
Cultural Practices Quotes

There are 317 quotes

"Understanding and applying Ayurvedic concepts can lead to more harmonious interactions, as it provides a framework to appreciate and accommodate diverse temperaments."
"Adhering to the no technology rule is a fundamental part of their way of life for Amish women."
"He said, 'If somebody eats meat, they're not adorning their body with the bones.'"
"The role of ritual and congregation in the maintenance of social structure and in the transmission of stories that need to be transmitted."
"Literally millions of people throughout history have done this. Look at Ramadan, Yom Kippur, Lent."
"Skincare in Korea is essentially considered hygiene, something that a lot of the Western world still has to catch up on."
"It's not a good idea to cut off the clitorises of little girls. That's a universal truth."
"Men do all the cooking and cleaning, women take care of children and elderly. That's typically how gender roles work in culture."
"We always knew that ancient Egyptians were cat lovers, but to mummify them? Weird."
"I think the way they do culture in like Hong Kong and Japan, etc., they've got the best balance on this where it's like if you are sick, you wear the mask rather than like trying to wear a mask but with respect to people."
"For the Egyptians, cleanliness was even attached to Godliness or at least the afterlife."
"The only reason they bought a car is to drive back to their hometowns during the Chinese New Year, so these cars are jokingly referred to as 'two oil tanks a year' vehicles."
"Different cultures have practiced various forms of a meatless diet for thousands of years, most notably Buddhist societies in India and China."
"Culture doesn't emerge in a vacuum. It's a collection of practices and beliefs that people develop in response to their circumstances."
"The idea that there is a mushroom out there that has been used culturally for millennia and seems to be better at addressing some of these things than our modern pharmaceuticals is fascinating."
"The entire world economy is now stopped dead, all because China would not shut down the practice of people eating fricking bats at the local markets."
"What funeral companies try to sell us. What we really want. Yeah, the Viking sendoff, man. That's what we all want, right?"
"Entering a Korean home, you should always take off your shoes as a sign of respect."
"The practice of taking part in the cleaning of their own classrooms is taught to Japanese children from when they're very little. It's a daily habit that will be taken with them wherever they go into adulthood."
"Throughout much of Chinese history, Confucianism was the culture of the educated elite. Ancestor veneration, a key aspect within Confucianism, was and continues to be a prevalent practice among all members of society."
"You must not run. To do so will break the rite."
"Different cultural attitudes and practices can lead to different outcomes."
"Tipping in Japan hasn't been invented. It's brilliant."
"The Tanakh denounces human sacrifice as barbaric customs of Baal worshipers. For example, Psalm 106:37."
"Very advanced modern humans also eat with their hands."
"Christmas is all of December, not just the end."
"The one who doesn't thank the people does not really thank Allah."
"That's how dad did it that's how America does it is worked out pretty good so far."
"Viking funerals, there's something so powerful and poetic about them."
"Yondu's funeral was like a Viking funeral, I genuinely cried."
"It is haram to force your daughter to marry whom you want."
"Pranks are a massive part of an Asian wedding."
"There's no culture or ceremony around breaking up, and we should have one."
"While this method may seem bizarre and unorthodox, it stands as a testament to the lengths ancient cultures would go to unravel the mysteries of life."
"There is no contradiction between East Asian practices and Islamic practices."
"Evidence of special burials and reverence for those with six fingers and six toes among ancient cultures."
"People used to eat Winkles goggles they're not doing it anymore it's such a shame they should be more daring."
"Toasts are great. I mean, you toast somebody, they toast you back. It just goes round and round. That's my favorite part about toasts. The reciprocity."
"Most of the Amazon tribes use it for spiritual health and bodily hygiene."
"Now typical English culture is you go to the pub have a pint and have a chat with your boys."
"It has been proposed that he was a human sacrifice, killed by his own people and placed on a kind of rocky altar high up in a pass to appease the gods and bring the rains."
"Victorian days: an orgasm was a medical procedure."
"Just because this is her story doesn't mean it has to be your story."
"Once you understand the core ideology of why the left's doing what they're doing... you'll never ask questions like why is it they throw gays off buildings in Iran."
"Deer played a vastly important role in ancient Japan."
"According to the Harima Fudoki, people would sow rice plant seeds with the blood of deer."
"So it's not to say that women didn't utilize fake hair, they absolutely did."
"This series is an homage to the offcuts, body parts that in the West get thrown in the trash."
"Why do we wait until someone's passed away to say all those things?"
