
Language Acquisition Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"The first time I ever took a language class, I was like, 'Oh God, this is so exciting; I can finally do this thing that I've wanted to do forever.'"
"Feedback is an integral part of the language acquisition process. Encourage friends and language partners to correct your speaking any time, all the time."
"Study phrases in addition to single vocabulary words to understand the nuance of language better."
"Memorizing grammar and vocabulary doesn't lead to intuitive language ability; it leads to language acquisition through understanding."
"Learning a language through comprehensive input subconsciously is crucial, unlike the traditional focus on conscious translation and grammar."
"The way that humans improve their intuitive language ability or in other words the way that humans acquire language is through comprehensible input."
"Our children acquire the ability to speak and understand a language without explicit lessons."
"Age is not a barrier to learning a new language. It might require different strategies, but progress is possible."
"Instead of worrying about the words you don't know, focus on applying the words and expressions that you do know."
"If you liken it to first language acquisition, we start off being fluent before being accurate... I don't see why that trajectory shouldn't apply to second language learning."
"Your brain is a pattern recognition machine, so if you simply provide it with enough opportunity, it will naturally get better and better at parsing the sounds of your target language."
"As soon as you can pick up a book of stories and just read them for pleasure and nothing else, that's what you should pursue because that's what makes you read like a native speaker."
"Most people don't like to hear this, but consistent hard work is one of the biggest factors in your language learning success."
"Babbel's speech recognition technology helps improve your pronunciation and accent."
"You just cannot be raised for the first six to seven years in an English-speaking home and later on not be able to speak English without an accent."
"Novels can immerse you in the sea of English."
"Vocabulary words from real English conversations can be used in real life situations."
"So, it's good to find out synonyms for your word, because the more connections you have to a word, the more you will remember it."
"Create stressful situations to bring out your language skills."
"Get the input, get the practice, and then when you're speaking, it will just come out naturally. That's the stage we want to get at."
"One of the questions, though, that I get asked the most is how do I learn new words when I can't hear them?"
"With enough time, it works and you get the grammar."
"Learning a language is kind of like a video game."
"The way a child learns a language right you don't study your first language is not uh like studied you just simply listen to language for years and years and years."
"Whatever your reason might be for learning a new language, as long as it keeps you motivated, it's a good one."
"That's the best way to start speaking any language: do it from day one."
"The most important step is the first one: you must jump into new lessons and new conversations in order to make a language breakthrough."
"Now that you have goals rewards routine and anchor points it's not enough to learn a language alone in a vacuum you need feedback and course correction from a native speaker."
"Learn first, understand later. You do when you do cheers, you do gambe, you just don't need to in the first time you don't need to know how you write 'can', how you write 'bae', why's two Chinese characters."
"When a kid has no choice but to learn a second language, they'll pick it up really [__] fast."
"Walking outdoors while listening can energize your learning like nothing else." - AJ Hogue
"Listening to English while exercising at the gym is a great way to stay awake!" - AJ Hogue
"Learning a language is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain."
"Rosetta Stone is such an organized clean easy way to learn a new language."
"Babbel is teaching me real-world practical conversations in a way that I consistently feel successful at, which is nice."
"Learning phrasal verbs in context, full ideas, possibly a full story, will help you truly understand and use them."
"Shadowing is simply repeating what you hear."
"Immersion is the most difficult one, but it is so helpful."
"Any adult can learn a second language to fluency inside six months."
"Acquisition gives us our fluency; learning gives us our accuracy."
"Language is all around them, so they're bound to pick it up."
"It's in the air, and the authors knew Greek, which was the learning process in which they'd learned Greek knowing the Iliad and the Odyssey. These were things they had to know. This is how they learned to learn Greek."
"Make more mistakes in English. Seriously, I'm not joking. Make more mistakes."
"He supposedly self-taught himself a bunch of different languages... while he was still a pre-teen."
"Using the method that I'm about to share with you guys, I've actually managed to learn a thousand new vocabulary words."
