
Tyranny Quotes

There are 521 quotes

"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered... the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
"I'm very relieved to find there's no evidence for it at all. If I thought it was true, I would consider myself condemned to live under a tyranny."
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
"If the workplace is governed tyrannically, then why not undo the tyranny directly so workers can collectively make decisions about how a firm is run?"
"The number one thing that will inspire you to resist against total tyranny is the protection of your family."
"America faces a choice between democracy and tyranny."
"This is the worst and most abominable regime imaginable by any of the meager standards history can provide us."
"It is the cruelest and most abominable regime imaginable, a breathtaking conglomeration of corruption, vice, bigotry, hatred, superstition, and fanaticism."
"This picture captures the embarrassment of tyranny in action."
"Leaders who can't love, they become tyrants and they become hated."
"When people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
"Tyranny requires constant effort; it breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle; oppression is the mask of fear."
"I seek The Refuge of my master and your master from every arrogant tyrant that does not believe in the day where they have to stand trial."
"I've sworn eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
"Corporate power...is by far the most dangerous of all...effectively unaccountable private tyrannies."
"If the government is acting against the people without the consent of the people...that is the definition of tyranny."
"The so-called 'free speech' debate is often framed in absolutist terms as a stark choice between freedom and tyranny."
"We sort of live in this like ideological cumulative tyranny where it's not as obvious as the tyranny that we were taught by Hollywood to fear."
"A tyrant will eventually stop attacking you... but somebody trying to help you will never stop because it's for your own good."
"Genuine compassion properly placed constitutes part of the power that can be used against the tyrant."
"The Bloodstone Emperor... proclaimed himself the Bloodstone Emperor and began a reign of terror. He practiced dark arts, torture, and necromancy, enslaved his people, took a tiger woman for his bride, feasted on the flesh of humans, and cast down the true gods to worship a black stone that had fallen from the sky."
"Brave New World resonates very differently than 1984. It's about how a repressive tyranny can take over every area of life and provide nobody happiness but instead sort of restrict everybody into service of the of the giant centralizing power."
"If America is not strong, the world will be at the mercy of tyrants."
"He stands unbroken, a testament to moral principle and defiance in the face of tyranny."
"Everything permitted is the ultimate freedom, but it's also a door wide open to the deepest forms of tyranny."
"Without truth, we're going to end up in absolute tyranny and slavery."
"The notion that people in the United in this democracy will outmatch tyranny is the oldest American ideal."
"Every tyrant and despot throughout history has done what our leading media organizations are doing now: attempting with all their force to crush free speech."
"Our Western culture is the least tyrannical society that's ever been produced."
"Responsibility abdicated is vacuumed up by tyrants."
"Private corporations are essentially privatizing tyranny."
"I understand this anger over tyranny and abuse of power."
"Tyranny and authoritarianism come in many forms and develop differently. What we want to achieve with our two videos is not to provide absolute answers but rather to facilitate a larger and more mature conversation about authoritarianism."
"The founder of the tyranny, he's probably still popular when he dies. He did it; most people are very conscious of what he achieved, and he's a glorious figure."
"The spirit of God is that which manifests itself within you in opposition to tyranny."
"It's only wrong if we're sovereign individuals right with some intrinsic worth who are not to be subject to arbitrary tyranny."
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God." - Attributed to John Knox
"The ability to resist tyranny is as important today as it was during the time of our founding."
"When the able-bodied men of a nation are trained in arms and organized, they are better able to resist tyranny."
"Tyranny tells the story about what would happen to a world if evil won."
"This is how you get to tyranny pretty quickly."
"The very purpose of the second amendment was to be a deterrent to a government being tyrannical."
"As the shadow of the empire reached ever further across civilized space, the galaxy entered an age of darkness and tyranny unlike anything in its history."
"When tyrants say they're going to act, please believe them."
"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."
"The essence of tyranny is the accumulation of too much power in one branch."
