
Spiritual Goal Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Seek ye ever the oneness eternal, seek ever the light of the goal."
"Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize."
"Enlightenment is the ultimate happiness. That's what we're looking for."
"My purpose is to hear well done that good and faithful servant."
"God the Father has a goal for Jesus and for that to be accomplished you need to be the most empowered version of yourself."
"Do everything you can to take as many people with heaven with you as you can."
"My life's ambition is to be a carrier of the presence of God."
"Our ultimate goal is this mind which up to now has been the slave of destructive emotion."
"Jesus is the prize. Jesus is the destination. Jesus is the Apex of all accomplishments."
"The attainment of spiritual freedom is the goal, regardless of the path."
"Help us mostly for the salvation of souls that we get to heaven to be with you forever."
"Aim of all life is that God in Christ be displayed as infinitely valuable."
"God's ultimate goal is union with us. He wants us."
"The marriage supper of the Lamb should be the main goal of all believers."
"The only real tragedy in life is to not get to heaven."
"Let's do that. Let's strive to live as beloved children of God."
"In the end, the goal is God... it's God's purpose to give himself to you."
"The goal is to be like Jesus, you want to be like Jesus tonight."
"The goal of Sikh life is to break free from the cycle of rebirth by merging your soul back into God's soul."
"Unity is not just a nice commodity, Unity is a necessity to trying to enter into Jannah together."
"The ultimate goal of life: realizing God, and everything falls in place."
"Our aim is moksha, freedom from samsara, freedom from suffering."
"The goal of our inheritance is to the praise of his glory."
"The only day when you can say 'I'm not coming short of the glory of God' is when we have become like Jesus perfectly."
"The number one objective of Jesus was to get the Holy Ghost back inside of you."
"I'm going to endure to the end because there's no more important goal in my life than making heaven my home and taking somebody with me."
"I don't care what I have to walk through, climb over, or bear up under. I don't care. I am going to endure to the end because there's no more important goal in my life than making heaven my home and taking somebody with me."
"We are ultimately looking for a heavenly country, not an earthly one."
"The further Shore is in letting go of the craving."
"We have a common goal in mind: to see his face in peace."
"Remember your goal: not to win an argument, but to win a soul. Amen?"
"Ultimate goal: true spiritual enlightenment."
"My goal, beloved, is to get ahold of God for myself and experience the realities that he says are ours in Scripture."
"The spiritual result is what we are looking for: enlightenment, that I will know that I am 'Brahman' and go beyond sorrow and suffering."
"The goal of all Buddhists is to try to attain Nirvana."
"The aim of Buddhist practice is to end suffering."
"The whole point of Sikhi is to us to get enlightened."
"Christ suffered that he might bring us unto God."
"God, that our love would point people back to you."
"The goal is not Bible knowledge; the goal is knowing God."
"I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which Christ laid hold of me."
"What is ultimately good for us is Moksha, liberation, spiritual freedom, enlightenment."
"We're striving to present every man complete in Christ, mature in Christ."
"God realization is my goal, enlightenment is my goal, nirvana, moksha."
"The ultimate goal of all of this really is spiritual immortality."
"The crowning achievement of the plan of redemption is for you to receive eternal life."
"What are you prepared to give in return? Will you give steadfast loyalty, patience, and earnest endeavor until a goal of Bliss is reached?"
"We are searching for Nirvana, Moksha, enlightenment, freedom."
"The Vajrayana being the third was seen as a particularly effective way to gain Buddhahood, to gain the final goal to become a Buddha oneself."
"The end of dukkha is not annihilation, it's a full attainment of the unconditioned, Nibbana."
"Being firmly established as our real self... is the true goal of all forms of spiritual practice."
"We are not supposed to get to Gan Eden; we're supposed to bring God down to Earth from Gan Eden."
"I'm going for that prize, and the crown, I want it," Paul the Apostle said.
"The aim of this monastery is to recognize the deathless."
"We want a 'well done and good and faithful servant' kind of a dream, amen everybody?"
"Love is the goal: to love God with all of your being and to love your neighbor as yourself."
"The point is to transform us more into the likeness of Christ."
"The purpose is transcendence of sorrow and attainment of our infinite nature which is infinite bliss."
"The end goal of philosophy is unification with the divine, so that's the same goal as religion, it's the same goal as paganism."
"Bodhicitta is this mind or the intention to become a Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings."
"The whole goal of the Christian Life, the whole purpose of Lent, is to become like Jesus."
"This is the greatest of all the sanctities to which anyone can aspire."
"We're supposed to grow up into Him in all things to the full measure of the stature of Christ."
"All beings are intrinsically connected to a divine source; realizing this connection is a key goal to our spiritual journey."
"Equanimity, the word Pali word is Upekkha, is in many ways the end goal of all of Buddhist practice."
"I press on toward the goal of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
"The point isn't to become a Buddhist, the point is to become a Buddha."
"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling in Jesus Christ."
"My goal is heaven. My objective is to please the Lord. My value system is what I learn from the scriptures."
"This is the dream: to know Him, to serve Him, to love Him."
"The goal is to forgive the world and wake up from this dream of seeming separation."
"Surrender is not an alternative; surrender is the goal."
"The final goal of humanity is to attain the same state as Mashiach in that kind of holiness."
"If the goal you're living for is only to please God, that's the mark of a saint."
"Our goal is to be faithful to Jesus until we see Jesus and we hear Jesus say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"The goalpost of our life is to attain Krishna prema, to attain love for Radha and Krishna, and there is no other purpose to our human life."
"The goal of human life is to get out of this situation and to go back home, back to Godhead."
"The goal is the same: God-realization."
"The ultimate aim of this kind of mental seclusion is to get into deep kinds of meditative absorptions."
"All our religious practices, all our secular practices, must ultimately be streamlined, pointed towards enlightenment."
"Jesus's goal for the church was not the earthly comfort or lengthening their life."
"The ultimate goal of life is ecstatic love for Krishna, devotional service."
"The only true goal of life is ecstatic love for Krishna, devotional service."
"My goal is not to get you saved, my goal is to love you, and loving you is going to get you saved."
"The ultimate happiness is the happiness of the Akhirah, it is the pleasure of Allah."
"We only have one result which is the spiritual awakening."
"No matter what path we take, we are taking it for a specific goal, and to reach that goal, the ego needs to be completely demolished."
"Forgetting those things that are behind, we must reach forth unto those which are before, and press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
"The ultimate goal of human life is spiritual freedom, the complete overcoming of suffering, the attainment of bliss."
"Our goal is to enter this eternal abode full of bliss, Goloka Vrindavan."
"I have an unaffected spirit, that's what I want to have."
"I am working towards the goal of all of us being made more like Christ."
"The path of cultivation is destined to be lonely. In the end, all one can be responsible for is oneself, and I have only one goal, to achieve immortality."
"The final goal of the Yogacara is the complete purification and transformation of consciousness into wisdom."
"The final goal in life is to be happy and to get closer to God."
"The main purpose is to get out of this cycle of death and rebirth."
"Keep your eyes on the prize, which is Christ."
"The goal of a Sikh is to live their life in Praise of the Divine and in constant remembrance or constant awareness."
"Simply by seeing Govardhan, a person attains the supreme goal of life."
"Be one with the greatness of all lights; find at the source, the end of thy goal."