and all you need to do is do good instead of evil."
"Oh Allah, kindly show us truth as truth and grant us to recognize it as truth and follow it; and kindly show us falsehood as falsehood and grant us to recognize it and reject it."
"The recipe for a good world is all there in these ten sublime Commandments."
"Sexism is bad, and you shouldn't do it regardless of the circumstance."
"Just be true to yourself, what's your moral compass, you know what's happening."
"Don't be an asshole. Those are the words to live by."
"Christ spent time with sinners but he always told them go sin no more."
"Pornography leads you away from being like Jesus."
"Our conscience tells us exactly what needs to be done."
"Without believing in God or reading God's words, there's no way to escape Satan's corruption."
"Be a light unto the world instead of a blight."
"Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill separates the weak through the valley of darkness."
"In our increasingly unrighteous world, it is essential that values based on religious belief be part of the public discourse."
"Black people have been this nation's moral conscience."
"In a world filled with anti-heroes and stories about superheroes who don't understand the difference between being powerful and doing good, this show makes a clear case for upholding values."
"The best wisdom Augustine ever gave us: Love The Sinner, hate the sin."
"so there's like there's somewhat of a responsibility that we have as adults to not want to steer children you know down the wrong path"
"There is a Biblical foundation for pointing stuff out."
"Islam tells us to go to the most vile person and speak kindly."
"The Christ-like thing to do is to serve others, to go and help others."
"Don’t call a woman a horse face. Don’t cheat on your wife. Don’t cheat on anything. Be a good person. Set a good example."
"God wants young people who will stand up like that for him don't follow the bad example of older people around you."
"Remember Lot's wife... do not backslide, do not look back, do not turn around."
"Can reason lead us in directions that are good or decent or moral?"
"I have become convinced that reason is a better angel."
"The purpose of Scripture is to teach you how to get right."
"Never cruel or cowardly. Never give up. Never give in."
"How do I know whether I'm following my heart or conscience? You could be asking..."
"This message is designed to keep us out of hell."
"Expect to be cheated on if he has no moral compass, no spiritual guidance, no core values."
"As long as you can do the best with whatever resources you have."
"God loves me enough to tell me no to satanic and evil desires."
"The reason not to have sex with your wife and her brother at the same time is because it's wrong."
"To whom much is given, much will be required."
"There's hope, but we're in trouble. That's why we need a return to the Ten Commandments."
"Love of neighbor should guide our decisions for the common good."
"Do not treat someone differently because they're not a Muslim."
"My conscience is my daily communion with God, and if I follow my conscience, I won't do wrong." - George Galloway
"The fruit of the flesh is not what the world needs, it needs to produce the Spirit in your life."
"Just because the world celebrates something or openly encourages something does not mean you as a child of God should too."
"Show me the righteous way of achieving this."
"It offers answers to how should I live my life, how should I relate to my employer, how should I treat my wife."
"Neither do I condemn you, go your way and sin no more."
"If you bless people on the way, you know what I'm saying, you see what you should and shouldn't do."
"I'm not teaching you how to fight evil, I'm teaching you how to control it."
"To be caught in a lie is nothing new for Donald Trump."
"Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."
"Treat each other with kindness, with a golden rule, without respect to color."
"Science can and should be an authority on moral issues, shaping human values."
"I'm not trying to get on his bad side, I'm trying to live right and do what he says."
"Be wheat and separate yourself from the tares. Be blessed."
"My dad used to say, 'You know the difference between right and wrong? Do the right thing, god damn it.' I mean, it's that simple."
"Remember our Lord Jesus Christ, that you're the light of the world and the salt of the earth."
"Be kind to each other, be good to each other, and please follow the truth."
"Thou shalt not lie is a very important commandment you shouldn't lie you should try your hardest to not lie."
"There's only one truth in every situation, and that is what we should be looking for."
"We teach the law statutes and Commandments, so that we are not living a life of sin."
"Jesus has compassion, we need to have compassion."
"It's the Gospel that makes it so that I don't want to do that, not the law."
"How would we know right from wrong if we don't have divine guidance?"
"The religious Foundation... guide your intuitions and your morals."
"A new commandment I give you: that you'll love one another."
"Keep your eyes on the Lord and keep doing right. Keep fighting the good fight."
"The alternative is to orient yourself towards the highest good as we already described and then speak the truth."
"The man who guides his actions solely by what is considered good and what is considered evil is guided by his ego only."
"Do the right thing. That's all it is. That's it."