"Tyrants will always find a pretext for their tyranny."
"People can get used to anything, but I'll tell you one thing I can never get used to is oppressive tyranny."
"When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved and tyranny is erected on its ruins."
"Titan is a full-on tyrant taking over Metro City."
"We must do everything we can to end the tyranny of Putin..."
"Tyranny is what's over the horizon and that plan can only be complete when the populace refuses to fight back because they have nothing to fight for anymore."
"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph."
"How do you stop tyranny? How do you stop those [ __ ] apart from just imposing their will?"
"Too many options can make a tyrant out of anybody. Embrace responsibility for true freedom."
"The Chinese Communist Party, you know they're kind of the sounding board of global tyranny right now including them working hand in hand with big media big tech and corrupt government around the world."
"Chaos was an escape from pathological tyranny."
"Freedom and tyranny, I think that's the decision."
"So again you just see how how absurd this whole thing is with the Chinese government and this worship of this terrible Tyrant you know."
"But when a long train of abuses evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government."
"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is Liberty."
"Once you start believing that rights that adhere to you as an individual and pre-exist government no longer exist because we don't like what you're saying, now you have entered the realm of tyranny."
"The whole idea of taxation without representation is tyranny."
"Ignorance is no excuse for supporting tyranny."
"It's tyranny from the government coming from the government it's just too severe if it's coming from a mob especially the government that's designed to protect you from tyranny doesn't step and help you it's still tyranny."
"Destroy the Regent's family tyranny by providing electricity to all homes inside the Kingdom."
"It's tyranny. I know you know that, but it's shocking to see it. Good luck."
"It's much easier to leave than it is to fight rabid tyranny every single day."
"People are dying from tyranny, from a great poisoning that's part of that tyranny."
"If the government ever became tyrannical or repressive, the people then had a right and a duty to rebel against it."
"You cannot comply your way out of tyranny it was true during covid it's true now and it's true throughout all of recorded human history."
"Tyranny does not extinguish extremism; tyranny creates extremism."
"The whole idea of the Second Amendment was to give us power against tyrannical government. Right now, we have a tyrannical government."
"Tyranny comes in many forms, it can come from an external power or internally."
"The Second Amendment is about being able to fight tyranny on your doorstep."
"One person who stopped lying could bring down a tyranny."
"If we lose our Free Speech, freedom dies... we're going to end up as slaves or worse."
"When justice is not upheld equally and instead used by a political system to only target enemies of that political system while giving grace to themselves, that is not a representative government, that is a tyranny." - Joshua
"Equating speech with violence is the essence of tyranny."
"Compromise with tyranny will always get you more tyranny."
"It's not historically prudent to submit to tyranny because when you do, things get worse, they never get better."
"Compassion trumps everything... and society is essentially tyrannical... but it's not essentially tyrannical."
"If there's no FREE WILL, then there's no FREEDOM at all. Liberty as an ILLUSION, bring on the TYRANNY."
"A good leader has the power of influence... if you're in leadership and you cannot convince people with the power of influence that this is the direction we need to go, you're not a leader, you're a tyrant."
"Fear is how, since man is susceptible to it, tyrants always use it to control."
"This is tyranny. It really is. The government overtly cracking down on freedom of speech."
"Do you people not see what's at stake here on the slippery slope that we're standing on as we slide into something that is undemocratic, that is anti-intellectual, that is tyrannical?"
"Successful fight for freedom against tyranny."
"Take your place in a marriage, take your place in a family, take your place in a community, bear a load. All the responsibility you abdicate personally will be taken up and used against you by tyrants. That's the iron law of humanity."
"Freedom will always triumph over tyranny." - President of the United States
"You're on the wrong side of history. You will be going down as the face of tyranny in all this."
"The accumulation of all powers... may justly be pronounce the very definition of tyranny."
"Tyranny's coming in, and people are starting to listen."
"Tyranny is broken by the truth of the individual."
"Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
"Democracy dies in darkness, and tyranny is born in darkness."
"Power mad tyrants are never satisfied. They want more power, more authority, more control over your life."
"Dictators and despots... there is a striking resemblance." - Speaker
"This is so wrong, so tyrannical, there needs to be a hill that you're willing to die on."
"When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
"This is what the founders meant by tyranny of the majority."
"Compelled action is tyranny. Period. There cannot be any 'but's. Public health? No. Screw the public. The public derives its rights from my individual rights. Always and forever."
"Compliance does not work here. You cannot obey your way out of tyranny."
"Every awful tyrant insists he's on the right side of history."
"Perhaps, given all this, there is little surprise that this period came to be known by near contemporaries as 'the Tyranny'."
"This is real power, that rogue governments can't quench, this is power that hell can't put out."
"The most likely outcome here a decade from now is that the north will descend into kind of a neo-maoist tyranny that makes the cultural revolution look like a picnic."
"New World Order is the theory that there will eventually be one all-encompassing tyrannical government that will enslave the human race."
"Seek the truth at all costs, fight back against controlling tyrants at all costs."
"Despots will take advantage of this, and then you will not know freedom; you'll forget it."
"Atheism, atheists, they are the big supporters of the tyrants."
"Acting with power and exerting force with no legal authority is tyranny."
"The second amendment allowed you to reject tyranny as a last resort."
"Every tyrant in America right now...are all trying to destroy the US Constitution."
"Defending yourself against a tyrannical government, I'm all about that."
"The Red Queen is a tyrannical ruler with a penchant for ordering executions."
"Unconstitutional and downright tyrannical." - Jimmy Dore
"The worst type of tyrant is the one who thinks they're tormenting you for your own good."
"But what you're saying by better, what I am saying is as a matter of fact, it was the Anglo-American alliance that stood up and fought the tyranny which you hate."
"Or was he a ruthless tyrant and dictator who violated his own laws?"
"Viewing all other people as pawns and servants leads to a tyrannical, dictator-like state, and ironically pushes people to consider turning on him, most notably Claire."
"Enlighten the people generally and tyranny, tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day." - Christopher Hitchens
"The big picture: tyranny implodes because it's not sustainable."
"These tools are a safety net against tyranny."
"Quarantine is when you lock up sick people. Tyranny is when you lock up healthy people."
"Robin Hood and his merry band arise to resist the non-king, the brother of the king who is a tyrant."
"Can we put down the remote control and hold these tyrants accountable?"
"When freedom is better equipped than tyranny, its victory is assured."
"I don't think it's an inevitable question that socialism creates tyranny. I think it's a contingent one that we have power over."
"He was like the most horrific imagination of this terrifying dictator."
"The secret of freedom lies in educating people whereas the secret of tyranny is keeping them ignorant."
"Thank god for the polls and the polls have had some experience with tyranny with communism they've been tyrannized not only by the soviets but by the nazis."
"I think about picking a side differently than picking America or picking China. It's between freedom and tyranny."
"Bitcoin is becoming an important tool to circumvent the tyranny."
"It's depressing so many aren't standing up against this creeping tyranny."
"The tree of liberty must often be refreshed by the blood of tyrants and patriots."
"The tyranny of the world government can't last but the freedom that will come from it is not what Blackbeard envisions either and that's why he isn't the true successor to Roger but Luffy is."
"When tyranny becomes a law, resistance becomes duty."
"People gotta get inspired, put our foot down against tyranny."
"If the people fear the government, what do you got? You got tyranny. If the government is afraid of the people, what do you have? The word liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
"It's tyranny naked tyranny absolutely a disgusting tyranny so shame on the UK you know maybe you should disappear as a country for this."
"Resisting tyranny is what truly enlightened people are supposed to do." - Alice Bailey
"America and much of Western civilization was founded on a biblical foundation still, but it's turned away from that foundation."