"Don't rush, make mistakes. You know, in retrospect, I should have had a typo in this. The number one reason you won't learn Japanese: you're frightened that you're going to make a mistake, so you never talk."
"Your most valuable resource when it comes to learning a language is the internet."
"Binge-watching a TV series can be a great way to learn English, especially for advanced learners."
"Interviews are a fantastic way to improve your English because you get to experience the language spoken candidly and naturally."
"This is exactly how we all learned our first language as children."
"Learning anything has its own sets of difficulties, and so does language."
"Learn through conversations and start speaking in minutes."
"You don't learn a language, you acquire it in a natural way."
"There is a sensitive period during which language acquisition is simply more efficient."
"The only thing that helped me to progress was starting to read."
"The power of music to actually stick in your brain is a great language learning tool."
"The brain acquires language when it can understand what is being communicated to it."
"We acquire language when we understand it."
"The majority of speaking ability, I think, comes from what you've acquired, and what you've acquired comes from input."
"The principles of how language acquisition works are pretty universal among all people."
"Learning with stories is a whole new way of learning languages."
"The ability to learn language and understand language is to some extent separate from these other aspects of mental life."
"For language acquisition to happen, you need input that is comprehensible and interesting. We want much more than interesting, we want very interesting, we want compelling."
"The comprehension hypothesis says we acquire language and literacy by understanding what people tell us, by obtaining what we call comprehensible input."
"There is nothing that says that children cannot learn two or more languages."
"The answer is comprehensible input... language acquisition is easy, inevitable, it is our birthright."
"Corpora help develop grammar profiles for specific learner groups."
"Generally, they avoid them. Lucy Say has found very similar solutions from very similar experiences from a variety of languages. Now, why can't we just try this out? Why don't we just tell people: 'Start reading books in your own language.'"
"We acquire the rules of phonics through reading. We absorb them, etc."
"How do we acquire the knowledge of language? What it means when we are able to speak and understand a language? How do we use this knowledge?"
"...no matter how great your SRS work is... you're never even going to be able to scratch the surface of fully acquiring a language if you don't spend a majority of your time immersing instead of just going on the SRS."
"It's okay to practice words out of context."
"The crazy power of reading: engages your brain, a super beneficial language acquisition tool."
"Sorry, you don't have to apologize, okay? It's just very strange you surely you pickled some English along the way, okay?"
"Children normally, without any special conditions, can easily learn five or six languages as they're growing up."
"Genie was viewed as an opportunity to study how humans acquire language and how they learn to socialize."
"...the hours or minutes that your child is going to listen to a language so the more exposure that they're going to get to English the better um absolutely that is 100% true the more exposure the better..."
"Learning your first language is building your identity; it's becoming who you are."
"Teach non-native children the English language in the way native children would learn."
"All learners acquire language in a certain order."
"...even if English isn't your first language, it's kind of something that you can catch on to..."
"Start early, start the language early."
"Children can acquire two or more first languages with ease."
"Kids must have figured out generalizations or rules about how language works without ever being taught them."
"Reading is one of the best ways to learn new words and the English language."
"Passive training in children leads to more passive voice construction usage."
"Kids adjust their use of novel verbs based on discourse needs, showing linguistic flexibility."
"But if you heard something in the passive, there you are quite confident that okay, I can also use this in the active construction."
"This shows that kids are conservative in transferring a verb across different pivot schemas that they have, and second, it's easier to transfer from the passive to the active than it is to transfer from the active to the passive."
"Well, it's because probably even these young children have the idea that the active construction is something that's very productive that takes in lots and lots of verbs, has a high type frequency, high productivity."
"Yeah, that's kind of interesting, so young children did this just as the old children, so it can't be that the passive is somehow too complex or too difficult for children at this age, two and a half."
"Shadowing is where you listen to audio and you repeat that."
