
Philosophical Discussion Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Nobody's pretending that we have solved all the hard problems in morality. It's just that I don't think the hard problem of morality is, 'Hey, why do we care about well-being?'"
"This is the most existential debate and challenge humanity will ever face."
"I think we've kind of got it the wrong way around; it's not like we have this thing called theism and we're saying here's this thing that lots of people believe but like oh well here's a problem that we hadn't thought of, why is God not making Himself evident to us. I think it's the other way around."
"Yes, based on the premises and reasoning provided in our discussion, I have agreed with the statements you've outlined."
"We're not in the metaphysical debate over theism and atheism."
"The fact is we behave in a moral way so why do we do that? What is that and how can we discuss that?"
"We spend a lot of time talking about the future of humanity."
"If we had truly equal chances and if we deliberated about what social contributions really were worthy, then the greatest rewards and honor should flow to the people who make those most valuable contributions to the common good."
"Evil is an inevitable reality, a corollary of good."
"I think there's a meaningful difference between the two types of paradigms."
"If we all basically lived... twice our current length... I don't think I would ever have wanted to argue with anybody about canonical matters."
"So I think that's a pretty safe thing to say, now if you're talking about something like a soul depends on what you mean by it."
"Let's hope in sunshine and light to talk about all of the complex questions and issues related to the consciousness of the human mind."
"By getting rid of the crimes of murder, robbery, and rape, you have not gotten rid of the actions."
"We will have a special appreciation for Friederick Nietzsche's 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' we will discuss what he meant by the assertion that God is dead..."
"God's word stays true generation after generation after generation."
"Why is there always this conflation between existence and created? Your existence does not prove that someone intentionally created you. You have to actually argue for that."
"Science and the biblical worldview sit very comfortably together."
"Anything that's of intellectual or philosophical debate should be up for discussion."
"The highest manifestation of planning... the human condition doesn't get any higher than this conversation."
"Thanks for bringing us to the land of thoughtfulness... Refreshing perspectives."
"Free will has been such a huge, if not one of the most pivotal, elements."
"Starting from truth and spinning out its implications, beautiful or not."
"The show wants us to be perplexed and to struggle with this, we're supposed to have as many different interpretations as we do about the trolley problem."
"The Church's tradition has very deep and rich kind of ongoing conversation about intrinsically evil acts."
"I tend to end these philosophical stuff in here rants with a but it's also a fun action sci-fi wrap-up statement and this time is no different."
"If you can't disprove it, then you have to fairly acknowledge that."
"Existential risk isn't anywhere near the worst thing that we could have. There's something called s risk as well above and beyond x risk."
"Good and evil have an objective nature... it transcends human subjectivity."
"There are objective standards of health, of sanity, of beauty, of truth, of morality."
"I think there are certainly positive arguments for atheism."
"The essence of your identity is battling Consciousness."
"Don't stretch the value of Justice to such an extent that it's in your conception becomes meaningless."
"He wouldn't dispute a priori the idea that Muhammad was a true prophet but I don't understand what that means."
"Evil exists as a force in this world, whether we describe it in terms of witchcraft or psychiatry."
"Anyone who takes these big questions seriously is a friend. There's a kind of kinship between people interested in these things."
"I think it's potentially the most fun of the arguments. It's just such a trip to just sit and do nothing but think."
"I really enjoyed this conversation, I thought it was really fruitful and uh I really liked uh the various avenues that we explored."
"Sentience is just a weird word because you know you could argue that an insect has sentience."
"It's like very advanced but like sentience is just a weird word because like you know you could argue that an insect has sentience."
"We keep, how hard is this concept? So, you're making an argument, yeah, that all of a sudden the baby goes through metamorphosis of a species change."
"He always cared more than anyone cared, he was an amazing Captain."
"Science and real faith are friends not enemies."
"People don't want to wrap their heads around that. You can't have morality without God."
"I happen to think that the theory of everything would not be the end of our pursuit but in many ways it's beginning."
"We're getting rather philosophical here in the playoffs."
"There's a creator whether you like it or not okay no there evidently isn't whether you like it or not."
"I'm not here to debate that, that is a lofty debate about what should be."
"There's quite a bit of evidence that the soul does exist."
"Science and faith aren't mutually exclusive."
"The achievement of progress defies ideological indictment as well as justification before their tribunal."
"Philosophical questions are the most important ones."
"We're getting kind of philosophical and existential here."
"I think of Virtues I think of Integrity virtue virtue ethics those are the things that I would consider to be high Valu as well some stoicism thrown in there maybe."
"It's like we're living in a world where most people believe in Atlantis... I want to say Atlantis doesn't exist, it didn't exist... Dan wants to say is that Atlantis is really Sicily." - Sam Harris
"Our best scientific theories tell us you can't boot up consciousness from space-time and physical objects."
"I'm not a fan of thought experiments especially that one Einstein was a big fan of thought experiments but I think it's an interesting thought experience."
"Death hypotheticals are important for understanding life."
"So yes, the first step is dialogue which is what we're doing right now. Logos is speech and then you move up the chain and logos is acceptance of the moral law."
"Philosophers might get a lot of productive mileage out of conversing within this framework."
"If we define an atheist as a person who lacks belief in God just as I think on your show actually I gave the example of something like veganism if we define it as you know abstaining from eating animal products then a rock is a vegan as well."
"Wouldn't we have to compare it to science? Yeah, yeah, that's a great point."
"It's at least a tie because there are brilliant and right, Graham Oppy is not an internet atheist."
"Everything is energy, even your thoughts are energy that have to be. They can't be ghosts."
"You can't argue against morality without evoking some kind of morality."
"This guy Brad Pit started going on about the benefits of self-destruction."
"People love just talking about stuff for which there is no answer of course you know why because it makes them feel like they have a stake and a say and it's like because nobody has the answers."
"Proof of a god existing is like me and you sitting here right now."
"Join us next time when we look at the force of development, the reason for suffering, and how we can rise above that."
"If I'm holding one reality and someone else is holding another reality... only one of those realities are gonna be the real reality."
"We are all discussing the bizarre nature of this fucking strange thing we call life."
"Being a good philosophical discussant involves being cooperative and modest. Use weak, widely shared premises and know when to ask for clarification."
"The only real way to directly observe morality is to look inwardly at your own moral impulses and ask others what their moral impulses are."
"I think we could do a stream talking about philosophical concepts... but I think for something like that to work, we would need to focus fairly narrowly."
"We will look at all the questions, the answers of both sides, and also see how Mandan Mishra lost."
"...they are the most predisposed to having really good big picture question discussions which ultimately fall into the religious category: who are we, why are we here, is there a God."
"We can talk about knowledge, sure, and we can talk about justice."