"You can really begin to feel the spirit in the air."
"Mummification, the preservation of dead bodies became more than a science in ancient Egypt. It developed into a sacred ritual."
"You might need to see a witch about the hexes... as long as you go and see her."
"Whether you're the king of Morocco or whether you're a peasant from Lahore, you're going to wear the same white cloth."
"The dead were no longer being fed, people used to routinely leave offerings to their ancestors."
"There's hardly a culture in the world that has not practiced slavery including Africa but the West was the society that developed the abstract ideals of humanity."
"Coffee is a wonderful thing that brings people together."
"People loved storytelling...they enjoyed listening to people narrate stories."
"October 31st is the date many refer to as All Hallows Eve or Halloween, a festive time for dressing up, begging for sweet treats, visiting haunted houses, and carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns."
"Many continue to believe in the power of witch doctors to create zombie soldiers."
"Just know that the Wheel of the year is used by a lot of people, Wicca is very popular."
"Traditions should be like, 'We do this fun thing. Oh, you don't have to do it. We do this fun thing.'"
"There's something so inherently beautiful about people expressing themselves in a way they can never profit from."
"Apparently in Japan it's more common to receive money at New Year's than presents on Christmas."
"This was a Celtic sacrifice of a chief or a king."
"Luck Superstition often had Builders not labeling the 13th floor."
"Argonian culture revolves around the veneration of the Hist and the worship of the Serpent of Chaos, Sithis."
"Every 60 or so years the society had a habit of burning down their own homes but why?"
"After all the death, the living celebrate life, with food drink and sex, in that order."
"The evil eye belief transcends cultural and religious boundaries, influencing practices like prayer, amulet wearing, and rituals aimed at dispelling its perceived negative effects."
"The tried and true burials, man, are godlike."
"The death of 8 million puppies may be heartless, but perhaps for the ancient Egyptians, it's seen as an honor."
"Couples in Korea often wear matching clothes."
"Gotta pay respects to the dead, here's an egg cock here for you and a flash."
"The last thing he did was he went to and he gave salaam to them one more time and he prayed upon them."
"Forbidden power bar Easter makes more sense to dress up as zombies than Halloween. Love it."
"Jousts were done for the following reasons: to demonstrate prowess, to learn martial skills, to gain renown, to gain honor, and for the love of women."
"Cancel culture is a form of church discipline."
"There's no excuse for celebrating pagan holidays."
"Participating in ancient rituals, like a bison harvesting ceremony, allows us to re-harmonize with the planet and create more balance within ourselves and our communities."
"Funerals in New Orleans might mistake it for a party."
"Look to your ancestors' wisdom look to the cultural practices that they retain and maybe those ancestral wisdom will apply to you."
"Coffee drinking is quite an integral part of social life, especially in South India."
"Sledge making is gonna bring us a lot of good food."
"Finding a good game to play on your phone does kind of feel like finding a gem in the rough."
"Makeup was worn proudly by both men and women in ancient Egyptian times."
"The Maasai construct their villages like this, as strategic hamlets designed to repel and discourage predators."
"Indian foods are meant to be shared, that's very different from westerners."
"Arranged marriages have a far higher success rate than any non-arranged marriage."
"Humanity doing things that aren't practical but carry a long cultural tradition."
"Cosmology played a large role in the religious and cultural lives of the ancestral Puebloans."
"It's weird, it smells nice, and I understand why they'd do it."
"Indian man prays to life-sized statue of Donald Trump as his god."
"The Agoris tribe of India are ascetics with aromatic rituals and renunciation practices."
"The Asaro Mudman tribe wears mud masks to frighten away foes."
"I could use every part of the buffalo as a tool to better the lives of other people."
"Fill it up with water...garlic has been used since the beginning of time to ward off evil."
"Every culture has its own unique superstitions regarding the sneeze."
"Women are kept apart from the men in a separate passage, an area reserved exclusively for girls who died still virgins."
"Most famously, these cultures and faiths started celebrating many of the same holidays that we still take off work today."
"Keeping animals around the house as pets was also a common practice in many pagan societies."
"Knocking on wood also has its roots in the ancient world."
"We do that by eating hot dogs, swimming, shooting fireworks, being goofballs, and that's kind of what we do on the Fourth of July."
"The Jewish boys have to be circumcised... Abraham teaches us and so yeah, it's linguistically it's problematic but you know a lot of interpretations are linguistically problematic."
