
Quality Focus Quotes

There are 402 quotes

"Whether I had five thousand, one hundred subscribers, I'd still be making this video I'm making right now with the same amount of effort. I don't care about the quantity, I care about the quality of my content."
"Having done this for now for four and a half years focusing on quantity, we can now shift to focusing on quality."
"When we develop physical cards, we strive to please by taking great care with our paper quality, colors, and printing process."
"Tesla's really just focused on making the best product they can, and they believe that's the path to success."
"Through a process that I call releasing a game, I write the best thing that I can and put out there."
"It's worth it to make the extra investment to get a premium product."
"There are people all over the world clamoring for high quality education."
"Dark Souls 3 has an exceptional lineup of bosses, focusing on quality rather than quantity."
"I do enjoy collector's editions as long as they show restraint and quality and attention to detail."
"Trader Joe's cares about quality. They don't waste money on diminishing returns like advertising."
"Buy whatever you like, buy the best you can afford, and whatever makes you happy."
"You gotta know what makes you you... but I also think that above all, the quality of what you do should be just as important."
"Quality over quantity... It's about being consistent."
"He's an artist man... it's all killer no filler."
"Quality over quantity, right? Buy it nice or buy it twice."
"You don't want to have numbers for the sake of having numbers...you want quality over quantity."
"Every step you take towards making good content is just making you a better creator."
"I believe focusing on quality over quantity has helped the last little bit."
"Though the modern Austrian wine market is much smaller than those of other countries such as Italy and France, they are renowned for their quality."
"Declutter your collection and make sure everything you use is definitely of quality and of substance."
"Quality on top of quality on top of quality."
"When people buy my merch on my store, I bust my rear end to make sure it's quality."
"Restaurants support small farms, it's about quality and building relationships."
"Focusing on quality is the key, that is everything in making a game."
"The Sound of Freedom effect: We will stop spending money on garbage and start spending money on good stuff."
"Quality over quantity - support quality over quantity and it will save you money over time."
"The Academy favors the quality of art over all else."
"Quality over quantity every day, all day. That's all that matters to me."
"I've really toned down on marketing. I've toned down on a lot of stuff because I'm looking for quality over quantity."
"Decisive clarity and action, it's about that quality over quantity."
"A shining beacon of what happens when you focus on making a good game first so that more people want to keep playing."
"I don't care where we go as long as the food is good."
"I have high standards for what I promote and share."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing right and if you want something done right and sometimes you just got to do it yourself."
"It's not about representing genders, it's about quality and synergy."
"Instead of focusing on the amount of time your relationships last as a barometer of how successful they are, you should focus on being the best quality partner you can be and having high-quality experiences together."
"Focus on the quality of your Basics... you are literally going to want to save so much money."
"We need a rebuild in the summer. A rebuild for me is quality players on the pitch, not superstars. We need quality that's going to be growing with us for the next three or four years."
"Just let us make it great. That's what we care about more than anything."
"I'm all about quality here, shout out to the female slugs, the slugets if you will."
"If economies were instead to focus on pursuing economic growth through producing goods and services of higher quality, then hard resource limits wouldn't be an issue."
"I want them to take as long as they need... to make it the best game that they can."
"Providing a viable alternative to Chinese goods and services through free market enterprise, transparent local partnerships, sustainability, and high quality end products is surely something most leaders can get behind."
"Only Christopher Lee could make dirty talk sound extremely classy."
"For over 250 years we have always believed in quality over quantity."
"We want to make absolutely the best version of Call of Duty for any player on any of those platforms."
"Quality over quantity is going to launch you so far so fast."
"Quality is the most important thing. When things start kicking off, don't sell yourself."
"We're trying to bring y'all quality content, quality information, quality products - quality everything."
"Choose quality: Well-constructed items last longer and often look better with age."
"The quality of the female characters matters so much more to me than the quantity."
"Quality is king when you're trying to grow. The real consistency that you want to strive for is in quality."
"It's our priority to create the best Saints Row game."
"I want to create quality and works of art, not just sell images."
"Cut through the noise and load up on high-quality Compounders."
"It's not just about the film. It's about the quality of the experience."
"Quality over quantity, quality over quantity."
"As long as the movie is good people will show up."
"If you want to make a diverse game it has to be a good game first... that should always be your primary marketing tactic."
"Investing in quality, looking at the future, thinking about your future."
"Quality over quantity, which is the way it always should have been."
"It's not about rushing things, it's about doing things right."
"We want it to be a product that we are proud of."
"You're producing a lot of tea, high-quality tea."
