
Career Guidance Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Follow what brings you joy; that is the stepping stone to where your dream career could be."
"You guys are meant to write books or write music...you're meant to do something significant with your career."
"My advice is to just follow what you want to do, don't follow the dollar signs."
"What happens after the ASVAB? Usually, your recruiter will take you back to the office, they'll give you a list of jobs you qualify for, and they'll talk to you about it."
"I got recently asked to go back to Harrow for a careers day to talk about YouTube. If I'd said I want to be a YouTuber at school, they would be like, 'What are you doing? Go into the city.'"
"I don't think that anybody should be prevented from pursuing something that they're uniquely talented for, something that would be like a better application of their skills, like 100 percent."
"For some of you, I am seeing that it could be part of your soul destiny to be a therapist or counselor."
"Comedy has a way of guiding you towards that. Just keep doing something."
"My goal for this video is to allow you all to have a better understanding of how you go from zero programming knowledge into getting an actual software development job."
"You should always find mentors for what you want to do and then kind of take it and make it your own."
"It's going to answer that question for you or it's going to get you close enough that with some additional iteration you'll be able to answer it."
"One of those is you should always focus on a young person should find something that they're passionate about to do."
"Gemini rules media, writing, communications. So, in general, when it comes to industries, you might find yourself in a media-based career."
"I encourage you to try to think of your own queries, try to think of your own insights and your own things that you can do to make this portfolio project unique."
"It's a very fulfilling lifestyle... and I hope in some small way that I can help you on your own personal journey towards freelancing."
"They've always told me to follow my passion."
"It's not about your resume, it's about resuming your calling."
"From house rulers to career planets: uncovering the secrets of success in astrology."
"This distinction is important to make... because it's going to help you make decisions about your content strategy."
"Find something that you love and the money will come."
"Start focusing first and foremost on what it is that you're passionate about."
"This habit will help you to excel in your line of work."
"Just keep the feet on the ground, take the right steps, the right fights, and this kid's going to be a superstar."
"Absolutely. I'll do my best to make Yuki-chan the top hostess she can be."
"We all have a general understanding of how to become a doctor... but the general roadmap of becoming a Creator, especially at that time, was just like I don't know, just start uploading videos and then see what happens."
"Find somebody local that is doing what you were interested in doing."
"To be a therapist you're going to change lives," he said. "This will all be behind you," but he's like, "I need you to stay focused on what's ahead of you, and not what's behind you."
"I've made it my mission in life to help people succeed in their careers."
"Sidia is hosting a live Java sdet session to help you get more information about their program and make the right decision."
"Your job from like 15 to 30 is to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life and then do it."
"If you like orchestrating the behind-the-scenes of things, back-end engineering might be for you."
"Even if you've come to this reading and you are currently searching for work... you're actually in a really good position of empowerment."
"Stay true and loyal to your heart regarding your career. You're about to see movement."
"Some of you guys have been part of my workshops on finding your superpower... That's what led me here."
"Witnessing their incredible talent, SEO Jun becomes determined to spare them from the same desires and struggles he experienced."
"Anyone who really is drawn to this should absolutely pursue it."
"Focus on what you're good at, what you love, and what you know."
"I really hope again that you guys took something from that, those of you that want to become prosecutors or those of you that want to become you know police officers or work anywhere in the justice field."
"I don't tell anybody to do stand-up. I've told exactly two people in my life to do stand-up. More. More. That's different though."
"Just find out what your passion is and become like the expert at it."
"My mental health comes first, and sometimes I personally need to know when to take a break."
"It's easy to forget what you really love, what you're truly meant to do."
"I do believe so. These are three certifications that you can look into if you're wanting to go down that route."
"Bro just start streaming. There's no guide to being successful."
"What you love and what you're good at is passion."
"Anyone who is unclear about their life purpose, vocational aptitudes, what you're supposed to do with your life, if you don't know, ask yourself."
"Find out where your skill is and what you enjoy doing."
"Some of you guys are destined to write a book or a lot of you guys are motivational speakers or teachers."
"This is your path to a career in cyber security."
"If you want to be a commercial pilot this is the place to go."
"If you want to call yourself doctor in a clinical setting, it's simple: just go to medical school."
"If you're interested in science you should study science and if it doesn't go well for you um you might not have done a great job this year but it doesn't mean that you can't go into a science related field for sure."
"If you talk about everything if you say you know I want to help uh you know young uh gen Z career women figure life out that is a niche."
"You're gonna know what steps to take in your career because you're gonna know yourself better."
"Your passion, dedication, and hard work will take you where you want to go."
"What your true passion is, is what you're willing to work hard at."
"Don't let people that have this perceived authority corrupt your thinking and corrupt your morals because you haven't lost that yet."
"40 percent of you who are watching this are going to naturally go into the field of healing, health, and healing is going to become your destiny."
"By the end of this video I want to have giving you a clear path on what you should be learning to secure your future."
"Sharing my experience as a graphic designer to help you be more successful."
"One of the best things that I bought is a pit barrel cooker."
