
Online Communities Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"Time and time again, works that feature diverse casts or are created by marginalized people are held to much higher standards in online communities than other works."
"It's easier to make friends with [expletive] gamers on Discord than it is to make friends in the real world."
"MMOs were originally chat rooms with a bunch of people from all over the world, and you just had a game around it that you were playing as well."
"The most meaningful online communities are ones that span online and offline."
"Fanfics kind of exist in their own little bubble online unless they somehow breach that bubble and gain fame for whatever reason."
"If you've got like verifiable, documented moments of racism on the server, I don't want that on my server."
"Hopefully, this time though, if anybody starts talking about a black Discord, y'all will do something about it."
"Loyalty tokens really make people want to be in chat because obviously, they have to be in chat to earn the points."
"The people who are still left in chat are either some of the bravest chatters I've ever known or, more likely, the most cowardly chatters."
"I believe in reformative justice... for example, I don't have there's no such thing as a permanent ban in my chat."
"Work has moved from conference rooms to video calls. Friendships are increasingly formed online through Twitter and Discord communities. And video games are quickly replacing sports as the dominant competitive activity."
"The golden days of AJ were truly unmatched, and I'm really glad that I could take you all along for a little trip back in time."
"The purpose of the Discord server is to have legitimate academic conversations on cultural issues, policy, and things that are impacting our world."
"Breath is the life force, you just have to connect it with your consciousness."
"The YouTube atheist community is now dominated by professional trolls who manufacture conflict in order to generate content and views."
"A Discord server is meant to be fun don't take it too seriously don't be so crazy about the numbers just have fun."
"Bans, nothing gets Reddit and Twitter and the comment sections of YouTubers going off like bans."
"The woman who attacked me and assaulted me and then proceeded to blackmail me and try to ruin my life for six months has been welcomed into the sptv Discord server as a hero and a victim."
"The evidence seems to be overwhelming to me that we've had an intimate interrelationship with them for several thousand years."
"I discovered gender dysphoria... and I discovered the trans forums."
"I want to be part of destroying this media that has destroyed so many people I want to be part of this new wave of Intelligence on this Freedom Forum called the internet."
"Wolf pack just posted this on the Discord now guys. I don't know what the heck this is like... okay, the latter is from the police station. I thought about that might have been it."
"Join up with them, make friends, and have those friends that are online every time you log in."
"A streamer should not ever be held responsible for the actions of individuals in their community."
"For the first time since joining this server, I felt like I actually belonged."
"It's a great way to meet friends... almost a social outlet for you."
"The internet is breeding cultural ghettos, ideological and cultural ghettos of people who operate in a certain way."
"The popularity of the previous title helped to make GRAW 2's online community one of the strongest in the series history."
"There are online communities for literally everything."
"Let's just welcome to our channel, I guess. You mostly hang around in the smaller chats where you can actually function."
"The SCP Foundation is very rarely mentioned outside of its little bubble... one of the internet's best-kept secrets."
"These were all eclipsed by one titan, one kingpin, the pinnacle of gaming as we know it: yes, today we're talking about everyone's favorite and most nostalgic online world, Club Penguin."
"The memes that come from it on Reddit, those are always fun."
"There's been an ongoing trope now the left can't meme for a while there was a subreddit called the left can't meme and the Donald was the dominant subreddit on Reddit where people were posting memes."
"I want to say a special thank you to each and every one of you, the very coolest community on all the interwebs."
"You are the coolest community on all the interwebs."
"Wow, they're actually removing the content that's bad."
"The level of cooperation on the server was much higher from the get-go."
"Most Twitch viewers wanted Trick to be unbanned."
"There's no good way to Tish but if any of this stuff is going on with you guys please know that there is a community here if you want to join it we've got a Discord full of really beautiful lovely community members."
"You gotta work at it and bust your ass while you can."
"I was like, why would I? The only thing I did for a good portion of my youth was go to a Star Wars forum."
"The McCain Institute listed the manosphere as one of the top four Terror threats."
"What the actual [__] we just got an elite clue out of an oak tree."
"I think I have one of the best communities online. I think I do. I think I have one of the least toxic communities online."
"The current state of the papa verse is very much alive and well with a forum full of thousands of posts."
"The WWE online community is exactly the same, nah, you know what, it's probably even worse 13 years later."
"I've made more lasting friendships in WoW than anything else."
"First impressions mean everything in this community."
