
Personal Fear Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"I fear that I'm going to abandon my friends, family, and girlfriend when this game releases."
"One of my biggest fears in life is not being able to live up to my full potential."
"My entire life, I have tried to be this strong, powerful, dominant person because I'm honestly afraid of losing control."
"I could have gotten pregnant, and I think that would have killed me."
"You're not, that's one of the scariest moments of my life."
"Greta Thunberg terrifies me and I love her for it."
"Now I live in constant fear of running out of time."
"You experience the horrors they promise firsthand. Dread slithers in your bones and fear takes over you, yet you keep telling yourself, 'This isn't real.'"
"I've been having some just really strange and frightening occurrences in this apartment."
"In that moment, I experienced a fear that I've never felt before."
"CBS News says 'Lone survivor shot by Rittenhouse at Kenosha protest testifies he thought he was going to die.'"
"Your greatest fear is that you are powerful beyond measure."
"Nobody's perfect so nobody's kids are gonna be perfect... there's no such thing as perfection."
"This one in particular represents his fear of not being as self-sufficient as he thinks."
"The only fear I have right now is basically losing my family."
"Fear terrified me, I don't want to be afraid."
"Trying hard to fight these tears, I'm crazy worried, messing with my head, this fear."
"This is somehow scarier than that though, I don't like that lady."
"I stumbled across Ren and Stimpy... It was so terrifying to me."
"I fear most obviously for the welfare of my family."
"One man, who had stumbled upon the entity's full description, started developing acute thalassophobia."
"This piece of gear matters the most and this is the piece of gear that I'm most scared of when I go climbing."
"Heaven forbid if she would have died, I would have been destroyed."
"I really feel like I'm living a horror movie right now."
"I know my cousin's voice and I never heard him terrified as much as I heard on that call."
"I pushed you away because I was scared, I'm letting you go because I love you."
"I know it's kind of cliche at this point, but if there's one thing that absolutely terrifies me, it's the ocean... most of all, for me, it's the fear of the unknown."
"Another kind of basic one here but still definitely an all-time fear of mine... one of the deadliest natural disasters in history."
"I was scared I was gonna have respect lost for me, that's how powerful his manipulation was."
"Hereditary is the scariest movie I have ever seen."
"That was pure fear on his face, that was fear that he could not hide."
"This person is concerned that they're going to lose you."
"A small percentage of people have side effects and I was really, really scared."
"I'm terrified of going in the sea... that's fear."
"Vanessa: 'She thought she was going to die very soon.'"
"Water terrifies me. This giant liquid that covers 70% of the Earth's mass."
"Elizabeth truly believed that she had been brought to the throne by divine intervention."
"Life is finite and we're stuck, and I think it scared me personally."
"I'm terrified. I really can't put it any more simply than that."
"The end wasn't all it's cracked up to be the scourge well I wasn't scared of them before I am a little bit now."
"Stranger Things freaked me out, I can only watch it during the day."
"All the things would become a tragedy which he thought was really very scary."
"The biggest fear I ever had is in 10 years' time, my Chinese friends say to me, 'John, you were right.'"
"It's hard to know what to believe, but conspiracies harm the quest for truth."
"Would you dare visit this bridge? I certainly wouldn't."
"I really do feel freaked out just when I read things about like death."
"I was frozen in fear. I snapped out of it when I heard my friend whisper to me."
"Clearly, the therapy didn't take. John Doe agreed to an interview but asked not to be identified because he fears repercussions from the therapist."
"It's the opposite in my life; I'm always afraid to do for myself."
"I'm 28 years old and this is the most afraid I've ever been in my entire life."
"My greatest fear growing up, very candidly, was I was afraid that they would institutionalize my mother."
"The core fear simply came from this idea that one day your loved ones could just turn unexpectedly violent and unreasonable and there was nothing you could do about it."
"I find it hard to believe that he was actually scared of COVID restrictions or COVID-19 in general."
"But I'm scared to death there's not gonna be a season. It gets me thinking, like, what happened to J.J. and A.J.? You are an evil man, A.J.!"
"To this day, I still harbor fear of dark rooms."
"I'm terrified of the way she's looking at me." - Ray
"I felt loved, I felt secure, the only thing I was afraid of were dogs barking and drunken people."
"Even in that position with nothing to lose, he still can't do it. He's terrified. He's terrified of making people mad at him."
"The idea that dogs and pets can sense those things have always scared me."
"It scared me more than anything else that ever scared me before in my life."
"One of my biggest fears is my own death. One of my related fears is nuclear war. I despise new nuclear weaponry. I always have and this is why world leaders can saber rattle with their nukes, threatening to blow up the whole damn world."
"To say that I was terrified was an understatement."
"Please, please, please, please don't burn down my house."
"There's absolutely no doubt in my mind it was a dog man."
"Being happy is a big deal, bro. A lot of people are too afraid to live in this energy."
"I've never been more fearful of the state of this country than I am right now."
"House fires are something that particularly scares me. It's just something that, like, every time I think about it... I'm very paranoid about things burning down."
"I worry that I'm too obsessed, that I strangle the life from what you do."
"I genuinely would have passed out and thrown up if that thing touched me."
"All I could think about was my kids and never seeing them."
"Whatever that thing was, it absolutely terrified me and still does to this day."
"Maybe it's deep inside you, you're scared that if you find the truth, it's gonna ask you to change yourself."
"His wrath is worse than anything that I can conjure up."
"I'm still so freaked out. I won't go back on that tour."
"Kung Lao's greatest fear is that his life will amount to nothing."
"I was terrified and sat completely still, unmoving."
"When I see a car coming at me and I don't know what's going on, I get scared too."
"If you have a fear of heights, this attraction will definitely be your biggest nightmare."
"When that door's locked, I am depressed and I am afraid, and well, you just make it a bit more tolerable."
"We're living in a society where... democracy is being disintegrated and that's terrifying for me."
"I think the scariest movie for me is gotta be The Exorcist."
"I kinda live in fear of meeting namaku."
"I know how scary it is to purchase a home when it seems like so much is working against you."
"I've been scared my entire life, I felt alone and knew that I was different."
"In this sense, Jaws is the physical embodiment of Chief Brody’s fear of the demons under the water."
"Who's afraid of the ocean? Me as well. I'm afraid of the ocean."
"I'm a little scared of chickens to be honest, but we really wanted eggs and we have a pond, so we decided to go for ducks."
"My biggest fear is that I will fail."
"I have a huge fear of judgment from family and everyone I knew before I started comedy."
"I'm scared of pigeons. Every bird, but in particular, pigeons, and consequently, all birds disturb me."
"My true biggest fear is like losing a family member."
"I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me."
"The fear of being seen for who you truly are within a group can be an incredibly vulnerable thing."
"I absolutely hate snakes, they scare me."
"Look, I know Lydia's people are bad, but that doesn't mean she's bad at all. She's just scared."
"I do actually, I'm pretty afraid of heights, even though I'm a pilot."
"I'm definitely afraid of airplanes."
"This book is just the exact kind of horror that scares me."
"Honey, I am not scared of anything except roaches."
"With great power comes great responsibility, and a lot of you may fear that responsibility or may fear that power."
"It's just the fear of being alone."