
Scientific Approach Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"It's an honor to speak here. I'm gonna speak about human values and about morality and how we can understand these scientifically."
"Don't do product development astrology. Do product development science."
"When nature gives us some very strong hints, it's a mistake to refuse to follow that evidence where it leads."
"If your goal is to lower the homicide rate in America... we should be able to ask ourselves scientifically what measures can be taken to reduce the numbers. That's all. You take politics out of it and just treat it as a scientific question."
"When you understand how hard it is to quit, but how if you use science not willpower, you can literally hack food and sugar addiction."
"We're going to talk about the most effective ways of burning fat based on physiology as well as the data."
"Charisma doesn't solve problems, scientific method and engineering solve problems."
"We cannot equate UFOs and aliens. The government has been very clear on this... No one in the government is talking about aliens... It's very important to keep that separate. Let's keep our eye on the ball; let's try to figure out what these things are, gather all the data, let science take a good look, and then take it from there, one step at a time."
"An evidence-based approach is not simply looking to science. It's a three-pronged approach that takes the best current evidence, your own personal expertise, and the needs and abilities of the individual into account."
"This mechanistic approach to describing the world has been wildly successful. In fact, it’s hard to imagine another way to do physics."
"It's a whole science behind it. You need a good team."
"I feel like they need to come at it with a more scientific approach."
"It's the obligation of scientists to be open-minded, to look through the windows to check if we have neighbors without a prejudice."
"If you're interested in evidence-based scientific skincare... that's what you'll find on my channel."
"The economic salvation of the masses can only be accomplished by getting a large number of people to practice the scientific method."
"I have always told you I'm going to tell you the truth and I'm going to lead with science."
"Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence."
"As a firm believer in the scientific method, I feel like it's time for me just to really buckle down and get to the bottom of this plant-based meat thing."
"Scientifically all that matters is perseverance."
"Blueprint is not to tell people what they should or should not do; it's meant to follow the data, the science."
"I definitely think that not all wellness companies are bad... but when they are well studied and when the approaches and treatments are given from a scientific standpoint..."
"Florida follows the science, California does not."
"California legislators are considering laws that I think will destroy the state and they are anti-scientific."
"In the dream, divine healing was seen as a scientific and highly organized field of study and practice."
"Science is an approach to solving problems... we haven't taught people how to think freely, we haven't taught people how to do critical thinking and how to evaluate evidence and discussions in a rational, civil way." - Dr. Zubin
"Don't listen to a celebrity and don't listen to a politician; they're not qualified to talk to you about it. Do your own research, use science, and figure it out for yourselves."
"What we need now is science and good data, and the process of getting that has begun."
"Our journey to uncover the mysteries of the world around us by embracing a scientific lens we have ensured that our work is evidence-based and data driven."
"It's important not to panic but to prepare and educate yourself based on science and research."
"The beauty is John, it's science... there's empirical data that's why it's science and not a religion."
"We're going to choose science over fiction, hope over fear."
"We're not doing fakes. If we find nothing, we find nothing. That's just the way it goes."
"I think it's important to take a balanced and scientifically sound approach."
"If you want to get the answer to the question you have to ask the right question and then you have to design the study appropriately to answer that question."
"The Russians had a scientific approach to Warfare."
"It really does make you think about looking at consumption and from a scientific background how what you eat can impact you in the long run."
"This is why I went through all that karyotype stuff earlier."
"The only way that we can help move this field forward in a real way, not in a fantasy way, is by being evidence-based."
"So I had come a long way and I felt like you know I have all this information just share and look at all the science look at all the references."
"Evidence matters... we need better evidence than that."
"Sex is as mental as it is physical, and I'm all about the science behind feeling my very best."
"Don't follow THE science 'cause that's dogma, follow science 'cause that's a process."
"Applying scientific thinking to home in on a design solution is a critical part of engineering."