"Most of my home run stocks came from Wall Street Bets."
"I just hope among all of the jokes and subreddits that people never forget the very real individuals who were harmed in this group."
"It's hard to touch the impact you can get with the Lego Star Wars community online."
"I met Robert Barnes through these videos... and now we have Dave Rubin, which is amazing."
"Does this mean I can drive God all right let's have a look and see what's going on in the Pirates subreddits."
"We are very proud to have a troll-free chat."
"We got almost 3,500 people in here, we deep."
"Difficult badges: one of the most prime topics on the whole of the platform."
"Always a pleasure hanging out with you, the mods, the people in the chat, the people who don't like me in the chat, and the people who do like me in the chat."
"The dream SMP was such an unexpected source of joy and entertainment to come from a time when the world was just in a really dark place."
"Congrats on 100K, keep making the ESPN soy kids cry into their cereal."
"Do you guys think that I'm fair with my ban Appeals? I am extremely [__] fair."
"Forums are still cool... specifically, they have like actual technical documentation on their forums that is sorted and easy to find. It's like actually some of the most important forums there are, and they're gone. They're going to Discord."
"Thank goodness for the internet that can mobilize these groups and teach and we can all be learned in things."
"Reddit admins are proactively working to decrease the influence of bad actors on the platform."
"They hopping in the general chat forever I'm the general of this freestyle war."
"You understand that the majority of people in red pill spaces join those spaces because they can't get girls right."
"If you guys are new here, be sure to hit the like button."
"If you're one of the first 15 million subscribers, you are super awesome."
"Someone has taken his work and made a very user-friendly GUI to work with this so now there's a whole subreddit dedicated to fake porn and it's exploding in popularity."
"Patrick, you're too generous, man, thank you so much. Let's get a Patrick spam in the chat, guys."
"For all the footers in the chat, a burn is still very possible with bone voting in the future."
"I see all sorts of people joining us from Portugal, Florida, I imagine we'll have people from around the world on this morning."
"The love that I was getting and it was like pretty much damn near Universal that [__] really I don't think there's ever been someone that was as beloved on the Reddit as I was"
"The manosphere has its message boards and followings because that's where these disaffected people collect together and connect with each other."
"Discord has become a central hub for influencers and creators to connect with their communities."
"Manifest our destiny. Thank you so much for this generous super chat. Love to all on the panel and thank you for having the best show on YouTube."
"We built a community, I genuinely feel like and I just couldn't be more grateful."
"We're almost at a million visits on the Noodletopia hangout. That's crazy, dude!"
"Nat would then leave the server just 8 days after the incident."
"The value that you give a creator by being in the chat and showing them that somebody is listening to them, somebody cares about what they're saying, it means the world."
"I advocate men to go their own way MGTOW we call it online just focus on your purpose."
"It's simple, man. I mean if you need help, just reach out to the Discord. They will help you like that. But literally, it's a breeze."
"They went on this group called wall street bets there was only a hundred thousand subscribers a few years ago now it's 5.2 million subscribers."
"Just a bunch of life coaches and bloggers, we'll help!"
"Know your audience. Understand where they congregate online."
"We're imagining a place where people learn together, work together, go to concerts together."
"50/50: A subreddit where each post offers two possible outcomes."
"Twitch Plays Pokemon: where anarchy meets democracy in a battle for control."
"Hello from Sweden, hello from Latvia, where are you all from? Let us know in the comments."
"You opened a secret door! They changed the description of the game. Enjoy the VIP servers. We wish you luck on your exploring."
"This is the most dedicated chat on the internet."
"Thanks again for all your support, welcome to all the people smashing that join button subscribers, and of course people screaming glory to Rap Toria down below, you've all been wonderful."
"Bottom line is I have no beef with any of the YouTubers, like it's, what it's made, it's far in the past now, I understand that, no one's got any bad blood or whatever."
"We're describing it as we want to make it safe to be social and more rewarding online for everyone."
"I don't want people to lag out because of all the spam, so I had to put it in member mode."
"I love multiplayer games, so I think playing online is like I've traveled across the country to meet guild mates."
"This community around AC on pretty much everyone's channel is one of the nicest, supportive, most supportive communities."
"Olivia would come out and say that Edwin had, well, fulfilled himself to her while they were on a video call."
"Entertaining to meaningfully impactful work can pave the way for more informed and action-oriented online community."
