
Mediation Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"I sense that you're someone who's a great mediator and peacekeeper. You never take sides, you never fight, and you're very honest and genuine."
"There's one God and there's one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."
"Rationality can be the mediator between the world of facts and the world of values."
"Shamanism is a religious tradition characterized by the figure of the shaman, a spiritual practitioner who mediates between the human and spirit world."
"I talk people out of killing each other. You know, the 250 Ukrainians who died because of being thrown into the meat grinder."
"So much history between those two. Sting separates them."
"Libras very much are the mediator of the group... They're very good at calming down situations or feuds."
"Let's try and stay there... rather than this kind of polarized shouting match between both sides."
"She worried about being the mediator between the alien and the world."
"I seek to unify the quarrels between religions."
"I like to make sure that both sides feel heard and respected because then people are more likely to believe me when I say that I'm approaching the subject as objectively as I can."
"You have this ability to neutralize energy and situations."
"The idea is to get the people involved in this situation that can mediate where the arrest is not the solution."
"Belarusian President Lukashenko emerged as a key figure in mediating the conflict."
"Jesus Christ is the bridge for us to get to have a relationship with God."
"The mediator, a concept from conflict resolution, listens to both parties and tries to find a common ground."
"If we can stop fighting about being on the left and being on the right and look to the man in the middle, divisions disappear."
"There's got to be a bridge to get from the holy pristine God to me."
"There is one mediator between God and man, and that is the man Christ Jesus."
"I'm always down to mediate and post it on my channel just like I did for this scenario."
"China brokering a deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, changing the geopolitical landscape."
"You're choosing a different path and you're choosing compassion here towards this energy, the frequency of compassion supports our ability to stand by others without judgment and be the Divine mediator between Heaven and Earth."
"Calm down guys, calm down, you're both wankers, okay?"
"We are building the most loyal crypto community in the world."
"Be the glue between people or within a dynamic."
"The best you can do is to try to mediate perhaps, and that should be the role."
"There is one God and there's one mediator between God and man: the man Christ Jesus."
"Jesus offers a better mediation than the Levitical priesthood. He became our mediator."
"Jesus Christ is our mediator and our eternal champion."
"There's one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus."
"There is only one mediator between God and man, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ."
"We needed a mediator to be able to present us so that we would be acceptable to the Father."
"The tenji I know is smart and calm, who would break a fight instead of making it worse."
"The God-man Jesus Christ who took on human flesh is the one who mediates between the Father and humanity."
"Agents play an important role in the market generally and kind of keep the market moving."
"Our job isn't to get our client every knife or fork possible out of the settlement, but to try to find a solution both parties feel is fair and that will allow them to move forward with as little bitterness as possible."
"A law mediates a principle between you and your wife."
"Seeking mediation can be a powerful tool for diffusing conflicts and achieving a more harmonious and respectful outcome."
"Linda's role in the family is the Peacekeeper and the mediator."
"Not the a-hole. Your parents really should step up here to punish her and resolve this, not yours."
"So that seed will come, promises were made in the law given to Moses, who was ordained by the hand of angels to be a mediator of this first Covenant... But there is one mediator of the New Covenant who is Christ."
"Y'all gonna fight and I'm cool with all that, but like, at the end of the day, and I'm talking to you too over there while you're still on time out, like, y'all gotta get it together. Just, like, come on now."
"The really cool thing is you see, after that happened, you kind of see Tyler Perry and Denzel Washington talking to both of them, kind of calming the situation down."
"Try to break it up, deescalate before."
"He made peace between two guys that absolutely hated each other."
"Nines are very good at seeing all sides of an issue and helping mediate disputes and helping people understand each other better."
"Aang introduced Tenzin to conflict mediation in the style of the Air Nomads."
"They respect fairness and justice. They might work as a mediator or in a decision-making role."
"We have a better mediator because we have somebody who was without sin."
"Sometimes the peacemaker will bring people together and help them work through conflict."
"Sandy Cheeks is a kindhearted citizen who acts as SpongeBob and Patrick’s mediator and a sort of surrogate big sister figure."
"Christ is our mediator, Christ is our great high priest."
"Without communication and without knowing that I'm compatible with that partner I can't go anywhere bro so since then I kind of always been the person that wants to find not a happy medium but tries to mediate the situation by talking about it."
"He's good at negotiations, mediations, and making somebody understand."
"There is someone or something that can still be saved if you choose to compromise. Try to find the middle ground."
"She mediates for us between God and the world, between Christ and the church, between the world of the Saints and this veil of tears."
"Pragmatism is the mediator between your scientific rationality and your most profound psychological, moral, and spiritual needs."
"She held significant influence, acting as a mediator who resolved conflicts among the gods."
"For some of you, your wish fulfillment involves helping others, being a mediator, creating justice for other people."
"You are the one that helps to mediate, helps to bring clarity from the clutter, the confusion, the chaos."
"Mediation allows people to be heard, to have their experience validated at some level."
"Empathy is arguably the mediator's greatest asset."
"there is no police so the chief and the elders play the role the intermediate people among the community members to bring them together thank you"
"The state of salvation is a state of grace, it is Christ's gracious mediation that brought us in, keeps us in."
