
Professional Conduct Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"An appearance of impropriety is generally considered conduct or status that would lead a reasonable person to think that the actor is behaving or will be inclined to behave inappropriately or wrongfully."
"If you know everybody, then you'll treat them with respect and you'll do your job right."
"Act independently. Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived."
"Being good in business is one of the most God honoring things you can do."
"If you're a nurse, be a human being at work. Be kind."
"Why is it so hard for people in my line of work to simply say, 'It's obviously wrong'?"
"Even for me, it can still be difficult to set aside my personal feelings on the topic."
"I'm sorry everyone, could I get a moment alone with my client, please?"
"What the nurses did was disrespectful and unprofessional. It does not represent our commitment to patient family-centered care."
"NBC fired Lauer after a review of his behavior."
"Competence matters and professionalism matters."
"Stop posting on social media about crypto, period. If you're not a financial advisor, stop acting like a financial advisor."
"How you do things is just as important as what you do."
"We did it with integrity and accountability."
"He isn't being toxic he isn't being unprofessional he just isn't good enough."
"Don't disrespect somebody in your work shirt, are you dumb?"
"Your job isn't to go hands-on with people who are engaged in a constitutionally protected activity. That's not your job."
"I don't understand why these attorneys think it's appropriate or why they think it looks good for anybody sitting at that table for them to all be like whispering into each other's ears and sharing each other's drinks and laughing it up."
"Dr. Neil orders Dr. Sean never to contradict him in front of a patient again."
"Just because the job is holy doesn't mean you're not sh**ty at it."
"It's excellent news that you can actually now access the Matrix awakens again because it is you know it's going to be an important reference point for the whole generation."
"The way that crime scene was handled... was shameful."
"It's unacceptable. It doesn't matter who you are Cristiano Ronaldo Lionel Messi Pele you can't do that. It's disrespectful."
"One of the few analysts out there that also sticks to the data sticks to the data leaves all the all the all the other stuff to the side and I think does a good job a great job managing emotions."
"Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived."
"I like to do things by the book when it comes to business things. I like to do them by the book."
"Your baseball skills will take you far, but your personal reputation is important as well."
"If lawyers fail to adhere to their ethical duties, she will have to either find them in contempt of her order and/or report their actions to the Idaho State Bar."
"How have you been around so long? I don't know, God, my faith, and I think my professionalism."
"He's done everything the right way... he knows how to be good for the game."
"Actions speak louder than words. Who's going to be the first one in the building, the last one out of the building?"
"When that happens and you're running around stealing other people's work, nobody has your back."
"You just got to make sure they survive obviously, try to do things you're proud of in the process."
"But being a pro player, he really should have known better than to try and exploit it."
"I have an ethics agreement that I signed that we carefully considered whether or not there could be conflicts of interest and I will religiously adhere to that agreement."
"We don't see the value in tearing down one another or one other's work."
"Ukraine has shown themselves to be mature employers of violence."
"AJ actually does give a [ __ ] about credibility."
"Mr. Liebowitz's reputation for disregard of basic courtroom procedures and rules has preceded him."
"Of all the mainstream media journalists I've encountered, Taylor is one of the only, if only, who I've actually said, like, 'Hey, this thing is not true' or 'This thing is actually like this.' And she's been really great about it."
"I'm gonna choose my battles and be like, 'Hey, you respect me, you think I'm a good teacher regardless of what I put on my face, you and I are cool.'"
"Being able to just be a Philadelphia Eagle probably means something to him where he might just not cause any drama."
"A lawyer shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact or law to a tribunal."
"Be professional about it, be passionate about it, have fun with it, but don't lose yourself."
"Our job should not be to escalate, our job needs to be to de-escalate."
"Just because an officer's conduct is lawful doesn't necessarily mean that it is ethical, logical, or productive."
"He deliberately misgendered a defendant in court."
"I just go out there and handle my business and put on a great show."
"The way to save money straight away is people's drinking."
"This is obviously what deputies do not want."
"As long as you lead with truth and fairness, it will be a win-win situation for you."
"Essentially blackmailed creators into doing what they want."
"This isn't drama. This is unethical, immoral, and potentially illegal activity."
"In this world today legal ethical moral spiritual not necessarily religious but you're serving a higher calling than just the money."
"His respectful demeanor shines a light on the importance of consent and bodily autonomy."
"It violates the comedian code, you should not do anything to obstruct something."