"What absolutely destroyed anti-SJW YouTube was so many [expletive] people that were like finally fighting back against this [expletive]."
"Join our community of redacted rebels over at redacted.ch, where we can share exclusive content that we simply cannot share here on YouTube."
"This is now the number one Dogecoin community on the internet."
"Thanks to all our subscribers and moderators for making this community great!"
"It's always really awesome meeting people, putting faces to people that you sometimes see posting stuff like on reddit, on Twitter, and all that kind of stuff."
"Shout out and a huge thank you to all of you in the community who continuously give out memberships."
"I need red, red windflower, cedar saplings, yellow tulip, yellow, white tulip, white windflower."
"The monkey hate Community is still very much out there."
"If you're watching this channel you're probably not subscribed because about 50 percent of you guys are not subscribed. Please subscribe to the channel. Thanks."
"Most netizens from what I could see really grieve for iong regardless of if they had watched her or not before her passing."
"Follow us on Patreon to support a black-owned business."
"For every one of those [negative comments], there's like 1500 of y'all giving positive energy, positive feedback, stuff like that."
"There's kind of a universal wholesomeness in the online G community that you don't see every day."
"It's 21-day accountability group... the links will also be provided below."
"I'm gonna knock him out in the second round."
"Empires of Eve is basically the study of what goes on out in null sec."
"Join my community where there will be much more continued connecting and sharing."
"Consider it a thank you for supporting the channel for so long."
"The sonic online community often gets a lot of flack sometimes rightfully deserved but more times than not the community with the creative side man you guys are so talented."
"A search for Star Trek: the motion picture appreciation will bring up multiple groups and forums online dedicated to the movie."
"Don't be ashamed to like Dream SMP or any of the creators in Dream SMP."
"I have been a proud Club Penguin member since 2007, and for this sentence, I am banned."
"If Twitch banned [__], the whole website would be gone."
"He started it. You're a pretty crazy fan [ __ ] whole fanbase. Once you get entered into that Ice Poseidon world, the audience could very quickly decide that they want to go [ __ ] with someone else."
"As a last note, try to avoid political discussion in the reddit where you can. I know it's extremely hard to right now, but remember that gaming and the systems thereof are supposed to be a relief from the worries and stresses of the world."
"A lot of friends that I have now, I met online and I wouldn't have met them otherwise if I hadn't had the following."
"Dream SMP lore: everyone's been talking about it, it's been the hot topic of nerds fighting on Twitter."
"Don't feel like a failure, don't feel discouraged, people the comments you get will support you."
"Online mom groups can be a great place for mothers... to get support from others who understand their situation in difficult times."
"These groups can also be a breeding ground of misinformation, scaremongering, and general insanity."
"Countless examples of extremely dangerous advice and practices..."
"If you want to take it to the next level, join thousands of members on Patreon."
"I think we have like one of the best YouTube communities out there."
"Critical Role attracted the Tumblr crowd, which led to where we're at right now."
"This is never gonna happen again. This is the first and only time that I'm ever gonna see a Fallout 76 server that looks like this."
"Thank you so much, moderators! You make this experience so smooth, so nice. Thank you for all of your hard work."
"Make sure you come and join the locals and the discord links in the description guys both of those are totally free to join."
"No matter how esoteric your tastes are, you can find the community for yourself on the Internet."
"Reddit is one of the internet's largest corpuses of authentic and constantly updated human-generated experience."
"I'm still in contact with a Redditor that let me stay with her and I'll forever be grateful."
"If that's your gig and you like her, hey, okay. What I love about YouTube is that we can like who we like."
"I think black voters in the US are like the most strategic group of voters."
"To me, it feels like they're diffusing anger around the YouTube heroes program."
"It's been said before but 'Good Omens' and 'What We Do in the Shadows' is pretty much the new Superwholock of Tumblr."
"It's just kind of difficult for the operator to decide, what's the point where we actually ban people?"
"I did see a stray reddit comment that basically pointed something out that I totally forgotten so we saw Odin makes no sense."
"YouTube because it feels like a more connection, you know what I mean? You feel like real people."
"It's cool that a series so forgotten in the past can get a second life online through lost media."
"One of the first YouTube houses that no one knows about."
"Hey, sincerest thanks to all of you for watching. Thanks to our amazing Reddit community, Discord community, everybody on Twitch. We love our mods, we love all of you."
"I just found out what a mod is, shout out to all the mods. Moderators are unsung heroes."