"Neutrality is a myth. Everyone has a mediator to find peace. Just the question is what mediator are you going to have?"
"Conciliatory opinion creators and keepers."
"Throughout the system you have lots of opportunities to settle your case with the assistance of our family relations officers, with the assistance of your lawyers, or with the assistance of other private professionals who you can hire."
"Would you accept me as mediator in this hypothetical scenario?"
"Humanity's reputation as mediators and peacemakers."
"He is so cool, he calls everybody's sweetheart, darling, and mediates with complete confidence."
"But your job is to operate as a proxy between the two teams and make them work to mobile."
"You're not a pushover. You're the kind of person who is very good at mediating conflicts."
"He said if a white dude disrespect somebody out of DC and if it's a serious beef come to me I'm hand he said if a black dude do that man can you take care because we don't want no war."
"The one God, there is not the mediator. Christ is the mediator. Therefore, He is not the one God."
"These people need healing, they want to come to you for it because you are the mediator."
"We have to trust that our partner is a good mediator of those two worlds."
"But it is also true that God has provided for us a mediator who is greater than Moses."
"There's a necessity for some sort of mediating concept."
"My job allows me to be a problem-solver. I'm the liaison between the employer and the employees."
"help us lord help us to keep our eyes on our true mediator Jesus Christ himself."
"There is one mediator between God and man, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The daily is the continual day-to-day mediatorial ministry of Jesus Christ in our lives."
"The vast majority of mediators out there, in my opinion, are woefully ineffective."
"Avoid mediators who are desperate to settle the case at all costs."
"If you're forced to go to mediation, then you might as well make the best of it."
"You cannot have this existential crisis over the prospect of not resolving the case at mediation."
"Mediation fundamentally is about what the two parties can agree."
"Christ indeed has a better mediatorial Ministry in the New Covenant."
"Jesus is our great mediator, our great high priest."
"To say He is the Messiah is to say He is the mediator, because all messianic offices are mediating offices."
"Maybe I can smooth things over between you two. I do have a way with people."
"Peacemakers work towards peace in relationships."
"...the mediator will draft a marital settlement agreement if there’s minor children, they will run the child support calculations, and draft a parenting plan."
"Wouldn't the correct, compassionate course of action be to provide the family with a discretionary payment and allow the claim under the mediation scheme to proceed to its conclusion?"
"I’m sure He was inclined to give forgiveness because the request of the Mediator Jesus."
"I'm happy if they're happy. I'm a facilitator. I want to see if I can get a deal done so that people don't get killed anymore."
"You're meant to resolve conflict and create peace in the room."
"The priest is acting as a mediator between God and man."
"Always bring conciliation among yourselves, make peace between people."
"Mediation is where you get together with someone who's trying to help both sides negotiate a deal."
"In fact, the most likely solution to the conflict might come from a third party."
"Adapa's role in myth and ritual portrays him as a mediator navigating the Realms Between Heaven and Earth."
"I've always been a good mediator."
"I didn't want to cause any more problems between them than there already were."
"Ben finally took on the role that he was best suited for, that of an intermediary, an adviser, a strategist."
"You're the intercessor, you get between them and God."
"They were the glue that kept all of the different criminal factions in Canada from killing each other."
"Remember there is no mediator but one - Jesus Christ."
"If you're gonna be a bridge, you have to be comfortable being walked on on both sides."
"So I tell their wives I'm like send your men in to see me we're gonna get you guys on the same playing field again."
"If the person is just being brought in to validate one side, then it's often not going to lead to any sort of productive solution."
"The solution to all conflicts across the world is usually some form of mediation, some form of compromise."
"My overarching message was one of self-empowerment and trying to help people recognize that they don't necessarily need a mediator."
"...mythical thought always works from the awareness of opposition's towards their progressive mediation."
"Mary is the mediatrix, a feminine intercessor for the human race."
"You start a mediation at 10 am, by 1 pm, your spread is still 2 million dollars."
"He sustains worlds and not one drop of sweat falls from his brow. He speaks a word, he's capable. This mediator is deity."
"There is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus."
"He speaks of a science of religion saying this can offer mediation between different believers and help to bring about consensus of opinion and might command public adherents comparable to that presently granted to the physical sciences."
"So the one who stands ministering at the altar of incense before God presenting the prayers of the saints is none other than whom? None other than Jesus Christ our mediator, our intercessor."
"Jesus is the only mediator between God and men."
"The heart seems to mediate between our individual self and a universal process."
"The third side reminds us, the third side helps us go to the balcony, which is a metaphor for a place of perspective, where we can keep our eyes on the prize."
"He made the required mediation possible through His death."
"May we all be peacemakers like Abraham."
"Mediation meeting: state the reason, explain ground rules, let each child express, generate solutions, come to an agreement."
"Is there any way that we can sit in a room, I'll hire a mediator, and talk this out so that we can get to the other side of this?"
"We have a heavenly Father who loves us. We have a Mediator who is perfect and strong, does not die, and does not need to offer sacrifices for Himself or even for us, because He's already done that."
"Let him take his Rod away from me and let not dread of him terrify me, then I would speak without fear of him."
