
Risk Assessment Quotes

There are 1471 quotes

"You're more likely to get hit by a fallen coconut than attacked by a shark."
"Even if a player is the best player in the world, if they completely bankrupt your club and put you in an irredeemable financial situation, it's probably not worth signing."
"I really think that people ought to weigh the risks and the potential benefits and if the equation really is such that the risks are so much higher than the benefits, then it's better not to do that surgery."
"Women are always going to be more picky than men when it comes to dating due to the increased risk of violence and pregnancy."
"The danger of severe COVID is so low as to be difficult to quantify."
"You're getting hit by a car isn't as bad as getting hit by a train, but okay."
"Do you think that matters, fam? But then again, when I looked at it in hindsight, the most they could have taken was a couple of iPhones and a camera. I still would have gone happy."
"We don't know how bad things can get, but based on what we do, we know they can get far worse than we ever want to touch."
"Most new ideas are stupid and dangerous, but some of them are vital."
"If a ride looks stupid and dangerous, it probably is. Probably avoid it."
"But nobody was talking about how much courage it must have taken to look that one chance in the eye and say, 'Nope, that's not worth losing my life over.'"
"The physiological risks of psilocybin are remarkably light. There are many drugs in your medicine cabinet that are more dangerous."
"By the time you are on three medications that achieved excellent control, your risk of stroke increased 248 percent as when your hypertension is untreated."
"You made a calculated risk assessment and concluded that the higher risk to your company was to get on the wrong side of a person with 15 likes as opposed to expressing bigotry to a company with 50 million monthly listeners."
"You could argue that someone in that situation might think it's worth the risk if it means possibly regaining some level of physical autonomy."
"When I think about stocks, I think about risk rewards. I'm not just thinking about what's the potential upside for the stock; I'm also thinking about what is the potential downside."
"We can break down the risk of a disaster into two parts: the potential number of casualties it would cause if it happened, and the likelihood of that event happening."
"We're on the brink of a very important set of results that I think will change your perspective permanently on risk and expected return."
"Due diligence is really kind of trying to understand the benefits and and the liabilities of proposed investment."
"This country that we know, 250 years in the making, the greatest country known to man, could be at a high likelihood of ceasing to exist if we enter World War III right now."
"Better to stand forward awake when the costs are low and perhaps when the potential rewards have not yet vanished."
"The covariances are a lot more important in determining the riskiness of your portfolio than the riskiness of the individual stocks."
"The chance of a hard landing has gone down materially over the past month."
"Vaccinating 300 million people against a possible pandemic is worth it, even if it means some have adverse reactions."
"But there's actually been a wide variety of studies that show there is no long-term risk of psychological health decline."
"While we continue to have misgivings about risks related to Tesla not incorporating LiDAR into its vehicles, we believe the learning cycles enabled by having over 1 million vehicles on the road is an extraordinary advantage."
"A worst case scenario does not necessarily mean it is the most likely scenario."
"You are taking on a tremendous amount of risk if you want to have a family one day, which is the nuclear family, the backbone of society."
"What risk do you think is sensible to take with the future of everybody that you love and cherish?"
"Owning a gun is more likely to save you or harm you... a lot of the answer to that is going to have to do with how responsibly you store it, how well trained you are in its use."
"The narrative that's playing out on TV and on social media seems to be: do you want to be risky and go back to work, or do you want to be safe and stay inside? Most people I think are sensible. Most people realize we can do both."
"The risk of a severe adverse event happening after getting a vaccine is roughly on the order of one in a million."
"Your brain magnifies risk... to pull you away from something that it perceives to be a problem."
"The easy way isn't always the best way, and if it is easy then you need to be more worried about that than the thing that you're actually afraid of."
"Bitcoin is arguably the least risky and it's had a pretty high reward."
"Living a life of purpose outweighs the risks."
"When we say that something is safe, what it means is that we know it doesn't do harm."
"We could have lost more than 2 million people... it could have been much more than that."
"And it can turn players into risk-calculating tacticians."
"There's a huge potential downside. That's an understatement."
"If you can prove that simply seeing the poster will lead directly to physical harm or death, then maybe I would call off the sweet baby gang."
"They said they were willing to take that risk. Yeah, it was more important to them, it seems, to see what she was saying upon receiving."
"Buying the stock market today is essentially taking an incredible amount of risk, at least as much risk as investors have ever taken in the stock market in the past for the prospect of I see it as zero reward."
"Their inherent danger lies at about a 7 out of 10."
