
Economic Challenge Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Restoring price stability while achieving a relatively modest increase in unemployment and a soft landing would be very challenging."
"We are in a relative... liquidity crunch or crisis globally, where there's not a lot of cash to support... these sort of bank financing or company financing activities."
"We faced an enormous economic challenge, and we now need someone who's got the grip and the experience to deal with that."
"The affordability metrics just make it not feasible for the vast majority of people to purchase a home."
"The Russian government has a difficulty in trying to maintain consumerism and at the same time a war machine, and that's very very difficult."
"With our pockets light as a feather, we had to start from the bottom. We called our newspaper The Egg Times."
"Low inflation: the preeminent economic challenge of our time."
"The global economy's biggest challenge is dealing with the massive and exponentially increasing pile of debt."
"The most hawkish Central Bank since 1913, and they're doing that action into one of the steepest recessions we've ever had."
"For this country to service 31 trillion dollars of debt it's going up... it is going to cost more money to borrow money."
"There's a shortage of workers, we can't get enough workers."
"Now remember, the original concept for this build was to do the whole thing for under 10 grand."
"Housing is becoming extremely expensive, which is making it very difficult for all people."
"Thanks to Katie, the child arrived at the hospital safely, if it weren't for her keeping him warm there's no telling what horrors could have unfolded."
"You are going to need every penny you can get your hands on in this period to come."
"I don't see evidence that China is going to avoid a difficult adjustment."
"If you're in that situation, you're now to buy the average house, you would have to be making 10 to 20 times what you make a year."
"Home affordability has fallen, making it more difficult for people and Americans to build generational wealth."
"President Biden announced a plan to try to untangle at least one of these knots in the supply chain... It's both needed and a huge challenge."
"Lower demand is bad, it’s wreaking havoc on the industry, but it is a potentially surmountable problem."
"What's the biggest problem? Financial literacy."
"Turkey may need to borrow more money as its currency reserves dwindle."
"Gas prices are through the roof. They're at record highs. It's like, I think 480, according to AAA. Five? It hit five, you know, a month ago. People are struggling."
"If you live paycheck to paycheck, that 'eventually' is not okay."
"Only 44% of Americans can cover an unplanned emergency expense of one thousand dollars with 35% saying they need to borrow that money to get by."
"The rent is just too damn high for most people in England and especially if you live in a big city."
"It's time to make crazy money in the North Pole and see if we could beat this game."
"For every eight people who lost their unemployment benefits in June, only one found a new job."
"It's really remarkable that you have a Democratic Socialist who's going up against the entire economic and political establishment as a front-runner right now."
"You can complain about the EV revolution and the costs and the job cuts and all of the downsides which yes exist or you can get to work and find solutions and provide a sustainable future for your people, your investors, and your company."
"Inflation soars and they want to save over 2,000 jobs at risk of redundancy."
"The myth of prosperity: working harder to stay in the same place."
"We're just losing money...it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep a pedestrian-only city afloat."
"Life right now is so expensive, many couples can't afford to have just one income."
"I don't know if I'll ever financially recover from this." - Tony
"These changes that have come in on the back of the virus, however challenging they are economically, they really are challenging. But the environment is being given a chance to just breathe, don't we?"
"Former IMF Chief Economist Olivier Blanchard just told the British House of Lords economic Affairs committee that transitioning to this fabled low carbon economy will be 'much more expensive than people imagine.'"
"No country presents a broader, more comprehensive threat to America's innovation, economic security, and democratic ideas than China does."
"Nobody's figured out how to make an electric vehicle and actually make money except for Tesla."
"Just restructuring more so than being broke."
"Unemployment in Russia may be at historic lose but finding workers for jobs has now become the country's real challenge."
"Economic inequality is the defining challenge of our time."
"Housing affordability is still the number one struggle."
"The problem that we face is that a lot of people lose their ability to buy things; that's why they have to go into the markets because their assets depreciate."
"The big challenge right now for monetary policy is in trying to understand whether this inflation bout will persist."
"Housing has put homeownership beyond the reach for many."
"Only 21% of the homes that were available for sale last year were at an affordable price point for most U.S households."
"The cost of living is rising as minimum wage is going up, cost of living is rising, things are so expensive."
"One of the biggest challenges we're facing to our growth rate right now is that our workforce is growing more slowly than in the past."
"Clearly the battle against inflation is not yet won."
"The biggest challenge right now is housing affordability due to high home prices and elevated rates."
"Inflation is growing at significantly higher levels, and wages aren't keeping up."
"It's going to take this country and the whole world a long time to recover from this extraordinary economic situation, but we will recover."
"How do people afford a house now?"
"Long-term unemployment in the current economy is the worst it's been in the postwar period."
"We know the cost of living in New York City has skyrocketed."
"Income inequality between the classes is the big problem."
"Virtually every advanced economy has seen productivity decline, which is a very big puzzle."
"The rise of China as a new kind of economic and geopolitical challenger."
"It's hard to save for the future under a fiat system where the government can create all this money."
"There isn't an economist in the world who can actually show that it's possible to sustain the kind of living that Americans enjoy if most of China and most of India now became part of the middle class."
"You've got a world of super low prices but it's very hard to get a pay rise."
"...for the first time in history about 30 percent of all households are rent burden..."