"I genuinely feel sorry for all the artists and people on Tumblr."
"Your Twitch channel is only as good as your team of moderators."
"Welcome to Bloxburg Fan Club should probably just turn the chat off on this group, therefore I'm gonna go ahead and slap you onto 'Uh Oh, This Group Is Poop'."
"Memes are about a community, it's about the jump from Pepe to Wojak to maybe, maybe, maybe."
"Compliance issue can also create a lot of vitriol among online communities."
"When Twitch finally opens up its doors and lets YouTube chat finally find peace with Twitch chat, we're going to make the game show ever."
"Communities of people who share similar interests online... they don't like it, so they're going to dislike it."
"For every one toxic commenter, there are hundreds or thousands of very positive commenters that I just really appreciate."
"A lot of cool fan art being made over the Brawl Stars Reddit."
"The animation meme community is so interesting I love it I love the animation meme communities one of my favorite communities on the Internet"
"This looks like somebody's first ever Reddit r/guns post to me."
"Plague moth claims his Discord server never had uncensored gore, contradicting reports."
"Donations never required, always appreciated."
"If anyone references this ever happening, they're going to get banned."
"The SCP wiki is such a great example of that sort of like neo mythology this kind of new kind of lore that's being created."
"I really really do consider you guys my friends."
"The democratization of tastes online... anybody can relate to."
"Essentially after Tupac was declared dead, the body was taken to the coroner's office."
"Discord is just like on a whole other level."
"The online world provides a place for those who have a place absolutely nowhere else on the planet."
"The devil is always busy hello periscope my favorite storefront right and over there you too you know that's a mega mess but I love every last one of you."
"Tumblr is about being a part of a community and celebrating things you enjoy and creating things."
"The Discord community, they're there, you can share those sad moments, you can get help, it's a good group of people."
"Turns out, there were a lot of people interested in solving cases like this, and online, a lot of heads are better than one."
"You can actually find speaking buddies online through games."
"Channel memberships went live a week ago today-ish. We have about 70 members. It's five bucks a month."
"The world politics subreddit has devolved into chaos with pornography and [__] posting."
"And as long as I've had this channel, I have been wishing almost every day to see it come back."
"No MMO is fun with other large player base so when the world shut down in 2020 and people fled to nostalgic games how about Neopets and all the other childhood Classics experienced the Renaissance."
"The game isn't forgotten even though Habbo hasn't recovered from sulaki's bandwaves and bad updates its loyal Community is still going strong."
"The bulk of my friendships have come from being online friends first."
"...there's not a lot of areas online where we have nice people."
"...the disturbing texture caused a lot of speculation in online communities."
"I wish all the Reddit sleuths to be on this, the way that that doc 'Don't f*** with Cats' had."
"Another issue is that in recent years it's become a very toxic place for authors because people have figured out that they can use the rating function as a sort of tool for public flagellation."
"Number one, discord forums chats whatever you want to call them whether it's on discord whether it's on reddit spending time in those particular places where people already gather who like your type of brain or have similar interests to you great places to build up an audience"
"...communities of tens of thousands of men that are really actively inciting not just hatred and extreme misogyny but offline violence."
"Our conversation today will be quite Niche but that's okay because I was hoping to talk to you about creators and communities and this new this new wave of people making money on the internet through communities."
"We want to build insight by pairing that loneliness with online friendships, which typically they're going to experience, and then connecting it with building that motivation to seek out positive treatment and relationship depth."
"Find relevant subreddits to your goals."
"You win online in 2020 by building enthusiastic online communities that tap into bringing people in."
"Welcome back to the internet Creepypasta Iceberg."
"I've been on Abby again, she was like, 'Yeah, you said...' Well, you know, the wiki, the fandom page, put it back to back."
"...there are definitely some people with a great deal of knowledge on there, but a lot of the people that do post are asking questions to other people and a lot of the time it's beginners working with beginners to develop their knowledge further."
"I tried to post my detrans story on Reddit and all the comments were negative, they were all calling me transphobic."
"Communities of people are springing up online and they are sharing tips for saving money, making money, investing money."
"...thank you for believing in us for watching for liking for tuning into live streams enjoying Discord and Patreon and all the things."
"Trailblazer community includes lots of different online groups where you can join different groups on essentially any topic related to Salesforce."
"I do find that there's a lot of misogyny in these sigma male nofap communities."
"This is like extremely online communities getting together to mess up stuff."