
Individual Needs Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Our type of parenting works well for Flynn, and we will probably parent the twins differently depending on what they need and how they work."
"In mutual aid, the focus is not on size or scale but on relationships, community building, and meeting the immediate needs of each individual person."
"Every individual's financial situation is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution in personal finance."
"Dysfunctional means the way the family system operates and especially the way that the needs of each family member is met, is destructive to the individual members of the family."
"The proper human diet is a spectrum; it's not a single diet for everyone."
"What our goals are, what our needs are, what our wants are, what we enjoy — that can and does change over time."
"Being fair means treating everyone according to what they need; individuals are different, they need different things."
"Nutrition is an individualized prescription."
"Not everyone's needs are the same; some people need more time off, some need more money."
"Your protocols need to be intelligently designed and based on your needs like not based on some arbitrary number."
"It's not a matter of this person leaving you for somebody else, even if that is the practical case for you, it's more that this person was just thinking of what is going to make them happy as an individual."
"Assimilation ultimately is a thankless task; it's about other people's comfort, not your own needs."
"Customize the system to your own personality and needs."
"I always encourage people to listen to their body, not to Dogma. A lot of our nutrition advice is based on 'be keto' or 'be paleo' or 'be vegan' or 'be this' or 'be that' - be raw. And the truth is, it depends on you."
"One size does not fit all. Policies must be tailored to individual country needs."
"You might need more testosterone than the next guy to achieve the same functions."
"Healing work is highly personal and it's unique to your needs."
"You can have some advantages in life... still need help."
"Almost nobody has the same needs and expectations on an individual basis."
"I believe that different people need very very different things to be happy right, and the problem with the culture that we've created is we flattened everyone."
"Skincare is not one-size-fits-all - it's important to evaluate each individual's skin issues and tailor the treatment accordingly."
"Find the nourishment that speaks to the way that your brain works."
"Personalization is key in skincare routines, each person is different."
"I hope you find your healing in whatever way that you need to."
"All of us as individuals need encouragement."
"An equitable learning environment treats students as individuals with individual needs."
"Skincare is so unique and having something that's so customizable to your skincare I think is so important because everyone's skin is different."
"Why are we still trying to say that you and me and everyone else we're all the same and we got to get the same medications and same dose? Everyone's looking for a magic pill."
"Like, logically if you think about it, does the nutrient intake needs of a 250 pound bodybuilder equate to the same nutrient intake needs of a hundred pound little chick? No, they don't."
"For diet, you know, diet is very individual, there's no one diet for everyone, that's just a fallacy."
"They both serve different needs and they probably will for you too."
"I think we have to be flexible and use bio-individuality where each individual is given a slightly different approach that'll suit their particular needs."
"I need to do this for me, for my own sense of self-care and self-love."
"How do you navigate your healing? How do you navigate the things that you need? For me it's different, for you it's going to be different."
"Everybody's a little different on their mentality of what they need. There's plenty of customers in here just want you know what, I don't want to think about it."
"What's right for this person and what's right for you are right for the both of you."
"I didn't realize how much I needed something that was kind of just for me."
"You just have to tailor your nutrition to your own goals and your own appetite."
"God knows what every single individual needs to hear in order to accept the truth of Jesus Christ."
"When all the world is gray penguins... we are all out there blue penguins and need to be treated appropriately."
"We all deserve to be treated like blue penguins."
"The government wants one size to fit all - but one size does not fit all."
"Create those boundaries, speak your truth, whatever it is that you're looking for."
"I think that he's recognized what each and every one of his children need from him."
"Everybody is unique, they need different things at different times."
"Everyone has their own things they want and need."
"Every skin is different, and everyone's skin is going to need something slightly different."
"Whatever you need to get to sleep, whatever works for you."
"Remember RV Essentials are not one size fits all."
"Self-care is about finding what works for you and makes you feel good."
"Invest in quality products and tools, all while understanding your skin type and individual needs."
"It's not like there's some clear winner of build versus buy, it's like what's right for you."
"There's no right frequency of hair washing; it's super personal."
"No single approach is superior; each may be preferred by individuals based on their needs, preferences, and the therapist-client fit."