"We don't need giant empty barren game worlds, we need interesting ones even if they're a little smaller."
"Embracer believes there will be an increasingly strong demand for high-quality content."
"We want to make really good wine... slowly gaining attention, slowly growing."
"Here's a developer that just does it right the first time by focusing on what matters and not compromising on quality."
"This reset is very, very healthy and it's, you know, I think a lot of companies will get weeded out of it and there'll be a flight to Quality and will be really good for the markets, yeah."
"It's very important that we spend the time that is required to make every single Globe as best as it can be."
"Small steps lead to great changes... focus on quality over quantity."
"Campaigns aren't everything. Quality storytelling always wins."
"The car was built to a standard, not to a cost."
"We are going to make the best of this bad situation and do our best to provide some quality racing and entertainment."
"Once a week, high-quality content is a pretty good upload schedule."
"We want to give this team the time... looking at quality of where we are."
"Ordering merch upfront is scary, but worth it for quality."
"My attitude is: Get it done, and get it done properly."
"Quality over speed, but let's not kill the YouTube algorithm."
"It's all about the quality, not the quantity."
"I just want the games to be the best that they can be."
"Walking into this, we agreed that we didn't want to cut any corners. We want to live here for a long time. So when we do projects, when we renovate, we want to do it right."
"It doesn't matter how long it takes, just do the very best job you can."
"French women will usually have their shoes on point and good quality."
"People always love quality over quantity, that's just the number one rule in business."
"I moved more towards buying higher quality clothing that cost a little bit more."
"Third wave coffee hailed a trend in the industry towards more intentional harvesting, roasting, and brewing with a focus on falling in love with the coffee itself."
"Quality over quantity, that cannot be stated enough when it comes to Maps."
"Now, if you are looking for straps with great lugs, do check out the stuff from Mifa."
"You know what I always say, buy it nice or buy twice."
"It's not about how many problems you solve, it's about how good you are at solving any new problem."
"Victory style is hard work, hard work and good work, quality work."
"If you make great stuff, people will find it and share it." - Gerard
"We are okay waiting for a new entry as long as that entry comes out good."
"Think of it as being worth the wait, think of it as being better once you get it."
"I'd rather them just hold off...make sure it is as polished and ready to go as possible on release."
"Focus on selling high ticket quality products."
"Nobody wants to spend a high price for a beef fillet and get one that's all hacked into a bunch of pieces, so just take your time removing all the silver skin."
"Our only interest is in making the best thing possible."
"People know good food. I respect that, and that's what I want to give them."
"It's better to release something that is late for good than something that is on time but not really worth using."
"Quality over quantity with the long form videos, have fun with it."
"He's passionate about doing it right, doing it right the first time."
"Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to creating the perfect capsule wardrobe."
"Your photos are the number one thing that you guys want to be making absolutely sure that you're doing the best job of. Do not skimp on that."
"They need to provide quality over quantity when it comes to streaming."
"If you focus on quality, all the rest takes care of itself."
"If they need more time to make this game as perfect as possible, they should use it."
"Buying a good dining table is always a good investment..."
"I think Villeneuve is mostly very restrained."
"They want to focus on quality over speed of release."
"Sometimes less is more... about the quality over quantity."
"Buy quality companies with a long-time mindset."
"I'm always a fan of doing less things that are better than lots of things that are worse."
"Eat less but the best, drink less but the best, smoke less but Davidoff."
"We've combined our expertise and done an incredible amount of research for the 72 Ready Bag, our goal is to provide the highest quality 72-hour survival kit at an affordable price for you and your family."
"The secret of my success is basically sourcing quality."
"I think Arsenal have got to that stage now where it is about adding quality."
"We want to make sure it is the best base game possible."
"For me, it's more about quality than quantity at this point."
"Quality over quantity; we'll get that crit chance rolling."
"Fallen Order may not have the biggest world or the most features but everything it does do, it does do very well."
"Quality over quantity is like an actual real thing."
"Quality over quantity, that's why I don't rush my movies out."
"If you're investing in a good home theater the screen is one area not to cut corners."
"This isn't a fast food restaurant anymore. We are cooking everything fresh to order."
"When it comes to investing, never sacrifice quality for valuation."
"It's our priority to make sure that our customers have the best experience, the best quality of service possible."
"If you're gonna do a job, you gotta do it right."
"People only care if that writing is beneficial to them. The amount of writing I did within that year doesn't matter. The quality and results gotten from that writing is what matters."
"I believe I'm the only true crime channel on all of YouTube that actually cares about quality."
