
Inflation Impact Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Inflation is so high, and that especially hurts the lower income demographics."
"If you put money in a savings account, inflation devalues your currency. My ability to buy things diminishes over time."
"The fact is very simple: when you get to 9.1% inflation, it devastates single mothers and seniors on fixed income."
"Cash is not safe. If you have inflation at seven percent... it's losing 7, 10, 15, 20% of its purchasing power every year."
"Everybody in the economy is impacted by food inflation and transport inflation."
"You're losing 2.75 every single year, so this is extremely important why you must invest."
"Tonight inflation's grip on American consumers not letting up that latest report from the government out today showing prices climbed 8.3 percent in April from a year ago."
"More and more Americans, especially a lot of Boomers who are going into retirement, aren't able to retire right now. They're just not able to do it because of the inflationary rate."
"Bitcoin will always be worth more over the next 50 to 60 years as inflation returns."
"Watch out for high inflation, high dampage for any token because that'll kill your price action."
"Inflation is robbing you every single second of the day."
"Inflation forces over half of Americans to consider second jobs as real wages fall."
"Fiat provides us with an alternative where the money supply increases around 14% per year."
"The truth is that the economy is not so great... the average American worker after adjusting for inflation is earning less today than he or she did 46 years ago."
"Wages going up is meaningless if prices are going up faster."
"If the loans become value devalued and your savings become devalued but if your wages go up then you're earning the same amount of buying power for every hour of labor you engage in."
"Fast food restaurants are advertising $25 an hour... inflation is hitting harder and harder."
"If your money is sitting in a bank account it's losing money."
"If you're out there and you're looking at the new guitar prices and having that sticker shock of these inflation, just keep in mind that, you know, there's a lot of players."
"The Suburban housewife is tired of paying $475 for a dozen eggs."
"In a world where inflation is still hovering at a high level and Retail investors have lost about 350 billion dollars, most of us are likely struggling in these major economic swings."
"Price inflation is usually where people start to care more about it because it's when it's actually impacting the prices that you pay for goods."
"Real estate on the other hand actually had returns of 9.2 annually so the price of goods rose by about four percent, however if you were invested in real estate the value of your dollar actually rose by about nine percent."
"So what you get to keep is the difference, your purchasing power even in an inflationary time increased by about eight percent which is remarkable."
"Price stability for Central Bankers is where you and I do not change our financial behavior because of inflation."
"These actions taken together will provide real benefits for families without meaningful effect on inflation."
"People will put up with all sorts of stuff... but when inflation gets so bad... they really struggle to put food on the table, that's when there's a big problem."
"I think Bitcoin can do well in a lot of market environments. I think it's gonna keep going up, uh, no matter what happens to inflation."
"I think Trump could do better in 2024 based off of what we're seeing with inflation with what's going on at the border potential Suburban reversion."
"Inflation is a regressive tax that most hurts the least affluent. Misdirection doesn't help the country."
"If you had one dollar back in 1998 and you had that same dollar back in 2018 that one dollar would have more buying power back in 1998 than it did in 2018."
"Here's the good news here we have something that will pay you well above the rate of inflation."
"Potatoes are incredibly productive... potatoes are one of the few foods that are still affordable even as inflation has made food around the world 11 more expensive this year."
"Inflation eats away at the buying power of your savings."
"Black Rock thinks inflation will be structurally higher and sees real estate and infrastructure playing a key role in strategic portfolios."
"The value of the dollar is dropping, so it takes more dollars to buy the same things."
"Tech is deflationary, but QE is inflationary for asset prices. Be careful, define your terms."
"Inflation is a massively regressive tax. Never forget it."
"You have significant drawdowns, you have poor returns, you have very poor inflation-adjusted returns."
"The best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency by a continuing process of inflation. Governments can confiscate secretly and unobserved an important part of the wealth of their citizens by this method." - Vladimir Lenin
"The real key here is gasoline prices; it backfeeds into everything and is the leading indicator of where inflation is going."
"Cardi B slams Biden over inflation, rapper says grocery prices have tripled and it's outrageous."
"That was the whole purpose of the 200 tax stamp, fortunately it hasn't been adjusted for inflation so now it's way more accessible."