"Focusing on the knowledge and the understanding so by the time you do take the risk you've learned enough about it."
"Such an action would be an incredibly high risk and dangerous decision to make on paper..."
"Just because there is potential danger, that doesn't mean it is necessarily dangerous."
"You should have the freedom to choose, so that means that you have a 0.86% chance of dying, so you have more of a chance of dying from life than you do from COVID."
"It's not really the smartest thing you want to do anyways."
"The number of deaths so far prevented far outweighs the number of children who have been adversely affected by the immunizations themselves."
"What could it hurt? What would be the reason not to?"
"Position sizing is about sizing it to a place where we have the freedom to move around."
"It's not as risky like if you think about any profession which is going into a state where it will become stable."
"These are my favorite kind of fights the ones where it doesn't feel like hey we have to wait a very long time or B something bad could happen right if it's a three-month process this isn't a three-month process."
"46 reduced chance of heart disease is not much use if you get run over by a bus on your way to work, is it?"
"Investing is all about assessing probabilities and taking the best when the probabilities are overwhelmingly in your favor."
"Never put Sansa in Ramsay's hands - too risky, too foolish."
"Chances are most of the time it'll have a negative outcome."
"The consequences if we get it wrong are far too serious."
"Anything you do in life is risky. It's just assessing if it's worth the risk."
"What do you think of all their AI will it inevitably come back to bite them or do you think they can keep it from going haywire and prevent another machine Uprising?"
"Empower yourself to stay disciplined... and making sure that your upside outweighs your downside."
"Roughly at a meter, it's somewhere between 10 and 30 times more risky than at 2 meters."
"It's all good because now I know how far you can take it and what are the red flags you should look for to know you're entering that danger zone."
"Duggar is neither a danger to the community nor a flight risk."
"So if you do carry appendix, now there are certain upsides to it, I mean, what's the upside to possibly actually killing yourself?"
"But of course now he's immune, it's a price worth paying."
"Do not let yourselves believe that this is nothing because even if it's a less than 10% chance that it's not nothing that is too great that is too much danger."
"We've been using the risk assessment tool and have shrunk our jail population by about 40% from 2015 to last year."
"Compared to the risk of COVID, the risk of the vaccines is much smaller."
"It's not a coin flip, it's a scientific process."
"Potential air disasters viewed as sacrifices for military advancement pose grave ethical concerns."
"Declining birth rates: It's a population risk that's very unique."
"The interesting thing about declining birth rates is that it's a population risk that's very unique."
"Relative risk is a very different measure... relative risk reduction is 75... relatively that's a 25... reduction."
"It was the right thing for America to do to put itself at great risk to rescue all of Europe."
"There's early evidence that this particular variant omicron could increase the risk for re-infection of COVID19."
"As time goes on, less to worry about... any individual's risk is declining as days go by."
"You're basically gambling that his picks work that day."
"Failure from the wrong choice probably won't be as bad."
"The risk is higher with Ohio State versus Georgia."
"The Precog will receive a distinct sense of whether following that course of action will result in physical injury or mental distress within the next ten minutes."
"Is there a risk increased risk in this group from 11 risk over five years up to 25 increased risk over five years if so that is a massive massive increase."
"There's a clear link between the quality of their diet and their risk for these common mental disorders."
"But with luck on his side, I give him a survivor score of 2.5/5."
"You're like a driver that comes to a busy highway and you need to cross six lanes but you ignore the red light and you run through the light, one of the chances of you coming out of that alive or not injured, slim to none, probably none to none."
"This is either a great play or a terrible play."
"He's better than what they had in Pittsburgh last year. Yes, I can guarantee it. At that price, I am 100% willing to take the risk."
"At a certain point, it becomes more risky to hold the trade to target than to stop out."
"The potential reward is much higher than the risk if we were to bounce back."
"This is just an int though. Yeah, Sun Cost Fallacy, right? Down to 300 hp now, is it just think about it, what if we just lose everything you know? What if we just back off and like play for tempo?"
"Undeserved panic does no one any good but neither does ill-informed complacency."
"Understanding who we are by taking ourselves to the limit comes with a risk, and as we've learned, that risk must always be balanced against the greater good."
"Each of them, however, has the potential to draw forces into a conflict that could turn from a minor fire to a blazing wildfire in very little time."
"If you're gonna speak out, do your best to calculate the cost and find out if it's worth paying."
"Given the objectives potential for significant psychological and physical impact on human suspects, its retrieval and securement has been classified as urgent."