"The church is not meant to be the master nor the servant of the state but its conscience, its guide, and its critic."
"Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
"If he brought a book no human being can come AC telling you how to live your life a guidance way morality telling you all these kind of good things what would you think yourself do you think that he's a prophet yeah absolutely."
"Stay on the narrow path, my child, at whatever cost."
"It's fear of God that'll keep you from compromise."
"There isn't anything better than [Christianity] for organizing Society... for teaching people how to behave to one another."
"But running away isn't enough, we can't just run away from the bad, we also need to run towards the good."
"It's not about forcing, it's about providing moral guardrails."
"Just because it's the easiest thing to do doesn't mean it's the right thing to do."
"The most important lesson... staying on the right side... doing the right thing."
"That was a clear sign from God saying do not twist my word or mock my name."
"Allah mentions qualities of believers and disbelievers. Strive to embody the qualities of believers."
"Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house lest you be doomed to destruction like it, and you shall utterly detest it." - Deuteronomy 7:26
"The blood of an innocent animal or the blood of a human being will not save you, but repenting will save you."
"If a person continues to lie, they will be written with Allah that you are a liar and lying guides to transgression and falsehood guides you to Jahannam."
"The righteous judgment of God... eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality." - Romans 2:5,7
"Grace and truth must guide us in advocating for justice for everybody."
"I'm here to talk to you about a set of values and principles that I know work. They've been proven over thousands of years, they come directly from the Bible."
"God has given us the instruction book in the Bible and it gives us the order for humanity to make things work properly."
"God knows his Ten Commandments... to protect us from the burden of guilt."
"Let us be like Mother Sita, ready to uproot all thorns on our path to righteousness."
"To overcome lust and porn: control your eyes and avoid compromising situations, and flee rather than fight against temptations."
"We need to grow up enough now regarding this topic to take it back for God, take it back for the Word of God, take it back to show the world what's right in this area."
"Be true to yourself, do the right thing, and face your problems head-on." - Narrator
"Sexual sin isn't something you can push away or shove out of the way. It's not a sin you can talk your way out of most of the time. It's a sin that you have to run away from."
"Grace-energized men abstain from lust-promoting activities."
"Love one another right as he loved us. Judge not lest he be judged yourself. Be baptized, try to follow his example, let go of material things."
"Remember that our Lord said we are to be salt and light in the world, not indistinguishable from it."
"The only moral instruction to give slaves is to do everything in their power to free themselves and everyone else who's enslaved."
"Disobedience to parents brings consequences. Honor your father and mother to avoid the curse of disobedience."
"If God is going to lay out his Ten Commandments, the top ten, I would think at the very close to the top of that would be something to the effect of thou shalt not own another human being as property."
"It matters what happens in the Bible what the Bible States what Jesus said."
"Prayer is literally an antidote to sins, keeping away from sins, keeping you on the right path."
"He made a tremendous impact and for the show which was all about the drug world, he's the moral compass of the show."
"The entire purpose of the band is to help their fans lead righteous lives, be good people, and ultimately go to heaven."
"The bible strictly forbids any such practices."
"Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful."
"It is to deliver or to rescue or to save you from the way of evil men."
"Oh no man anything, but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." - Romans 13:8.
"God influence you to do what's right by the people."
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Matthew 7:21
"This is not okay. This is what's going to happen. It's a consequence. It is not something that God's like, 'I love when this happens.'"
"Test all things, hold fast what is good, abstain from every form of evil."
"In order to tell someone they need to repent, you have to introduce unpleasant feelings about the things they've done."
"Who the Lord loves he corrects, so don't let these liars on Google lie to you."
"Be careful how you treat people, you don't know where God is gonna take them."
"The high road is often extremely lonely, but I think you should always try to take it if you can."
"You really should respect people on an individual level, treat everybody the way you'd like to be treated."
"If you allow logic and fair is fair to lead the way of a decision you're always going to be in the right."
"I hope you understand my decisions, you don't have to agree with them at all you can in fact just disagree with this whole video if you want to but I had so much fun putting this together."
"If you cannot find something to give, then a good word, a cheerful word, a word of encouragement." - Sheikh
"Beloved, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God."
"Love is the highest law governing our conduct."
"Your gut will always know what's right and what's wrong."
"Public policy should be guided by conscience just like individual behavior should be guided by conscience."
"Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness."
"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."
"The path to Heaven is through the person right in front of you."
"You're on the right track. I can't say exactly what is right and what is wrong but you're on the right track."
