
Language Skills Quotes

There are 348 quotes

"Language coaching isn't about changing you; it's about helping you unlock all of that potential so that you can communicate in your most authentic style."
"That's the problem; when I smoke weed, I feel like I can speak Russian well."
"I can now feel confident next time I travel that I'll be able to communicate properly."
"It's a really handy structure to have up your sleeve, to know."
"Try to have different vocabulary, different sentence structures, okay? And practice, practice, practice."
"If you have two words for everything, if you're bilingual, you're going to do better."
"Using a wider range of adjectives will help you to be more expressive, to show emotions and feelings and to sound more interesting when you use English."
"If your grammar and your vocabulary and your fluency is good enough and you just answer the questions naturally these will take care of themselves."
"Being a non-native English speaker is not a disadvantage; it can be an advantage."
"Native speakers excel at pointing out when something is off or wrong about your speech or writing."
"Being bilingual or multilingual is pretty interesting."
"Your superpower when it comes to language learning."
"I think it's great to be able to understand anyone who speaks English."
"The easiest way to start speaking on your own is to shadow what you hear."
"Effortlessly speak English confidently and powerfully."
"Here's a completely free way to boost your vocabulary."
"Boost your vocabulary and range of expression."
"Speaking naturally and fluently is a great skill to have, but if you can't understand what the other person is saying, you're going to have a big problem."
"25% of your speaking score depends on your pronunciation, not your accent."
"Improving your vocabulary will really help you improve your overall listening score."
"The wider your range of vocabulary, the better your scores are going to be."
"In order to get better at listening, you need to understand how spoken English works."
"Your pronunciation is perfect, you have a British accent and it sounds so classy."
"Good pronunciation can actually raise the level of your English."
"Pronunciation is important, and so is fluency. You need both of them."
"If you can speak multiple languages or if you're trying, that is amazing."
"They might actually think you're from an English-speaking country, that you are a native speaker. That is the end result when you use all of these techniques daily with a lot of energy, with a lot of fun. It works."
"Your goal for day number one is to master new English vocabulary words and use them in real life."
"On day number two, the focus is going to be English expressions."
"Day number three, you're going to focus on English idioms."
"Day number four, you're going to focus on English phrasal verbs."
"Day number five, your focus is going to be English sentence creation and fluency."
"Day number six, you're gonna focus on American culture."
"Create stressful situations to bring out your language skills."
"Prince George could count the numbers up to 10 in The Language by the time he was four years old."
"I'm worried that my children will not be bilingual."
"It's not enough to know the information. English as a skill is a skill that requires us to create, to speak, to write."
"If you don't have grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, you're going to struggle."
"Reading helps to improve sentence structure and grammar. Yes, it does."
"Listening attentively will actually help you to master English conversations."
"Improve your English-speaking skills alone, just you yourself."
"The problem is not your vocabulary, the problem is your attitude, your idea of what good vocabulary looks like."
"His language skills gave him the perfect opportunity to become a diplomat."
"Instead, push forward, push through. Don't let your fear and nervousness hinder you from speaking English."
"Bale speaking Spanish fluently, contrary to his time at Real Madrid."
"With enough time, it works and you get the grammar."
"It's scary that so many adults have such a flimsy grasp of the English language."
"Every experience that I've had is actually due to the languages that I speak."
"I once not sober admittedly throwing up in a toilet had convinced myself I could speak Mandarin Chinese."
"Being able to speak excellent English makes a tremendous difference in your career."
"Having the command of another language to the point where you can do speeches in either English or Urdu is so important."
"That's right so being able to communicate with people and you know even if you learn Spanish you can still communicate with people in Portuguese and several other languages because they're Spanish is the the root based language."
"One of the upsides to being possessed by this demon is that they will grant you knowledge of every language in the world."
"So, if you want to become better at speaking fluently, you need to practice this."
"Understanding humor in English is a sign of fluency."
"Feeling like yourself in English indicates fluency."
"Love your English skills as they are and build your confidence along with your accuracy in English."
"You know you're fluent when you speak automatically without translating in your head."
"I release it in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
"Your ability to interpret language means everything."
"Reading is a very good way to maintain a foreign language."
"The most important step is the first one: you must jump into new lessons and new conversations in order to make a language breakthrough."
"Having greater understanding of language will help relations between countries a lot more."
"You're almost as good as Dashan, you still lack a little bit."
"Nigerians are more likely to speak English and more likely be naturalized U.S citizens than any other foreign-born population."
"You have this amazing asset, your English, which will open doors for you."
"English is an instrument and you can use it right away to reach your goals."
"South Korea: Live here for free while making money with your language skills."
"Simon Says helps build receptive language as well as direction following."
"This activity is not only hugely beneficial to language skills, but it's also really great for creativity and imagination."
"Improving your reading in English might even improve your abilities to read and think critically in your native language!"
"Speaking French and English really is an advantage in a globalized world."
"I got so much more comfortable and confident speaking in French."