"There seems to be that there's something about learning a language early in life, regardless of whether it's sign language or spoken language, that actually helps people learn more language."
"There's something really special going on here about learning language at an early age."
"Your brain is learning pronunciation. Your brain is learning sentence structure. Your brain is improving listening skills. Your brain is learning a lot passively."
"95% of language is learned through normal everyday life and only 5% through formal explicit teaching."
"Step one: listening and reading. Listen to three or four times to the conversations in the video, then you had better take note of the collocations, idioms, or phrases bold in dialogues."
"The context is the most important part, and that's how you learn like a native."
"Learn English as a first language. That is the strategy, that's the whole thing."
"There's a feeling you get when you understand something and when you understand something in a new language in that language not by translating that thing then you feel really good."
"It's not where you got fluent in your native language, it's how you got fluent."
"Start with clear pronunciation of words, then move to short sentences, and finally to longer ones."
"...you spend time with the language until you understand that and then you can do that in different ways so it could be your listening or writing or reading or whatever..."
"The more you spend time with the vocabulary you're learning, the better you'll remember it."
"The point is, it's about experience in a language to really understand something very well."
"If you learn English as a native speaker, you will speak like a native."
"If you learn like a native, you will learn to speak like one. That's how it works."
"When you acquire a language, it's another way of saying that you now have that language."
"Don't think like a learner, think like a native. Focus on situations, get lots of examples."
"Speaking is the result of understanding, not the cause."
"Children don't have the language, they don't have the mental capacity to figure out what they should do with situations like that."
"YouTube is great for learning English."
"When you listen to something twice it can really help with your English learning."
"I'm someone who emphasizes input more than output in the early stages of learning."
"Learning music is kind of like learning a new language, and a big important part of learning a language is mimicking people that can speak it already."
"Plasticity is the word used to describe why a young person can learn a language very well where someone who tries in their 20s and beyond has much more difficulty."
"Reading is a natural way for you to acquire grammar, vocabulary, and new expressions."
"Reading aloud and trying to do so with narrative flair, bringing the story to life, is when you really understand it and can start to internalize that vocabulary."
"Learning a language takes a lot of hard work, but with these five steps you can make sure that you're not wasting your time and you're actually enjoying learning English."
"Natural language acquisition on the autism spectrum: the journey from echolalia to self-generated language."
"Motivation, motivation, motivation is the number one most important thing for learning any language."
"If you speak a Romance language, then it's going to be a lot easier for you to pick Italian up as a second language."
"The key to learning languages is just to have motivation."
"The central goal of linguistic theory to be an account of what the native speaker of a language knows when she knows a language and how that knowledge is acquired."
"Any child can learn any one of those languages, provided they start early enough."
"It takes about five years for students to learn academic language."
"Learn English like a native and you will speak like one."
"Babel's teaching methods are scientifically proven to be effective."
"Reading is a great way to learn new phrases, expressions, and see how grammar is used in context."
"We aren't born with a blank slate but rather are hardwired to understand and use language."
"Language learning comes when we understand vocabulary, when you understand the form from meaning, then you move forward to use the language for your life purposes."
"You can learn sentence structure and pass a test, but acquiring this is where you reach a stage where it just feels natural to you."
"Why are linguistics and language learning so separated when they have so much to do with each other?"
"Transcranial direct current stimulation... not only does it make you smart, you can learn a language much faster."
"Different neural wirings process language in early and late bilinguals."
"You learn all the grammar you need, but you also learn all the vocabulary and you learn how to be a fluent reader."
"Reading helped me a lot, and also watching foreign TV series."
"How to think your way to English fluency."
"Kids are very fast at picking up the language, no doubt about it, and then getting into the good schools, that's never a problem."
"A simultaneous bilingual acquires two languages simultaneously as a first language."
"It is of the utmost importance that educators look beyond a student's BICS to guarantee that they are moving forward in their academic language acquisition."
"Interest to learn some new skill or a new language might also be there."
