
Universe Origins Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as an act of God who intended to create beings like us."
"If the laws of nature change in a way that makes that helps us explicate where they come from, it must be before the Big Bang. There must have been a world before the Big Bang and the Big Bang must have been an event which changed the world, not the beginning of the world."
"The Big Bang...confirms that [the universe began to exist]."
"The death and end of a previous universe could have laid the very foundation that created our own."
"The singularity that resulted in the Big Bang existed in nothing but contained everything."
"The James Webb Telescope... it's the most complicated piece of engineering like man has ever foisted into space, and it's got one job. It's not making anybody money; it's not some social media star; it's not an influencer. It's looking at the origins of everything."
"Perhaps our universe was born inside a black hole, and the resulting white hole was the Big Bang."
"Science cannot give you answers about the origin of the universe... they can speculate about it but they cannot give you answers."
"Our universe has zero spin, zero charge, zero mass energy. Our universe came out of nothing."
"The reigning theory is that it all began in a sudden expansion of space... the big bang."
"All the matter in the universe was drawn into this little tiny dot and it's spun faster and faster."
"In principle, you can see the birth of the universe."
"The universe started with a Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago."
"The universe either exists eternally or it didn't exist at one point. There's no third option."
"The universe didn't just happen. There was conscious choice or involvement."
"Whenever you have to appeal to the existence of a creator to explain how our universe got here you haven't really answered the question."
"The universe is not just a machine, there is some kind of agency behind it all."
"We can simply say that the Universe was born this way. This means the initial conditions were set like this, and we don't have a further explanation."
"The question should be asked, what's the cause of the universe?"
"The Big Bang was not a special event; parallel universes could have collided again and again."
"The James Webb telescope is designed to peer into the very origins of our universe."
"Before the beginning of the universe, before even the creation of the 'six singularities' that caused the universe to explode into existence, there were the Celestials."
"The whole point is that there must be an explanation for the reason the universe began to exist."
"Over the next decade, it should allow scientists to probe every phase of cosmic history, helping us to understand the origins of the universe and where we fit into it."
"Humans are fascinated with this... the origin of the universe is a time before which there were no yesterdays."
"The universe was all singularity, dense energy, matter, whatever you want to call it."
"If the universe had a beginning, it has to have a Cause."
"To understand where we came from—how earth, the solar system, the galaxy became what they are today—we need to understand how it all began."
"Primordial black holes could play a significant role in the universe by seeding the first stars, the first galaxies, and the first supermassive black holes."
"How does the infinite universe have a beginning?"
"The notion of before the Big Bang starts breaking down near the singularity."
"We're briefly recreating the conditions of the Big Bang because we don't really understand what was happening back in those tiny tiny milliseconds right around the moment of the big bang."
"The Big Bang isn't so much a bang but a bounce."
"What if the universe was created with one great big messy bang?"
"The universe came from nothing. There was nothing before, no energy, no space, no time."
"I think even if you believe in evolution, something had to make that happen. Something must have created the universe."
"The universe has a beginning, the universe has been finely tuned in its basic physical parameters since the beginning or very soon thereafter."
"The universe rapidly expanded creating time and space as it went."
"We need to combine the general theory of relativity with quantum theory in order to understand the origin of the universe."
"The universe was very hot and dense, full of particles and radiation."
"White holes might just be what we've always known as the Big Bang."
"Our universe originated from the leftover black holes and remnants of the previous universe."
"If the universe began to exist, then it has to have some kind of cause."
"The universe can't have a beginning, that would be religion. In real science, the universe must be eternal. That's dogma."
"The instant we understood that an inflationary phase preceded the hot, dense matter and radiation field one we currently inhabit, the notion that the universe began to form from a singularity, and that's what the Big Bang was, had to be abandoned."
"We don't know what wrote the difference between past and future into our universe... but I think the birth of the universe has got something to do with it." - Dr. Lewis
"One of the most intriguing aspects of the Multiverse theory is its potential explanation of how our universe and indeed other universes could have originated from nothing."
"The concept of eternal inflation introduces a profound and radical reshaping of our understanding of the universe's origins."
"Delving into the enigmatic world of particle physics might soon offer us unprecedented insights into the very origins of the universe."
"Quantum entanglement presents fascinating implications for the universe's first moments, suggesting a level of coherence and interconnection that could have influenced its subsequent structure and evolution."
"To give us the universe we have required an extremely fortuitous combination of circumstances."
"Astronomers believe that the universe started as just a single point, they call it the singularity."
"The universe had some kind of a quantum origin, which determined the initial state of the universe."
"It's going to be incredibly exciting because we'll be able to make observations almost back to the origin of the universe."
"When we talk about the universe, we know that the Universe exists and we can never believe that it just popped into existence one day by itself."
"The Universe has come into existence from nothing physical."
"Our universe didn't exist and then it existed."
"We'll see how the first stars and galaxies were born and how the universe turned into what we observe today."
"Cosmic inflation and the Big Bang: How did the universe begin? How will it end?"
"The entire universe started off as a little dot of mass and energy and then it exploded."
"The cause of the universe also had to have been spaceless."
"Why did the universe start out with low entropy?"
"Some claimed Omega was the primal source of energy for the explosion that began our universe."
"My best guess is the universe did not have a beginning."
"Our universe had a beginning, this is accepted, all evidence shows anything which is material requires an external causation in order for the effect to be achieved."
"We wanna discover and confirm the first light-emitting objects in the universe."
"Theoretical physics have grappled for years with related questions as part of their considerations of how our own universe began."
"The telescope's purpose is to help them search for intelligent life outside of the galaxy and explore the origins of the universe."
"The universe is arranged in a specific way and it has a starting point, something has to bring it into existence."
"There's a lot of evidence by the Big Bang in there that something happened and then there was the universe."