
Future Anticipation Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"'Cause these negative fantasies of the future, they may help us feel better about something in the present, but they don't help us make anything better, right?"
"The body believes it's living in that future in the present moment when you signal new genes in new ways."
"I respected it immensely. I do not want to play it again, but I want to play games much like it in the future."
"It's super exciting, and I think for next year, it's going to be so hype for the West."
"This is just basically a peek inside the crystal ball of what is going to be awaiting for us in the future."
"You've got to know where people are going to be looking at what people are going to be doing and where the flow of NFTs are going to be going."
"Hang in there. You don't have to leave because where you want to go is coming here."
"We stand at the very edge of history, only one conquest remains."
"This person sees a future with you, very excited, positive outlook about the future."
"I know where this is heading and I think a lot of people are starting to realize where this is heading."
"Whatever the unease, one thing is certain: when the time comes, Camilla will be closest to the new king, and with that comes influence."
"the past of Age of Empires is so rich but guess what so is the future"
"After the 20th and the 21st of August, you're gonna see the biggest change this country has ever seen."
"We're planning like a four-year vacation after this election is done."
"We are hoping for a return to comedy at some point in the future."
"People need to know what they should be excited for in the future."
"I would rather enjoy it and fear that possibility from the inside as opposed to repeating this cycle yet again and waiting on the sidelines for something that might never come."
"Thank you for watching... and hopefully I'll see you all next time."
"Get out and know, like you know, that something better is on the way."
"Life won't always be like this, and we're all looking forward to better days."
"I'm just ready to see what happens on the other side of this."
"I think by 2025 we should definitely see hopefully even a catch attempt of the booster and hopefully an actual Landing attempt of Starship."
"I think we're gonna see history made in a very short amount of time. We're going to be seeing this history and we're going to be living through textbook War."
"The best timeline is manifesting, it seems as though everything's coming together in the best timeline."
"This is the future and it's coming faster than we think."
"How do you know everything you understand won't be recontextualized in the future?"
"It's extremely hard to anticipate how much will research change when we finally crack open the truth."
"It's getting here quicker than we thought, you know it's all right we're halfway through 2016, crazy next year."
"We're finally hitting the sci-fi future that they all thought we were going to have."
"The worst is yet to come, but so is the best."
"Financial Revolution will be televised and monetized, it's our turn next time."
"I cannot wait for more games to be on Unreal Engine 5; it just looks so freaking good."
"Trust your instincts, you have a clear vision of things to come."
"I know Toyota can do better so I am looking forward to the company introducing more bz Vehicles along the way."
"Big hints, future plot threads, and returning characters."
"People really are waking up to it; the question is whether we have woken up in time." - Heather Cox Richardson
"I'm hoping the peak is going to be reached in the next week or so."
"Hold on to him, okay because I'm telling you there's going to be a point."
"What a fun day this morning this is a blast and I can't wait to see these guys get their opportunities next year on the nfl field get used to seeing the guys you saw today because they're getting drafted on april 28th and beyond."
"You're gonna be calling in your soul mate and your soul mate is gonna be coming into you in the near future."
"I'm someone that is always optimistic I don't think there's any point to being a Doomer I mean it doesn't help anyone certainly it doesn't help yourself so with that being said I'm looking forward to the future."
"Tomorrow's another day, tomorrow's the day, tomorrow is the final answer."
"But I do think that next spring will almost certainly be the right time and we will go it will be a full proper public inquiry."
"I'm excited to see where he's going to take Man United this season."
"New tech is going to completely change our lives in ways you can hardly imagine."
"We're entering a dangerous, dangerous time, an exciting time, a feeling of great revolutionary potential that could go to wonderful and exciting directions in space and on the earth and beyond."
"The performance on offer with the PG259 QN has me excited for the next few generations of monitors."
"You're looking into the future with optimism, faith, and hope restored."
"It's going to radically change the way in which we live."
"I cannot wait to see what happens in the next five years."
"I'm just here to say that I'm very excited for what's to come in the next few years for crypto."
"I can't wait to see what Michelin are going to do with the five and five s because I know some of this technology is gonna end up in the successor to this."
"Enjoy this moment because this moment comes and goes. You're going to climb up there, and then who knows when it's going to be the next time where you climb even higher."
"There's a God in the world and The Best Is Yet To Come."
"2020 is going to close very strong and 2021 is going to open up and it's going to be a clash of the titans."
"It's gonna be greater and it's gonna last longer."
"What happens after October is going to be amazing."
"I'm definitely looking forward to rocking more of the gear in the future here on the channel." - Unnamed speaker
"I'm a firm believer that there's going to be an apocalypse."
"Oh my gosh, can't believe one day they're gonna come and sit on this couch."
"Wait until the technology works seamlessly and reliably."
"Thank you for being part of our Ferrari show until next year at the Finale Mondiali in Imola when we will do it all over again but before that a whole season of success to come."
"Are we in the good timeline? Sam, we're about to be in the best timeline."