"It's not as if you're saying 'oh okay, because I'm letting one student use an iPad now, everyone's going to go on their phones'. No, that's not how it works. She's got dyslexia, therefore she needs to use an iPad."
"My Seven Pillars system... is an exercise that makes the most sense for the person that you're working with based upon their goals and their needs."
"Caring can be learned by every employee, every individual can be weaved into the design of every life to meet an individual need or a pervasive need in society."
"Every product does something. It's just a question of does it do what you individually need it to do."
"There's a yin and a yang to THC and CBD. The individual's needs determine what's better for them."
"Everyone should go to therapy. Yes, but different kinds of therapy because everybody needs something different."
"College is not for everyone, nor is it what everyone needs, and that is valid."
"...maybe if we're not doing the same sports, we have different needs."
"I just love the fact that care of is personalized to each person based on their individual needs."
"Just focus on what's best for you when you're doing something."
"Always do your own research, of course, and figure out what's best for you in your yard, in your part of the world."
"I've lived in many different places over the years with plants... It does come down to the individual plant and what it likes and doesn't like."
"Equity is not giving everybody the exact same thing, equity is hearing somebody's voice about what they need and providing them with that."
"Main takeaway is that your water needs are going to vary depending on who you are, your body size, your age, where you live and what you do."
"We look at every individual situation and we do try and bend to whatever it is that they need, and that's key."
"Do not look at somebody on YouTube or on Instagram or wherever, see how many calories they're eating and then think that that's what's best for you."
"...and remember, there's no perfect product, only the best product for your particular situation."
"Performance is contextual. It means a different thing for person a and person based on their needs."
"Everyone needs Grace for their temperament."
"The question that we need to answer shifts from what is the right type of spending to what is the right type of spending for this particular individual."
"What we want to ensure is that for every child they're in the right school setting that is going to be right for them."
"Sleep is so important, but it's going to the level of sleep that you need is going to be different for everyone."
"Results may vary, but a sturdy framework allows us to build the house that best suits our needs and desires."
"The needs of the few, or the one."
"Your goal might be different for each child, depending on each child’s needs and special interests."
"You cared more about the need of the individual than the ceremonies that spoke about how to meet or not meet the needs of an individual."
"Engaging in safe, effective, and efficient program designs that take into account individual needs."
"This is why everyone has to build their own because not everyone is going to be needing the same features."
"Listen to your body's needs and find what really works for you."
"We all have our own needs, and we got to just kind of do our own science experiments on ourselves to figure out what works best."
"All bodies are beautiful, all bodies are different, and they need different things."
"It's completely personalized; it's what your body needs."
"This product will allow us to match students to their ideal universities based on things which actually matter to them as individuals."
"What's 'must-have' for somebody is not necessarily must-have for other people."
"Everything is highly individual; everybody uses different appliances, has different power consumption needs."
"How can we adjust the environment and the expectations to meet the needs of that individual with an intellectual disability?"
"The best washer for you depends on your preferences and circumstances."
"Every behavior serves a function and this is really important to keep in mind because the individual is engaging in that behavior because it's working for them."
"The best coach in the world is not always the best coach for you."
"Economic populism deals with serving the needs of the individual human being, the individual average common person."
"Every single athlete's body has its own specific needs and requirements of what it needs to be tuned in order to perform as well as possible."
"Fair does not mean we treat all the kids exactly the same because they're not the same."
"Fair isn't always everybody getting the same but fair is everybody getting what they need."
"At Lush, we don't really believe in skin types; we think more about what an individual's skin needs."
"Socially significant like what's the most socially significant or socially valid that this individual needs to have a meaningful life."
"Some people need more sleep, some people need less."
"Some people need more sleep, some people need less sleep."
"What might be best for you, what will suit your needs the best."
"Equity is providing every student with what they need rather than equality which is providing every student with the same."
"We ask these questions of everyone so we can make sure that our care will meet your needs."
"No wheel is perfect, and the best choice for me may be a terrible fit for you. Everyone's needs are different."
"Equity would give the individual what they need in order to succeed."
"One product is not one size fits all."
"Training both ways is important, but for certain individuals, you should be training a certain way a lot more than other certain individuals."
"What we need as individuals is what everyone else needs as well."
"Food is fuel, and everybody requires a different amount of food, and that's okay."