"Arsenic Chinchorro mummification was a way to cope with the mystery of death."
"The Chinchorro morticians were transforming their love into pieces of art."
"There's not enough sage in the world, there's not enough sage in the world."
"The cult of the ancestors was about emotional connections people created with each other."
"Don't put your chopsticks vertically in your bowl of rice, it can be seen as an offering to the deceased."
"No Christian should be celebrating Halloween."
"Could you pass the bullet ant test? It's not much unlike sticking your hand into a nest of honeybees."
"Should we use the last of my Smith and Cross to make some more possibly authentic grog?"
"There is a relationship to plant medicine when it is entered through the door of the traditions."
"If she believes in Guru Sahib, she wants a methi adat, she wants to go around Guru's charan, then either you have to accept the Guru or not."
"Japanese etiquette is embedded with numerous table manners, from saying 'itadakimasu' before a meal to handling chopsticks with care."
"In many parts of the world, coffee is meant to be sipped on while seated and enjoying the paper or chatting with friends."
"When you're in the Souks and the Medinas, don't expect not to haggle—it's all about bargaining."
"Often times what precedes the next season is fasting."
"Rituals are repeated actions that embody and entrench values, ideas, and ideals."
"The real world practice of casting out entities from people believed to be possessed has existed for thousands of years."
"White folks always wanted the safest black they could have."
"White folk always on a Saturday night would call all their slaves around the mansion just to entertain."
"Maybe a world where we didn't have routine infant circumcision would be a better world."
"For centuries in China, part of a woman's beauty was expressed by binding their feet."
"In recent years, there has been growing awareness and efforts within Masai communities and by international organizations to end this brutal practice."
"The next time you knock on wood, know that you're not just partaking in a quaint ritual but echoing a melody of human resilience and hope."
"In China, it's almost all plant-based diet...Chinese peasants eat plants and they have very different cholesterol in their blood and they have far fewer heart attacks."
"Another interesting thing historically is that the only historical evidence of the Wicker man being used in sacrifice was from the account of a Roman official."
"Why would so many different cultures...come to develop this exact same dangerous, difficult, and oddly specific practice?"
"My dad started from shaman healers in Mexico who would tell what's wrong with you by cracking an egg in water and reading it like that, that's exactly what we just read."
"People are so obsessed with spray money. They say it's their culture."
"Number 4: Screaming Mummy - While most mummies went through a tired and tested process to fully equip them for their journey into the afterlife."
"Tea time is sacred, you need to have some tea. They wouldn't have thought this clearly if they didn't have their tea."
"Worshiping the mother goddess was important in Harappan society."
"Argonian wedding and mating rituals are incredibly complex, varying between tribes and involving specific rituals spoken in the native language of JAL."
"Zack Snyder's like, yeah I want Superman going so fast you can't even see him."
"Slavery was primarily volitional in Hebrew culture."
"Bizarre mummies: golden tongues placed in their mouths to help them speak in the afterlife."
"The poison dart frog got its name from native tribespeople coating their arrows with the frog's venom, when an arrow is fired at an opponent, it not only pierces their skin but also contains some of the most dangerous poison in the jungle."
"Sharing food is very deeply rooted inside human beings."
"No dealings with witchcraft or voodoo. Mama used to do it? If it's not in the Bible, then Mama's obeah, wake up!"
"We don't have funerals anymore; we have celebrations of life. We're not acquainted with death." - Michael Nlls
"A person would introduce a question, then their nation would debate, then their sibling nation would debate, then the other moiety would debate, then the Onondaga would debate and offer their final approval."
"Within a month of us meeting talking and the families talking he flew down with his family and we got our [expletive] done just like that."
"Life on Earth might be a degree better if we still followed such rituals."
"Polygamy violates the dignity of women... it is inadmissible discrimination against women."
"A committed follower of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu should not celebrate Halloween."
"They're sacrificing goats, I'm not lying to you."
"Have you guys ever considered ghost marriages?"
"It's actually kind of like an offering where you offer a weapon of your defeated enemy to the king... but it's not completely subservient because the way that he says it and gives it add up to the throne shows Damon's cockiness."
"Arranged marriages consolidate these issues. I don't know if you can get rid of it."
"Ceremonies are part of every society... to resolve conflicts."
"I think it's a very good idea. And that's why it happens in other countries, in my opinion. I think the winter break, it should, absolutely, not happen in England."
"Mirrors have been used for divining the future, speaking to spirits, performing magic rituals, introspection, discovering new thoughts, and for symbology."