"This guy is saying that you know in November of 2023 the rights went back to me."
"It's pretty incredible, and this is just chat GPT 3.5. In future iterations, when they make improvements, I probably will be making more videos."
"AI is going to be upon us soon and a lot of things are going to change."
"I want to see more conspiracy from what see in 2019."
"Something really sweet is around the corner for you."
"This roller coaster is gonna be so cool when it's finished."
"They are trying to make Payday 3 the best of the series. We will see what the future holds."
"I want to buy a little more shares before 5g starts to really take off like crazy."
"Your future is so dazzling, Saint Paul writes: 'The half has not entered the minds of men what God has prepared for those that love him.'"
"And thus we have a sense of the rendezvous that lies ahead."
"Hopefully we see something back like hopefully first quarter next year, maybe second quarter."
"I'm really looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us for next gen."
"All fear is a concept about the future, you literally cannot experience fear unless you have an image of the future in your mind."
"It's gonna be so crazy to see this slow-motion train track go on for the rest of this decade."
"I'm very excited to see what From Software comes up with next. It's going to have some very large shoes to fill."
"It's just lovely to know that they're going to be happy here."
"There is coming in a day not too much in the distant future when a superman is going to rise."
"What an absolute pleasure it has been to chat with you and I look forward to hopefully continuing many of these conversations in the future."
"The Sun is about to illuminate something that's going to make you feel happy."
"Thank you for joining me for this program today. I look forward to you joining me in future programs on this channel and on our main channel The Duran."
"I am so excited for the magic the rest of the year will bring for me."
"The next several months are going to be absolutely explosive."
"This room is going to look dramatically different than it does now and hopefully it'll be really incredible."
"I still feel like this is just the beginning."
"Here's hoping that maybe in a couple of years we have a pretty cool reveal for the next game in the series."
"I think it's coming very soon, you never know."
"I refuse to quit because I'm still waiting to see that other side waiting to see that next door open."
"I think we're headed towards a light at the end of the tunnel."
"Your dream is soon to become a reality. Trust your heart and continue to follow its guidance."
"It's one of those wow factors that makes you go, 'Wow, this is the computer of the future and I want it.'"
"Expect my favorite artist of 2021 to be this person."
"This is a very good visualization, a good practical demo of things."
"This heightened sense becomes a kind of inner guidance endowing you with an almost Supernatural ability to anticipate future events and make better decisions."
"Excited for the future, hope you have a good season."
"Prayer is the evidence of what's coming, it's like it's evidence so when you pray, it's evident that that's what's happening for you in the future."
"Just playing the game stage by stage, not giving a flying [__] about 100 completion, this is a fantastic platformer."
"Thank you all for listening and I hope to see you next time in the den of the Drake."
"Expect some new epithets at the end of this conflict."
"I think there's too many cool things on the horizon to even think about pulling the rip cord right now."
"Looking at the future because we're both involved in these big cinematic types of experiences that need to be seen in a movie theater."
"The world is an interesting place right now... like we're falling headlong into the future."
"It's still fun... and I think that should live."
"Dream saw a trend emerging, a moment on which he could capitalize, and he capitalized on it without hesitation."
"It's just going to be a matter of time really."
"The Model 3 will be better next year than it is right now... Tesla is constantly improving software."
"Tesla has completely redesigned their best-selling Model 3 sedan going into 2024 with the secretive project Highland."
"I thought it was a great fight. I'd rather see it down the line than immediately."
"You instinctively know you have good things coming for you."
"We're excited to see what the future brings and just hopefully kind of get a front row seat to justice being served for this murderous bunch."
"There's a lot of good stuff to look forward to."
"I feel like we're about to hit a huge transition period this next upcoming year."
"Is this something that you'd be into, or are you just into the controllers, or are you just skipping it entirely looking for something else in the future?"
"We're not going back to normal. We're gonna go to some new variation."
"It's more thinking about what is the inevitable outcome."
"This is the catalyst for change that will happen sooner than later."
"We've only seen the beginning of what this is going to look like."
"Former president Donald Trump announces a White House bid for 2024."
"No, I think we're going to have a very positive impact."
"Imagination is everything; it's a preview to life's coming attractions."
"I thought all this was a great roundup of tidbits and information on the future of Fallout Starfield and even Elder Scrolls six."
"There will be another year for sure, and stay safe out there everybody."
"We hope you've enjoyed the show, and we look forward to an amazing 2021 season. See you soon."
"There is a spirit baby lingering around, you're meant to have a baby with your person."
"A union beyond expectations; happiness and everlasting love await."
"It's almost here but you gotta stay high vibrational."
"Everything that has been stolen is getting ready to be restored."
"We are about to see changes on so many different fronts."
"It's been a journey and a fun one and I'm actually really looking forward to 2019."
"See it with your eyes wide open and see what's likely to happen."
"There's nothing to fear about 2022, there's only things to be excited about, really."
"We have a kingdom awaiting us... it's called the millennial reign of Jesus Christ..."
