
Volunteering Quotes

There are 741 quotes

"I started volunteering at animal shelters at 18 and have continued since."
"You have to structure a life in which you're being regularly exposed to people without any pressure. This is why people say like go and volunteer or take a class."
"The Hunger Games book centers around a teenage girl named Katniss who ends up volunteering to take her little sister's place in the competition."
"One of the things that I did in order to get out of my head is I started to volunteer... it was good for my soul."
"People who volunteer for a cause outside of themselves are 63% more mentally well than those who do not."
"Perhaps they donate to charities on a regular basis or perhaps they do some volunteering work where they give a bit of their time to help out the people who are less fortunate than themselves."
"Despite the adversity she faced, Joette volunteered her time and cooked meals for those in need, setting aside her own worries to care for others."
"Please, if you're healthy and able, please consider being a volunteer blood donor. This will save lives."
"What can you, the average American, do to help? Volunteer at a non-profit that gives out food, start a food drive, or encourage your company to donate to the fight against hunger."
"I volunteered on our Hospital radio station mainly because I wanted to be a DJ at the time."
"Intrinsically, happiness comes from volunteer work, helping others, creating social bonds with family members or friends."
"The people who volunteer are the people who truly understand what they're signing up for."
"I'm happy to be a part of it and I just want to personally thank everyone who's volunteered everyone who's a part of this because this is an amazing an event thank you guys so much."
"Sometimes there's a lot more than just earning money... volunteering or giving back."
"I'm very encouraged just to see the people who come out of the woodwork to help on these sorts of things."
"Volunteering is huge because it tells you and reminds you that you have value in this world."
"A lot of people just joined us on by on theirselves you know and a lot of people have shifted from working to volunteering."
"We've been helping with disaster relief just came from a funeral."
"You could not ask for a better group of people. Volunteers in search and rescue, and just everybody, you couldn't ask for better people. So sincere, so concerned."
"Volunteers in this election will be able to look in the mirror and say to themselves, I did this."
"I came from another realm to volunteer to be here."
"The best way to get involved, to get started in anything is to be willing to work for free."
"The happiest people I know are the people that volunteer."
"Be a volunteer, be the guy who deals with something else even if it's not difficult."
"We went down to Somaliland... Who's gonna go with me?"
"Now would be an excellent time to either volunteer or start donating money or doing things that you know contribute to a greater, a better world."
"The search parties consisted of volunteers who would walk the trails and a bit off the trail to see what they could see."
"Boy, it just stinks when you have to depend on volunteers and they flake out on you."
"Volunteering, helping others is a surefire way of making yourself happy."
"Any time that someone decides to volunteer and discuss their mental health, it is a very vulnerable thing, and it's very brave to do so online."
"It's only natural that so many people are brave enough to pick up arms even though they've never held them in their entire life."
"If a squad leader asks for a volunteer to do a logi run, do it so you can learn."
"Volunteering Kappa out of spite seems out of character."
"Every piece of this, every bit of volunteering, every donation, it mattered in these close places, it made the difference."
"Maybe it should be more like volunteer work as opposed to a career."
"I think it'd be fun to help out some... high school kids."
"Volunteering is so important just to get an understanding and get the foot in the door somewhere."
"Voting is literally the least you can do... you need to be volunteering, donating, organizing."
"He went to work his job then he decided to volunteer his time cleaning graffiti and then someone called and said, 'Hey, can anyone help defend this piece of property at night?' and he said, 'Sure.'"
"I would like to officially volunteer for the augmentation program."
"Volunteer early on in their campaigns to go door to door, manage social media advertising, give your skills whatever they are to promote your candidate of choice."
"Charity or volunteer work is indicated; immersing yourself in the love of the Divine."
"Chong volunteers to hit the rest of his mates for fun."
"The work continues. There's never enough help that's out here so we need more help doing the work."
"I hope this video motivates you to help out however you can."
"It's disgusting to see our Heroes, medical workers that are volunteering, many times working overtime, helping people in their worst states, now being thrown to the streets."
"Volunteers are the lifeblood of cons and it can be a really great way to do anything from making new friends to just, budget-friendly congoing. It can be really, really cool."
"The best cure for depression is volunteering for real."
"Thank you so much to everybody who volunteers and helps out."
"Shout out to all the volunteers... everyone's willing to pitch in and get things done."
"Volunteering and giving of yourself is a huge part of life."