"Job expresses this innate desire for a mediator between him and God because he feels hopeless on his own."
"Do you have a true understanding of your access to the father through our great mediator?"
"Thank you Jesus for what you have done so that we can have full access to Heaven's Throne, thank you for pleading our case as our great mediator every second of the day before the father."
"You're the Peacekeeper, you're the person that holds the balance, the view."
"We wouldn't see this normally on these sorts of shows where someone is actually triangulating in a functional way. He's actually trying to help them to resolve it, and this might actually work."
"There are other mediators, but they are subordinated to Christ."
"Jesus is the only mediator, but there's many ways to Jesus."
"What's the difference between mediation and arbitration? Arbitration is binding upon the parties, where mediation is not."
"The only way in which we can see God is through the mediator Jesus Christ."
"Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and men."
"Kuiper's distinction between Christ as mediator of creation and Christ as mediator of redemption."
"The relationship between the finite creation and the infinite God can only be mediated through Jesus Christ."
"I thought both of you did an excellent job at the mediation."
"Sodapop would always be the middle man, but that didn't mean he had to keep getting pulled apart. Instead of Darry and me pulling me apart, he'd be pulling us together."
"Testament everlasting life is offered through Christ who is the only mediator between God and man."
"Sheikh Sabah took on the role of a key mediator demonstrating his commitment to resolving Regional disputes."
"Mediation is the opportunity for you to work through your differences with the help of a neutral third party."
"Morris had a patient temperament and a knack for diffusing tense situations."
"Sometimes you need to have people that are very much neutral and who can really get down to the bottom of things."
"Music is the mediator between intellectual and sensuous life."
"Outsider status is incredibly useful if you would like to play any sort of middle man role."
"I am the bridge between the customer and the cosmetologist."
"You have the reputation of being the mediator, the person that brings peace, the person that brings balance."
"No man cometh to the Father, saith Jesus Christ, but by me."
"Christ is both the mediator and fullness of all revelation."
"I recommend a mediator; that was some of the best money that we spent."
"Conflict is not about finding out who is right or wrong; it's about bringing both parties to the table to collaborate."
"There is but one God and there is one mediator between God and man, and that is Jesus the Christ."
"The cherubim always function as a kind of in-between figure; they are mediators between the divine and the human, between these two realms."
"There's one mediator between God and man, and that man is Jesus Christ."
"There is one God and there is but one mediator between God and man, that is Christ."
"The High Priestess is a mediator between different worlds."
"There is but one God and one mediator between me and you, and he is Jesus."
"The mediation did happen, having this full picture of all three variables at once is important."
"Now hath He obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also He is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises."
"There is one God, one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."
"The Head and the Hand need a mediator, which is the heart. What a way to end it."
"Technology has become the gateway and the language that basically mediates all of our experiences."
"Christ is our mediator... he's the only mediator between God and humanity."
"Business analysts are there to bridge the gap between the stakeholders and the IT department."
"Therapists... they're like a mediator. They're gonna help you fast-track it in either direction."
"I'm the voice of reason and peace."
"There is only one God and there is only one mediator between God and human beings, the man Jesus Christ."
"Jesus is the only mediator between God and men now."
"You're easy to talk to, you're like a peacemaker."
"Her goal is to deescalate tensions and come to an amicable resolution."
"The mediator does not take any person's side in the mediation. The mediator is an impartial, trained professional whose only job is to help you both reach an agreement."
"We're going to need a lot more people like Olivia, who are mediators and peacemakers, to navigate the speed bump filled roads ahead."
"I think he's the perfect combination of kind and caring to help diffuse the drama."
"My project is called Access to Justice through the process of mediation."
"The overwhelming drive of our myth-making fantasy is to mediate opposites."
"Toru will play an important part in mediating the weak bonds between humans and the various races that attend the foreign school."
"That third party helps because a lot of people don't hear themselves."
"You're basically the buffer between the workers below you and the management above you."
"With the mediation of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, an agreement was reached on the complete cessation of hostilities."
"At the court hearing, the court has mediation services available. These mediation services are voluntary but are highly recommended for most cases."
"I try to solve problems; I'm a mediator, not trying to start problems."
"We have to mediate our differences and not do battle over them."
"Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and all of the human race."
"Christ is the mediator between God and men."
"There's one God and there's one mediator between God and man, that's the man Christ Jesus."
"I'm the one that is between Heaven and Earth; I'm the intercessor."
"In April, John and Richard met in Lisia, with their mother mediating; John begged forgiveness, and Richard provided a patronizing response to his younger brother."
"Mediation is an entirely voluntary process; you're here because this is your business."
"You're here because this is your mediation; at any point, you may decide to stop negotiations."
"Please know that I do not hold any preconceived biases towards any solution to your commercial dispute."
"Mediation identifies an intermediary process that leads from the predictor to the outcome."
"The frontal lobe is the mediator between the environment and the rest of the body."
"If only there was a mediator between us, someone who could lay his hands on us both."
"There's one mediator between God and man, that is Christ Jesus, the man Christ Jesus."
"I will be the mediator and we can sort it out in a diplomatic way."