
Pivotal Moments Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"Your future and a family being together under one household all is on this moment right now."
"I chalk this up as one of the inflection points in my life."
"Sometimes the difference between success and futility comes down to one of those single moments where something happens that you least expect."
"Ned’s death sets the tone and conflict for pretty much the rest of the series."
"The idea that Fremen have the ability to be in total harmony with the desert is a very important moment in the book and a fundamental moment in the movie."
"Looking back, I'm sure you can identify some pivotal decisions in your life where if you hadn't taken those decisions, your life would have veered off in a different course."
"There are like pivotal moments in your young life that change, that shift."
"Life is just too short, and I realized that when my friend passed, and I realized that I was sitting in this job that I hated."
"Order 66 is the most pivotal moment in all of Star Wars."
"We are at a pivotal moment in our history where we really have to make a difference. We have to make a change."
"Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move."
"We are living at a tipping point of history."
"There are moments so stark that they divide all that came before and everything followed."
"You almost feel the shift in this game as that round the swing the two-time champion karma kills the two-time champion j-cap."
"The rep paladin became crucial in the defeat of heroic Arthas."
"And there is a turning point in society, especially the young people."
"This is the biggest inflection point in human history."
"We are unquestionably at a pivot moment in world history."
"I think this is one of those pivotal revolutionary moments. Everything is changing."
"The big, momentous moment of the scene, she only did one take of."
"We are at something like a hinge moment in history where the things we do and don't do have an outsized effect over the trajectory of human life in the future."
"Gwen Stacy's original fatal fall in the comics." - A poignant reference to a pivotal moment in Spider-Man lore.
"It's a crucial moment and one person can ruin it for everyone."
"Sacrifice was the key." - The recurring theme of sacrifice echoes throughout the MCU, shaping pivotal moments and decisions.
"The industrialization of space right there, that's the Netscape moment of low Earth orbit commercialization."
"Seeing Cross Guild make their claim to one piece was the moment that truly felt like the throne Wars that doflamingo promised was officially being delivered on."
"I believe this is a moment that the country can use to get united."
"It's hard to put into words just how much your whole future rides upon the moments inside of that cage."
"That winning goal could end up being a career highlight, kickstarting his career, giving him the confidence to start expressing himself."
"Elizabeth Woodville played a crucial role in hatching the plot to secure the crown for Henry Tudor, thus ending the Wars of the Roses and establishing the Tudor dynasty."
"History turns on small hinges, and so do people's lives."
"Here comes the part of the movie where the snap of death plays a game."
"We tried to appear calm and maybe others were but to me this was the most exciting moment of my life."
"This right here is when the combat loop in Dead Space starts to really kick off."
"What's your biggest pivot? What's the moment in your life that propelled you to this point?"
"2020 was obviously with COVID and everything else but that summer I think probably red pilled a lot of people."
"We answer the door at this crucial moment with faith in our Creator and faith in our great American spirit."
"It was a real watershed moment when we realized we'd made a terrible mistake."
"I need words of wisdom and my parents gave me those words of wisdom in that moment."
"That was the cherry on top of a series of ridiculous events."
"It was a brief exchange but little did they know that it would be a pivotal moment in their tumultuous relationship," Nas said.
"The events that played out that night are the summit, the breaking point, of a relationship that could've been, should've been so much better."
"You must know that in any moment a decision you make can change the course of your life forever."
"The fact that I got that call while I was with you made all the difference."
"I'm just monumentally confused right now, but you didn't kill me then and there, that's the moment that set us on the path to our current situation."
"It really does freak me out sometimes when I think of how much of our life you can boil down to these tiny moments of decision."
"This 2020 election is a battle of the Milvian Bridge moment in American history."
"A very new type of TNA... some saw the beginning of the end."
"Overwatch has been lacking that one big singular moment."
"We're either at the cusp of something great or something terrible."
"If this little girl had not appeared, I would most likely have been a corpse."
"Your life can change in an instant, whether it's up to God, mother nature, someone evil, or an accident."
"This summer is probably the biggest for United."
"There's probably pivotal moments in history where like one person probably has a substantial shift on the direction of the conversation."
"I was your favorite, that's not my favorite, but that was the moment that I was like damn, this girl is ride or die."
"Every sportsman and people have a turning moment."
"Their first kiss came in a moment of desperation where they just couldn't hold in their feelings anymore: 'You dove through a hole in the universe for me.'"
"It felt like one of those games where whatever happens towards the end of the season we're going to look back on this result."
"It's the most pivotal moment in wrestling in the last 30 years."
"Ellen’s coming-out was the culmination of a beautiful time to be queer on TV."
"It wasn't until the women came out that something changed."
"This was the capitulation that really woke everyone up."
"It felt like the kind of decision that I would regret if I didn't make it."
"Trust your intuition and follow your heart. Any confusion you have, you need to follow your heart because big moment, big realization, it's about to happen."
