
Visitation Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"I hope you come back to visit, and I hope you are well."
"You should come back to LA sometime. I want to come back more just for like regular visits instead of when I just have a ton of stuff going on."
"Hard evidence that there was visitation by non-humans."
"We may very well be dealing with several different entities, several different species using a similar energetic modality in order for them to communicate or to visit with what we call Earth."
"The evidence is overwhelming that the Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from off the Earth."
"He left a very clear message that we are being visited."
"The lack of visitation in 2020 has affected all museum ships and other museums for that matter."
"We're not alone in the universe. The world has been visited by advanced civilizations not just for decades, but for millennia."
"People all over the world are gonna start hearing stories about visitations."
"They are technologically ahead of us; they simply visit us."
"Please do give Turner Joy a visit, it's an absolutely lovely ship."
"Oh, it was great getting back inside Alton Manor and of course seeing Emily herself just there."
"The reality that UFOs are real and aliens have been visiting us for decades."
"Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings."
"Could it be that the spirit of the welder's friend had paid him a visit during his shift?"
"She only lets me visit once every couple of months for a couple of hours"
"Bondi has been graced with many famous visitations, but none have generated more hype than Hollywood's hottest heartthrob."
"What if we were visited by machines?"
"... may his visit in our country unite all Christians regardless of denominations or stripes so that all of us may be inspired by mercy and compassion."
"He wants to do something while Bardock and Raditz may have been in hell. He was still able to occasionally access that realm and visit them a few times."
"You weren't allowed visitors or guests."
"We have an open door policy, so you can come look around whenever you want."
"I 100% believe that the ghost of my maternal grandmother decided to pay me a visit."
"I woke up to my mom's brother standing at the foot of my bed. He looked at her, smiled, and told her to always be a good girl."
"When the first of these two promises come... they will go all the way to your houses."
"Visiting hours are from 10 a.m to 8 p.m."
"When souls go to the other side, it's very common for souls to come back and visit places here on Earth that they loved."
"Most are just Souls that are coming to check in on you for all the right reasons."
"it was like a regular jail experence did you have visits your mom used to go visit you oh yeah every every"
"So dang cool. Now, if you ever make the trek, the pilgrimage, to the Pee-wee House, don't stop here after getting a photo."
"If you like Marvel heroes I highly recommend stopping by for these."
"Never use children to make visitation arrangements or suggest arrangements not previously discussed with the other parent."
"Angels had visited him in a dream."
"Ready to say goodbye. I still visit his grave since he was buried a few feet apart from my grandma."
"I freaked out. What if he had crashed and this was him visiting me to say goodbye?"
"Felicia said that a supervisor will be coming to visit the houses of all students in the near future."
"The policy is no face-to-face visitation here... that would ease so much stress and tension."
"In that moment that you go to their visitation room, it's like time stands still. All that matters is who you came to see."
"Is this worth visiting? Absolutely."
"Expect the unexpected. Expect an unexpected visitation from someone. Someone will mirror back to you exactly what you need."
"Whenever you experience the element of the wind, amen, God has come to visit you."
"God will visit them because God has no limitation."
"It's absolutely worth going over and visiting for the day."
"You're welcome to come and see for yourself if you like."
"He's personally going to visit you. And he still loves you."
"As usual, the visitation began at the docks, before working its way into every quarter of the city."
"Make sure you come here and see this flag and see the star-spangled banner in all of its glory."
"It's now an open-air museum that anyone can go and visit."
"Erickson. He lives in Phoenix. If you ever go to Phoenix, visit Milton Erickson. He's a genius."
"I just want to visit and see what you've done with the place."
"Can we come over to Alberti at Monaco and just say can we come over house for a week or three?"
"It's enough for me that you'll come and visit us until, well, for as long as that remains a possibility."
"The king of all has visited our region and thereby honored us and ended the corruption of death."
"They still believe that a spirit or something similar had paid them all a visit."
"Oh my God, I saw my dad. He didn't say anything. There wasn't anything that he talked about to me, but he was just there and he was smiling."
"Tonight we're actually going to be going to some of the final resting places of some of the more famous residents here in Adams County."
