
Backlash Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Ultimately, that means that we get fewer really great, well-written diverse works out there, even if those works do have a few problems, because people become so afraid of potential backlash that they don’t put their works out there."
"The fact is, that this reactionary backlash was not interested in a conversation about actual critical race theory. The goal was to label any effort to examine the impact of racism in our society as critical race theory, and make sure that when people heard that term, they had a negative association with it."
"The way this has infused so many portions of American life is going to drive a backlash like you've never seen."
"Part of the backlash against this plot point, and not really the story itself, is that making Captain America a Nazi gave a hero figure to the emerging alt-right."
"Maybe there's a backlash to the backlash that's quite possible."
"The backlash is coming and I am pleased to see that backlash coming because nothing could be more timely than a massive backlash against the wild leftist overreach we are currently seeing."
"This feels like backlash that will have enough of an impact that Wizards cannot just kind of co-spy and say it'll blow over."
"It's funny how the backlash to progress always happens before anything really progressive can actually happen."
"Excitement for Blizzard's new releases has all but vanished and some people want the company to just straight up burn to the ground."
"Thankfully, these attempted attacks and dividing people are starting to backfire on all these websites and the journalists who cling to them like flies on people are waking up."
"He prefers the chaos, he loves having Marjorie Taylor Green there and Lauren Bobbert. This is all his own doing and it has backfired in one of the most humiliating ways."
"The blowback is coming and it's coming strong."
"The reason this is more interesting to me than anything else is that influencer marketing backfires."
"He drew more backlash after he claimed to buy a $90,000 Tesla in a tweet."
"Resistance to wokism in America is quite real."
"Pissing off your fan base can result in social media tirades, review bombing, and organized mass boycotts."
"I'm absolutely horrified. It's the start of women's rights being oppressed rolled back."
"I think people are really beginning to have enough, but it's going to get so much worse before that backlash comes."
"The backlash has been large both administratively and from the student body and the internet at large."
"Hold this man accountable when this man comes back into crypto and buys crypto everyone there should be a massive backlash massive backlash when he says he will never touch it again you know that's a lie guys."
"This was a white lash against a changing country. It was a white lash against a black president in part, and that's the part where the pain comes."
"The CCP risks facing the same backlash they did with PPE when it comes to the vaccine because if the vaccine doesn't work, this could cause large-scale backlash against the CCP or even worse."
"The CCP risks having different radical organizations, terrorist movements, or nationalist movements uniting against it."
"The Wayne Wade and Gabrielle Union having a lot of backlash recently."
"The effects of these actions can generate political backlash."
"Opinions that are shitty and hateful actually deserve equal backlash."
"The left pushed too far too fast on all of this stuff and they're going to continue pushing and the backlash is going to come."
"The outrage, the controversy, the backlash, 100% justified."
"We're witnessing an incredible political backlash that's coming."
"Soul-crushing backlash, not in the Yeehaw Cowboy kind of way."
"She went after his sponsor... There was a huge backlash against her after this."
"The fact that they overstepped their boundaries on abortion, yeah, that backfired on them in a dramatic way."
"People just won't act until there's public backlash nowadays, that's just kind of how it works, it's a sad reality but it's a reality nonetheless."
"Black success is always followed by white backlash." - Roland Martin
"They got almost like an unprecedented amount of backlash."
"If you mention it in any way that isn't glowing review, it can be even vague, it doesn't matter, they will attack you and attack they did."
"People will say negative stuff to get your attention and then when you smack back at them, they're like, 'No, no, no, dude, I'm your biggest fan.'"
"A clean break from displaying player numbers would probably have resulted in a lot less backlash."
"While many actors have personal feelings about the projects they've been in, others have been the victim of serious public backlash."
"Many critics of the film were upset that white actors were cast in parts which should have gone to people of Persian or Middle Eastern descent."
"What absolutely destroyed anti-SJW YouTube was so many [expletive] people that were like finally fighting back against this [expletive]."
"I am tired of all the hate mail, I'm tired of people showing up at our factories, I'm tired of reading the misinformation out on the internet."
"Anything that becomes really popular on a wide scale will naturally just be hated or rebelled against no matter what it is."
"Hopefully, there is enough backlash over this Balenciaga stuff to start to break down that Stranglehold."
"Cultural war for me is generally understood as backlash against the struggles of women and minorities for their rights acceptance security dignity."
"No one has done more to empower Fighters just by his actions."
"This just made them look extremely heavy-handed and ultimately really backfired."
"They're just going to go as long and as hard as they possibly can until there's some kind of backlash that stops them."
"I think Trump's presidency is a backlash against the entire left which suggested that everyone on the right was deplorable."
"Spitting in the face of the community because they've given the players something you haven't or something you were hoping to one day sell them is going to burn any good will you have built up with them."
"Everything they're doing to you is backfiring on their ass."
"The backlash to Twilight just wasn't in proportion to what it or its author had done wrong."
"Europeans becoming increasingly concerned... the sanctions war backfiring."
"That's where I think all of this backlash is I would say blacklash is coming the blacklash is coming."
"For every person hating on this, there's a thousand people maybe ten thousand people who have been wonderfully supportive and kind."
"Sometimes the backlash is merited and sometimes it's totally justified."
"Yes, the race and the backlash to it and the manipulated backlash to it is the other part of the story of here we are with this authoritarian Maga moment."
"Yesterday I posted a photo of my marriage in 24 hours I received more hate and abuse than 12 years combined on YouTube"
"If you say anything negative against Russia, you're going to get a ton of comments and bots very much like the [__] Forex [__] that you get on. Every day I get that 4X [__] everywhere."