"I always say one man getting up off a couch giving one hour a week of volunteer time is the reason I'm a United States Senator."
"Volunteers needed. Don't just survive, thrive."
"I just want to help and hopefully by doing that I might be able to. So you never know."
"Friendly, helpful, kind people that offer nothing but their free time to make sure that you have a good time."
"I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to help and be involved."
"It actually feels really good helping out these mobs."
"Helping people is fun. It can even be a blast."
"Our beliefs are practiced through the flesh, there's no way to signal what's important to you without putting your body on the line."
"It is in some cases almost a need to do this because we benefit from it as well. Doing good for goodness' sake and volunteering is often its own reward."
"My advice to you is, on your free time volunteer at like a daycare or at a point well, because I got two kids in my house."
"Whatever we can do to help, if you guys need a hand, we're here. That's what we're here for."
"I want to try and help with both of those things in a small way."
"Spending time at home of hope made me realize why bothering really does make a difference."
"I'm going to try and come and volunteer at this animal shelter at least once a week."
"It's been a fantastic first day helping out on this remarkable site."
"Foreign volunteers are motivated by ideology, not material gain."
"If you have money, please donate it. If you have time, donate your time."
"If you guys want to help out the hospitals and all that stuff..."
"He was actually a bit of a model prisoner... he even volunteered at the prison hospital."
"Just as simple as that, so definitely be patient and gentle with yourself, take as much time as you need."
"Every air crew member in Bomber Command was a volunteer, a heroic feat in itself considering the odds stacked against their chances of survival."
"Volunteering can improve our well-being and reduce isolation."
"If people are curious, just getting out to crew someone or spectate at an aid station or volunteer."
"Next week I'll be volunteering at an animal shelter."
"It's a continuous reminder as I talked about with them this morning about the values and principles that are at the heart of someone who raises their hand and volunteers to lay their life down for this country."
"I'm that one guy who volunteered to DM one day and has never actually played since."
"Be ready for the responsibility, but also be aware that you may not have rights to that responsibility. That's a lot of these statistics."
"Originally I was told that I would only have to attend the portion of the retreat where I was doing their makeup, but given that I had worked with this organization in the past, I went ahead and volunteered my time for the entire day."
"I volunteered for habitat humanity and it was really fun, I learned a lot of cool construction stuff and I got to do some good."
"Wonderful so we should have four helping hands ready to build."
"The documentary moved me to volunteer in my community."
"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!"
"A lot of people want to serve on a board of directors for a cause that they care about."
"You can increase your happiness by up to 55% by volunteering one time a month."
"She quickly volunteered to take on the responsibility, eager to help her mother with the day's orders."
"Only the one your grace volunteered."
"We were triple volunteers... we had volunteered to serve in Mac V SOG's command and control."
"Volunteering changed my life because it got me out of myself."
"They volunteer for every single Dangerous Mission."
"They fell in love through volunteering."
"Just a reminder to all of you, what I'm doing here is completely for free."
"How about I volunteer to watch kids? Like, how you gonna not do something so that you can be responsible and then volunteer to watch some kids?"
"Even if I only volunteer one day a week, I still feel like I could be helping the local community."
"Jimmy Carter was diagnosed with brain answer in 2019. During that same year, he broke his hip at age 95. Despite his injuries, he showed up the next day to help build houses for Habitat For Humanity. At age 98, he still remains an active volunteer."
"If you sign up to volunteer, then see what God will do. If you proclaim that your Lazarus is not dead, then you will have your dream back."
"If you want to cleanse your soul, go and do some volunteering."
"Their empty spots will instantly be filled up either by kidnapping or volunteers who have thrown their lives away."
"We've made a decision. A volunteer task force will be dispatched to aid the Balan war effort. I will lead it myself."
"Don't volunteer any information you don't have to."
"Please go to warnock4georgia.com, you can give, you can volunteer, and you don't even have to leave your state if you don't live in Georgia, you can still volunteer for my campaign."
"We're not encouraging a lot of people to come here in the middle of a COVID-19 pandemic. We've got boots on the ground, but you can volunteer digitally."
"You can just help people in a way that's meant to help people and you still get that satisfaction, even if you don't get the ego and the cheers and the laughs and the camaraderie with the other, I'm still helping people."
"I promise you, wherever you live, there's some place nearby you could be volunteering and you'll feel good doing it, you know."
"You want to talk about purpose, right? That's why we have our non-profit programs. We invite people to come volunteer with us because it provides you purpose to lead and make a difference and serve our community and country in a new way."