"Oh I'm down as long as it's like probably pretty safe and or I have like nothing to lose."
"This cure could cause more death than the virus itself."
"I think bitcoin is kind of the epitome of that type of investment but again you don't need to go put a big part of your portfolio in doing just one to five percent I think it's where most people are sitting today."
"The risk here is it's going to happen far sooner than even the experts think."
"Maybe with the same risk attached to his lifespan, but what else can Law manipulate or stretch with his abilities if he can use his room on them?"
"So yeah what's the probability you're gonna risk your entire [__] social media image your entire career on the fact that the organization testing you is not going to show up randomly."
"You're more likely to get hit by lightning than to ever get attacked by a shark."
"It's better to be tried by 12 than carried by six."
"If you think Royal Caribbean will stay afloat, then this is definitely a buy. If you think all the cruise lines are going to go out of business as a result of Covid-19, then don't buy the stock and don't buy any of the other cruise stocks either."
"Essentially suspend yourself in air...not the wisest thing to do in PVE or in PvP."
"The tornado risk does still remain on the lower side of things."
"The worst has passed...you're done with the tornado risk at this point."
"You have to understand depending on what happens it could be good or bad for cryptocurrency."
"If the bureau had stepped back, not focused on the endpoint, and taken in the whole picture during construction, then maybe they would have seen a dangerous situation they were creating."
"We as humans and as Americans are not great at parsing out the real relative risk of different activities."
"What's the risk and reward, especially involving more people that you can't control what they're gonna say at the police department?"
"The idea is to make calculated risks as much as you can and Ripple and XRP was the most calculated risk in a risky thing."
"I think crypto's a lot less risky than fiat at the moment."
"Back test your strategies before applying any strategy to your real account."
"The fair value for some of these meme stocks may be zero because the companies may go bankrupt."
"It's very strange that people seem to be just approaching this from a 'well I might be putting myself in danger but I'm going to do it anyway' perspective."
"The risks in the real estate sector are underestimated with the worst yet to come in 2024."
"It is the most dramatic situation in human history. The idea that there was a non-zero chance that hitting that button would destroy the entire world and then they still hit that button, I don't know how you can do that, that's insane."
"I'm not saying don't get the vaccine, but I am saying there's always a risk in life."
"Based on certain metrics, an unvaccinated child is actually at the same or lower risk than a vaccinated adult."
"But if he's a sixth-round draft pick, you already have a hit rate in those rounds that is difficult. You're not hitting every pick in that round. Yet the upside of hitting on Kyler Murray is so tremendous."
"Isn't that wild now if it's dark enough you see that I'm not going down there."
"There's no real evidence of a risk bias at this point to the downside... you should be invested here now."
"I think the most likely scenario is if you're blackmailing powerful, wealthy politicians and billionaires, it's only a matter of time. You can't keep yourself safe."
"Things we accepted before as worth the risk... are now in question."
"Highly On is by far the riskiest investment here in my personal opinion."
"Delirium is one of the most rewarding league mechanics, albeit fairly dangerous..."
"I think starting earlier is a risk factor for finishing earlier."
"Pretty brutal way to go out... folding jacks right six five of clubs."
"Nobody can accurately forecast the future but... assess the storm's strength on the horizon."
"The impacts of COVID-19 on children is minimal compared to other groups."
"It is more dangerous than the flu... but not so much more dangerous that you're gonna stop living your life."
"There's no reason why you shouldn't try, because what's the cost?"
"There are risks here... serious interventions... if you believe those risks are worth exploring... then you're on my side."
"The hardest investments to make are the ones where you're running towards the fire when others are running away you better be confident that it's worth the risk."
"Options are about probabilities and risk versus reward."
"The cost and risk to not diversify is far worse than the upside you might get from having a few big winners."
"If it starts with a one, the passenger is deemed a very low risk—this is almost only given to Israeli citizens—while if it starts with six, the passenger is deemed a very high risk and will be subjected to extremely thorough screening."
"The plane is empirically the safest way to travel—its hundreds or thousands of times safer than driving—so stopping people from flying is in and of itself deadly."
"The risk of death from Omicron still 67 percent less, so I think we can be fairly clear that Omicron is less pathogenic than Delta."
"There is a lot of potential here for significant damage."
"Your kids are under greater risk of death driving around your neighborhood in a car than they are from COVID."
"Even the bear cases, it's hard to formulate a really strong case."
"If she hadn't been caught on her first kill, there's almost a hundred percent chance that she would have killed again."