"These guys, I think, are gonna burn though, like they have pissed off such a huge amount of YouTubers at this point that I think they're like piranhas that are just going to eat them alive now."
"The backlash was immense, nearly bankrupting the homeowners association."
"Sooner or later there's going to be a backlash."
"It's interesting how all these corporations who spend all this money to promote... it's backfiring now."
"Disney faces backlash. Listen, no one on the left has been asking for these like live action Disney remake uh uh uh like race swap movies."
"This is not going to go the way that Lucasfilm was hoping it was going to go. In fact, I think that the backlash is going to be pretty severe."
"Like a mob that wants to tear you down and destroy your livelihood they want to do as much damage to you and your reputation as they possibly can and that's upsetting."
"Every time he dared to venture into the overtly sentimental or sweet, there was a backlash that sent him running in the opposite direction."
"What's so terrible about Denmark? Partly that we're starting to see in Europe the rise of a very well-coordinated political backlash in the form of authoritarian populist parties."
"He did a harder thing which was to say no even though he knew he was going to get backlash from it."
"The backlash was deafening. People were saying, 'If you do this, you'll never have another sponsor.'"
"The backlash we are confronting today threatens to fundamentally redefine the alleged foundational ideals of American democracy."
"They gonna eat you up in the comments, man."
"I think there's a backlash towards the WWE and I think one of the backlashes that really got Cody over when he can't use the Rhodes name."
When asked if his own opinion of the film has changed after the backlash, Paul answers, "I think it's as good as I always thought it was."
"I'm gonna get so much hate mail for that. Totally worth it."
"Apparently no one can have legit criticisms about something someone does nowadays without it being something form of prejudice or hatred."
"In the face of backlash, the music industry quickly determined it was time to drop disco."
"How do we realistically redistribute political and economic capital amongst so few without overcoming anticipated backlash?"
"Sadly, democracy produced a violent backlash against both the Chinese and against markets."
"It's about if you're a business that markets to, particularly you know men right, like men in Kentucky and Texas, you know Bud Light... they just wanted to look like they were doing something inclusive and stuff but it's spectacularly backfired."
"This backfired, people are mad at Zway."
"They're creating a Streisand effect, that's really what this is, it's like Reddit is being [__] and all these other weirdos are being dicks trying to suppress it."
"There's few things worse than a fandom scorned."
"The backlash from the affair was horrendous."
"The online stalker video was filled with lies and left a former fan who was autistic by the way dealing with a massive storm of hate all because Trisha was trying to clean up a mess that she created all by herself."
"...a very large wave of angry people to this day I still haven't received that much hate in response to a video since that one."
"Is it more responsible if I know that people are gonna be upset about my opinions on things? Is it more responsible to not say it or to say it and deal with the backlash?"
"Would y'all make a decision that you knew you would receive backlash, but you knew you could get something you would never get without making that decision?"
"All the haters that are like why are you throwing slushies at your truck, shut the up."
"The price is only dropping after backlash. I knew that brain dead take was coming. What is the point of criticism if you don't want to see a change?"
"It's black advancement, black progress, black achievement that is the trigger for white rage."
"He doesn't sugar coat his opinion, and he tells it like it is which warrants a lot of hate from others."
"I think that's utterly reprehensible and you deserve all of the backlash you're getting, OP."
"That's a fan poster right thing, y'all know, gave them fish, fish. Y'all know y'all know anything like that and it got so bad that they kill somebody put up that demonic."
"We have actually been hunted down... we have been getting just slammed with comments about this."
"I got a lot of backlash when I was dancing on a table in a bikini, and I just don't understand what the problem was."
"JT just announced the solo tour which is dope, shout out to JT, you feel me? But I've been seeing that she getting a lot of, a lot of backlash."
"She gets canceled for a bunch of [__] and ends up losing like 40,000 subscribers."
"He's probably amassed more ill will from the fans right now than at any point in his career, not only because of the record's shortcomings but because of how he's handled the criticism too."
"Even if there was no plans for an interesting roster surprise, the backlash will almost guarantee one."
"If you speak truth to power of a high demand religion that's hurting people, the religion is going to pay people to smear you."
"Fans hate fake images, and when they find out, those same fans often turn on the rappers themselves."
"At this point I'm not worried about the backlash. People can say what they want to say. I know what I saw."
"...and I'm all about choice. I think if you give consumers choice, then you won't get all that backlash..."
"It's sad to see all the backlash because it takes a certain amount of bravery to do that."
"There's a way to be palatable and speak your mind and not really worry about being a backlash for speaking what you feel is the truth."
"It's eminently precedented that there should be a populist backlash against globalization."
"Every step forward for black people in particular... every bit of progress has been met with a concomitant backlash of white rage."
"I felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak out."
"The world has turned against the tech giants like Facebook and Google, and that's actually good news for Y Combinator."
"When you try to hide your dysfunction and you try to appear perfect, this is why people turn on you."
"Once you're a huge star, once we start thinking that you're whining when you should be rejoicing, your fans can turn against you."
"I just want to really work on being honest with you guys, as transparent as possible, and regardless of backlash."
"The disco backlash movement of 1979 transformed disco from a socially acceptable form of music and culture to one that was highly stigmatized."
"I wasn't sad that I got backlash; I was sad that I let people down."
"Back in the 1980s, Coca-Cola decided to improve Coke... the backlash was so severe... they brought the old Coca-Cola recipe back as classic Coke."
"I thought that if I spoke my truth, there's always this backlash that you're afraid of."
"When you start giving back, that's when they start hating."
"People want the truth, but then when you give them the truth, they'll turn and spit at you about the truth."
"For every message of hate and backlash we got, we got 10 times the love and support."