"...volunteering is a dying breed around here but it's just a way to give back to your community."
"Volunteering in a place where I see the most help that is needed, and that's usually what the children are elderly."
"Thank you to Logan for volunteering his body, self, and life with riding and filming both."
"What I need boys is a few good men for a Beaver Hunt in the morning, who's volunteered?"
"Put me in the game coach, I want to be the guy who volunteers to get the ball."
"Volunteering is a great way to do something you love."
"...these are like heroic volunteers working 24/7 I say we should declare war on this thing and dump the military and and get also the military."
"So many younger people from all over the world make that pilgrimage to this little Railway just to volunteer and help out all because they read or watched the Scarlet stories as kids, and I think that is just beautiful."
"Volunteering at the charity event was more than just an opportunity to practice English; it was a chance to connect with the community, contribute to a good cause, and learn about the values that bring people together."
"Many young Americans volunteered for PT boat service."
"I volunteered. Nobody sent me. I volunteered."
"Y'all could really be the type that could be true humanitarians always volunteering always trying to donate things donate blood donate money just wants to be of acts of service to the collective consciousness to the world to everybody around you to your community."
"It's a great opportunity for you to give back and to be of service."
"I really hope that this Vlog encourages someone to volunteer or adopt if you've been thinking about it."
"Even if you can't adopt a pet, you can still come down and volunteer your time."
"I volunteered for the block what three times now that's what I'm saying."
"Volunteering was so lovely... they're doing great things right in the Lower Side."
"Any player that plays for my football team has to volunteer in the community."
"What percentage of American adults volunteered at least once in the past year?"
"No, that was all volunteer and this is offered. Was this volunteered? She initiated it and gave it to me. She wanted me to know."
"Man, if I had known this is what it means to go on a legendary adventure, I would have been like 'I volunteer as tribute!'"
"You can still serve your community."
"I've joined the Peace Corps and I'm going off to work in the mountains of a country called Peru."
"I volunteered myself as tribute and made my way."
"For me, it was just, you know, you've come from volunteering. This is just the same concept, but what you're getting in return is you're building confidence first and you're building your personal brand."
"There are so many opportunities for people to volunteer and find purpose in their community."
"I volunteered to host them, and that's what I'm going to do."
"I really liked what I was doing and I volunteered a lot for extra stuff."
"Volunteer somewhere, go somewhere, do some good. I have never volunteered anywhere and felt bad about it afterwards."
"Everyone shouted at once and volunteered."
"I volunteered to go wherever they asked. Traveling was a welcome privilege of the job."
"Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer. That word is so important. You want to be there. Nobody's picked you. Nobody said you are going 'cause you're that good. You want to be there. You're a volunteer."
"I guess if I were to do that, I could get myself into an opportunity to pass along my experiences and what I knew about leadership in extremists and in peacetime, and so I volunteered to do it."
"My greatest achievement today would have to be the organization of a community cleanup volunteer project. I volunteer in my personal life. It's one of the things that attracted me to this company."
"They're being very progressive. They need your help, so if you have the ability to volunteer or even give them some financial support, they're looking for that."
"If there are any projects that you need built, I'd love to help out."
"Volunteering can give you a sense of achievement and purpose, help you feel part of a community, help you feel better about yourself."
"Volunteer for that, say, 'Oh, you need a warm body? Let me know. I'd be glad to come in and help you unbox these things.'"
"I volunteer for him. I do like the sequence processing for him, so I deliver people the results and go back on iNaturalist and tell people what it is that they have found."
"Volunteering just does so much for us."
"Caledon volunteers to take his place as tribute."
"This is a place where volunteers come to serve."
"So if you're sub two, we would love to have other you guys volunteer for leaders."
"...doing something nice for someone else volunteering volunteering your time doing something for a cause or for an organization for something a topic that you feel passionately about and giving your time and part of yourself for that is going to be a natural mood booster..."
"I never had prayed... but someone said we need help with youth I had a car and I could put in my car so and because I felt called to Jesus and then the church said I want someone to drive kids to Youth and I had a license that was it that was my an little did I know."
"If there's a spot to go into like... the club where basically they go around the city and they help out with the city events, do it."
"There's a rich volunteer community in Atlanta."
"One of the reasons we have so many advances today in medicine is because people volunteered their time, their energy, their intellect, their wisdom."
"If a volunteer doesn't show up before on a motorcycle, and that's the idea of United Hatzalah."