"The will to fight tyrants, the will to fight evil, the will to build a new civilization."
"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty."
"When the people fear the government it's a tyranny, when the government fears the people it's liberty."
"This is tyrannical, this is purely authoritarian."
"The scientific rationale for tyranny has always been attractive to elites."
"If we do nothing, we are ruled by tyrants. If we fight back, the tyrants use that as an excuse to take more freedoms away."
"I fear tyranny more than I fear some sort of disease, that's for sure."
"It is very dangerous to pretend that these are intellectual people, that these are people acting in good faith, or that these are people who give a damn about democracy, because they don't."
"In the Hong Kong Crackdown, we see the true face of Chinese tyranny."
"If you scare enough people they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny."
"History will remember you as the tyrant brought down by the very race you sought to extinguish."
"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home"
"Tyranny creates tyranny code... We saw what happened in Australia, we saw what happened in Canada where tyranny reigned."
"Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy."
"Medical tyranny is to me one of the most evil things out there."
"One of the first signs of decline into tyranny is when the justice systems become politicized."
"Everywhere that freedom arrives, humanity rejoices. And everywhere that freedom stirs, let tyrants fear."
"The bravest thing you can ever do is to stand against tyranny."
"Perhaps homeworld becomes even more ruthless under its new rule... a perplexing villain dynamic amongst themselves."
"I'm reminded of that famous quote by C.S Lewis which was the worst of all tyrannies is a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims."
"You own your body. So when a corporation or the government comes to you and says you need to submit to medical procedures in order to keep your job, that is tyrannical."
"Resist tyranny with everything that we've got."
"There's tyranny... when the government fears the people there is liberty."
"This strain of tyranny of this kind of fascist mindset."
"The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest courses."
"It's worth it's worth... the greatest Lewis Carroll quote. Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
"When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty."
"Language is wielded as a weapon in the arsenal of the demagogue and the tyrant."
"Withholding information is the essence of tyranny." - Flat Earth Dave
"Tyrants disarm the people they intend to oppress."
"Never again should tyranny of the kind that produced Nazi Germany be allowed to raise its ugly head."
"Tyranny arrives at your doorstep in a whole lot of different forms folks."
"Rebellion is a sort of natural immunity against tyranny."
"To not be laughed at is the protection of tyrants."
"We've all seen how tyrants can absolutely destroy a clan's foundation and threaten their stability for generations, but we don't often talk about the others."
"Will we choose the truths of the Declaration, or will we fall prey to the false theories that have led too many nations to tyranny?"
"It was a constant adrenaline rush of fighting this battle against tyranny."
"There has always been the few that resolve themselves to stand against the Tyranny."
"This is Orwellian fabricating reality to justify tyranny. Sorry, we've all been through a lot over these past years."
"Socialism is bad because socialism is tyranny."
"All of tyrannies sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
"Blockchain could be a technological counterbalance to a lot of the tyranny that we have been seeing."
"Regular people challenging tyrants gives me hope."
"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims." - Dresden James
"You're drifting closer and closer to tyranny."
"Evil Morty does a great job presenting himself as a suave and compassionate politician but as soon as he wins the election he's revealed to be totally sadistic manipulative and even tyrannical."
"Liberty creates. If tyranny destroys, liberty creates."
"The real prison, the real state, the real tyranny is in the minds."
"There's power in truth, terrifying tyrannies."
"I just hope that we see very strong action this time against any kind of this tyranny that is happening."
"Putting this keynote presentation together was like putting together the timeline of the fall of a free nation into total tyranny."
"Tyranny is when it's legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry."
"Push back against tyranny and fear-mongering, or it will only get worse."
"Political tyranny masquerading as justice, such is the reality of our times."
"With all obstacles to his rule out of the way, Palpatine’s control over the galaxy was absolute."
"The purpose of the Second Amendment is not to protect your right to shoot deer, it's to protect your right to shoot tyrants when they take over the government."