
Inflation Control Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"My main message has not changed at all since Jackson Hole. The FOMC is strongly resolved to bring inflation down to two percent, and we will keep at it until the job is done."
"We will keep at it until we're confident the job is done."
"Now we have equilibrium in the jobs market, and we actually more permanently bring inflation down."
"Our intention is to bring inflation back down to 2% while still sustaining a strong labor market."
"We believe that there's a path to restoring two percent inflation with less significant effects on the labor market than have typically been seen in downturns."
"It would be very premature to declare victory or to think that we've really got this. We need to see our goal of bringing inflation down to two percent achieved."
"The Federal Reserve's entire goal is just to get inflation to return back to their 2% target without sending the entire economy into a downward tailspin."
"We will remain attentive to risks, including the risk that high inflation is more persistent than expected, and are prepared to respond as appropriate to achieve our goals."
"The single best thing we can do is get prices under control, get inflation under control, so that we can have a long expansion."
"We remain committed to bringing inflation back down to our two percent goal and to keep longer-term inflation expectations well anchored."
"My colleagues and I are strongly committed to bringing inflation back down, and we're moving expeditiously to do so."
"The Bedrock of the whole thing is to get inflation under control."
"We're committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal and to keeping longer-term inflation expectations well anchored."
"My colleagues and I are united in our commitment to bring down inflation sustainably to 2%."
"Policy makers face a delicate balancing act between stamping out inflation and avoiding a recession."
"We remain committed to the two percent inflation target and we will do what is necessary to keep interest rates active in a way that will get us to that target."
"We have to bring inflation down to two percent. The costs of bringing it down there are real costs, but the cost of failing are much higher."
"Provided central banks take appropriate action now, they will see a fall in inflation next year."
"He will be remembered for crushing inflation at any cost."
"We must push back against inflation, pushing back against corporate greed as well." - John Fetterman
"In a capitalistic environment where there is innovation and where prices trend down, it's very difficult for us to see inflation."
"One of the main things we're here for, perhaps the most fundamental thing we're here for, is to make sure that inflation of that unpleasant high nature doesn't get entrenched in the economy."
"Reagan accepted that the cost of bringing inflation down was a serious recession."
"Raising interest rates a quarter of one percent is not going to curb inflation very much... they're expected to raise interest rates several times this year anywhere from three to seven times this year."
"Reducing inflation will come at a great cost, naive to think raising interest rates will make things good."
"Rates are climbing which should bring inflation down."
"Can we find a way to deal with inflation? One expert says yes."
"We'll use our tools to get inflation under control. That's my dominant thought about the future at the Fed."
"The Fed was able to tighten rates just right such that it got that inflation Genie back in the bottle but the expansion's still going strong."
"Inflation today is at a 40-year high... if you want to bring down inflation, lower the number of goods that you're creating."
"The soft Landing is the FED raises rates, inflation starts to come down, and all we get out of that is a modest decline in growth, maybe a little bit negative but really around between zero and one percent."
"No government, no central bank with the money printer will go bankrupt."
"My sense is that we are not heading for the 1970s but we could be rewriting the late 1960s when famously the Fed chair McChesney Martin lost control of inflation expectations."
"The only remedy to cure inflation, from history what we learned, is aggressively raising interest rates higher."
"High inflation is never broken unless the Fed funds rate is actually higher than the nominal rate of inflation."
"You gotta kill the inflation monster, and they cannot do that without taming inflation expectations."
"Inflation drops out of the floor, and next thing you know, policymakers are panicking."
"Maybe the federal funds rate has no impact on inflation at all."
"A deep recession is needed to bring down soaring inflation."
"Did Paul Volcker kill inflation? Yes, he did. He did. How did he do it? By generating and regenerating a recession."
"Central banks have the tools to kill inflation and we are on guard."
"Inflation will Jerome win, like Volcker won against inflation, except Jerome's doing the opposite."
"The ultimate way to curb inflation: stop overspending."
"Getting inflation down is more important than avoiding a recession."
"The Fed has to regain that credibility and show they can actually fight inflation."
"Unlike QE, direct payments don't trap inflation in the securities markets. #helicoptermoney"
"What we really want him to focus on is inflation and maintaining economic growth."
"Bitcoin has a money as an inflation rate subject to exponential decay."
"Interest rates must hit six percent to tame inflation."
"All you do is crank this up about three percent a year and you get maximum real growth with no inflation no deflation that is central bank Nirvana."
"If inflation were to actually get under control, that's a pretty nice position to be in."
"The United States has really done its best to create a safe, stable, and consistent inflation rate of about 2 annually."
"The FED can keep on hiking...until inflation is over."
"You may bring down the inflation but then, you know, you will have dead industries." - Dr. Subramanian Swamy
"Jerome Powell is not taking away the punch bowl. He's cleaning up the excess inflation, the mess around the punch bowl, because he wants more people to come to the party."
"Challenges in supply chains make it difficult to fight inflation with the usual tools, which is adjusting interest rates."
"Our goal is to use our tools to get demand and supply back in sync so inflation moves down."
"Fighting inflation is very painful but that's better than having to deal with hyperinflation."
"The Fed raises interest rates by half a point in an attempt to combat inflation."
"We can and we will address prices by expanding productivity capacity in our economy."
"The tighter the labor market is, the more we can actually tighten inflation without causing unemployment."
"The pain of failing to root out inflation and allowing high prices to become entrenched is just going to lead to more pain later down the line."
"We want to see compelling evidence that inflationary pressures are abating and that inflation is moving back down."
