
Naval Power Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Carriers are often referred to as floating cities at sea, which are essential for power projection, air superiority, and maritime security."
"The value of the Navy is to keep the global commons, sea lanes open, and that's not nothing."
"It follows then as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious."
"The warship is a part of France that can go anywhere in the world."
"Alaska has some of the most powerful naval bonuses in the entire game."
"China has made its navy the biggest in the world."
"He who commands the sea has command of everything. Awesome."
"Our submarine Fleet is the best in the world it's excellent."
"China is not creating the world's largest and most capable navy simply as a coast guard."
"You can have a really good aircraft carrier but unless the aircraft you're carrying are equally as capable it's essentially just a floating 20,000 ton poor investment."
"These ships stand out for their strong armor and powerful main battery guns."
"It's another one of these almost unbiased ways of measuring the value of a navy and its designs."
"This is the latest aircraft carrier of the United States."
"Do you know who has the largest navy in the world right now? China do."
"For the nations that have them, carriers have long been a premier tool of power projection."
"And for the US in particular one of its greatest symbols of enduring naval dominance."
"That's more than 3,000 damage per second overall on this ship."
"The anti-ship cruise missile will surely remain the primary arm of navies across the world for decades to come."
"The U.S. Navy King had shaped was almost entirely dominant on the seas."
"The USS Minnesota, Tier IX Tillman design U.S. Navy battleship is the price that you have to pay for having that much firepower in a Tier 9 battleship."
"The firepower difference between Imperial-class Star Destroyer and Republic ships is quite damning."
"Naval trade is even more powerful than land trade is. It is brutally powerful."
"I think the idea that... Australia would be able to deploy and operate a superpower submarine navy of eight nuclear-powered boats is frankly fanciful."
"The Sovereign of the Seas, or as the Dutch called her, the golden devil."
"It's like sailing around in an American destroyer that has 203 millimeter guns. This ship is amazing!"
"The US Navy's four nuclear-powered guided missile submarines from the Ohio class are some of the most powerful, in-demand, and versatile weapons in the world." - Captions, Start Here.
"Global trade is nothing new... but unlike the USSR, the United States would emerge as the world's sole Naval power."
"Within days, the Athenian Navy delivered a crushing blow to the Persian fleet."
"Athens, now officially a sea power with defensive walls, became the policeman of the eastern Mediterranean."
"Taiwan commissions a new navy warship amid heightened tensions with Beijing."
"The Romans had just managed to outclass the Mediterranean seafaring superpower."
"The u.s navy's latest los angeles class design is the free world's most lethal attack submarine."
"Navies are genuinely useful. So, having naval superiority now is actually a big deal."
"Rome's Navy was much more capable than we often give it credit for, but in the end, it wasn't really used for much."
"Just having a fleet does not make anyone an emperor on its own."
"The British had the largest overall aircraft carrier Strike Group."
"the chinese navy is bigger than united states navy and that should hit people like a ton of bricks"
"For the next nine years, Ar-Pharazon and the evil Numenoreans construct the Great Armament - the mightiest naval force ever assembled."
"The Virginia is probably the most potent off-the-shelf undersea War fighting capability the nation could have possibly acquired."
"Join us as we unravel the untold story behind this Mighty vessel and witness its quest to safeguard the delicate balance of power in our ever-evolving world."
"The USS Gerald R Ford is celebrated for its transformative engineering and Technical prowess, it finds a formidable rival in the waters of the Black Sea: the Admiral kuznitzov."
"The balance of power is tilting against [the US] in the naval domain."
"Legend also has it that one navy fleet sent to destroy her retreated upon first sight of her ships."
"The Essex class fleet carriers were truly the super carriers of the Second World War."
"China's strategy to overcome the superior American navy was to simply make it too dangerous for it to operate anywhere near China's Pacific interests."
"The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier... some of the most incredible Naval vessels out there."
"And having a half-decent set of light cruisers would actually mean they're like cruiser force could do something..."
"The British Empire would be powered by two components that went hand in hand with one another: firstly, Mastery of the high seas through Naval Supremacy and secondly, indomitable Mercantile trade."
"The Imperial Navy was savoring the opportunity to build up and modernize her fleet."