"Very, very few people have ever been here."
"I want to visit as many of y'all as I can and uh even if it ain't for five minutes just to hug your neck."
"Visits have to be meaningful and then it's not as where you feel like you have to stay away because you're gonna create more distress."
"The Bronx Zoo is definitely worth the visit."
"The jungle world definitely lives up to what everyone says about it."
"The exhibits at Bronx Zoo are unmatched."
"Nobody's asking you two to get back together, but the family court does say he has a right of access."
"Absolutely fantastic, I highly recommend this, come and visit it for yourself."
"So what's left? Time for you to come and visit us at National Indoor RV Centers."
"Père Lachaise Cemetery is the largest cemetery in Paris and is supposed to be the most visited cemetery in the world."
"A visitation from the supernatural."
"This was a really big event, the president of the united states at the time grover cleveland was here."
"For a temporary period, just to be determined by how long it takes us to work through it, it's by timed reservation only. You need to get your reservation at www.griffithobservatory.org."
"That's one of the big differences in hospital because patients are there, you can always go back and see them later."
"She just wanted to come over here and see what I was doing."
"All those times we had woken up to our daughter giggling, laughing, and squealing in delight, it was my late father paying her a visit."
"I believe it was a dream where I was visited by my grandmother who died in May 2021 and my uncle who died in March 2008."
"Spanky is going to go visit the burglar in jail because he's a little rascal."
"I knew what I had seen there, and it visited me."
"Amazing that aliens always seem to visit America."
"If any of you are in the area or planning on any travel in Southwest Florida, be sure to stop by and see Matt and check out this incredible operation here because it's definitely a sight to see. Come on, bye."
"She said that suddenly she heard my grandpa's voice, her father, nonchalantly say, 'Why didn't you come visit me?'"
"The Lord is sending his angels to visit this world which he made."
"Meanwhile, what's going on with Darcy and the kids? Well, Jerry wanted them to visit him all the time. Darcy initially did what he wanted and went to see him."
"Though nothing quite matches the appreciation of the breathtaking scale ambition and engineering wonder you gain by visiting the site itself."
"...she vanished along with his coat after talking with the dead girl's parent who said she visits every year on the anniversary of her death."
"My dear princess Matilda, what a long time it is since we've seen you here. I do hope you mean to make us a long visit."
"It's the remembrance you see, you know, the people visiting that really brought it home to me."
"When finding a home for your elderly parents, set up an appointment but come in a few minutes early and say, 'Don't ask if you can walk around for a quick look.' The receptionist likely won't refuse you, and the salesperson won't be ready for you."
"Someone will visit you soon. Lucky numbers: 32, 16, 24, 51, 48, and 27."
"Of course Bob had a hard time dealing with the loss of his wife he came frequently to the cemetery and visit her."
"I'll always come and see you first."
"We'll all get through this, and you'll be able to come visit us soon enough."
"She is now free to visit her parents."
"I love Halloween; it's one of the few times a year that Tracy finds it acceptable for my only son to come visit me."
"Beauty does not linger, it only visits."
"A revival could be described as a visitation of God's Spirit on God's people but an awakening, as a time of such intense visitation, that both Christian and non-Christian communities are affected."
"I've never actually seen ghosts, but I've had dead relatives visit me in my dreams."
"That was fantastic, an absolute treat for him coming up and just visiting."
"When Jesus visits us, we're never the same again."
"People will come for reasons they can't even fathom."
"The more you make the garden bloom, the more God visits."
"She desires to work towards having more liberal visitation with her children."
"This is your sign if you do have grandparents still around to go see them."
"You came to me in my night dreams, you came to me unaware."
"That's how the alley should look, and that's how we would hope the alley will look when we come visit in a week or so's time."
"Alien visitation is not new; alien visitation has been here since the birth of humanity."
"Alone I cannot be, for hosts do visit me, recordless company who baffles key."
"I like to think she was visiting me to let me know everything is okay and not to worry."
"Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us."
"I believe he has visited me because I'm my dad's youngest child and he never really got to spend a lot of time with me."
"There's always this beautiful butterfly that visits me in the morning."