"Everybody learns a language and a way of communicating, and we do that automatically."
"Learn what kind of learner you are; it will help you in learning languages."
"You can actually learn faster than a native if you learn in a systematic way."
"Learn like a native and you will speak like one."
"You become fluent in a language as you become fluent in the pieces of it."
"Always try to learn everything as a first language."
"Don't think about it like a grammar point, think about it like a language pattern."
"Even though you're learning a new language potentially, people are productive within like a couple of days."
"Mastering a second language to the point that you can handle any context with ease is difficult bordering on impossible as you get older, but language ability is highly situational."
"You don't have to learn them so you can use them right away, but you do need to learn phrasal verbs when you're learning English because you'll hear them all the time."
"By listening to naturally spoken Chinese, we can improve our own speaking."
"We should remember how we learnt our first language and adopt some of the ways that we do that in our second language teaching."
"You're learning a language, so the more you listen, the easier it is to start speaking the language."
"The only way to solve this problem is to keep listening to native Portuguese speakers and practicing it yourself."
"Learning Arabic is never too late to learn."
"Should we try to memorize every single unknown word during reading and listening? No, no, no, no, no, that'll make you stressed out."
"Our brain is wired to learn language at a younger age."
"Reading children's books in the language that you're revising for can help you see how people talk in a conversation style."
"Rosetta Stone is an immersive language learning platform that combines AI technology, active recall, and voice recognition."
"The language behavior of adults when talking to children is specially adapted to support the acquisition process."
"When they can combine play actions, guess what they do? They combine words."
"Humans acquire language in only one way, by understanding messages."
"Children in order for them to acquire language have to be within groups where language is present."
"Our brain is really geared to a much more multi-input mode of acquiring languages."
"At 24 months of age, linguistic development skyrockets."
"English speakers are just voracious in picking up words and phrases from other languages."
"The best time to learn a language is when you're young."
"Listen regularly, listen on a daily basis, even if it's just a short amount of time."
"Acquiring a language very much resembles the way we learn our first language."
"I believe that the answer to that question is that you have to find a way to learn the language by yourself."
"If you want to learn a language, you need to spend a lot of time with it."
"In order to learn a language well, you need to have a certain system or a plan."
"Learning the grammar is different from language acquisition."
"German is so much easier for English speakers to speak enough to get by than it seems."
"Working on phonemic awareness and learning how to decode and encode words in English can really help kids access the English language."
"It's easy for children to learn languages because they absorb new information so quickly."
"Remember to practise with your ears by imitating and copying a native English speaker."
"Shadowing... listen and repeat, this will help with not knowing what to say."
"When you're learning a language, reading should always be a little bit hard."
"I'm warming up to the idea of speaking English."
"Young children are self-motivated to pick up language without conscious learning."
"This is the fastest way to learn any language, by connecting with native speakers."
"Teachers should give plenty of meaning-focused input, lots of exposure to listening to language in context and reading language in context."
"Imitation is so predictive of a child's language abilities."
"The lessons are super immersive and really help you to develop an ear for listening to Japanese as well as speaking."
"Once you've used new vocabulary words a few times correctly, it starts to sort of embed itself into your memory bank."
"The most natural way to add vocabulary is what you're doing right now, listening to Natural English."
"Peers as models is one of the best ways to learn language."
"Anything that you learn in English will help you improve your language skills."
"If you had eight hours a day, seven days a week for three months, you could get pretty far learning a language."
"Honestly, these movies have helped him learn English."
"Learn language fast through conversations and start speaking in minutes."
"Leverage the advantages that you have as an adult learner of German."
"When you're learning a language, you will learn faster and more effectively if you can relate to the story."
"Content-based instruction integrates language learning with the study of subject matter content."
"The natural approach encourages learners to acquire language naturally through immersion and contextual understanding."
"Almost every aspect of language is acquired through interaction with input."
"Those of us who are familiar with the comprehensible input concept of learning a language understand that input is a great way to learn."