"The Fed is going to have to be extremely hawkish upfront... even at the expense of Wall Street, because their constituency needs inflation to be much lower by November."
"No one should doubt that we will do enough to bring inflation down to two percent."
"The only way you can stop inflation is by having the government create less money and spend less money."
"Wage gains need to hit 3% to stabilize inflation at 2% - a tough road ahead."
"Our job is to return inflation to target and we will do what is necessary. It is a worse outcome if we don't get inflation back to target."
"We have to be as persistent as inflation is persistent and we have to be resolute and decided and determined in reaching the target that we have set."
"At this point we have to fight inflation down either by being patient which was the old school method but now we can't be patient anymore because we've been patient too long so that really only leaves the other option."
"If we don't do anything about it and just let this inflation go rampant... we'll have to slam our foot on the brakes... and produce more damage to the economy."
"You cannot control inflation without destroying the economy. You've proved that already."
"It's about reducing long-term price pressures."
"Getting a hold on inflation is extremely important."
"The fed is all bark and no bite when it comes to inflation fighting."
"No wage price spiral, this is fantastic, this is really good."
"Perhaps recession is the remedy that we need to curb this inflation... this is becoming a massive problem politically speaking."
"Having a common currency could facilitate a low inflation rate."
"He is determined to get inflation down... that's part of his core plan for the economy."
"What MMT is arguing is that if the government spends more, much more, it can actually reduce inflation, not fuel inflation."
"We remain committed to Bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal."
"Increasing interest rates reduces spending and therefore reduces prices and brings inflation down."
"To stop inflation, you have to have the government spend less and print less. That's the one and only cure."
"The only thing that the Federal Reserve can do to stop gold and silver from rising and which door accomplishing a dollar is to raise interest rates in their current level of zero percent to a level that is higher than real price inflation."
"Inflation is his number one priority bringing down prices and costs for families is their number one priority."
"Nothing kills inflation like a good recession."
"We will do enough to bring inflation down to two percent."
"At the end of the day, we will do enough to bring inflation down to two percent; no one should doubt that."
"We are committed to achieving and sustaining a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive to bring inflation down to our two percent goal over time."
"I am fully committed to getting inflation back down to 2%."
"We cannot let high inflation take hold."
"We have inflation at 0%, we have unemployment at 5%, our economy is growing, wages are growing, and we're cutting the taxes that people are paying."
"When inflation looms, the Fed increases interest rates to slow demand."
"I wish there were a completely painless way to restore price stability. There isn't. And this is the best we can do."
"We're prepared to raise rates further if appropriate, and we intend to hold policy at a restrictive level until we're confident that inflation is moving down sustainably toward our objective."
"A recession could be a good thing because that's what's necessary to get inflation under control."
"We'll do whatever it takes to get inflation down to two percent over time."
"Over coming months, we will be looking for compelling evidence that inflation is moving down, consistent with inflation returning to 2 percent."
"We're moving our policy stance purposefully to a level that will be sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to two percent."
"Tighter monetary policy coming to the U.S. by many central banks to tackle galloping inflation."
"Central banks are mandated normally to do two things: to control inflation and full employment."
"Taxes... allow the government to spend money into the economy without causing inflation."
"The greatest inflation dragon slayer of all time was Paul Volcker."
"We are prepared to use our tools to make sure that higher inflation doesn't get entrenched."
"The best thing we can do to create strong fundamentals for the dollar in the medium term is to, first, keep inflation low."
"If we're going to have success in creating a long-run sustainable recovery with lots of job growth, we've got to keep inflation under control."
"We are committed to our price-stability goal."
"We need to see core inflation fall; we need to see rent inflation stabilize."
"We're moving our policy stance purposely to a level that is sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to two percent."
"Our job is to make sure inflation comes down and hopefully preserve the gains in unemployment that we've made."
"Inflation's only solution: recessions have a 100% track record of getting rid of inflation."
"Inflation in February is back to the Bank of Canada's target range."
"It's important to get our hands around inflation as quickly as possible."
"The key to controlling inflation is to control money growth."
"By 2024, the OBR currently expect inflation to be back under control, debt falling sustainably, and the economy growing."
"The idea with introducing EIP 1559 is to burn the transaction fees in hopes of fighting the inflation of Ethereum."
"It is the remit of the Bank of England to keep inflation rates at a particular rate."
"When inflation is too high, Central Bank will increase short-term rates; if the economic growth is too low, the Central Bank decreases interest rates."
"Rates may need to stay high because they are targeting that 2% inflation rate and inflation remains sticky."
"Even after this increase, monetary policy remains accommodative, thus supporting some further strengthening in the job market and a sustained return to 2 percent inflation."
"Hyperinflation is something that doesn't happen too often anymore, especially because of the checks on inflation."
"As these transitory supply effects abate, inflation is expected to drop back toward our longer-run goal."
"We're committed to having inflation expectations anchored at 2 percent, not materially above or below 2 percent."
"We can't fail on that task. We have to get back to two percent inflation so that we can have the kind of labor market that we really want."
"We're trying to achieve a stance of policy that is sufficiently restrictive to bring inflation down to two percent over time."
"It's appropriate to keep the policy rate restrictive until clear inflation is ebbing."
"The risks of doing too little are much higher than doing too much when fighting inflation."
"There has to be significant demand destruction to kill inflation."
"One of the Federal Reserve's biggest jobs is to help keep the economy on track, growing as fast as it can, but keeping prices in general from rising by very much."