"That was a pivotal moment in my life. It was a few years before my diagnosis, but it was the first moment when I realized... she's like, 'People need to say that's when she taught me basically to do, you know, I did the Chris and Kristin, Kristin.'"
"That might have been his turning point to leave though, probably."
"Could become a defining moment for the entertainment industry."
"This really is a pivotal time for Humanity... to find a deeper personal purpose, to live with a deeper state of meaning in your life."
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."
"All my life has led to this moment. No challenger or obstacle has properly prepared me for what I am about to attempt."
"I've spent a lot of time thinking about this moment. Tonight's the night I'm gonna ask Karlie Redd if she would spend the rest of her life with me."
"This will be a turning point for the country to overcome this, this is a turning point for the country."
"Every amazing experience... there was a moment where something told us to dot dot dot."
"We are living at one of the most pivotal hours in the history of humanity, not just of America but in the history of humanity."
"VC is an insanely fascinating character and it's an awesome moment to come face to face with one of the Gods of the tribunal."
"The 11th of March is going to be an important day because this is where you are going to basically have an important vision."
"The wheel of fortune... it's such an important moment in time."
"The cathartic power of the right song at the right time."
"For many former Democrats, the mostly peaceful protests were the pivotal moment."
"Intuitively, this is going to be a ridiculously important time."
"The eBay deal served as a springboard moment that led to the making of six billionaires and many successful companies."
"He went from threatening him with a spear to being a hindrance to the dawah to now suddenly being a dawah in a moment right like now let me go introduce you to someone."
"It's worth it to kill off the night king in this battle and still to me that moment of Arya killing the night king, like I said it's a red wedding moment."
"I feel like she needs to either take a risk or take some sort of leap of faith at this time."
"We are at an inflection point. I agree with him on that one. We certainly are."
"When it really matters, the underdog will find a way."
"Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane, the most vulnerable moment of any human."
"That was one of those defining moments, statement."
"I never thought I would have to ever make this video."
"UFC 151 was the moment when a lot of people who were on the fence about Jon finally turned on him."
"Maybe that's when a moment of justice would come."
"They game-winning shot could be like the championship."
"Everything in life comes down to a single moment."
"This was a major tipping point in United States politics, a tipping point in pushing us in a direction that I think most people would not have envisaged."
"This is gonna determine who's gonna win this game."
"This is the day that everything changed, the beginning of the end".
"It felt magical and it felt like it was coming at the perfect time, especially stepping into the finale."
"At the moment of, 'F*** it,' every single time, that's when I knew it changed."
"We're at the point now of no return, we have finally reached it."
"Sean's commitment feels like it could be our TBO moment for recruiting."
"This is a major turning point, a major faded turning point that is coming in here."
"We might look back on this era and see the turning point as when Dom Irara went up there and said, 'My [__] friend told me so.'"
"We're talking about the ability to really, the way I look at it, and I mean this sincerely and I've said it last night in a more casual way, we are at an inflection point," he said.
"A wrong turn put Franz Ferdinand in the right place to start World War One."
"Your streams are pivotal, this is a very pivotal moment in your life."
"That was the first bluff he's pulled out tonight, and it was just a perfect time for it."
"One pick and one game can change your destiny."
"It's almost a Sputnik moment. This is a game changer."
"The first crusade hinges on so many tiny twists of fate."
"We're at an inflection point in world history."
"Now's the Time, we're at an inflection point and we need to reinforce the support for those people."
"One of the film's biggest moments came when Carol Danvers finally discovered her true colors, both figuratively and literally."
"Every bad thing that's probably ever happened to me has actually been like a really good pivotal moment in my life."
"This is such an important time for us as citizens to actually make a decision."
"Industry turmoil is happening, and that means that there’s a case to be made that we’re at that fork in the road."
"Wolf's actions were pivotal in turning the tide of adversity."
"Skill, strategy, and Swift reactions played a pivotal role in determining the outcome of this insane battle."
"This feels different because it's coming after a really good run. It is a big game and you're like this is a line in the sand."
"Think of these eclipses as pivot points because they are like Uranus transits; they can kind of jump us forwards in our individual and our collective destiny to get us further off the beach, if you like, than we've ever been."
"From the day you were born, your entire life has been leading to this moment. Now it's finally here."
"When it mattered, I pulled out the answers I needed."
"It's a genuine turning point for the future of the DC movie franchise."
"Most movies have a small handful of standout scenes that linger in the mind as pivotal moments..."
"It's gonna be one of them moments you don't gotta be humble."
"Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson says the crypto world needs that Wi-Fi moment."
"Charles Hoskinson says the crypto world needs that Wi-Fi moment."
"What's he gonna say? So we basically have the tension of this one elevator ride for Elrond to change Darren's mind."
"Calo's video focuses on the moment that Carol Danvers AKA Captain Marvel showed up to save the day."
"That's where the miracles happen, that's where the magic happens."
"Not only does this take a lot of guts to do but it also makes for probably the best moment in book 3."