"The book represents a significant shift from Mere speculation to grounded science embodying a spirit of inquiry that encourages us to question, explore, and uncover truths that lie hidden in plain sight."
"Harm reduction is a strategy scientifically based that we know works."
"Scientists shouldn't be fearful of making mistakes it's the same in business you've got to take a risk and go for it and that's progress."
"Science is going to rule. We're going to go by the facts, we're going to go by the evidence, we're going to go by the data."
"I'm not presupposing it; it's the basis of the knowledge at which we apply going forward for future predictions."
"I've always been very scientific in my approach."
"Science is not about proving things right, it's about proving things wrong."
"Follow the data, follow the science, follow the facts, follow the metrics."
"Science will always guide my administration." - Joe Biden
"To move conjecture and conspiracy towards science and sanity, you do that with data."
"The mindset of world as laboratory... What did Neil deGrasse Tyson say the other day? We're living through a big experiment."
"Follow the science, no more fossil fuel licenses."
"An engineer's job is to come up with the best, absolutely the best solution, the one that makes the most sense mathematically from a scientific standpoint."
"Chile has shown that a serious and open official investigation of UFOs can be conducted in a serious and scientific manner."
"Science doesn't try to make the world safer or prettier. It just gives us the facts."
"The earning of money is an exact science. It's governed by law."
"Scientific method is embedded in a larger method called liberal science."
"The people who have found the patterns in the stock market and the randomness for that matter have often been physicists and mathematicians."
"There's a passion behind it, and the people really enjoy what they're doing. No matter how scientific or accurate it is, it's going to be enjoyable."
"This interaction between the spike protein and this ACE2 receptor needs to be blocked if you want to prevent infection."
"I just want to see more of that in Pokemon where it's it feels like Pokemon were you know actually discovered by scientists."
"Research is the art of the soluble. So we need to sort of find problems which are not yet solved but which are approachable."
"We're bringing science to you UFOlogy. Speculation, out the window. Science, right here."
"We are spiritual warriors and scientists, applying ourselves and analyzing based on results."
"No model is perfect. Models are a way to try interpret and understand where things can go over time."
"The entire basis of academic research... is fundamentally just looking at the parts."
"All of our programs, no BS, step by step, we put the science back in strength."
"Science does have the solutions for the climate crisis."
"It's really applying a little bit more science, basically."
"A good Bayesian scientist will emphasize the likelihoods rather than the priors or the posteriors."
"Synthesis is as important as reductionism in science. We don't properly respect synthesis, which can weave together disparate pieces of work into a more compelling story."
"If the goal of society is to reduce violence, scientific, political, and economic efforts would likely bear more fruit in other realms."
"Hanji, the scientist type, trying to figure out what Titans even are: 'The smartest of the scouts is Hanji, who's the scientist type, trying to figure out what Titans even are.'"
"Women start applying the principles of science-backed stuff that I share because they're able to get their period back within months."
"There's a science to relationships, and if you learn the science, you can control the intensity, duration, and quality of it."
"The entire way that you said that you view the pursuit of knowledge is antithetical to science."
"Skinwalker Ranch: a decade-long study where PhDs and scientists converged on this one location and basically around the clock studied."
"Success comes through a perfectly scientific mental process."
"Leonardo's paintings come alive because he understands human emotion, and because he has a good feel for the underlying science."
"We are focusing on the science, the facts, and the data."
"Life is quite normal... it's very transparent, they ground it in the science."
"Spirituality shouldn't be used to hide; it's a science."
"Science was the tool. Science could get us to an understanding of what UFOs are, and that's what he advocated for."
"Stay open-minded, stay skeptical, and stick to the scientific method and we'll all do just fine."
"You gotta treat it like a scientific experiment."
"It's science, it's not Voodoo, there's no magic, it's just experience and science."
"Anomalies are things that typically show something that may warrant investigation."
"Science doesn't know everything, but it doesn't cop out by saying 'magic did it.' We work on what we don't know and strive to solve problems."