"Thalia's pronunciation was almost flawless throughout."
"Improving your grammar and sentence structure will be good for the rest of your life."
"Record yourself and analyze your pronunciation, intonation, and fluency."
"I've realized that TOEFL is less of an English language test and more of a test to find out if you're familiar with the TOEFL format or not."
"Speaking English confidently was a great thing that happened."
"Mastering the simple rule of Threes will make you sound like a native English speaker."
"Playing video games is a great opportunity to practice languages."
"Keep a diary in your target language, express yourself and talk about personal things."
"If you are a westerner that is able to communicate in Mandarin that will be very beneficial to you."
"Conditionals can be quite cool really, you can tweak and you can change them to help add extra layers of meaning in your sentence."
"Another French one... that person is speaking a second language..."
"When you study a scene like this, you’ll be able to understand American movies and TV effortlessly without subtitles."
"Speaking in a language that people can understand is going to be to a greater benefit."
"I'm proud of her; it's cool that she can read and write in Spanish now."
"I had this rare talent to acquire another language without a strong accent in my adulthood."
"With practice, you'll master Hangul in no time."
"As soon as you get those requirements like speaking German and you have at least Town Hall and you should be pretty maxed on those on this level then you can get invited to a tryout."
"If you refuse to learn to speak the language with accuracy and mastery, that is a clear sign of a mind that refuses to expand."
"I feel like you have to roll the r's. I don't know how to roll my rs. I feel like it's super fancy, super sexy, just like tacos."
"I speak English, and then I'm from Canada, so we teach French in Canada."
"Chaser had become a worldwide sensation for having learned over a thousand words."
"For me to be bilingual is to be able to communicate effectively in like daily life situations."
"His use of language and storytelling abilities are something to be admired."
"Improving English helps with international communication, media, and the internet."
"The fact that I can speak English should be already something I should be decorated with, not you know not insulted by a Danish guy who actually gets teached English pretty well at school. Come on."
"So, how would your life change if you could speak English clearly and confidently?"
"Technology helps you to improve your pronunciation and accent, which is also an incredibly important part of speaking another language."
"Simple past, present perfect, and future tense - the grammar trifecta for effective communication."
"Read during downtime to improve comprehension and speech patterns."
"Translation: If you speak another language, this is extremely powerful."
"I don't want to put drugs on anyone but I know he speaks great English."
"Heim was kind, neighborly, and spoke Arabic, English, and French."
"Every member brings something unique and vital to the band and together they form a perfect harmony."
"Now more than ever with the convergence of our technology and our lockdown situation it is more important than ever to develop your English skills."
"Germans speak English better than people in America speaking English."
"I've already noticed that I've gotten much more comfortable pronouncing names in Korean."
"We've been trying to figure out Maurice Morhaime... Nick was asking for where I learned to speak English."
"Making grammar and spelling mistakes doesn't necessarily make you an idiot."
"I feel like I really, really achieved something when I'm able to produce in that language."
"Being able to speak just a little bit of the local language gives you so much more confidence."
"Your English is amazing, please don't worry. I'll continue to support you. I love you too."
"I'm able to speak a little bit -- compared to the past - fluently."
"There's a happy medium between like being a helicopter parent that stands over top of their kid and is like my child would like to use the slide now mom says it's my turn to use the slide like that's too far in one direction"
"Your English level matters less than your confidence and kindness when you speak in English."
"I wanted to mention that I do speak a little Thai. I'm not that good at reading but I'd love to interact with Thai viewers as well. I think it would make Bisho Mama very happy."
"Sadly all we learned from that is that our tour guide was fluent in Japanese he really didn't give us any information at all."
"You are Andrew... and now tell me, you're speaking perfect English, how did this come about if you're from another dimension?"
"Maybe I'll be the first to say that her English is leagues beyond my Japanese."
"I think that's really cool especially I mean not sound crass like you're white so people don't expect you to speak any Korean at all it's pretty [ __ ] cool."
"I actually also speak a third language, Indonesian, good enough to watch Hol Live ID streams."
"Language is just something I find easier. I'm very bad in other fields." - Anthony Buzzard
"Once you start reading fast enough and being able to comprehend and read at a fast enough pace, you don't have time to translate in your head."
"I define fluency as the ability to carry on extended conversations with native speakers in real time."
"The first time I really noticed that I got good in English was when I had to write my first thesis."
"The lessons are strategically set up so that they can help me conversate and ask those tourist-based questions as well as feel a little bit more comfortable talking to the locals in those countries."
"If you just sit down and really focus... you can be speaking really well by the end of 6 months."
"How do you know if your language skills are improving? Our team of teachers have designed a free quiz to determine your actual learning level."
"Read-alouds are extremely important. Read-alouds are going to get your language skills, grammar skills, knowledge."
"...having good language patterns, good clean language skills and being intentional about what you're doing is so much more powerful than not having those things, not having those skills and not having those intentions."