"I believe in you, Zeke. Let's just end it right here."
"Steven comes face-to-face with the Diamonds for the very first time: essential."
"Steven surrenders himself as Rose Quartz: essential."
"Without this bout, Daniel Bryan's triumphs a decade later would have never happened."
"The 11th of July is a crucial crossroads moment, requiring specific knowledge."
"May 2022 is going to be your turning point, this is going to revive you, rejuvenate you, and make you feel alive again."
"Styles make fights, timing makes moments happen."
"This next moment is as important as was the prayer."
"Trust yourself, trust yourself, trust you. This is an important moment in time."
"I mean, I really wanted to win this game, and I thought it was a good moment to kind of create a mess."
"The lucky hat brings luck, Hakimi scores, brilliant, come on Morocco, that is a beautiful moment."
"We are at some pivotal moment in all of time of this planet."
"One shot can change the course of the fight."
"This could be a major turning point for the change of the ages."
"Legacies are built on seminal moments when the challenge seems insurmountable."
"What if I told you that Airbnb was this close to never existing? Here's the story of how I helped the Airbnb founders get their very first check after they crashed a celebratory dinner at Justin.tv."
"This really is a potential sea change moment."
"Andrew turned serious and stared at Samantha, he kissed her."
"There will come a point in this world for everybody where you're gonna have to make a choice."
"Ed's encounters: a recurring presence at the Gate of Truth."
"Last year when the war broke out, Hurst predicted it was a turning point in global politics signaling A New World Order."
"This is going to be the month that defines the future of how these issues are seen in America."
"Anakin had fulfilled the prophecy by bringing balance to the Force by killing the two final Sith and help killing the third."
"What was that moment? It was really a jump off the cliff moment."
"This could be one of the most important moments in American history."
"A big decision is coming, a breakthrough moment."
"I want to capture that point in their lives where they're making that shift."
"This is probably Jenny's definitive moment of becoming a hero."
"The greatest shot of your life, you never know when it's sneaking up behind you."
"He ends up getting a win in dramatic fashion, his leg is getting beat up third round not looking good, it's either 29-28 either way, and then Tony finally shoots and he gets him in the guillotine."
"Without this moment there would be no me who you are right here today sitting here."
"The power of one is the power that one decision that could change your life for good."
"Boba killing Cad Bane in Book of Boba Fett season 1."
"Without AEW we wouldn't even be sitting here."
"This is the time to choose what path we're going to walk."
"That changes the game, man. It changes the game, changes everything."
"I do think it's certainly a massive turning point."
"SKT was clutch once again would it matter because all our ji would have needed was one big mid-game teamfight around Baron turns out that's all SKT needed as well and they were the ones who getting it all right."
"To end it on that trick really let me know that it's where my heart stood."
"A bullet piercing the smoke changed absolutely everything."
"In the tumultuous realm of professional boxing, no stage commands the spotlight quite like the illustrious domain of the heavyweights. That's all it took: one shot."
"There's a major signpost moment in your world where you're going to take another direction."
"I think this is gonna be a major downfall in his career, a major turning point for him."
"A certain woman was she's in a moment where she's willing to risk it all and reach out one more time in Desperate Faith."
"There was something that people hadn't nailed yet... Overwatch becoming Overwatch."
"This is a watershed moment for the country, it really is for the first time."
"This shot right here, it didn't seal the game, but it was important."
"What we are seeing in Georgia tonight is a point of inflection for what this so-called American experiment is going to be going forward."
"Doors move just on a hinge and a hinge moment for him was one day... when Sunday morning rolled around and he didn't like what he'd been doing on Saturday night. And he thought, 'I can change.' And at that moment he totally changed his life."
"Amy Cooper was one of the first moments that, you know, one of the first dominoes that we saw get knocked down post corona for many people."
"Everything important that ever happened in David's life came with a fight."
"These moments in time can determine the rest of your life."
"This is where the match can change real quick."
"This is where everything matters the most." - Narrator
"That's the shot here that should decide who's going to advance on in this tournament."
"Months of hard work all leading up to this one chance."
"Making that decision got me to the place I am now."
"This could be the tournament-winning game for them."
"That slide should have been the wake-up call for everybody."
"Every path would have led to this one moment right now where you would have to start fresh."
"Major transformations of healing, compassion, love, abundance, truth, revelation, and clarity happening from June to September."
"That one thing, one thing that happened changed everything."
"In short, the life and achievements of Scipio Africanus were a major turning point in which the history of the Republic became the downhill slope toward an empire."
"Everything's coming full circle, all I've done, all I wish I'd done, it's like my whole life is leading to this moment."
"A pivotal bending or turning or axis of change is coming through your sky around the themes of money."
"If I would have lost that, then I wouldn't be sitting here."
"This is the money shot, boys, right here, right now."
"I am the champion, I am that guy at the top, ready to win big moments finally here."
"We all have that one moment in our lives where we go, 'I gotta change this up.' That sounds like an aha moment."