
Non-attachment Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"It's not only liberating but things get way, way easier when you start living life without constantly seeking a fixed outcome."
"Release the idea of 'my'... Freedom arrives when there is no grasping."
"Manifesting is not about chasing or trying; it's about knowing your worth."
"Authentic power is the ability to move through your life with an empowered heart without attachment to the outcome."
"The Eightfold Path is essentially how we can live with compassionate non-attachment in each and any moment."
"Recognizing all things as illusion, devoid of clinging, may I be released from bondage."
"It's all about just releasing all attachment of anything you've ever known about cooking."
"I'm so glad you're not something I can bring up but as I look back, if you were, please rehash these reviews."
"The great way is not difficult for they who hold no preference."
"Intention is like a pure focus on the movement without needing, without that energy that kind of binds you to it."
"When you internally get to a feeling state of 'if it happens great, if not, no problem at all,' that's when you've reached non-attachment."
"You can't live in the results. You have to do it for the love of doing the thing."
"Non-attachment... all pain comes from wanting something."
"I call it the non-attachment, right? Like having this ability to be fully open, right? Because it's not just being a cold, heartless [ __ ], it's being fully open but also at the same time being willing to walk away."
"This world is not our home, and the hope that we have does not rest here."
"I don't ever really think about the past, I'm always thinking about right here and tomorrow."
"That's so important sometimes we want something so bad that we end up putting so much resistance toward it that's why non-attachment is so important."
"Stay open to adjacent possibilities, don't get too attached to the outcome."
"You run into the hardship of trying to let go of certain feelings and have them just be those clouds passing through the sky, non-attachment."
"This is a relaxing mentality. Start practicing non-attachment. Whatever's meant to be will be."
"If the body lasted till the end of time or vanished today, what would you win or lose? You are pure awareness." - Vedanta Sara
"Not all hauntings are attached to a property, land, or object."
"Life becomes so much better when you stop giving a [__]."
"Die to the past every moment; you don't need it."
"Wild freedom, raw freedom, is freedom from the need to have to fix anything."
"Nonattachment to things does not mean not appreciating things, but it means not seeking yourself or to regard things as an extension of yourself."
"Non-attachment is exactly what I'm talking about here which is... not being so attached to the thoughts and emotions."
"Inner peace is a continuous journey that involves embracing mindfulness, compassion, and non-attachment"
"Do not be attached to your position."
"Non-attachment. Arjuna learns in the Bhagavad-Gita that the suffering actually is the reminder almost of the divine connection because it compels the metacognitive thought."
"What liberates the mind, what liberates the heart, in the Pali texts, the Buddha said the supreme state of sublime peace has been discovered by the Tathagata, namely, liberation through non-clinging."
"Freedom is in the non-grasping mind. So then the question before us is: how do we accomplish this release of the heart? How do we accomplish the heart or mind of non-clinging?"
"Practicing non-attachment allows you to connect to things more deeply, it allows you to be more present and more alive."
"There's no attachment to it at all."
"Even as this embodied self attains in this body childhood, youth, and old age, so does it attain another body. The wise man does not get deluded at this."
"Let the minds action follow the body's actions, so let the thoughts become soft, non-judgmental, not attached."
"Just enjoy the experience without trying to force or reach certain goals."
"The only place we can experience contentment is when we're not spinning the wheel on our way to the future."
"Trash is not emotional. It's zero decision-making for me to do."
"The clearer we perceive impermanence, the less we cling, the less we suffer."
"In this whole process of mind and body, there is nowhere to be found anything which can be called a self, or an I, or me, or mine."
"So then you don't have to do anything; without attachment, it will liberate by itself."
"The arising is also the dissolving, and so it's fresh upon fresh upon fresh beyond appropriation."
"Nothing whatsoever is worth clinging to."
"A lot of people are practicing non-attachment; they don't want to chase to fill a void, they want to attract whatever is organic for them."
"Be patient, be open, resist expectations of specific outcomes."
"The deeper lesson of K2 is a lesson of non-attachment."
"We're able to see it as non-self, as non-satisfactory, as changeable, and we're able to relax around it."
"The activities of the Arahants are called kriyas, not karma. Kriya means simple action."
"Ultimately, adaptability springs from their non-attachment to any one approach."
"He who calls nothing his own, whether it be before, behind, or between, who is poor and free from the love of the world, him I call indeed a brahmana."
"That which is aware is not personal, and it's not mine."
"Not being a person is a great relief, to realize all the fears, vanity, selfishness, worries, anxiety, habits, depression, jealousy, guilt, and remorse are illusions."
"You should have a complete absence of passionate attachment so that your thought inclines to nothing worldly."
"There's nothing here that's concerned about this; there's nothing here with an agenda about what's going on here."
"What is destroyed after self-realization or enlightenment is the sense of personal doership."
"Be nothing, do nothing, get nothing, become nothing, seek for nothing, relinquish nothing, be as you are, rest in God."
"Can you show up for whatever that is as it passes through, and then when it's ready to go, let it go without attachment?"
"People do not have to be in your life forever in order for you to have love for them."
"Focus on the process, not on the outcome."