"We have to move forward based on the data and the science. Look at what the relative risk is for these different populations."
"I will always have a high degree of respect for anybody who can change their mind, especially with a big platform, when they make a claim and then are willing to change it when they're shown actual data. That is part of scientific integrity."
"Embrace science. Let's take a scientific view of how you train athletes and maybe even how you teach them skills."
"I'm gonna prove using data and science which side is indisputably the correct side."
"Facts and science. That's the only thing that's going to get us through this."
"If you understand it from a scientific basis, it's going to get you guys to take action and you guys are going to have some amazing results."
"Politics should be scientific rather than metaphysical."
"They have done the math on it, they know the science is real."
"Change one variable at a time for better results."
"Claims must be supported by evidence, not just testimony."
"An easy upgrade hack that is based on science."
"Masked man mermaid removal: Men in lab coats spotted with mermaid-like tail."
"Thank you so much for listening because we're talking about something I care passionately about which is logic, open curious inquiry of the data wherever that information may lead us because that my friends is science."
"Common sense tells us that yes, extraordinary claims do require extraordinary evidence."
"Skepticism doesn't mean it should be ruled out."
"The key to science? Two things: caring and curiosity."
"I'm disagreeable enough to apply scientific thinking across a wide number of situations."
"Follow this meditation like a scientist would and prove it to yourself."
"No subject in another selves is inherently unscientific. It's only how you approach it." - Jacques Vallee
"A model is just as good when it fails because it tells you something is wrong."
"We have the tools now, we just have to finish the job... with truth, with science, with confidence, and together as one nation."
"The scientific method works, and our brains can somehow deal with it."
"Cardano is the first blockchain project developed from a scientific philosophy, designed and built by a global team of leading academics and engineers."
"We were scientists, we're gonna dispense with biblical interpretations."
"She considered what she did a science, an exacting science, and she wrote a best-selling book in 1939 called 'Lion's Paws' about the paws of the lions of society."
"We need to get more scientific and identify the principles that determine how a city gets to be pretty or ugly."
"Architects and engineers has brought to the table a solid amount of scientific information."
"You can't have two rules; you either have scientific temperament or you don't."
"Hopefully, now with this concrete evidence..."
"Challenges should be approached in a scientific, logical, and empirical fashion."
"We have to follow the scientific information and not have this culture war around questions of whether you should wear a mask or not."
"You can create your own economy. You can create your own future. This is all very real. This is not pie in the sky. This is pure science."
"Let's use the machine that we have been given, which is our human body, but we must be deferential to its physiology and the science that goes into getting adaptations."
"People need to be more objective and scientific, but it's not good to lose subjectivity."
"The government is investigating the UFOs with scientifically correct correctness."
"My approach would have been a science-based approach... let's use it for something good."
"The scientific method is by far the best measuring stick for truth ever devised."
"Let's get rid of this polarization and just be scientific."
"Focus on science if you're gonna be a dog trainer."
"How do you not fall into the trap of projection? It comes from being a nerd in that world, into the research and science of it."
"Leonardo conducted experiments with his art, like studying how light changed the shading on an object."
"Everyone should be skeptical, in the true scientific sense."
"It was the first time ever that Indian knowledge systems in a very objective scientific way was put into one volume for each topic."
"I like data, I like science, I like spotting trends."
"There's enough with the scientific archaeological proper measurements in excavations to make this a reality."
"I'm always a big fan of trying to see experiments that actually represent something closer to the truth."
"It is weird, but when it comes to investigations, I prefer to take a scientific approach rather than a metaphysical one."
"I'm much more like the approach of the scientist who is studying the healings in Mozambique, where there's something already happening, and she's going to test and see whether this is something she can proclaim to the world."
"Let's agree to be good scientists together and have different assumptions."
"I just feel like we need to be scientific about it."