"Nobody wants you on their face. It's weird, you're a stranger. Don't be in people's faces - it's awkward and uncomfortable for me as well."
"There doesn't seem to be any ill-will towards those involved working on the other version of Toy Story 3."
"Truly a joy to cover his career, true never got in trouble never talk [ __ ] about people you never saw his name on a police blotter."
"What if I were to tell you that I could predict down to the second a future apocalyptic event?"
"As a coach... you can't lose your cool like that."
"What you did was reckless, irresponsible, and completely unprofessional."
"This is seriously messed up, and the therapist should have intervened."
"Running around trying with a bad attitude... It's not professional." - Differentiating between effort and effectiveness.
"I've for a very long time in my career tried to do my best to prevent cheating to out cheaters to talk about integrity."
"If you don't tell the truth, you resign. If you bully or intimidate, you resign. If you're guilty of predatory behavior, you resign."
"We will continue to serve this community professionally and proudly."
"Leave the jealousy behind, jealousy kills you in this business."
"It's here because you guys need to know how amazing you are."
"You're learning how to speak up, however this resonates for you, and do it unapologetically."
"Your goal is not to sell or ask for a decision."
"Don't lie to a client. You should not lie to a client and defraud them."
"If you see a pilot exhibiting unsafe practices consistently over and over again, it's upon all of us to bring it to that Pilot's attention."
"Just be a good person on set, it goes a long way."
"I haven't seen case law to support the claim that ethical violations warrant removal."
"You don't do that when you're working customer service. You don't do that. That's not how you handle that."
"If you come here and you commit crime, then you should expect to see one of our officers. But you should also expect that encounter, even if lawful action needs to be taken, to be excellent, professional, and compassionate."
"The Supreme Court does not know diddly about the nature and extent of the threat."
"If you cannot disagree with your colleagues on the law without taking it personally, you ought to get another day job."
"What was stopping Sergeant Brian Faye and Trooper Costello from going back inside? Their blue ego."
"Respectfully asking for a tip is acceptable but abusing or harassing someone is never acceptable."
"The need for precision and care has never been greater."
"What's a bad rule? Taunting. We should be able to taunt the other player. We're in the professional organization. We should be able to taunt."
"Professional advice is one thing. The way you conduct yourself in business is actually nobody's responsibility except yours."
"The detective ends things on a friendly note, calling him buddy."
"I specifically remember her using this word and who were so unprofessional."
"If you enjoy your livelihood and you enjoy your status and your fame, act accordingly."
"Your videos have taken off the way they have because you produce them very well. You're respectful, professional, and get the job done really well. You also engage the viewers and you have funny moments."
"The right thing to do if you are somebody who's in the business of truth."
"I'm a healer. A healer ain't gonna try to bankrupt you. A healer ain't gonna sleep with you."
"Clarence Thomas has proven that he is not even slightly concerned about how his ethics violations adversely affect the work and position of the Court."
"He really got careless there, I mean it was really played on the unprofessional side."
"If a company was negotiating a huge merger with another company and one of the vice presidents or somebody in the company was like trolling the other company and getting in the way of the negotiations that person would be fired."
"It does require a seriousness about the issue."
"It's cops like this that makes other cops look bad that create the distrust within police officers."
"She carries herself with integrity on and off the camera."
"There's nothing courteous or professional about putting an innocent 12-year-old in handcuffs."
"I never attack my colleagues. Once Humanity comes into play, that's a given."
"I understand it's a professional thing and everything is fine now that he understands that and now that he knows, like before he's gonna... before he does something like that in a video to come to me first and just make sure that it's fine."
"It's so true and we as physicians and medical uh practitioners you should always keep that in mind when you go into your job when you become a doctor you take a hippocratic oath one of the parts of that hippocratic oath is to first do no harm."
"I seriously appreciate your integrity and objectivity."
"Professors should not be calling for the hanging of anyone they're treated with respect in society and they should use that position of privilege that they have earned with a bit of deference with a bit of responsibility."
"You should not be having a conflict of interest, period."
"I plan to address Mr. Farina as I would a graduate student seeking to learn from him tonight."
"My workplace is dominated by females, from co-workers to managers, can I apply this at work while maintaining a professional frame?"
"I'm very happy with how he handled that at the end, very professional."
"Officer Jordan showed a tremendous amount of professionalism and restraint when faced with this volatile situation."
"Be kind and be respectful, be professional, but stick to your guns and make it clear to them that you are not the one doing anything wrong."