"Quality over quantity. We have something extraordinarily special here."
"In an ideal world we'd be buying games on quality before anything else."
"We strive to provide high quality paintings at the most reasonable prices."
"It's never about quantity in trading, it's about quality."
"Ultimately it doesn't matter whether something's single-player or multiplayer, people play something that's compelling and of high quality."
"I think everybody should aim to buy quality."
"If you had focused on quality and not woke BS politics, you'd be rolling in money."
"I'm just a quality over quantity type of person."
"If you're going to take the time to do something, then take the time to do it right."
"Quality means being satisfied with your work and using everything in your possession for the tools to create the best thing you could possibly do."
"It's your school, take it as your quest for excellence and quality Consciousness and take that time period, take this one year where lucky cbse is giving us one year here to improve grow uh make our own uh Improvement plans."
"Your goal should be to create quality content."
"It's not about the volume production, it's about the quality."
"If you're going to do something and take the time to do it, do it right."
"You've got to make sure that whatever you're doing is a great product or service. It has to be really great."
"There's no better investment than quality education."
"I want to do stuff that's good, I want my name attached to quality projects."
"I like doing fun quality projects, if there's a fun quality project that gets sent my way I will listen to it."
"If you don't label it as vegan, then it's just great. It's a delicious bowl. It's a delicious sandwich."
"Stick with high quality and Whole Foods for a great start."
"I'd rather be consistently good than occasionally great."
"I'm a big believer that in order to get the best results you have to hire the best."
"It's just do it right once, is my recommendation."
"Don't feel bad if this takes a little longer than you thought. It's better to take the time and do it right."
"This represents a complete rejection of the former Warner Brothers CEO's, Jason Keller's, philosophy of HBO first."
"An obsession with process and quality beyond anything we've experienced."
"Life is too short to be reading lackluster books."
"Quality is key. I base everything I do on quality."
"We're stuck there at a deliberate choice, mainly because the experience that we want to give to artists, we want it to be literally the best that we can possibly make."
"Quality over quantity, your editing is funny."
"Marvel wants a front runner with this style of movie is now going back to the drawing board scaling down the quantity of these films to focus on quality."
"Being a space that I'm personally going to use, it is just so easy to get very attached to the process and I want to make it as good as possible."
"Just waiting for good quality setups, chasing junky stuff leads to losses."
"Always go for the best quality you can afford."
"I'm a big fan of this idea of just uploading every so often... putting the highest value content at the beginning."
"Quality over cost for critical items ensures mission success."
"Definition of quality over quantity for sure."
"We really want these things to be what they are, and so that's where with the Magnum we wanted to have — we wanted to make sure that when we do it that we do it right."
"Quality over size: why bigger isn't always better for cruising couples."
"Quality counts more than anything, and so we are going to make sure that everyone leaving the plant is perfect."
"Interesting is usually good, so good games is what we're focused on."
"To get a model reliably flying beyond line of visual sight requires attention to detail and good quality gear."
"We aspire to be the best regardless of price."
"After years of promising to focus on quality over quantity in the Sonic series, it seems Sega finally learned."
"Harry's is here to help because this company will essentially give you high quality razors and an incredible deal."
"I genuinely want to give him nothing but the best for this city."
"Focus on a smaller but higher quality project before you venture forth into the world of MMOs."
"All I really want to do is create quality content that people enjoy."
"Refinement is when you keep and exaggerate the good and remove the bad."
"You really should value your time more... ultimately I am... a quality over quantity guy to a fault."
"Focus on making a good game first and then you can justify charging that money."
"Lucid's obsession with quality is one of their top priorities."
"Teamwork makes the dream work, focus on quality."
"That is not important, quality is important."
"I never had a pressure I had to like put something out. It was more so when I put it out, it had to be good."
"I'd rather have the quality... I'd rather have that kind of whole package than not."
"Less is more: quality over quantity in my wardrobe ensures I always feel and look my best."
"Focus first on making the absolute best film that you can."
"We're more interested in providing something that lasts years rather than months."
"For me, it's quality and authenticity."
"I'm not nearly as concerned with the money to be made on this show as I am with the quality of it."
"Quality over everything: from graphics to transitions, it's all about the details."
"Starting simple, aiming for a high-quality finish."
"Focusing on better quality setups, your accuracy will be higher."
"We'd rather put out something that we're proud of."
"It took forever, but in the end, it's always worth it. Quality over quantity."
"We gotta get the best that we can get right now."
"It's all about making the best version of the game as possible, not just the prettiest."
"Setting a numbers goal is less effective than setting a more qualitative goal."