
Digital Content Creation Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"I started off trying to be an actor, ended up on YouTube reading Reddit stories. I consider it a success."
"Through my masterclass and workshops and print sales and ad revenue on my YouTube video, all those little bits add up to make what is now quite a comfortable living."
"You could literally be living at home with your parents and be making videos in your bedroom and actually make something of yourself. It's actually crazy."
"Just from writing 10 hours a day, writing blogs, ebooks, product descriptions."
"It's my way or the highway, and the highway is the unsubscribe button."
"Booktube is not dying. If anything, it's growing."
"100k subscribers is a milestone that very few people can achieve, especially on YouTube."
"I hit eight years on YouTube, which was pretty cool."
"I look forward to making YouTube videos every single night because it became my outlet for self-expression."
"Smash the like, subscribe to the channel and tune in tomorrow."
"If you're able to make a stable substantial income solely based on AdSense revenue, good for you, good for you. You're like Mr. Beast or something."
"YouTube is by far the best job I've ever had."
"Youth has its own beauty. No matter where you are in life, you should enjoy where you are."
"I don't think I'm gonna stop making stuff on the internet anytime soon."
"A YouTube career can be a terrifying landscape."
"That's just like a monthly check that I get from YouTube from the creator working their ass off filming, editing, and uploading."
"Man, if I had to give up YouTubing it would be a pretty big bummer for me."
"Not needing a single gram of romantic or intimate validation from anyone is so cool."
"You really have to be able to ride the line well between getting damage in and pushing the pace."
"At first, it's just kind of like, 'Oh, you know, I want to get Keqing, I want to get Venti and stuff like that.' But then, you know, when the Mona video blew up, I was like, 'Oh, I'm gonna actually try to make this YouTube channel work.'"
"YouTube has been my dream since I was 14... I wanna do it as much as possible and as long as possible."
"The creation of Yo Mama and its interesting backstory."
"Starting YouTube, I never imagined having two channels with over a million subscribers."
"I clawed and scratched my way to a $6 a month subscription and here we are 20 years later."
"YouTube's gotten really, really complicated at this point and it's harder than ever to start a channel."
"Creating simple YouTube videos and just posting them online, but leveraging YouTube as a search engine."
"But now I think when I think of like a successful YouTuber I think of Jenna Marbles."
"So, just to clarify that timeline, that's seven years of doing stuff on YouTube, or it was before YouTube."
"It's not just me uploading the videos and you guys watching, it's a real family community sort of channel, a very interactive channel as well."
"I'm 19 years old and what I do for a living is entertain the universe by uploading digital videos to the internet for people to sit on the toilet and watch, think occasionally, right?"
"Thank you guys, nothing from YouTube for a hundred thousand subscribers or now we've got over 125,000."
"Following this statement, Ryan's parents would create the Ryan Toys Review channel..."
"Making videos and putting my duties, I was aware of, you know, difficult. I decided to become YouTube and no one could stop me, I had to do it."
"It is a losing project because I didn't even have a sponsor on my video."
"Thank you so much for everyone that's been liking subscribing and commenting you guys seriously are the reason that I do this every single day"
"InRangeTV is only here because of viewers that support the channel directly."
"I went from being a dude making videos in his room to a guy who owned a business."
"Caress that like button, and make sure you subscribe to the channel."
"232 new subscribers last month on 5.9 million minutes watched."
"YouTube isn't about free content. It's about a place where you can create content and also have a path to being a professional creator."
"YouTube isn't about free content YouTube is about a place where you can create content and also have a path to being a professional creator."
"YouTube is so about experimentation. Everything is an experiment, even what we think we know for sure is still an experiment. Post the videos, test and analyze. Experience is not the best teacher, evaluated experience is the best teacher."
"Thank you guys for all the super chats, all the sponsors. Guys, it is unbelievable. Tomorrow, I'm gonna be streaming again to finish off the week. Four streams in one week guys, that is definitely a record for me."
"We're live right here on the Crafty Gemini Facebook and a Facebook page and YouTube channel Wednesdays at one now and also Fridays at 7 p.m."
"The Ace Family YouTube channel has over 18 million subscribers... yeah, they've come a long way."
"I think we're very lucky to be YouTubers in this pandemic situation."
"I started making content on Vine back in 2013."
"If you're enjoying this Academy series I really appreciate if you drop a like on the video subscribe Spencer FC for more football content."
"We just added him! Who else supports me as a creator?"
"I'm on this journey of being a full-time YouTuber. Like, what? Oh my gosh, I'm having zoom calls and meetings and all of this, it's just so different."
"It's easier now to turn YouTube into a career, but you gotta do it with passion first."
"Stay unique, Bacons. Hit subscribe and all that good stuff."
"You barely doing anything and you're getting a ton of views, nothing but respect for the hustle."
"Bro just start streaming. There's no guide to being successful."
"It's pretty cool to see for me that there's that type of influence that people that are connected to me, their channels just blow up."
"I am successful now for the first time in my life through this YouTube thing."
"A huge thank you to people who have clicked the join button to directly financially support the channel."
"Start a YouTube channel: turning passion into income."
"Smash that like button and subscribe as we dive into a conversation the community is having."
"I'm so proud of what this YouTube channel has achieved."
"Quarantines help me just slow down a little bit and it's helped me put time into YouTube and sure enough it paid off because this series blew everything up so quarantines it's been relaxing it's been nice."
"YouTube: it's about you. You were the person of the year in 2006, remember that? YouTube, yeah. So I am a YouTuber."
"Personal brand is the support system for everything."
"Without all of you who watch and support this channel, there would be no channel."
"23 2009 aspiring stage actor in director Matthew Patrick sets up a YouTube channel called Matthew Patrick 13 and begins uploading videos to promote his career in theatre."
"Make sure that you rate, comment, and subscribe to the channel."
"It's pretty crazy how relatively easy it is to start streaming."
"The champion of the first-ever Rocket Money Who Is the Best YouTuber of All Time as dictated by Stans Championship is Nico!"
"I always say try your best if you ever gonna get into like streaming or YouTube."
"We're posting all the time, we're doing rebuilds, we're doing 2k videos..."
"I don't think content creators owe anything to Rockstar... mutually beneficial relationship."
"People are waking up to the problem of Web2 that all of us are creating the content for these platforms."
"Hardball is what gets you [] paid and gets you [] relevance in life."
"I even started my YouTube channel to say I could still have a full-time job."
"You've imported that into premiere and you can edit it as if it were any other clip in premiere."
"Reminder once more, all this content is supported by you through Patreon. So thank you to all the patrons who really push the limits of what we can do here."
"If every woman starts to make an OnlyFans, men are not really gonna have a choice. It's like, just start cheating, and it becomes the norm."
"Money doesn't make me happy. The sub number going up makes me happy."
"I plan on doing YouTube forever, and that is one of my jobs."
"If you enjoyed these tutorials, then please like, share, and subscribe to my channel for more content in the future."
"You could be a TikToker or a YouTuber or a self-published author and get more viewers than a nationally broadcast television show."