"It's much more mature to actually just go out and get an audit on your financials... it's really genuinely amateur to see this kind of stuff."
"Having an opinion is one thing, questioning a developer because you would have done it differently is highly unprofessional." - Pete Heinz's response.
"The judge should avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of his activities."
"You as the technician set the expectations and then you meet or exceed those expectations."
"It's a bad look, it's definitely a black eye on the Jamaica Constabulary Force."
"I think Dr. Corey seems very passionate, and I don't think he has any ill motives."
"I sincerely apologize to any convention staff members who ever felt that I was anything less than kind."
"Your career is not going to survive as well if you did something that caused major injury or death to a suspect."
"Jennifer Hale hasn't complained about stuff like that in the industry."
"But if it's about the law if it's about cases if it's about how lawyers act how trial lawyers act especially and things like that I'll go on."
"This man has done some things I'm really not sure how he's still a judge."
"Trust your professionals and if you are a professional be professional."
"As a nurse, I cannot engage in that type of illegal drugs or any type of illegal activity."
"Not the a-hole. He straight-up told her he wanted the professional's help yet she went behind his back and did it herself anyway."
"You're not my doctor. And if you're a doctor, you should know firsthand you have no right to give advice without looking at my charts, my MRIs, my blood tests, my levels."
"CM Punk just got into a scuffle with Jack Perry just told Tony Khan he's a clown and that his entire show is fraudulent and that he quits but instead of just leaving the venue which he very well could have he decides to be a professional."
"We're gonna need to take them out get off my property all of these races were on a closed course and they're professional Riders."
"I've never disputed that I wasn't going to pay her. I think she just did this just to make me look bad. But it's okay. I never disputed that I didn't. But it's just that, like the judge said, you have to keep things professional."
"You don't speak to people like that. That's not how you create a healthy work environment."
"The way that most grandmasters, most top players, most professionals resign in the modern day is simply to stop the clock."
"Social workers, not their clients, assume the full burden of setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries."
"Social workers behave in a trustworthy manner."
"Social workers should transfer or dispose of clients' records in a manner that protects clients' confidentiality and is consistent with applicable laws governing records and social work licensure."
"Professional boundaries are extremely important to ensure that other people are interacting with you comfortably."
"It should be a friendly competition; it shouldn't be trying to sabotage another individual's reputation or relationships in the business."
"You have to behave like a soldier in the workforce, follow the rules and behave as expected, or else you will lose out on opportunities."
"A therapist forcing you to do anything is unethical, in my opinion."
"Fairness, transparency, innovation, skepticism, independence, honesty, responsibility, accountability, reputation, judgment, and integrity—these are the characteristics that define ethical behavior."
"They must not stray from that; if they do, they bring themselves into disrepute, they bring the force into disrepute, and they don't serve the needs of the public."
"We're not above the rules, but our rules are a little different based on what you do."
"He's so composed. I'm very impressed with him."
"The level of concentration and the way the boys went about their business was superb."
"To allow him to continue to be out there practising as a psychiatrist is just unbelievable. Unbelievable."
"If there's misconduct, is the priority the public or the medical profession?"
"We only solicit private information from clients for compelling professional reasons."
"Officers should act the same way whether there's a camera around or not."
"Ethics are the moral principles that guide rules for professional behavior."
"I'm a special agent now, so I have to always think about the things that I do before I do them."
"When therapists' life is going down the tubes, they are very vulnerable to breaking boundaries and acting unethically."
"Work together, help each other, don't be extremely unnecessarily competitive, and don't be snakes to one another."
"We always encourage the community to support each other by doing business professionally."
"Trust can be built through appropriate self-disclosure but it can also be lost through an offhand remark."
"Professional behavior: you have to comply with the law; you have to avoid action which brings the profession into disrepute or which discredits it."
"Your reputation is super important; don't screw people over in business."
"ACM's updated code of ethics is designed to help make ethical, responsible decisions in practice."
"It's not a good idea to date anybody you meet on the job, period."
"A lawyer has the option to withdraw if it can be accomplished without material adverse effect on the client's interests."
"He advises Pong to control his pride and follow the Kitchen Rules."
"Lawyers are actually held to a very high bar of ethics, and attorneys do not advise their clients to break the law."
"I just wanted to be respected for the way that I went about it."
"Members should be fair in what they do."
"You can do good science no matter what your personal beliefs are, as long as you don't allow your personal beliefs to interfere with the work that you are doing."