"Your purpose is what's going to bring you the most financial success."
"I have always believed and I've always told people that one should just follow your passion or do what you're good at."
"Eventually, it'll all pay off. Be happy, and you'll find a career that's right for you."
"Make sure things are framed inside of your level of expertise."
"Guarantee you'll be able to land a job... with a decent resume and portfolio."
"Find your why, find the reason why you want to do this work."
"Specific knowledge is found much more by pursuing your innate talents, your genuine curiosity, and your passion."
"Trust your gut, would say consider what you want to do, what sector you want to work in."
"You're on the right path career-wise, keep the same cards coming out."
"Your job is to stay submitted, and God is the one who promotes."
"My biggest piece of advice is to find a topic that you absolutely love talking about."
"What programming languages you should learn, which blockchain should you use, how much money can you make."
"Exposure does not pay your bills. Make sure they pay you."
"He's got a bright future, she's got a lot of good things going for her and at this point I think my job is complete."
"80,000 hours... aims to help people find fulfilling careers that do good."
"Find a mentor. Mentors are valuable resources who can provide guidance and support as you navigate your career."
"I feel like there's a need to go within, really taking some time to kind of feel what's in your heart as far as where you're being guided along your career path at this time."
"You can book a one-to-one guidance session with us for personalized advice on your career in the UK."
"Don't always chase the money. If you put the money first, you're going to lose your value."
"If this field is something that doesn't truly ignite that fire in you, you should consider maybe looking at other options."
"The Comptia Security+ will give you the knowledge to be able to understand where you want to go in IT security."
"I want to give you food for thought for thinking about your careers."
"I wanted to be a cartoonist... I noticed a TV show about how to become a cartoonist and I wrote to the host of the show and asked him for some advice."
"New to farming or ranching, or has operated a farm or ranch for less than 10 years, you would fall into that category of being called a beginning farmer."
"Good mentorship is so incredibly difficult to find, so when you find a good mentor, make sure that you show them how hard you can work."
"This career fair can show them how life can work out for their favor and their personal jobs, their choice for their careers in life."
"Our mission is to help people make better career decisions."
"If you're new to my channel, I am here to provide tips, tricks, and tutorials to help you be successful in a medical coding career."
"What job or career should I do? Your soul-level mission in life, what gifts am I supposed to contribute to this world?"
"We help International Medical graduates from the beginning of the way with USMLE tutoring, with advising to find the right path to achieving your dream and matching into residency."
"I encourage younger people to start looking into the tech world and data science if they have a passion for it."
"It's a free equalizer, the world of theater will tell you if you should be sewing costumes or if you should become a lawyer or if you indeed should be working on stage."
"Demystifying and simplifying the process of becoming an effective and productive software engineer."
"If you're the kind that obsesses about user interactions, color palettes, and likes having things not just functional but also looking good, then this may be a great career option for you."
"Follow your passions; if it doesn't feel like finance and investing is really for you, then maybe it isn't."
"Your salon or the stylist that you work for is like family and they play such a crucial part of developing you for your career."
"The important subjects which you have to take are physics, math, English, as well as life science."
"The job descriptions are going to give you every bit of information that you need to step foot into the world of cybersecurity."
"Choose an academic program that you truly believe you would like to go into."
"Throughout your whole algo trading career, you'll be following the same five or six steps that I outlined in this video."
"I'm passionate about helping people to be able to break into this space because there is a ton of opportunity out there."
"One of the top five questions I get asked all the time is what courses you should be taking in undergrad to get into vet school."
"One of the most rewarding parts is that I get to play a hand in helping great candidates find their career path."
"Think of AI as your co-pilot to help you fly the plane to your dream job, not your autopilot."
"The point of my videos is to expose you to new options so you can make the best career decisions for yourself."
"I help aspiring flight attendants land their dream job faster and with less frustration."
"As the oldest brother, sharing my career aspirations with my younger siblings, I had the privilege of introducing them to the PA profession."
"It's really hard right now, especially post-COVID times, for kids to pursue careers, and as much as we can help them get on the path and support them, that's the right thing to do."
"What really makes me feel like I'm in flow is supporting people with decisions about careers, decisions for professional development."
"Go for it, pick your battle, and don't leave it up to just like house building. There's tons of trades, man, there's tons of stuff to do."
"If you follow these guidelines, you will undoubtedly be able to begin your career as a transcriptionist."
"Getting other people to discover what independent insurance adjusting is and get them going, most people quit, so I'm just trying to help."
"This is all about how to further your career, what to do, different choices for colleges, all the different options."
"Helping you live your dreams in career, hobby, and in life."
"My name is Rafael, and this is how to become a production SQL database administrator."
"It's important for us for the future because unless people actually have opportunities to try and go out into paleontology, they may not know that's what they want to do."
"Let that guide you through the rest of your career."
"Career coaching helps you gain clarity."
"Although no formal qualifications are necessary for becoming a choreographer, I'd strongly suggest that you learn with as many different teachers and choreographers as possible."