"The Navy had nine active battleships remaining worldwide."
"As long as the US Navy Reigns Supreme in the South Pacific, China cannot claim to be a great power."
"For much of the 18th century, Britain's security depended on the power of the Royal Navy."
"By the end of the war, the US Navy accounted for 70% of the total Naval force on the planet."
"Despite its fearsome land forces, Germany wasn’t renowned for its naval supremacy during World War 2."
"The global economy floats on seawater, so we rely on our Navy to secure the world's sea lanes for the free flow of ships, commerce, and ideas."
"The U.S. Navy guarantees dominance not only in the seas but also in the sky."
"The real threat to China in the 19th century was naval power, something they failed to recognize."
"Washington recognized immediately was he didn't necessarily need the French army; what he needed was the French Navy."
"The existence of a German Navy very much keeps the British and the French preoccupied, probably consigning the Mediterranean to a... hotly contested region."
"One can only imagine if the Confederacy had made a more concerted effort to build more blockade Runners and more Commerce Raiders and more ships to challenge the union Navy what might have been done."
"For it to work at all, the Washington treaty would basically have had to have said, 'Japan and Britain can build any ships they like of any size... and then we're all gonna follow rules that are going to seem absurdly tiny and pathetic in comparison to what they've just built.'"
"The Royal Navy can definitely put a battle line down that can squash the Nagato Issei yeah Fuu so combo along with the congos quite easily."
"And after a few decades of rinse and repeat when you have one of, if not the most powerful navies at the time, you suddenly find you actually owned a substantial portion of global real estate."
"The aircraft carriers are the backbone of arrow sea warfare in the U.S Navy."
"Imperialism seems cool. Sick, I mean we got the ships at that point."
"The Pyotr Veliky is currently the flagship of the Russian Northern Fleet, and basically the unofficial flagship of the entire Navy."
"The F-14Ds on that cruise were far and away the most lethal aircraft on the flight deck."
"The Kirov's mission was expanded, to attack high-value surface targets, like aircraft carriers."
"Submarines are Force multipliers."
"China's strength lies in its conventional submarines, which are on the whole very capable and stealthy."
"The successful development of the Type 95 would go a long way towards closing the gap with major Western navies."
"The PLAN has similarities with both the US Navy and the Russian Navy but crucially it is different to both navies in that it combines the mission requirements and the naval strategy of both of the other major naval powers."
"What matters goes far beyond the raw tonnage of warships, the number of missiles, and weapon ranges."
"The Royal Navy in the 1860s was very much an active Navy."
"He amassed a significant following, personal fortune, and fleet."
"The US Navy officially forms, Congress orders the construction of a naval fleet."
"Sea power is more than just navies; there's a political economic aspect to sea power."
"Paraguay is also completely landlocked, although it has one of the biggest navies in South America. Strange, right?"
"In the world's most treacherous seas, where nations vie for supremacy, the United States Navy stands as an unstoppable force."
"The fact that you can sail them into an enemy harbor with near impunity and not worry about them being destroyed is why battleships were chosen here."
"New Jersey's guns and particularly the shells are heavier, New Jersey has a greater rate of fire and has more electronics for aiming those guns."
"No aircraft carrier has been destroyed in action since 1945 and they're still unrivaled in their ability to deliver massive firepower to the enemy's doorstep."
"The Austrian Navy would remain an incredibly powerful force and retain control over the Adriatic Sea."
"As an island nation, Britain emerged as a world power by taming and controlling the seas."
"The South Korean Navy is really interesting itself; I call it the dark horse navy of any navy really, but certainly in Asia."
"The strength of the submarine lies in its ability to submerge and the great power of its torpedoes."
"Combining amphibious prowess with sleek maneuverability, the USS America glides effortlessly across the aquatic battlefield."
"The invasion could not have been undertaken without the British Navy."
"The Republic of Venice... had one of Europe's biggest and most feared navies and an extensive domination of the then lucrative Mediterranean trade with the east."
"Bismarck was a testament to Hitler's refusal to acknowledge the Washington Naval Treaty."
"The odds have to favor the Rodney; it's got the thicker armor, it's got the heavier guns, it's got more of them."