"If you know any other languages that you know are maybe commonly spoken wherever you live, you can volunteer at your hospital or maybe even get a paid position to serve as a translator between a physician and a patient."
"Showing a willingness in the long term of willing to learn German and being able to learn and speak German in the long run seems to have very high importance for getting a job here within Zurich."
"There are plenty of women who have very nice skills in ancient Greek and Latin."
"Learn to make the most of the vocabulary you know to speak in a large variety of situations."
"Understanding English is even better than that."
"You've made your point very clear, your mastery of language is good."
"Keep practicing and stay motivated, and soon you'll find yourself speaking English more confidently."
"Listen carefully and repeat words until you can say them correctly and clearly."
"It's crazy to see that that's just a thing you can do now but I will say if you aren't as strong in English I definitely wouldn't like go all into English because there's just so many people in English that have spoke English their whole life that are really good at it."
"The key to learning a new language is listening and reading."
"What part of English is hardest for you? Listening is hard sometimes."
"Do you watch English shows on TV? They help me listen better."
"Practicing this is just going to help your overall English fluency."
"How to work on your confidence and how to have the right mental approach to learning a language."
"He was particularly talented in the fact that he had a good memory and a natural aptitude for languages."
"Parrots, like Alex the Great, demonstrate sophisticated language use that challenges traditional views of animal cognition."
"For someone who doesn't know a tsetse fly from a housefly, your phrasing is superb."
"I want to be able to roll my R's, I feel like it sounds so cool."
"I've always wanted to work in an international context to make use of my language skills to work with people from different backgrounds."
"Use words and phrases appropriate to the context, use correct grammar, speak at a natural rate, produce fluent speech."
"Is there a way of coming up with a better vocabulary? That's my question."
"He explains to her that he'd have much more opportunities if his English was better."
"By the end of the course, I hope and I have confidence Insha'Allah that you will be able to read and write Arabic with a degree of expertise."
"You want to get a good mix of reading, speaking, writing, and listening."
"Reading aloud and trying to do so with narrative flair, bringing the story to life, is when you really understand it and can start to internalize that vocabulary."
"Speak English powerfully, speak English confidently, speak English fluently, speak English effortlessly."
"You can speak English powerfully, clearly, naturally, and effortlessly."
"Speak English fluently, powerfully, confidently."
"My cousin flies a 747 every day, and to see an African-American man walk into a restaurant and speak Chinese, it is simply amazing to see."
"A good vocabulary is a powerful tool."
"Writing is so useful for developing your spoken fluency."
"Speaking English well can definitely change your life."
"Engagement is where all of the speech and language skills start."
"If you speak a Romance language, then it's going to be a lot easier for you to pick Italian up as a second language."
"Emailing is your way to show your professionalism, your ability to speak a language, your ability to communicate, your ability to self-express."
"By two and a half years of age, the child should use the word 'I' and 'me' and use it appropriately to refer to himself or herself."
"I really want to visit France, mostly because I can speak French enough to get around."
"Understanding connected speech is essential for real English comprehension."
"It's important to work on your pronunciation because you're learning a foreign language and your goal probably is to speak that language with native speakers."
"The ability to speak infinite language makes you the most valuable business asset on the face of the planet."
"Pay attention to everything that native English speakers do during conversations and in real life, and watch your English improve."
"You are marked on four criteria; fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation."
"The world has moved on a lot since then, and thanks to the internet, there are some very, very exciting ways that you can use your foreign language skills."
"Breathing properly will help you speak English more clearly and confidently."
"Grammar: your grammar was entirely accurate, you used a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy."
"Learning English is about learning how to do something, not just learning how to understand something."
"You are demonstrating to The Examiner that you have the ability to vary your language as much as possible."
"He became fluent in Mandarin so he was speaking to Mao Zedong in his native tongue."
"As long as you can have a good German language course behind you, I think the challenges are pretty minimal."
"Developing fluent readers is helping kids merge their spoken language and written language."
"When you're practicing your English skills, it's really important that you enjoy what you're learning, especially at your level."
"Learning different ways to express different things is super useful."
"Fluency is a unique kind of skill."
"After I improved my English speaking skills, my career really took off."
"Confidence comes from feeling more confident about each language pattern."
"In this video, we're going to talk about how to say exactly what you want fluently in English."
"You'll be able to speak confidently in just three months."
"Laughing at a joke means your brain's doing some serious gymnastics in English."
"Understanding a language requires the use of receptive skills: listening and reading."
"Speaking requires the use of productive skills."
"You help people around the world build their English language skills in one-on-one sessions."
"You know you're fluent in a language when you can be funny in it."
"Your English is brilliant, it's much better than my Italian."
"Most people who speak a regional dialect of English are bi-dialectal and are capable of speaking standard English as well as their own dialect."
"Soon you will be reading Korean quickly and naturally."
"Books are excellent ways to engage your child in an enriched language experience."
"Speak English fluently, speak powerfully, speak effortlessly."
"Listening to English improves writing skills."