"Psilocybin mushrooms are offered to their children as young as three years old... a very different worldview."
"Sunday's should be more celebratory and fun and restful and recreational. Friday should be penitential."
"There's something in that and there's something in ritual."
"Sufi music and rituals are an integral part of the Sufi tradition and are often used as a means of achieving spiritual ecstasy and connection with the divine."
"Parents are like okay, okay, you know what, you do, you make wudu and let me on you so you stop asking this."
"According to some traditional Eastern medicine practitioners the porcupine stomach has the ability to detoxify relieve pain and fortify one's stomach against digestive issues."
"No one owns land here in Botswana, what I'm told they lease the land."
"Doing these ceremonies properly will give you insight into reality."
"Dwarves like to be creative whether it's by cooking meals brewing drinks engraving walls making crafts."
"Grandmas used to tell us that beauty requires sacrifice... some beauty practices of the past look more like sophisticated torture."
"They see you blowing up and slowly, but surely, maybe rapidly for some of y'all, walk out of their life, some of y'all is running out of their life, some of y'all are already out of the picture, but that's another story."
"Sperm is magical, and this is why civilizations, especially civilizations that are focused on spiritual health and the growth of the divine, were highly centered around sex energy."
"Witch hunts were firmly cemented in the practices of many cultures."
"When you eat with your hand you establish a connection with the food that you can't get with a fork."
"I grew up in a culture that was like, 'Here, we share it.' You want to wear a kimono? Wear a kimono. You want to dance the nickling? Do it."
"Tattooing is very, very, very tightly connected to spirituality."
"When sickness befalls Louisiana's French-speaking Creoles, Cajuns, and Native Americans, they sometimes seek out a treater with a special power to heal."
"These cities were built on a completely different pattern; there is no stone, there are no temples, there was no human sacrifice."
"They loved all the lovely critters in the animal kingdom so much that they made them pets, made them mummies, made them gods."
"We just like strip clubs. It's part of my family's culture."
"Some people in Japan wore face masks for a whole range of reasons."
"The majority of the tribe was waiting at the bottom ready to dispatch dismember and devour the hairy brutes."
"Japan has a really prominent towel culture."
"Moreover the alignment of ancient monuments with astronomical phenomena hints at a comprehensive grasp of astronomy deeply integrated into their cultural and religious practices."
"Baptisms in Brazil are pretty common, a bit less so in Southern Brazil, which is where I was, but still, like more common than like your European missions, for example."
"The example that comes to mind is the indigenous tribe throwing people into the volcano because that's how you appease the volcano gods and make them not shoot lava at your town."
"Residential in the small town of Onava Sonora were digging an irrigation canal only to stumble upon a 1,000-year-old cemetery with 25 human burials... the burial ground belonged to a prehispanic people who practiced head binding."
"In New Guinea, children up to the age of six share the mat with the parents."
"Remember there are so many different types of people practicing this at so many different stages of their lives around the world so make it your own."
"We do handshakes out here different."
"A Marvel of ancient architecture and a Living testament to enduring cultural practices."
"It's common in Nigeria to have a baby outside with the side cheek."
"Cannibalism is common in neighboring villages, it's a practice that takes place."
"I don't think there's a rule that says I have to have rice and peas and chicken on a Sunday, but the social construct within my community means that every house I go to on a Sunday, I mean the same damn thing."
"As far as I know every culture I've ever visited has a way to de-stress at the end of the day."
"It's important for her parents to tell that, 'Hey, if he wants to marry you, make sure he gets a circumcision.'"
"Passover deals with just the evening of the Passover Lamb."
"Christmas dinner for 10 million families in the UK is defined by one thing and that is of course roast turkey."
"Culture is never an excuse to do bad things and to harm innocent beings. That goes for all cultures."
"A very clean base is essential for Chinese makeup."
"Anyone who could eat muskrat was doing penance worthy of the greatest of saints."
"You think I can't eat with my hand?"
"But if they have honed this recipe over thousands of years and they are attributing that beautiful growth to it, there might actually be something to it."
"It may be surprising to some people that modesty includes head covering. Clearly, head covering is also a form of modesty."
"Ritual healing allows the person to be welcomed back into society."
"The argument that, 'Well, if we're all against female genital mutilation, is argued that male circumcision in Jewish communities and Muslim communities, the argument is, but is that not male genital mutilation and should we not then equally be against that?'"
"Now let's talk about how people bake sourdough bread."