"Understanding what you own gives you a better sense of the value of the company and the potential upside and downside in different scenarios."
"The failure point, you know, where more people need to be much more proactive, otherwise this will be everywhere."
"High HDL and low triglycerides appear to be a very low risk factor for cardiovascular disease."
"I turned down the project... Why should I risk my life for other people's mistakes?"
"Are we just finding a better option with higher upside?"
"Giving them a good education far outweighs any potential risks."
"AI is perhaps more dangerous than say, mismanaged aircraft design, or production maintenance, or bad car production, in the sense that it has the potential of civilizational destruction."
"Maybe there's a reason why those odds are like that."
"It's not risky if you have a good setup, you believe in the project, you know when you're gonna cut your loss."
"Poker is all about risk, odds, and skill. Luck is for slot machines and bingo."
"If you're not woke, they'll say you have a very high risk... high risk of government intervention, bad score, right?"
"I think they have a very low chance of having some outside event drop their valuation substantially."
"What are your risk tolerance? Write that down."
"A new financial crisis on the scale of the 2008 collapse could happen in less than 18 months."
"Just because doing something stupid resulted in a positive outcome doesn't mean you have a good enough excuse."
"Calm dive when storming, that's dangerous. Not a lot, that's true. Yeah, you also want to make sure the water's deep enough before you go for a dive."
"This is not for fun. I believe that we were on the risk of handing the presidency to Donald Trump if we try too hard to play it safe or ignore the profound dynamics that are happening in our country right now."
"We have no evidence it is currently being exploited."
"Fastest way to lose a game, honestly, maybe, yeah, watching this, never go first."
"Can you explain the inherent risks like what are the risks? What does it mean when a box of ballots turns up in a dumpster?"
"A 50-year-old with a high score has a massively higher risk in the following ten years than an eight-year-old with a zero score."
"People are more likely to engage in dangerous behaviors when the reward outweighs the risk."
"Assessing the risk in horror games is part of the thrill."
"It's important to recognize that if you had the inclination and you did say something about BLM, the same risk was there."
"This is very dangerous, or is it too close? This is literally 18 yard, 18 and a half yards out from the line."
"The biggest risk return, it's the best risk return for the normal person ever."
"Fighting should be something that the players consider as like maybe a last resort because they're putting it themselves at risk."
"It really feels like this is much more of a close to the edge launch than we've seen from previous generations."
"The shenanigan risk is going to be unusually high."
"It's like shooting yourself in the jugular and saying ha haa you know I'm gonna bleed out slower than you are."
"Will people starve? That's an actual possibility."
"The uranium sector, in my opinion, offers the most asymmetric risk-reward profile I've seen in my entire career."
"This isn't a dangerous situation. Look, it's survival of the furthest. Nice, nice."
"If you are terribly untrained and prone to panic... arming yourself with a handgun is probably a bad idea."
"The risk of stroke with chiropractic care is zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero, that's six zeros one seven."
"No real downside there's no ridiculously good safety profile so why not therefore there's nothing but upside to it."
"Just because they say it's a small experiment though doesn't mean that you shouldn't worry."
"That's why I was not in favor of him taking that risk."
"I'm a firm believer in the risk benefit calculation for all things medical."
"Most people will overestimate their risk from covid by about a hundred times over."
"We're at an interesting point in our relationship with technology where it's gone beyond functionality and it's moved into more intimate spaces."
"Every transfer is a risk, but I think the better player that you buy that the manager wants, the more chance that it will succeed."
"You need to calculate the possibility of failure."
"If your portfolio is entirely electric vehicle companies and cryptocurrencies, you might want to reevaluate your risk tolerance."
"It's just a solid Pixar film. Doesn't make any big mistakes, I didn't think it took any big chances either."
"Just get clear on what the failure is and then look at the likelihood of this happening."
"What if in the next five years you stay in cash now and nothing happens?"
"You do have to factor in some sort of risk that the reopening will be delayed until spring or summer of 2022."
"If vaccines are sometimes not safe which we discover in testing and sometimes not safe which we discover after they've been released to the public there's nothing inherently safe about this technology."
"The chances that you're in a wreck on the way to the amusement park are way higher than something happening to you while you're on one of the rides."
"Prioritize tasks based on business value and associated risks."
"It's a gamble... the rate of progress in the fundamental tech and the fundamental techniques of artificial intelligence."
"Would you rather lose 60% or 25% of your wealth?"
"93 percent chance of a catastrophic cyber event."