
Explanations Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The simplest explanation is always the most likely."
"Offering faithful, human-interpretable explanations is the step we can take toward trustworthiness."
"Good explanations have tremendous reach. They are acts of creativity."
"There is no settled science, there is no settled mathematics. There are good explanations that will be replaced over time with more good explanations that explain more of the world."
"Good explanations rely on creativity; these good explanations, testable and falsifiable of course, but they are hard to vary and they make risky and narrow predictions."
"We didn't really see significant things associated with cognition and moods and all of the things that we were testing for which, yeah, there could be a variety of explanations for that."
"Anytime you use thermodynamics to explain something, that explanation may last forever because the laws of probability are not about to change anytime soon."
"The electric universe theory works very well in describing the universe as a single entity and can provide answers to large-scale phenomena such as galaxies."
"If you can explain it with stupidity, you don't have to explain it with malevolence."
"The simplest explanation is probably the best."
"I care about real explanations, I care about truth."
"Does this work? God of the gaps: anything we cannot explain therefore God did it."
"The simplest explanation tends to be the right one."
"Don't assume malice if you can't absolutely prove it especially when incompetence is just as good or a better explanation."
"There's always a logical explanation for things, even if they do seem absolutely petrifyingly scary."
"Answers take longer than questions. That's why during the QA you don't have like equal time for questions and equal time for answers, you got like a thirty-second question, a four-minute answer, a twenty-second question, a three-minute answer."
"That is as simple as it gets for an explanation of this feature."
"Rubber duck debugging: explaining your code to an inanimate object."
"Science gives us the best explanations and models based on the currently available information, and it's subject to change."
"Just because you don't personally understand something doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense or that there's not an explanation."
"Thanks for watching this video about genius ways that games justified video game mechanics."
"I've decided to leave, and the reason why I'm making this video... is because it's been four weeks or so since I've left."
"It requires an explanation and what you can't have is an infinite series of material explanations."
"I want you guys to understand why I'm excited."
"Parasite manages to make us feel like kids at the movie theater again."
"Maybe it could be a draft from a nearby window opening and closing the door, but this definitely seems like childlike behavior to me."
"We should take the simpler explanations when we can."
"A useless answer because even if God did do it, it doesn't explain how God did it."
"It's hard to kind of walk you through a real day in the life when I'm just explaining to you what I did."
"But as we'll see, this gets a lot more complicated."
"Know the difference between excuses and realistic explanations."
"They're going to want explanations and that's when the experts in the world are going to jump on the scene and try to explain something they know nothing about."
"The most obvious, simplest explanation is the most likely explanation."
"Sometimes it’s the simplest explanation that makes the most sense."
"Naturalism is far and away the winner when it comes to cosmological explanation."
"You could be holding the key to everything, the key explainer."
"Of the three alternatives before us - physical necessity, chance, or design - the most plausible as an explanation of the cosmic fine-tuning is design."
"God is on the bottom of the list, it's the least likely explanation of almost anything you run into."
"Why in the world would they do that? I'll tell you why."
"Asking questions like this is going to give you really good detailed explanations."
"Details, details, know this Mr. Wright: the moment you run out of explanations is the moment you lose."
"The simplest explanation is sometimes the actual answer."
"Well, for the moment, I have no other explanation. Really. Not even one."
"Mythology helped shape the ancient world, explaining the unexplainable."
"Our explanations are partly emotional attempts to comfort ourselves."
"The sorting can just as easily be explained by a flood."
"Every magic trick works may be a secret but every illusion does have an explanation."
"The people who hurt you were hurting themselves, and it doesn't justify what they did but it sure explains a lot of it."
"All can be explained. All can be answered here."
"...and more importantly not just the correct answers but why it's correct and why the others are wrong."
"She said there was an accident and a candle spill."
"There's a logical explanation for everything."
"These over and under predictions are really important because they represent what is not being explained in our model."
"Differentiating between excuses and explanations and really knowing the difference between the two and then understanding how you come across and how you control the narrative about you to the outside world is a big problem that we've got right now in the social media space."
"Four main possible reasons to explain the Cambrian explosion: climatic, ocean chemistry, continental shelf environments, and the evolution of predators."
"I always hated when grown-ups told me that the house was just settling."
"That was all explained in the the Fantastic Four story."
"Interpretable explanations build trust with end users that model decisions are equitable and reliable."
"Why do I even question things if they have reasonable explanations?"
"Ultimate explanations that explain the entire universe can only be confirmed if they are demonstrated to be necessary and consistent according to rational thought and argument."
"Miracles occur with scientific explanations and are just as miraculous."
"When you're trying to learn a technique, it is very very helpful to have more than one explanation."
"Our species is distinguished from other species by this capacity to know in the human sense, that is to create explanations of the world."
"We like explanations that explain everything we invoke them to explain, not just subsets of it."
"That's what we tend to look for in science, right? We like science, we like explanations."
"Most people are living in a world they can't understand, and if people can't understand something, they tend to go for sinister explanations of it."
"Shapley additive explanations... it's a great set of ideas in the great Python package which you can use to explain your models."
"The simplest of several competing explanations is always likely to be the correct one."
"There is a painfully simple explanation for almost everything."
"People of extraordinary high intelligence... tried moving towards explanations on many different fronts."
"I have endeavoured in this present volume to offer tentative theories and explanations of such facts."
"Call it superstition if you will, but as I said, I can't discount conventional explanations such as sleep paralysis, hallucination, or that of an overactive imagination."
"Explanations varying from a fundamental level with basic components to a more holistic multivariable explanation."
"After examining all the alternative theories, we've found perfectly good explanations to account for all that took place here."
"The explanation just like everything in nature is divinely simple."
"Mathematics really is the study of patterns, but not just the search for patterns but also the search for explanations as to why those patterns are there."
"Shap stands for Shapely Additive Explanations."
"Science is limited so far to addressing the natural world and coming up with naturalistic explanations."
"Don't cut short or impede the search for deep explanations."
"There are plenty of reasons that we should want these good explanations."
"The Taos Hum, a local hum of unknown origin, has a multitude of explanations ranging from the everyday to the bizarre."
"When you use up all the natural explanations, what do you have left but the supernatural?"
"Text cards allow you to include descriptions, explanations, notes, or even images and GIFs to your dashboards."
"The simplest explanation is usually correct."
"There's always a simple explanation for everything."
"We have to demonstrate that there's an effect, then we list the candidate explanations."
"Nature tends to prefer simpler states; we also tend to prefer simpler explanations."
"We have to do a lot better at unsupervised learning and of the kind that really discovers sort of explanations about the world."
"...sometimes there's just boring explanations for stuff, sometimes the boring explanation is just the right one."
"Just because you can't think of a better explanation does not mean that yours is the right one."
"As a skeptic dealing with the paranormal, there comes a point where rational explanations just won't cut it."
"We really just cannot always take mythical creatures and make naturalistic explanations for them."
"I like to have an explanation for things that happen in my life."
"We want to answer all your questions, we want to give you the why."
"The simplest explanation is almost always the correct one."
"Find people who will give you long and detailed explanations."
"I'm more into explanations than castigation."