"If the consecration is done correctly, then the days ahead will get interesting to say the least."
"Next week I can have a big old smile on my face."
"Humanity needs to stop and realize that there's so much more around the corner."
"We'll hopefully be back as soon as we possibly can be with new Disney vlogs, restrictions permitting, etc. But in the meantime, thank you again."
"I cannot wait for all the adventures she's about to have."
"I hope that it's just left you feeling super inspired and super excited about what to expect."
"Lindsey Graham: 'Hope Ukraine will get aam missiles in 2024.'"
"That day is coming because of your hard work, your commitment, your energy and passion."
"Thanks for watching, hope it was somewhat useful, and I'll see you in the future."
"Maybe I'll get one coach one day that won't let me do that, so that's gonna be a problem."
"I have fallen in love with planet Earth, whatever is in store for us in the near future, I want to be here for it."
"Proponents of transhumanism think it's only a matter of time."
"It not only wants to reach back and recycle all the garbage of the past but it wants to invent sin for the future."
"I'm not gonna stop reminding you that it's bullshit and until such time as we do know what's going to happen I don't know what comes next no one knows what comes next."
"The 28th of March 2020 is going to be a rather significant day."
"Thank you guys for watching screener keys accom see you next time."
"Thanks for watching guys. I do hope you've enjoyed and I hope to see you again until that time."
"This is only season one, there's going to be a season two it's already begun the grand slam resets and it starts all over again."
"Future tense is the beginning of a new era mixed in with the old guard."
"2020 is going to be a year of pristine clear vision."
"Let's hope Xbox continues their good job marketing their next generation Xbox Series X consoles."
"It's the butterfly energy, you know, transformation is possible. Let's pull a couple of cards for Thursday's unveiling."
"The next few years are going to be really interesting."
"I can safely say we'll see more of it this year."
"I don't want to be 50 but I want to be 50 'cause I can't wait to watch this stuff 10 years from now and see how right I was."
"2024 was the king of glory, the year of the king of glory."
"There's gonna be one that's gonna be called CG only."
"We have to remain vigilant because one day we will turn around and it will all be behind us."
"Imagine next year, it'll be even more presents with another baby."
"I think the wall is coming down...I mean it's...I mean it's maybe not as high a prediction about it's coming down maybe not all at the walls of Jericho maybe not the entire wall but definitely a breach...there's gonna be a serious breach."
"AI is transforming the business world. It is crazy. It's going to impact Our Lives even more than you can possibly imagine."
"Wow, big journey, another one down. Now it's on to the next one. I'll see you later."
"The main thing about what the future will be and what Klopp and Guardiola have developed is courage."
"If you haven't met this person already in the next 6 weeks maybe up until about 8 weeks you will have met this person."
"You're manifesting emotional fulfillment, it's coming towards you eventually."
"You're gonna have a harvest... you know what to do."
"This is the beginning... particularly through these next coming years."
"Basically it will be like playing a movie at this point which is pretty nuts."
"I feel like I did pretty good and I feel like coming up I'm gonna be doing pretty good."
"An exciting adventure is ahead of you in love."
"Hopefully this is all leaning the right direction."
"This is the moment where the shift in society will happen."
"It really has been such a fun journey, an absolute fun journey, and I can't wait for the things to come."
"Let the journey from betrayal to blessing inspire you to embrace each day with gratitude, love, and anticipation for the good things yet to come."
"It's amazing what they've done and what it's gonna mean, you know. It's already how it's already changed work now."
"You're manifesting your ideal person... They're coming in soon."
"In the next 5 years, it's going to be a wild ride."
"Thank you, Elon, for making life fun, for giving us something to look forward to."
"The plan is beautiful, and 2018 will be glorious."
"Something is going to change, something is going to happen so much quicker and so much sooner."
"The first year with this car has been great, and I can't wait to see what the future holds with it."
"I am so excited for the future of the MCU right now more excited than I've been probably since end game came out."
"Victor Osiman joining the club in the very near future so I guess it makes sense to play a two-striker system."
"Next year is going to be twice as interesting."
"A lot of stuff there but these are just names you're going to hear a lot more of as you go into the future."
"Thank you so much for watching and I want to give a huge thank you to the communities surrounding this channel for all the continued positivity feedback in support in the videos."
"It also tells us to enjoy ourselves, enjoy the process, especially as you know the weekend has hinted that there is another album to come after this."
"2024 is going to be an interesting year folks. It really is going to be interesting. I don't think there's any way it can go without being interesting."
"Apokaradokia kind of faith that can look forward to the future without anxiety, without that crippling fear."
"Watch this space, someone very special is about to walk into your life."
"We're almost there. We are almost in our new life."
"What approaching us could be of great import in the next five years."
"I will see you next, hopefully very soon in the new decade."
"The future is driving towards us like a freight train."
"This praise right here, it's about what I see God doing in my next season."
"We gotta come get the bear. We gotta get the bear for our future baby."