"I want to enjoy this journey and I want to be able to share it with you without all the responsibility that comes from being a guru in that space."
"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."
"Flower represents her change by not caring about winning any longer."
"We're not tied to the fear of failure and the desire for success; there's a freshness that we bring to each moment."
"I'm determined not to fuss with it. Got to accept what the paint gives me."
"To be free of the conceit 'I am', to be free of asmi-māna, that is the greatest happiness."
"The silence, the non-grasping, there's no suffering."
"As one dives into the sea with a heavy stone and takes out pearls, so one should dive with non-attachment into the heart and gain the self."
"My happiness must not be limited by time, space, or object."
"Non-identification, when natural and spontaneous, is liberation."
"Clay is in all pots but really not in all pots; the pots are in clay."
"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving."
"I think you shouldn't be result-oriented."
"Once you can separate them and preserve the memory, you will never regret getting rid of the physical item."
"I have practiced for years now not being precious about things and really just enjoying the process."
"Whatever visible physical form there is, whatever feeling, perception, volitional activities, or consciousness there is, all of that should be seen as it really is with correct wisdom: 'This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.'"
"Don't even pay attention necessarily to trying to hit a specific goal."
"Love beyond hope and social engagement as a gift and not being attached to outcome."
"One of the ways that we can live a wiser and a kinder and a less stressful life is to understand what non-attachment is."
"The opposite of attachment is non-attachment, a state of mind where we aren't readily identifying ourselves with parts of the world."
"Non-attachment should be a kind state of mind, a state of kindness where we're kind to things but we don't identify with them."
"Krishna’s message in the Bhagavad Gita is the perfect answer for the modern age, and any age: Yoga of dutiful action, of nonattachment, and of meditation for God-realization."
"Love is another name for non-attachment."
"Our experiences primary and when you put experience as primary, you fall into the trouble of the fact that an experience doesn't lend itself to clinging."
"It's really important not to be outcome oriented."
"A refuge is not in these mental states anymore; it's not personal, it's not about me as a separate individual."
"It doesn't bother me. It's not catching the fish that's the end of the affair, it's kind of like the bonus."
"If the desiring is free of ignorance, is free of self-view, is free of greed, hatred, and delusion, then that kind of desire does not cause suffering."
"Never chase anything in life, always just let it come to you, let it flow."
"Desire for God is not to be counted as a desire."
"I have divorced you, O world, don't try to elude me, do not try to allure me, I am not attracted to you."
"If it's not helpful then, don't take it, just let it go."
"As our grasping dries up, we become less attached to things."
"Non-attachment encompasses a number of related ideas from early Buddhism."
"The actual reality of oneness is always through nonattachment to conditions."
"God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past."
"Shape, taste, smell, touch, sound, sorrow, pleasure, the act of gaining or the object gained, none of these finds place in that transcendence which is the support of all there is, which is the being in all, but is bereft of everything, does not contain anything."
"Seek a sense of pure being without any sense of person."
"You are not a body, you are not a mind, you are not this personality; you are unlimited consciousness."
"You, the pure consciousness, transcend the world appearance and therefore nothing in the world appearance can actually damage you, hurt you."
"We can love very deeply without grasping; we can love and have freedom and ease."
"Every moment is something fresh; why should you be bound by the past?"
"To do one's duty always at the proper time and never to worry about the result."
"You're a free spirit, independent and free, so you don't have to stay stuck to a situation or a person, place, or a thing."
"You are not the body, you are not even the mind."
"I am not the body, and I am not the beingness."
"If you are not your body and its name, what are you? Let the body be there, only do not identify with it."
"Drop both the blankness and the witness; let both go."
"Pleasure is not attachment, pleasure is called happiness."
"One must become a sthita, not a professional sadhaka."
"Leave everything but don't identify as the leaver of things."
"I am not limited by the body; I am not it."
"I don't necessarily have to set a new goal because I wasn't doing it to hit that goal."
"I am not the body, and not the mind, I am the background consciousness."
"Love is not identification. Love is not attachment."
"Teach us, Lord, how to have and not measure."
"It's not like we're trying to accomplish some end; we're just kind of enjoying the process."
"It feels good to let go and not have to worry about what it looks like."
"Resist dependency, take nothing for granted, stand firm and do not give into the urge of attachment."
"Learn to not be a dweller, learn to let things pass you by."
"We have to be willing to let go of those things that don't matter anymore."
"Liberation through nonattachment. I am not attached to anything but truth, to anything but where Spirit guides me in the future."
"All paths will ultimately lead you to where you need to be; therefore, I do not need to get so fixated on steering a ship in a particular direction."
"Desire is the sacred impulse for life. Feel it, but let go of all attachment to ownership."
"When you sit say to the universe, 'I trust that you've got me. I'm connected to you. I'm in the flow with you,' and that's what non-attachment is. It's being in the flow of the universe."
"I do not keep things from the past... this is about planning ahead."
"Don't feel a sense of lack and don't feel like you need to hold on to things."
"I do not feel guilty for letting go of what no longer serves me."
"You enjoy the process of getting there rather than the results."