"Share, give, volunteer for services, little by little."
"I do a lot for the community, you know. We went this church here for pound to the church."
"...the more you volunteer, the more peace and happiness you have, and it's not just about you, it's about creating a beautiful world."
"...one of the biggest problems with depression is just your low energy, so go serve, volunteer, do something."
"I've been volunteering my time with my children at our food pantry once a month for the last several years."
"New members help us to grow the efforts and word of mouth feeds more volunteers."
"Participate in a lot of community and volunteering activities... It's a very fantastic way to learn a lot of things."
"I would challenge people to maybe not look at it for a day and go donate some of your time."
"I love to serve not only the food but the community."
"I need to volunteer, and that's what I believe is the other option of evolution. It's volunteering so I can volunteer to practice and to find answers to the parts in my life where I need a crisis."
"You shouldn't have to be volunteering for things that other people are paid for."
"I spent nine hours working at Walmart for free, and it was the best day ever."
"You just volunteer. I know you have. I volunteer quite a bit."
"I teach women to kids for free even though I was offered money."
"Well, we're really lucky to have a good core group of volunteers, so all of the labor to restore this building has been 100% donated to this point."
"Make it easy for volunteers to help you, and it can increase engagement and fundraising."
"There is a world of good to do out there and if you get involved and do some of that it will do a world of good for you."
"You're gonna go in harm's way. Just volunteer. It's great. You're gonna see everything that happens in the city. You're gonna go to it. You're gonna see it in peace. But just realize you just put yourself in that much further in harm's way."
"Volunteering one time a month one time a month I mean you can do that with little kids at home or homeschooling or whatever it can increase your happiness."
"We don't get paid for doing this, we don't get no extra rewards, no extra benefits, no nothing. We do this because we want to do it, because we feel like we might could get to you and help you."
"In the meantime, be nice to people, volunteer your time."
"Volunteers, they come and they volunteer, and they'll get a burger later, that's the payment."
"Volunteer with nonprofits and get involved with your community. Just volunteering, getting involved, that's a big one."
"She volunteered to go over there. Pretty proud of it."
"the king will encourage people to spend the day volunteering"
"Man anybody who is seeing this like love beond walls.org y support donate become a part of what God is doing but if you are local to Atlanta don't just give your money yeah give your time show up show up be proximate you know what I'm saying yeah."
"This is my first time volunteering."
"The church will spontaneously and freely and willingly opt in. There will be the ability for people to get back a volunteer anointing."
"Whatever your passion, new volunteers are always welcome."
"It's well worth the time to come out here. It doesn't cost to get in, there's free parking, and it's for a good cause to help the kids."
"People wanted to volunteer, my only platform that's been effective is Instagram, Project Coffee Cup, or ProjectCoffeeCup.org, but you can find us on Instagram under Project Coffee Cup."
"Volunteering through World Packers is such a good way to see the world."
"I I thought about it and in the back of my head I just took the easy way out I'm like I I don't I don't want to golf I don't want to sail I don't want it is like in the back of my head it was always just like I will volunteer go do something that I'm passionate about"
"The volunteers assisted with the search efforts, helped to distribute supplies, and provided emotional support to the search teams."
"Volunteers played a crucial role in the search for door."
"Advocacy, volunteering, and community work have been life-changing for me."
"Volunteering doesn't matter where you are in the world, I encourage you to volunteer."
"You're just gonna be out here helping people you know, so if you're someone who likes to assist people and you like to chat and help out, working with Ira may definitely be something for you."
"One thing as a doctor that I see and there's good research on this now is that when we do things for others, when we volunteer, it can be so powerful for our inner well-being."
"One of the quickest ways and the best ways that you can increase your happiness levels is by volunteering and helping someone else."
"If you're feeling lonely, if you're feeling isolated, reach out to ignite sisters. They have so many volunteering opportunities."
"Hyacinth and Zip were also heavily involved, cooking meals and serving up to 200 people every week."
"I'm not asking for volunteers Mr. Mull, I'm commandeering this train."
"Volunteering may be a valuable element of their CV when they're applying for jobs."
"...if you want to be a mentor...volunteer as a mock interviewer or somebody to help with resumes...reach out to us."
"Doing something like this, even though it's only a couple of hours, if we've helped one turtle, or one dolphin, or one fish, it's worth it, it's really cool, yeah giving back to others makes you feel better so yeah, doing something like this."