
Zeitgeist Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"We've all shifted; the whole moral zeitgeist has shifted."
"The dictionary defines zeitgeist as the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era."
"I think one of the interesting things that seems to be happening is that we had this last new atheist moment... and it seems like that moment has broken. It's broken and there's something about the zeitgeist which makes it possible for a lot of atheists who perceive even what it is we're talking about."
"Being in the cultural Zeitgeist of the internet at large."
"It's not just how to tweet but it's also how to listen and how to read and that really tells you where people are at where the zeitgeist is."
"His writing would not be popular if he was not correctly distilling that zeitgeist."
"You just look around and you see all the things that are attached to you that hold such a place in the zeitgeist and in cultural history."
"Animal Crossing is kind of weirdly zeitgeisty."
"She's constantly trying to hit the Zeitgeist."
"She's the zeitgeist, she is pop culture, she is entertainment."
"What a time to be alive, people, what a time to be alive."
"Timing and momentum are more important than talent... it's catching the zeitgeist of what's happening in the world."
"Zeitgeist consists of the word Zeit which means time and Geist which means spirit."
"These Woodstocks reflected the Zeitgeist of the time."
"This has a really good chance of capturing the real mood of the zeitgeist."
"Being named the best-selling toy in the US during 2015 was truly such a time to be alive."
"The zeitgeist is determined by a collective memory, a collective set of facts that we operate on."
"It's what grabs our attention, what truth is thrown out into the zeitgeist, slowly bubbling under the surface until the masses embrace it."
"The idea there was you back in 2017 Bitcoin was the main topic at say Thanksgiving dinner for a lot of people that year that was when it really kind of took its first real gain into prominence in terms of the cultural Zeitgeist if you will."
"It's just an interesting time that we're living in."
"...it has never been a better time to be a fan of the Beatles."
"I think this is a really special yacht, it really feels like it captures the Zeitgeist of the moment."
"Zeitgeist: the spirit of the time."
"Control over the zeitgeist was wrenched from Boomer hands."
"Just screaming into the void. Classic 2020 stuff."
"What a time to be alive honestly."
"Vladimir Putin, who understands the zeitgeist better than anybody, is a consummate politician."
"Plastic perfectly captures the 60s zeitgeist."
"Zeitgeist: The spirit of the times."
"Basically, you need two old codgers to die so that the kids who grew up loving this [ __ ] can change the zeitgeist."
"There's this moment now through Jordan Peterson, John Vervaeke, but then there's other people. It's all kind of happening at the same time. It's almost like a Zeitgeist, a spirit of the time."
"2024 is the year of the vibe, TM."
"You guys just captured the zeitgeist, you know what I mean? You captured something that [__] was just happening."
"The Zeitgeist streamed through him like electricity."
"There's a remarkable power in the spirit of an age to make things that are lifeless and dead appear to be alive."
"The zeitgeist lost and polarized absolute will not support them."
"Right now it's been the zeitgeist but like I apparently Peter last month alone I've started like three campaigns with a bunch of comedy people who have never played right so like that's if it sure."
"I'm telling you right now we are living in an era of personality."
"She's very, very driven, very ambitious, and she's also able to tap into the zeitgeist of the time."
"...the zeitgeist has changed and people have said it's enough."
"Julia used to say I just hit the zeitgeist just right ready for my book."
"This music is cool, this music is the Zeitgeist right now."
"It's just a great time to be alive and listening to music."
"This fit the zeitgeist kind of perfectly."
"Once you're lodged in the zeitgeist, it becomes a real challenge for people to see you in different ways."
"Culture... we do have interests, we do have opinions, and we do have emotions that form our zeitgeist."
"It's been in the zeitgeist for two months, two and a half months, the cultural zeitgeist."
"It tapped into the anti-establishment zeitgeist and resonated with youth."
"I feel like women got it right now."
"Avant-garde is a product of and a reaction to the cultural zeitgeist."
"The new spirit in the air is one which is distinctly modern."
"For what is fashion if not a mirror of the moods and beliefs of its time?"
"We are living in a very strange time; everyone wants to be a savior."
"I just want to be representative of now and part of the zeitgeist."
"Once in a while the stars align and a movie comes out that perfectly describes its day and age and becomes part of popular culture."
"Indie sleaze was ultimately about seeking pleasure, approaching life as a giant mashup, making the most out of a moment at a time when life was getting darker."
"Something was happening, the Zeitgeist."
"It caught the zeitgeist in a way few events really did."
"What a time to be alive, pay attention."
"The world is changing, kid. Even if we survive, can't chase the zeitgeist forever."
"It's much bigger than us and more about the world we live in now where people are so into it and so down with it."
"Artists don't create the zeitgeist, they respond to it."
"It's a movement whose time has come."
"It's very much the zeitgeist at the moment to give and to do something with your hands."
"It was a car in sync with the spirit of the times."
"China in Ten Words... describes the zeitgeist and the collective consciousness of people in China today."
"He appeared to capture the zeitgeist of the times."
"He's able to tap into the zeitgeist of the common mind really well."
"It felt like it kind of captured the zeitgeist a little bit."
"The zeitgeist of the era was full of superstitions and mythologies that were developing; people believed in these things all the time."
"We have a movement, we have a revolution... It's an idea whose time had come."
"It's a good time to be a comic book lover, it's a good time to be a nerd."
"We're living in a time where the allure and purpose of most things has been questioned."
"It is personalities, not principles, that move the age."
"Uncertainty is what defines our generation."
"A rock star, designer star power, and a legendary photographer who knew exactly how to capture the zeitgeist."
"What the post-war music collective was suddenly able to realize was that all this suffering that people went through in the privacy of their own miserable bedrooms could suddenly be joined up in the Zeitgeist."
"It captures the spirit of the times."
"Not only have the urgency of compelling fiction but which become part of the Zeitgeist."
"It's culture; it's a display of the Zeitgeist and something that like on a beautiful sense like there's always something out there for a part of humanity to bond over."
"You reflect the times when you can reflect the times well."
"Photography is not just a form of displaying the product, it must also capture the zeitgeist."
"I'm feeling like this is a movement going on, this feeling of the moment."
"I wanted the album to be called 'The Wild' because it's wild right now."
"Perception change, we are in a time of perception change."