"They have a law book to understand their rights, they have a firearm to protect those rights, and they have a Bible to help them understand what is the moral and what is the proper right."
"Church should get us out of sins, not condone sin and encourage us to be sinners."
"Allah made the path to Halal easy and the path to Haram difficult."
"Teach your kids not to steal, how about that?"
"Next time Young Don feels the need to bully another group of people in the name of his good book, maybe he should look back into it for a few passages about compassion."
"Being kind, loving, and honest can at least help you find your place in it."
"Love is the essence of the law, the ultimate command."
"What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."
"We're going to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God."
"Try not to make the world worse on your path to making it better."
"The law of God: love God, love your neighbors, love yourself."
"It's one of the worst things you can do to be mean to somebody that doesn't deserve it."
"We need a President who harnesses the better aspects of American Consciousness, the better angels of our nature. Justice, we justice justice thy shall pursue."
"Just be a good person, that's all that matters."
"Conscience, remember, is an open wound. Only truth use it."
"There's always a path to Redemption. Just be good, that's all the fans ever really wanted."
"Guard your lips against speaking ill. Keep your thoughts free from the filth of this world. Shield your eyes from all that is wicked."
"Pride leads to disgrace, but humility leads to wisdom."
"Everything in leadership is either emulating the devil or emulating the Savior."
"Do unto others as you would do unto yourself."
"Kakashi warned Itachi against his merciless approach and encouraged him on the importance of friends."
"Keep doing the right thing, don't take matters into your own hand. God is your Defender."
"Noah teaches us that we can live in this world surrounded by corruption and be full of grace."
"Jesus is more than just about being good and avoiding evil."
"Man is a product of his choices. Write that down. The Bible teaches you are a product of your choices."
"My sons, you and I spent centuries doing what we were told. Now I simply wish for you to do what is right."
"Wrath and vengeance do not lead to salvation."
"Be kind to others as you wish others be kind to you."
"Be wise in what is good and simple concerning evil."
"For whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil."
"Leaders do not ask for permission. They do what they need to do because it's the right thing."
"That's the whole thing that whole thing about treat others the way you want to be treated because you never know who's watching after you and they're always with you always and they watching they watching stuff that you don't even realize."
"Be kind to everybody everywhere in your everyday life."
"I've also decided to stick with love, but I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind's problems."
"You can never award hate for hate. It will never work. That's what separates us from them."
"The wisdom is, if we wanna guard our sexual purity, then don't start with something that you know will be a gateway to other things."
"Your heart serves as the compass for your actions, guiding you to do the right thing."
"It's not judging is not lowering the standard Jesus is saying what I want to show you is another way a better way to get people to reach it."
"Love your enemies, bless them, do good to them."
"Once you accept this, you're accepting all the prophets and then what are they telling you to do? Only good things, nothing bad. So it's a good message, it makes logical sense."
"Follow your conscience after thorough consideration—it's your choice."
"If people don't do good things, don't seek the truth, and don't be steadfast or patient, then you'll fail, you'll get lost."
"Envy not the oppressor and choose none of his ways."
"Be sober and watch unto prayer, and above all things, have fervent charity among yourselves, for charity shall cover the multitude of sins."
"Education is the process in which you teach someone to love the things that they ought to love and to hate the things that they ought to hate."
"My conscience tells me or instructs me or maybe even commands me to speak the truth no matter where it leads."
"No matter what, if someone encourages you to do the wrong thing, you should always want to do right."
"God gave us rules and a moral law to protect us. If you live in drunkenness, it's going to eat away at your mind."
"Be nice to people, guys. This is so messed up."
"The role of conscience is to help us make the right decision in a specific situation based on what is right and wrong."
"Instead of scolding Lee for stealing his swords to play with Zuko shows him the proper way to wield them and has a heart-to-heart neutral good."
"Thou shalt not bear false witness. That means don't lie."
"Seeing that in the sky is a reminder, man, keep going, you got this, keep your faith, whatever you thinking about doing wrong or negative or that you know you shouldn't be doing, that's a reminder not to do it."
"Be the light, just be that lighthouse, stand firm, stand strong."
"The presidency is not a management job, it is preeminently a place of moral leadership."
"There's a way that seems right to man, but at the end it's destruction."
"To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."
"Conscience is a corrective lens that causes an increase in well-being over time or space."
"Do not do anything from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself."
"So my Lolo, he told me something really deep. He said, 'In religion, in Catholicism at least, right, everything, like the Ten Commandments, all of God's rules, they can all be categorized into two things: love one another and not love another.'"