"The Edgar KES have a unified main battery of relatively powerful guns and they also have quite a number of them."
"Sovereign of the Seas, in whatever name she was going by at the time, plus follow-on ships that had been built that were around about her size, provided this core which made it incredibly difficult for the Dutch to actually get a decisive victory."
"Britain really did rule the waves in Georgian times."
"Italy had actually built a relatively modern Navy for its time."
"Calgary is a major warship; simply put, if we didn't have a warship this size with this kind of capability and at the full range of capabilities, we wouldn't be able to influence the outcome of events in this region the way we do."
"Aircraft carriers rule the seas; they are mobile airfields launching aircraft to strike at targets hundreds of miles away."
"The mobility and power of American Carrier task forces enable the US Pacific Fleet to attack anywhere in the Pacific."
"Britain has the most powerful Navy in the world."
"The largest fleets ever put together in the medieval world were those that Kubla Khan produced through his invasions of Japan."
"The nation that ruled the waves ruled the world."
"China in 2023 is without a doubt a great naval power, in fact the second strongest in the world."
"Britain dominated naval power throughout the nineteenth century, and the Empire was, of course, a maritime-based one."
"INS Vikramaditya, a Kiev-class aircraft carrier that’s struck fear into the hearts of enemies."
"The victory was decisive... the Ottoman fleets would militarily dominate the Mediterranean for the next 30 years."
"The recent appointment of Admiral Dong Jin as China's defense minister underscored a strategic focus on naval capabilities, reflecting President Xi Jinping's maritime ambitions."
"The tremendous firepower of the battleships and their escorts would have warded off many attacking enemy planes."
"He who controls the Seas basically had a boot on the throat of the other's trade and colonial ambitions."
"Nuclear submarines have become the dream of many nations to develop advanced navies and enhance their international standing."
"The three-inch gun is replacing the 40 because it fires a larger shell so it's able to destroy aircraft more capably."
"Power at sea is what men can do because of what they are with what they have."
"Themistocles wanted the Greeks to build a navy unlike any the world had ever seen."
"Pericles became leader of Athens in 461 BC, thanks to the fleet of triremes Themistocles had built."
"A fleet that will never attack first, but possess sufficient powers of retaliation concealed beneath the sea."
"The Navy is the key to the Spanish colonial rule and it needs a technological renovation in order to compete against England."
"Frank, the man who once commanded a formidable naval fleet and a formidable arsenal on land, embodied a rare blend of excitement and experience."
"Frigates tend to be mighty assets of a nation's armed forces."
"Demetrius won a great victory when his siege led to the fall of the island naval power."
"The Navy was so overwhelming that the Japanese Emperor basically agreed because there was no choice."
"The way they were built and deployed signified both the Navy’s unparalleled mastery of the vital business of carrier warfare and America’s coming-of-age as a nation of ship builders."
"The plan played to Japan’s strength, for the Imperial Navy still fielded a formidable force of big-gunned surface ships."
"The navy has shown that it is able to re-establish worthwhile air power at sea at a fraction of the cost of a conventional aircraft carrier."
"Britain has the most powerful navy in the world, 29 modern battleships to Germany's 19."
"At close range, an American ship of the line would have significantly more firepower than its equivalent from another nation."
"The Spanish Armada... means a great and most fortunate navy."
"The greatest Navy in the world, the Romans had to pay tribute to Axum in order to travel in the Red Sea."
"The aircraft carrier, as a capital ship of many of the world's navies, has a birthright extending back to the Wright brothers."
"Peter built the first Russian navy, reformed the army and government, and promoted industry, trade, and education."
"...a permanent reminder of the Grace and power of these remarkable vessels called the frigates."
"Equipped with the world's most advanced ships and submarines, the Navy is always ready for action everywhere at any time."
"China is set to be the first nation in the world to field an aircraft carrier to truly rival America's fleet of super carriers."
"The imperial fleet, which had prided itself on being the strongest in the world, had been defeated."
"I've got a potential long-term solution, suddenly I don't necessarily have to spend all the time in the world to make the greatest navy in the world."
"Greater than 28 knots which, in human terms, is 32 miles per hour, and that is fast in the water."