"Asset prices go up, and then eventually the real economy kicks in, and then ultimately inflation comes and starts taking it all away." - Steve Hanke
"The value of money is weakened by the day due to inflation, eroding buying power over time."
"A loaf of bread is gonna run you seven dollars, a gallon of milk is gonna run you ten dollars."
"As inflation drives up the interest rates, it's going to be just another factor in pushing that interest rate up and making maybe stocks look a little less attractive next to bonds."
"The best environment for stocks is a low, stable inflation rate."
"How can we have incomes only go up by 13 but prices go up by 50 percent?"
"Prices could go up in nominal terms but down in real terms when you adjust for inflation."
"This is why the people that benefit from inflation are the wealthy, the financially educated people."
"Fair value in the stock market is driven by the long-term expected inflation rate."
"A decade of five six percent inflation would do wonders."
"Inflation has been at its highest levels in generations."
"61% of Americans are experiencing severe financial hardship due to high inflation."
"That's like the worst CPI reading I think we've had in Forever, a very long time."
"Inflation may be higher than people realize, affecting prices."
"The perfect storm is you got inflation at an all-time high still they still trying to work on an entertainment now interest rates are significantly higher than they were also moratorium in so it's a lot of people that's going to be evicted."
"It's not gonna go down because ammo prices, when you factor in inflation, were actually fairly low."
"Inflation destroys the value of your dollars. It's actually a tax on savings."
"People are more interested now in their jobs and inflation and being able to pay the bills, pay the rent, pay the mortgage, whatever it is that's ultimately on their plate."
"The bull thesis falls apart as soon as inflation shoots back up."
"You have inflation now at eight to ten percent a year probably for the next few years."
"The interest rates fell to an all-time low, allowing countries' inflation to increase."
"Money isn't worth much anymore, it's about inflation."
"If somebody bought a house for $2,500 a month all in and somebody rent it for $2,500 per month that rents gonna keep going up every single year as inflation happens rent goes up that housing payment barely goes up"
"Food inflation is probably the biggest issue affecting households right now with prices soaring."
"The plunging Ruble has sent inflation soaring in Russia. It's crazy because it's so bad here, but we're not even in that conflict."
"Inflation drives everything up, we've gone through a very big inflationary period."
"The U.S. government is guaranteeing that if you loan them money for 10 years, they will cost you 4.5 percent of your purchasing power a year compounded for 10 years."
"Inflation will certainly be bad. No, I'm kind of thinking that it's going to get real bad."
"Currency devaluation is here and is it weird, Steve, to now finally see a lot of these things you've been talking about for a long time happening?"
"Every time we go to the store, it's like, wow, we're getting less and less and it's costing more and more; this is crazy."
"Dollar Tree basically admitted that they can't keep things at a dollar anymore. Why do you think that's happening? Because everything is so damn expensive."
"Consumers are remaining undaunted by inflation."
"The impact on inflation is statistically indistinguishable from zero for either estimate."
"I don't know, it's a hard decision to try to think through what the after effects would be, but again, I go back to inflation is good if wage inflation is higher than costs of goods and services."
"Once inflation is seen to be coming down in the coming months, you will also see a boost to sentiment."
"Real wages plummet as inflation hits the U.S. recovery."
"How are we supposed to save when we're paying inflated prices for everyday essentials?"
"Inflation fears are already gripping more than half of the American population."
"Long term, high inflation is only going to help Bitcoin."
"Toys are expensive right now, it's ridiculous."
"Interest rates and banks are good right now but historically have sucked relative to inflation so just holding cash often means your buying power is slowly going down over time."
"Will inflation lead to a massive disaster of a de-leveraging collapse in the United States?"
"We've had the biggest inflation we've had in 52 years."
"With inflation and everything going on, the kids won't stop eating because, you know, they need to, and groceries are expensive."
"Inflation has made the cost of living rise faster than wages."
"If you retire with seven figures in the bank... a million dollars in the bank is going to be worth a lot less money."
"The biggest reason why is inflation, that is the number one issue."
"When you have high and volatile inflation in the local currency, it's like having an elephant in your living room; every time it moves, you will notice."
"Inflation eats away at savings and it eats away at a government surplus in real terms."