
Criminal Law Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The administration of law, especially that of criminal law, should be free from all temptation, bias, or prejudice."
"Indictments need to be specific enough so the defendants know what crime has been alleged."
"Kudos to the lawyers for finding an issue that a lot of criminal lawyers wouldn't even necessarily think about at first."
"A huge moment in American culture and criminal law with legendary American comedian and actor Bill Cosby being convicted."
"The judge concluded that former President Donald Trump and John Eastman likely violated two criminal statutes."
"There's no such thing as criminal immunity for a former president."
"Criminal does in fact mean things that are against the law."
"Let's just return to a world where we only punish the abusers and the criminals."
"The ultimate goal of our office is to hold any criminal wrongdoing accountable."
"When does an idea become a crime? When does an idea become a criminal conspiracy?"
"Dismissing the Trump prosecution would have its own set of ill effects on the nation like weakening the enforcement of criminal laws or diminishing The Constitution's guarantee that executive power will be vested in a duly elected president."
"This is unprecedented. If it's a crime, it requires what's called mens rea, specific Criminal Intent."
"You cannot commit a crime without intent. It's a requirement."
"You can't enforce those [NDAs] in Criminal Court. There's a public policy situation where you can't contract somebody to not testify about a criminal act."
"The role of the criminal defense attorney is really the ability to be objective about a case."
"Civil immunity without criminal immunity is like a lock without a key, a bat without a ball, a computer without a keyboard. In other words, it's not especially sensible."
"Show me the men and I'll show you the crime."
"Ensures a fair legal process for criminal defendants."
"Yeah right because we don't criminalize negligence."
"You are going to be tried for second degree homicide."
"This is conspiracy all of them conspiracy with intent."
"Despite Marvin's confession and his utterly implausible explanation, no murder case is cut and dry, and no conviction is 100% certain."
"Criminal fraud is a crime that involves a scheme to cheat or deceive another individual or entity in order to obtain a financial gain."
"It's not the first time that the fight for freedoms has been on the back of what is a relatively minor criminal charge. We're going to keep fighting."
"This is hard and fast real live you can cite the criminal statute sort of investigation."
"It doesn't help that you had a guy lying about having been at the murder scene and seen the body and didn't call the police that's I mean come on."
"Every life is to be given the same degree of respect by the law and when it is ended criminally as has occurred in this case every life that's lost should be valued the same."
"His conviction for second-degree murder stands."
"Snitching is if you're about to do a crime with somebody and y'all agree to do it."
"Crime is crime doesn't matter whether you're who you are if you're the rich dude with that stole the yacht to make an insurance claim it's still a crime isn't it mario."
"We require data, not anecdote, in order to pass criminal laws that have real criminal law consequences."
"Alec Baldwin is likely a first-time offender."
"Remember when you physically harm someone or when you even kill someone, it doesn't have to be intentional for it to be criminal."
"I predicted as follows and mine on milquetoast non fence sitting opinion is that that provision of the Criminal Code is perfectly constitutional." - Viva Fry
"The criminal law itself, what was prohibited and how it was prohibited, was also different."
"Certainty in criminal law is seen to be very important."
"The beliefs behind all of that were very ancient and they long continued, but the history of witchcraft is very much to do with the use of the criminal law in the way I've described."
"Civil fines aren't working, hitting people with penalties are not working, so now we're going to make it a criminal offense."
"The standard of proof in criminal cases is beyond a reasonable doubt."
"I'm Professor Annalise Keating, and this is Criminal Law 100, or as I prefer to call it, How to Get Away with Murder."
"Presumption of innocence is the bedrock, axiomatic and elementary principle whose enforcement lies at the foundation of the administration of our criminal law."
"His pretending to be mentally ill became his criminal defense and it worked really like a charm."
"What international criminal law establishes is two important things: ending impunity and establishing individual criminal responsibility."
"If there are two reasonable interpretations, there is that instruction that would be used in a criminal case, the one that indicates towards innocence in the criminal case would be the one the court would have to follow."
"The brilliance of the defense attorneys... was really kind of define what criminal defense would be."
"Double jeopardy is the concept that if you are accused of a crime and then you are later acquitted of that crime, they cannot then find different new evidence and come back and try you for the same crime twice."
"In dubio pro reo is a principle of interpretation in criminal law where there is doubt, the rule should be interpreted in a manner that benefits the accused."
"Criminal liability is basically just whether a suspect or an accused is guilty of a certain crime or not."
"Criminal capacity is the ability to appreciate the wrongfulness of the act and to act in accordance with such appreciation."
"A person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct, as a result of mental disease or defect, he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of law."
"The mens rea of murder is malice aforethought."
"Why have two systems? Is there any good reason to? Could we do just as well by using, let us say, the civil system to cover all of the things now covered by civil and criminal?"