"Why would that require you to idealize the system? Why not analyze it like a biologist?"
"Kind of look at things as if you're a scientist, you know, and see what's actually happening."
"I prefer a scientific method. It takes the guess out."
"How can we use the scientific method as a tool for personal development, and subsequently for career development in STEM?"
"We wanted to do a video series where we actually do some scientific measuring and answer that question definitively."
"Any creative activity requires a slightly scientific approach in that you have to think in a logical manner."
"It's a scientific matter that we need to look at with as dispassionate a way of seeing it as possible."
"We don't just factor the science in, we also factor in our experience."
"The Royal Society's motto is 'nil in verba' which means 'take no one's word for it'."
"The scientific use of thought consists in forming a clear and distinct mental image of what you want."
"I like to view myself as a scientist in the way that I approach everything."
"We derive value from the world's data; we take a scientific approach to investment."
"Follow the science, follow the data, be as transparent as possible, and don't treat the public like children."
"We're just preparing better... it's just the science behind everything."
"For cryptozoological investigations to be taken seriously, they must be done scientifically."
"Paula's Choice and everything else Paula has done is actually a really big reason why science-based skincare is such a thing now."
"They are using natural solutions, science, their incredible scientific knowledge and institutions, organization, planning, and community participation to implement this basically hundred-year policy to protect the population and environment from climate change."
"We need something that's going to be consistent and measurable and that works within our understanding of how the world operates."
"I want the challenge to be as scientific as possible... I want to know what effect it had on me."
"As you learn the game, it becomes very scientific, especially in professional football. It becomes very intriguing and exciting."
"Most of my life I was skeptical. I love logic, science, and proof of facts."
"I'm a very logical, scientific person."
"The quest is for natural explanations, not for science fiction."
"Chinese medicine absolutely follows the scientific method in the way it gathered knowledge and in the way it applies knowledge."
"It's nice to have some solid grounding in science that says, do this and this and physically it will fix itself."
"Criminology refers to the scientific study of the nature, extent, causes, and control of criminal behavior."
"We had to start looking at gemstones not just as optical devices but as geological specimens."
"I judge everything by the science; if it's hot, it's hot, and if it's not, it's not."
"Jesus was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe. He plunged beneath the material surface of things and found the spiritual cause."
"Freedom of thought is the only guarantee of the feasibility of a scientific, democratic approach to politics, economics, and culture."
"The beauty of the Buddha's approach as a scientist is that his intentionality is freedom, happiness."
"The plural of anecdote isn't data."
"Our systems are scientific, not religious."
"The more you follow physics, the more chance you have for success."
"Love how scientific these tests are. Beautiful."
"We should think through our policies based on these numbers, on the science."
"It's an approach that's called the Landauer approach."
"They blended it together to make it an actual like, it's the show science essentially, and it makes sense."
"It's important for us to evaluate materials, understand materials, and that leads to better design."
"It makes lots of sense to study the biology through the lens of networks and interactions between biologically relevant entities."
"Programming and debugging is a science, you can use the scientific method."
"The more I push for success, the more I realize everything is just a scientific method recontextualized."
"I wanted to approach this new project in a more scientific way."
"...science is not about looking at what happens across populations and drawing causal type inferences from population data. Science is about explaining things mechanistically."
"I'm gonna do what the science leads me. That's where I'm gonna follow, that's where I'm gonna go."
"At heart, I'm a scientist, and I always start from that framework."
"The scientific method is the most reliable and pretty much the best way to comprehend the universe."
"Based on science, you can actually change any pattern, even a thinking one."
"For scientific problems, sometimes it's just easier to think of the problem as a two-dimension problem versus a one long one-dimension problem."
"Use the scientific method so that you have repeatable processes."
"I pride myself on doing a good job of separating observations and what we know, the data, from interpretations or opinion or hypotheses."
"It's as much of an art as it is a science."
"This journal is scientifically proven to shift your mindset to the positive."