"I heard you had a smooth delivery, congratulations, I'd like to come over to give you a gift, is it okay if I visit soon?"
"Visitation, man, when you could get that visitation, that you could see somebody that you knew actually love you, actually cared about you, actually was concerned about your well-being."
"It's said that people who are visited by Hat Man are those who are already struggling with something emotionally resonant."
"We have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real."
"Please utilize as much visitation as you can; that's important to keep that connection."
"Not enough people come here and see how beautiful it is."
"Maybe he really was there, maybe I really was visited by my dead grandfather to help give me the confidence that life will be okay."
"A stranger waits outside my door, and will not be denied."
"It's a fine thing when a daughter can't come and visit her mother."
"Please, can I go and see him? Please, can I go and see them?"
"Visits from loved ones offered a flicker of hope, a temporary respite from the bleakness of prison life."
"Thank you so much for coming to visit the museum."
"When you go home tonight, they may not see me riding in your car, but I'm going to your house tonight, and changes will happen."
"I think it was her Soul's way of visiting me one last time."
"God and His only Son paid a courtesy call one Sunday."
"I love my grandmother, and we decided to visit her after one month."
"I still visit my parents in prison from time to time."
"Angels visited him while he slept."
"The time of visitation is at hand from the Lord, the refreshing that he promised."
"Mr. Berry regularly visited with Matthew who showed no signs of abuse and denied the abuse to himself or siblings."
"We decided to forgive them and even agreed to visit Becca's mother once."
"The greatest divine visitation the world has ever or will ever know is upon them."
"It's very impactful to come and see this long history."
"When you see a cardinal, it means a loved one is visiting."
"Now we know why Elijah is coming. It's not just a social call, it's associated with priesthood."
"The mother of my Lord should come to me."
"I want to visit the puppies and have a good relationship with the owner."
"Ariadne wakes up and remembers Anna coming to her and speaking to her while she was unconscious."
"Don't worry, you can call Mrs. Davis every day, and she is welcome to come and visit any time she wants."
"Sometimes you can't go back, but you can visit."
"Ain't nothing like being able to get a visit during Christmas time."
"Three days later, three women came to the tomb to anoint the body."
"Edward Elric, the Full Metal Alchemist, says come to call on us."
"It's going to generate a lot of visitation for our great state."
"The ninth thing that I loved about being in prison, and this is probably one of my favorite parts about being in prison, was seeing people's faces when they came back from visitation."
"For he had visited and redeemed his people."
"I can bring you back to visit from time to time, as long as I am on Earth."
"Our planet is indeed being visited by intelligences greater than man's."
"I think truthfully harder than the delivery was the fact that after I gave birth, Jonathan was only allowed to visit for a maximum of two hours a day."
"I hear your loved ones visit you in your sleep."
"If you want to visit someone, you've always got to invite them first."
"A lot of famous people have come here."
"I think it's my father who died when I was 15. He wasn't trying to hurt you, I think he came to look at his granddaughter."
"We are not alone in the universe; we are being visited by alien beings."
"He has visited us and accomplished redemption for his people."
"If you have been wanting someone to come and visit you, we're here to visit now."
"The thing about that, you can go to see it, it's still there."
"Every once in a while now, especially on dark nights, I'll hear scratching at my door that tells me Kirk has come to visit."
"When our loved ones come to us in a dream, if it's so vivid that you just swear that it's real, that's really a visit."
"I always wonder if maybe that was her just coming by to say goodbye to us."
"It's time Goku and Vegeta made a visit to the world of the living."
"I woke up with a tear in my eye, not from sadness, but it was really my mother."
"You had to check in with your family before you came over."
"Only visit if you're there to remember someone who is close to you."
"That's why I think it wasn't just a dream about my grandma, but it was in fact the spirits of my grandma visiting me."
"Every day is the only day many of our guests will ever visit one of our parks."
"Make the effort, because you're visiting this person in their dreams."
"We are being visited and we have been visited for a very long time."
"They say each time you see a red cardinal bird, that a loved one is visiting you."
"Because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the Sunrise from on high will visit us."
"I visit you in your dreams on a full moon."